Divi 3.0 Has Arrived! Introducing The Visual Page Builder So Ridiculously Fast & Easy-To-Use You’ll Think It’s Magic

Last Updated on March 16, 2023 by 1,712 Comments

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Divi 3.0 Has Arrived! Introducing The Visual Page Builder So Ridiculously Fast & Easy-To-Use You’ll Think It’s Magic
Blog / Theme Releases / Divi 3.0 Has Arrived! Introducing The Visual Page Builder So Ridiculously Fast & Easy-To-Use You’ll Think It’s Magic
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Six months ago our team decided to go all in on a single idea, to lay our cards on the table and commit to something bigger and better than we had ever built before. We committed to building Divi 3.0. This project wasn’t about incremental improvements, it was about reinventing Divi, reinventing ourselves, learning a completely new language and creating a modern React application that would change the game for our customers and ensure Divi’s relevancy for years to come. We set out to build what could become, and continue to be, the best visual page builder in the world.

Over the past 100 days we have been holding those cards close to our chest as we guided you through the Divi 100 Marathon, slowly counting down the days to this moment. You may have started to wonder how good it could really be. You may have been skeptical about whether or not you would enjoy a true front-end editing experience. You may have started to wonder if it would be worth the wait.

Well the wait is over, Divi 3.0 is here and let me tell you…it’s awesome! The speed is incredible, the interface is beautiful and the experience is pure magic. The new visual builder takes everything you love about Divi and makes it infinitely better through a new visual interface that allows you to build pages on the front end of your website. Add content, customize the design, type directly on the page and watch everything happen instantly right before your eyes. It makes me smile every time I use it, and I can’t wait for you to try it too.

Try The Divi 3.0 Demo For Free Right now!

Build Everything Visually

Divi 3.0 introduces a completely new visual interface that will forever change the way you build websites. This front end editor allows you to make changes to your website…on your actual website! Click into a paragraph and start typing. Highlight some text and adjust the fonts and styles. Drag an element and watch it move. Add new items from any of Divi’s 40+ content modules, adjust module settings, save and load items from the library and see everything happen instantly. No page refreshes, little to no ajax loading bars and absolutely no need to “preview” your changes because everything is happening in real time on your page.


Divi’s new visual builder allows you to create and edit your pages on the front-end of your website. When you load the builder, you see your page exactly as you would if you were browsing your website normally. With the builder activated, however, everything on the page becomes editable! You can click into any element and adjust its content, size, spacing, color, positioning and more. You can add, duplicate and delete content, drag content from one area to another and load items from your library instantly. All of the Divi modules and settings that you are familiar with are still there, enhanced and simplified through the new visual interface.

Things that are tedious and frustrating in block-based backend builders, such as locating content in a grid of sections and rows, previewing changes and understanding how certain settings work are now things of the past. Building with the visual interface is infinitely more intuitive, and after you use it for the first time you are seriously going to wonder how you ever lived without it! Even for current Divi users, this update is a complete game changer.

Observe Changes Instantly

When you make a change in the new visual builder, your page is updated instantly. Text on the page feels tangible as you slide the font size controls and watch your words expand and contract with each gesture. The page feels alive as you explore the color picker and watch each glowing transformation. It’s fun and easy and just a bit magical. Unlike other front-end editors you may have used, Divi’s new visual builder is incredibly fast which makes the design process all the more fun.


Add New Content On The Fly

Adding content to your page couldn’t be easier. If you want to add something new, simply hover over the desired area and click the “+” button and you will be greeted by a list of Divi’s 40+ content elements. No need to awkwardly drag items from a central dock because Divi’s content tooltip is always there when you need it. Plus it’s searchable, which makes it easy to find your desired content element or saved library item. Did I mention it’s super fast? When you add new content elements, they are just there.


Divi has a content module for every occasion and each can be completely customized to obtain your desired result. Simply add, mix and match content and watch your new page come to life. No coding; no plethora of disjointed plugins; just click and build. No matter what kind of website you are creating, Divi has the tools you need to make your vision a reality.

Drag, Drop, Duplicate & Delete

Of course no website builder would be complete without drag and drop, and Divi 3.0 is no exception. Dragging and dropping elements in Divi’s visual builder is particularly intuitive because you are working with your actual content instead of with ambiguous blocks and grids. When editing long pages, Divi’s new “zoom out” feature gives you an overhead view of your design and allows you to drag large pieces of content long distances without having to scroll. You can also forgo dragging and dropping completely and opt for Divi’s copy and paste functionality instead.


Draggable Widths & Heights

One of the things we strived for in Divi 3.0 was to allow for meaningful interactions that take full advantage of the builder’s visual nature. Draggable widths and heights are perfect examples of this. It’s something that didn’t make sense in the backend builder, but something that’s completely natural and totally awesome in the visual builder. When you place your cursor over any of the four sides of a row or section, you can drag to increase or decrease the padding thereby increasing or decreasing the element’s width and height. You can see the changes take place instantly as your move your mouse!


Working with white space can be challenging, and it can be downright frustrating in a backend builder. It’s one of those things that you need to see and feel to understand, and working with only numbers and blocks simply isn’t the best way to make such important design decisions. The first time you launch the visual builder and drag open the height of a section, you are going to feel your mouth open to a smile along with it! It’s just so. damn. cool.

Easy Responsive Editing

The new visual builder comes with responsive design toggles that you can use to view your page on Smartphone, Tablet and Desktop breakpoints. You can toggle these different views while you edit your page and the visual builder stays fully functional in all three modes. What’s more, Divi allows you to specify different settings values for each different breakpoint, and the Divi Builder will automatically switch between each breakpoint while you edit them! It’s never been this easy to build a beautifully responsive website.


Instant Undo, Redo & Revision Restore

The new visual builder has a very comprehensive undo and redo system, complete with a fully restorable history log. It’s one of my favorite features of Divi 3.0, not only because it’s incredibly useful, but because it’s perhaps the most shining example of the new builder’s speed and power. You are never in danger of making a mistake because nothing is ever lost. You can undo your most recent actions, or open up the history log and travel back and forth through time and watch your page transform instantly. It’s even a great way to compare design changes and decide which variation you like best. Just flip through your history like a living sketchbook and expand on your favorite ideas!


The “Invisible Interface” That Won’t Get In Your Way

The new Divi Builder gives you all of the power with none of the clutter. We wanted to build a modern design experience that embodies our team’s most central of values: elegance. It’s in our name, it’s in our products, but never have we built something quite this pure and wonderful.


When you first open the builder, you might not even know it’s there. Your screen is not hijacked by floating sidebars or fixed headers. Your content is not affixed to countless buttons or obstructed by annoying grids and overlays. What you see is your website, but that’s not the full story. When you click into a paragraph, you can start typing. When you highlight a block of text, you can apply custom fonts and styles. When you drag something, it moves. Upon hovering over any of Divi’s basic elements, their settings can be opened and adjusted. Everything you need to add content, edit content and create an awesome website is right there at your fingertips, but it never gets in your way. This is the most enjoyable website building experience I have ever used, and I know that you are going to fall in love with its beauty, its subtlety and its power.

Customize Your Interface

This is the first WordPress page builder to have a customizable interface that doesn’t pigeonhole you into certain polarizing UI conventions. You can choose to have your module controls appear inside of a popup, or you can opt to have them appear in a sidebar. You can adjust the popup’s size and position, or use the buttons for expand and contract. If you drag the popup over to either side of the page, it will automatically snap into the sidebar position and adjust your content accordingly! You can change the width of the sidebar to accommodate the size of your screen or drag it over to the alternate side of the page to satisfy your personal preference.


A Beautiful New Inline Editing Experience

One of the builder’s most exciting new features is the ability to add, edit and format text right on the page without ever needing to open up a module’s settings panel. It saves a ton of time and it’s infinitely more enjoyable.


When editing text content in Divi’s new visual builder, there is no need to open a settings panel to add or edit text. If you want to add some content to your page, just click and start typing! You can compose entire posts using a single column and a text module and the experience is fast and wonderful. Composing on your page is so much better than working inside a cluttered backend interface. There are no distractions and there is no mystery as to how your content will render once it has been saved.

We have created our own custom inline editing interface for Divi 3.0, and it’s really a joy to use. It’s simple and effective, stripped of superfluous tools and consolidated into a single tooltip that is easy to navigate.

Custom Fonts And Styles

Styling text with the inline editor is easy. You can apply standard styles to any selection, such as bold, italic and underline. You can add H1-H5 headers, create links, build lists and adjust text alignment just like you can in the normal WordPress text editor. In addition, you can apply custom fonts, colors and text sizes. Through this combination of stylization options you can easily take your typography to the next level.


A Modern Builder For A New Era

The new visual builder interface in Divi 3.0 has been re-built from the ground up using React, a modern javascript library for user interfaces. While it is still based on the modular Divi Builder framework that we have been working on for the past 3 years, the new interface is completely independent. This has allowed us to approach the builder in an entirely new and modern way, and this should give the Divi community confidence in the theme’s longevity and our team’s dedication to Divi’s continued evolution.


Last year Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of WordPress and the CEO of WordPress.com, talked about the future of WordPress and the importance of JavaScript. Later that year the team at WordPress.com released Calypso, a modern WordPress interface built using React and Flux. This allowed them to jump past years of legacy and create a new and modern WordPress interface. We decided to follow their lead and do the same thing with Divi. The visual builder in Divi 3.0 is a completely new application built from the ground up using React and Flux, and this new technology has allowed us to do some really amazing things. We are invested in the future of the web, we are dedicated to the future of Divi, and Divi 3.0 is our way of proving to ourselves and our community that the builder will continue to evolve and change for the better. Today we get to show you the future of Divi. It’s a huge leap forward and we are just getting started.

Unbelievably Fast

The new Divi Builder is fast. Really fast. In fact it’s probably one of the fastest website builders you have ever used. When you add or change content, the page updates instantly. There is little to no traditional “loading” because the building takes place in your browser, not on your server. Say goodbye to page refreshes and ajax loading bars and enjoy instant feedback to every adjustment you make. If you have been deterred from front-end editing in the past by slow and clunky visual builders, then Divi 3.0 is here to change your perspective once and for all. This is the future of WYSIWYG.

No Strings Attached

Current Divi users need not be concerned about clicking the upgrade button. Even though we have completely re-designed the builder, the end result on your page will remain unchanged. All modules and settings will work exactly as they have in the past and you can even bounce back and forth between the backend and front end builders at your leisure. Divi 3.0 offers full backwards compatibility.

Available For Extra Too! Divi Builder Plugin Coming Soon

Divi isn’t the only one of our products that takes advantage of the Divi Builder framework. If you are currently using our Extra theme, or if you are using our Divi Builder plugin to enable the Divi Builder on third party themes, then you will be excited to know that the new visual builder is coming your way very soon. In fact, it’s available for Extra today!

Extra & Divi Builder Users Rejoice!

Even though today we celebrate the release of Divi 3.0, users of our Divi theme aren’t the only ones who should be excited. The Divi Builder framework powers not only Divi, but also our Extra theme and the Divi Builder Plugin. Both of these products will be updated to include the latest version of the Divi Builder framework and users of these products will be able to take full advantage of the new visual builder. You won’t have to wait long either. Extra 2.0 is already ready and has been released today along with the new visual builder. Version 2.0 of the Divi Builder plugin, including the visual builder, will be available very soon. We are talking about days away, not months 🙂 We are adding an artificial delay to the release of the new Divi Builder plugin to allow for additional testing with various third party themes. Unlike the Divi and Extra themes, where the Divi Builder lives in a controlled environment, the Divi Builder Plugin needs a little extra attention. Don’t worry, when it’s ready it’s going to work like a charm!

It’s also worth mentioning that the visual builder is backwards compatible and completely interchangeable with the current backend builder. Pages built using new and previous versions of Divi, Extra and the Divi Builder Plugin will all work perfectly when switching between each product, so there is no need to worry about upgrading to Divi 3.0 today!

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  1. Love DIVI 💙

    • @Palm Agency – Wait until you see Divi 5.0 👀

  2. Hi there
    After looking through all the questions and asnwers that are appearing here, with regard to the bugs in Devi 3
    Has any updates been actioned with regard to any of these as im sure people will read th ecomments about a theme before they commit to actually buying it.

    Many thanks

  3. When will the builder plugin ship?

  4. I have Divi 3.0 and using the visual builder and I cannot save. I hit the page saver blue button and a red circle with a cross comes up and the save does not get processed. I don’t know how to code so I can’t use the back end. Please help because my site looks a disaster and I have spent hours trying to problem solve!

    • Hi Tina, sorry you’re having this issues! We would be happy to help you out. Please use our support forum to create a new ticket. This will ensure that one of our support team members can follow up with you personally.



    I have spent 3 days trying to get my Divi site to look good on my computer and cell phone. Despite all the marketing on how wonderful Divi is to use and how simple it is, I have yet to experience that phenomenon.

    I am STILL trying to get the Divi full page slider text on my phone to be 18 font and on my computer 70. Yes I have gone in to the advance section and set the pc and ipad to 70 and set the mobile to 18. I did this on every slide (I have four) and even for the advanced settings for the entire module. Despite this, the text is still 70 on three of my four slides on my mobile and when I go back into the slider module and the individual slides, some of the mobile numbers have been set back to 70, despite me saving and updating my site after my changes. Frustratingly, one of the slides did seem to take and did change the size.

    I picked Divi because it looked and sounded like it was easy to build and make pages. But since I have spent almost 12 hours trying to simply get this correct, it is going to take me 6 months to finish my site if it is this problematic to simply change the text. I have looked at your videos, read the blogs, and searched online, but I have found no answer to this problem. PLEASE HELP! This is taking WAY too long.

    At this point if you know someone who will build a site for me with DIVI 3.0 and then hand it over, that may be my best option because I am at the point of giving up. Overall your theme seems easy but every step of the process has been very tedious and frustrating.

    I am using Divi 3.0

  6. excellent results with divi 3.0. I am enjoying working with this site to advertise piso de madeira

  7. Divi 3.0 is revolutionary. And I say this after working with plenty of Visual Builders in WordPress. A lot of visual builders pack too many features but the UI is confusing. Not the case with Divi 3.0. So Simple to use and the responsive mode switcher is a plus.

  8. I’ve always been hesitant to try page-builders like Divi, but I must say it removes a lot of the boundaries that many designers have with the technical side of web dev, and for me personally is great for quick projects. I never thought I would be into it, but it’s great.

    However – there are some lacking features, like finer blog/post display options, and I think the mobile compatibility/design could be a bit better. But, with such an active team behind it, I imagine this won’t take long to be addressed.

  9. Hi! I have a lifetime license but when I try to update the divi theme I get this error message: “Update Failed: The theme is at the latest version.” and it just keeps trying to update but never finishes.

  10. I love divi.
    One input. It can be incredible, creating multilayer (maybe 3 layers) parallaxes by superposing images in structure and objets.

  11. This rocks! But I would like to see some improvement in the flexibility of the Second Menu Bar.

  12. I want to get there

      “Divi has a content module for every occasion and each can be customized to obtain your desired result. Simply add, mix and match content and watch your new page come to life. No coding; no plethora of disjointed plugins; just click and build No matter what kind of website you are creating, Divi has the tool you need to make your vision a reality.

    I can not find what you can teach me? I was the first to buy the first use of VIDEO teaching?

  13. Hi
    I try to upgrade my account with 20% discount but i have a problem.
    After selection of payment method i read this message:
    “Upgrading Your Account – No products available for purchase.”


    • I had the same problem. I tried to upgrade to the lifetime licence but got the same error. I guess I will wait until the Black Friday sale, my yearly subscription doesn’t end until after that anyway.

  14. I was really excited for the new 3.0 release and So far I love it, however, the visual builder has way too many bugs. I’ll spend hours working on the visual builder, setting it up perfectly and then when I click save and exit the visual builder, the website looks completely different and way off then what it looks like on the visual builder. I’ll go in to make a minor change in text, and it throws the text styles off, colors, etc.

    I end up doing double the work trying to go in and fix one thing and then end up having to fix another thing. Im sure perfecting the builder takes time but I hope it does end up being complete and working soon.

    • I have the same issues, guess its that way with most major core updates. We just have to wait for all the bugs to be worked out and hopefully get a smooth and troublefree work environment. It was perhaps a bit too soon to launch, I dont know. But anyway it needs to be testet and I guess its us (the users) that will contribute with this.

      I REALLY the visual builder and the possibilities , but its a bit hard to work with at the moment and I have to do some of the work backend, but I’m confident that the Visual builder will be one of the best arguments for working with DIVI.

      I´m not happy with all the animation going on when working, blinking, resizing, popping up and down. I hope there will be a way to turn alt this unnecessary “bling” off (or a bit down), for more effecient and calm working environment.

  15. Jeez i’m sorry guys but this interactive builder just sucks..

  16. Thank you! I am now truly a happy customer!

    I am confident that you will fix the bugs that are irritating some folks. I suppose performing additional clicks would be a bugaboo for me if I were an expert programmer. Since I’m not, I SAVE clicks by seeing what I’m doing on the spot (without having to click “the eye” to preview everything). Divi 3.0 Visual Builder makes me feel like an expert programmer.

    Looking forward to more exciting Divi innovations.

  17. Good job

  18. Your saving logic for the Visual Builder needs to be improved. For example, I can click straight to a text module, change the tag from a paragraph to an H2, click the “…” button at the bottom, and then hit the “Master Save” button, but that WILL NOT SAVE the change. Instead, I have to hover *near* the text module, click the gear to open its settings, make the change, click save on the module settings, and the click “…” and then hit the “Master Save” button again.

    Honestly, the whole Divi infrastructure forces users to go through many more clicks than they ought to. That very short process I outlined requires FOUR CLICKS, when it could easily be half that number. Please spend the time to consider the UX more on this, it’s very frustrating.

  19. Greetings from Spain.
    I am starting to use WordPress and I think is better to start directly with the best of the best. Divi 3.0 is definitely awsome!
    In a few days (probably next monday) I will buy the “developer” membership. I hope still get the 20% discount offer.

  20. I would love to know when a bug will get fixed … apparently, once you use the new Visual Editor, don’t try to use the Divi Builder … it is messed up. I have posted a ticket but still no answer. I have a client site to get done inside of 8 days, and this is a big issue for me. I either move to a different theme where I can build my site, or I get some answers. I feel like buying the lifetime dev subscription was a bad decision.

    • I got no help. Visual Builder does not work the way the videos show, and I have too many issues. This really is a bummer. I was so excited to jump all in with a lifetime membership, and of course, my anticipation of Divi 3.0 was huge. But I spent hours today and still don’t have a usable home page. Images in sections won’t center. I can’t move margins and padding in predictable ways. It totally sucks. What really sucks is that some people appear to be head over heels with the product. I want to be, but just can’t afford to wait for how many updates before some of this is fixed. So I just got a refund on my lifetime membership. Of course now, my clients that have Divi, will have to pay for yearly subscriptions, or I will need to be willing to migrate them to another theme. Thanks Nick & Team …

      • Hi Matt,

        I was just looking through comments here and your issue popped up. Bummer. It all works pretty well for me! As lots of other people seem to be experiencing no problems, perhaps the issue is with something in your setup?

        Last time anything went seriously wrong with Divi I exported all of my settings and pages using the portability features (took about 10 minutes) and re-applied them to a new development site. It was a little frustrating but worked perfectly in the end. Total time about 1 hour’s work.

        Good luck!

  21. Looks grate! I downloaded the demo and i might upgrade my site soon with this theme – Thank you!

  22. What a great release….waiting just end ?
    Thank you team for your awesome update.

  23. I’m looking forward to trying the new builder!

  24. This is truly awesome.

    I have always liked the Divi system and use it on all of my business websites.

    This takes it to the next level
    My wife finds has found it awkward to add content even with the previous version of divi.
    Now she gets it.

    Thank you so much

  25. It’s truly impressive

  26. Very amazing theme! good job DIVI 3.0!!

  27. Congratulations on this very forward-looking and empowering release! Providing developers an ability to use a front-end builder can certainly expedite design iteration, not to mention facilitate collaboration with certain clients. I look forward to the ways in which these and other features will be used and expanded. Great work!

    On a bit of a bug report note, I wanted to draw attention to two minor bugs (perhaps unrelated to this release) that I found in Divi and Extra:

    1) In Divi, the vertical navigation option now has an issue in which the menu items shift down whenever one starts scrolling, and shift back up when being at the top of the page. Refer to any of the sample sites you’ve created, like this one: https://www.elegantthemes.com/preview/Divi/home-basic/.

    2) In Extra, the Timeline page template (https://elegantthemes.com/preview/Extra/timeline/) navigates to the proper links, but always covers up the top post of the selected month so one needs to scroll up a little to see it.

    Thanks for taking note of these, and hopefully these will require only minor fixes. Best wishes to everyone!

  28. There are many comments on this page referring to the problem of exiting out of the visual builder to the wp-admin page, but so far no answers.
    Could we have some response from ET please?

    • I’ve checked with our support team and this is not a current issue. It’s possible some people commented here before learning how to exit the visual builder at all, thinking they were locked in.

      • I’ve been playing around with this today and I absolutely love everything about it, except I, too, can’t find an “Exit Visual Builder” button. Where is it supposed to be?

        I’ve checked Chrome, FF, and Safari (all Mac), inspected a few areas, and searched the code for “exit” all to no avail. I also tried deactivating my child theme and activating Divi proper, but I still can’t find it.

        • If you are in the visual builder, the exact same button you used to enable in on the front end of your website (in the black wp admin bar at the top of the page) should now say “exit visual builder”.

          • Thanks for this (sorry for taking so long to reply). Some of us have that admin toolbar hidden, so for anybody out there who’s still confused: In your Users > Your Profile settings, check the box that says “Show Toolbar when viewing site”

      • Thanks for the reply, but could you either explain how to exit the builder or give a link to documentation on how to?

        • Click the “Exist Visual Builder” button, or just leave the page any other way you choose. Click any link, type in a new URL, or close the browser window.

          • I’ve been looking around in the Visual Editor trying to locate the “Exit Visual Builder” button to return back to the backend Divi Builder or the WP post editor and I don’t see iy. I just wind up having to hit the back button in the browser after hitting Save Draft or Publish. It works, but it feels like I’m going to possibly lose changes.

  29. Hi, I’ve a single question, can we use divi in offline mode?? with no internet? did anyone tested this method? thanks

    • It is strange that we can not get an answer to this question. This is probably the secret information .

  30. I purchased this theme a few months ago and I thought it was very easy to use and performs well. But, after working with the Avada theme I found that there’s of customization that Divi doesn’t have.

    The #1 thing that really bothers me and I think many would agree is the fact that you can’t edit the footer copyright content. What is the point of buying this theme to build sites for clients if we can’t even change the copyright footer? I have read many comments asking for that feature to be added and I was really excited about Divi 3.0, but after realizing that we are still not able to edit the footer without coding it really was a deal breaker and a huge disappointment.

    #2 Why is there a limited amount of social media icons to add to the social media bar at the very top and bottom at the footer? This is really ridiculous as well. It seems like Elegant Themes is controlling what they want us to use? This is another fail that I don’t understand.

    Avada in the other hand has a ton of customization. You can pretty much do anything you want with Avada right out of the box. So, as I was very excited to use Divi for future projects. I will now have to switch back to Avada and wait for Avada 5.0. It’s just that much customizable…

  31. Seem on my machine using win 10 and chrome, very smooth after i upgrade to divi 3.06. But there are a minor suggestion: save function can be always displayed so i can use single click to confirm.
    some other crazy suggestion, display a relationship of different objects in transparent style – to assist user moving objects more accurately.

  32. Looks great! Love the Divi 100 count down resources. Had a question….
    Is it possible to download those resources all at once in a pack? 🙂

    Would be super great!

  33. Hi everyone, I heard that the problem of and endless loading for the visual builder is jQuery ! there are some post on the web, but still not found exactly where I can inject my antidote, and I see that I’m not the only one in this situation, is there anyone to deliver us !

  34. I’ve tested divi 3, on some computer pc and mac, it work perfectly, but in other it don’t work, so now, my problem is that it don’t work and my workstation in my office, can the moderator of this site help hu and explain this, thanks guys

  35. Will you be bringing the “back end” editor back with the developer release? The front end editor is nice when you already have a page 100% done but for starting out from scratch it’s a PITA.

    Would love to have the option when clicking on “Use Divi Builder” to use the visual or original builder.

  36. Thank you for the update.
    I have lifetime membership so I should be able to upgrade to Divi 3
    in all my websites.
    How should I do that?

  37. Is a revolution this version !!!

  38. Thank you for the journey through the 100 days of Divi. I think it was an awesome idea and I’ve been with you the whole time and look forward to putting it into use.

  39. Do Divi/Extra/builder plugin supports table column content sorting and tamil language translation? Will be great if it is included too. Thanks.

  40. The visual builder don’t work on pc, the page show the the loaded icone and nothing happens after, I’ve tried on different pc but still not working, but in my mac pro it works without problems, where is the solution? I see that many users are in the same situation, can anyone help us?? thanks in advance

    • You have found a solution ?

      • No solution until now, I still search .

  41. Tested the demo out, working in the front end seems to be so much better. Well Done

  42. This is absolutely incredible! I’ve been searching all week for the perfect theme…but now I can just build it myself. Thank heavens.

  43. how do I save the page, I edit it then save in the bottom right then exit the visual editor it says you will lose work and it does. Yet I clicked save!

  44. Looks nice! Curious, is there developer documention and or an example add-on plugin for adding our own custom blocks?

  45. I would love to try it! I can’t seem to get the demo to load, but I am thinking this could be great! 🙂

  46. It would be great if there was a way to edit the default styles for every module within the interface using something like a style guide page. That way, every time you use that module it would default to the settings that you specified in the style guide. You could then easily spin off full themes by just editing the default styles for the modules and go right into building. For example if I wanted the headings in my call to action modules to always be a certain size and font, I could visually set those defaults. Is that possible?

    • Happily, this option already exists. You can use the Divi Module Customizer to set default settings so that when you add a new module it will already be styled to your liking.

    • With that said, this looks friggin’ excellent. I’ve been thinking of switching to SquareSpace for some of our sites, but this has changed my mind.

  47. Nice work! I love DIVI 3.0!

  48. it is going the right way! but it is a little slow on the new front end editor. and i couldnt get the Clear Layout to clear. i had to go back and start again.

  49. Still … couldn’t believe my eyes that all-in-one power in Divi 3. I wish I win the amazing giveaway and feel Divi 3 in real life! Crossing my fingers.

  50. Looking forward to some updates that fixes the Visual Builder. It’s not an accurate WYSIWYG. It’s been pretty frustrating so far. I build something in the Visual Editor and then it ends up looking different when I exit. But I know they are hard at work trying to fix everything.

  51. I’m so looking forward to it!

  52. Seems to be amazing!

  53. This update adds even more to an already great theme

  54. A little question: when user use divi and customize elements, where print css and js (if need)?

  55. Nick and everyone at ET, I just want to say I’ve been using the new Divi Builder for a couple of days and I’m loving it. So much so that I purchased the lifetime access upgrade. This is my first experience at building my website without using a fixed theme and I’m enjoying every minute of it – thanks to Divi! Considering I’m technologically impaired when it comes to HTML and CSS, I’m quite proud of myself. Thank you!

    PS please keep publishing tips and tricks to style modules with CSS code and the likes, the way you did during the Divi marathon. I have no idea how CSS works but just copying and pasting from your posts made my website look pretty awesome – if I do say so myself!

  56. Using Divi on a daily basis. Love it, excited for the future of DIvi

  57. Really good work !

  58. As someone whose just started rebuilding their website using the Divi builder, this couldn’t come at a better time, looking forward to working with the new version, it looks like everything you could need to build your site the way you want.

  59. I tried to run the visual page builder on local host MAMP but couldn’t have the visual page builder load up when I am offline. How can I get the visual page builder load up on local host without internet?

    I looooooove the 3.0 !!!!

  60. Congrats on the update. It looks great. Thanks for all of your hard work.

  61. Love the new DIVI 3.0.

  62. That count down took for ever so psyched its now out!

  63. I am about to dig in a start using Divi 3.0

    So excited.

  64. Looks awesome, can’t wait to start playing…

  65. LOVE Elegant Themes. Buying in today!

  66. Divi is seriously the best thing I have ever come across – I’m so glad I found it and am able to use it for my clients! Can’t wait to try out 3.0!!1

  67. Superb! I am amazed at the speed of the visual builder. The visual builder will be so much easier for those new to WordPress and Divi to use.

  68. Love it! What are your next plans? 🙂

  69. The new updated version of Divi is great. I love the way you guys continue to innovate and iterate!

  70. I love Divi 3.0. I would love it more if it had a sidebar to help editors see the full array of on page editing options. This could also allow me to see my Divi module library easily.


  71. I tried Divi 2, and I can’t expect less from Divi 3.. Simply the best

  72. Interested in learning more about 3.0 and the differences from 2.0.

  73. Can’t wait to use the new features. Working is going to be so swift and clean!

  74. Can’t wait to try this…

  75. I’m a long time user of Headway Themes. Divi 3.0 might be the new thing for me.

    Let’s see…

  76. Really enjoying the new Divi 3. Seems to work seamlessly with ‘traditional’ Divi.

    Are there any plans to release the visual builder in the Divi Builder plugin? (If so, when 🙂 ?)

    • Yes that is coming just as soon as we’ve had time to do more extensive testing. Since the plugin is used with such a wide variety of themes we need a little extra time to make sure it works the way it’s supposed to with other themes.

      • How long we have to wait till we can use it with other themes? I’m working with the Extra Theme right now.

  77. looks amazing!

  78. Though I dont have the buck to avail Divi 3.0 Theme,it is just jaw-dropping. I am always looking forward to any news, improvements, & developments. You guys from elegant themes never cease to amaze/impress. Hope to win a free account soon. You Rock!

  79. Looking forward to seeing what Divi 3.0 is all about but I have not been able to update to 3.0 in my dashboard. Left a few tickets with you guys, please help, as a lifetime member it would be nice to start using it…

  80. Great giveaway!

  81. I really like this update, because I just didn’t like how the page building was handled in the previous version.

    It worked but it was really time consuming to build everything from the backend and I just didn’t like the experience. This I’m waaay more interested in – awesome job! 🙂

  82. Divi 3 looks awesome

  83. This is an amazing theme. I really love the new DIVI builder, its amazing and looks so easy to use. Definitely going to speed up development time. Thanks a lot Elegant theme. Hope to win a membership

  84. As a Startup and now brand owner – I would love to win Divi3 to start creating content ! Everything sounds awesome to me!!! It would definitely boost up my motivation!

  85. I trust elegant from the very first time, they build the future of web development, LOVE IT!

  86. Amazing Features! This is the future of web development!

  87. Looking forward to it!

  88. I really like this! I hope to get a free membership!

  89. A quick question, if I install the new version today will there be any problems with the designs/layouts I’ve created with the past Divi versions?

  90. I came here, after reading about the Headway Theme issues on the tavern, just to check the state of the new DIVI builder, and GOD, I’M IMPRESSED. This is one of the best frontend experiences I have seen in WP.

  91. Divi looks like a great visual editor, going to give a test run 🙂

  92. Wow, wow, wow. I’m absolutely floored by how quickly I was able to make the latest round of site changes. This is next level sh–. Amazing job Nick and team!

  93. it looks awesome

  94. Woha!this is awesome

  95. Thanks for the Great work!

  96. I’m so excited for this! I need a lifetime membership now because I’m going to love this so much!

  97. Well, just bought Divi 2.0 less than a month ago, I should get 3.0 for free!

    • All Elegant Themes members get Divi 3.0. You just need to update to the latest version 🙂

  98. I already loved 100 days of Divi and checked the blog almost everyday. Of course during launch week, I was super busy with other things, but finally I had the time to check out Divi 3.0.

    I love it! Thank you so much for all your hard work!

    Loyally yours 😉

  99. I have never been able to affords. So hope I win.

  100. It will work on the local server without a network connection ?

    • Yes, I am using it on Desktop Server presently.

  101. Awesome. Great work guys! love it.

  102. It seems that the control over the layers and the number of options have increased considerably…

    Congratulations Divi 3.0. I’m crazy to get my license and start using it !!!

  103. awesome

  104. Fantastic!

    Loved the giveway.

    Wish all ET the best!

  105. Awesome

  106. There should be an option in “Divi Options” to disable the visual builder if doing so would make the theme work better for those not wanting to use it. I realize you dont have to use it but it is still included in the wp header and an option on each page to “enable visual builder”

    I feel like my sites have loaded slower and had some issues since upgrading to 3.0. Its a great feature but for past built sites I do not plan to use it.

    • The visual builder doesn’t affect any other part of the theme, nor does it affect the backend builder. You can turn it off the Divi Role editor though (but it wont affect performance).

  107. I am so excited to play around with Divi now that all of the changes have been released! The 100 days blogs were great!

  108. The Divi 3.0 is Awesome! I am already using it in my client’s website and I am so amaze! I really want one license to this for my own website 🙂

  109. Such a great tool with so many features.

  110. Looking forward to learning all the features.

  111. AWESOME!!!

  112. I had SUCH high hopes for this update! Unfortunately, I’ve found that the visual builder is so buggy, my average page-building time has been about 3x’s longer since attempting to use it. The inconsistencies between what the visual editor shows and what is actually happening make this a very frustrating tool to use. Almost as frustrating as reading the slew of praising compliments on this update from people that hadn’t even tried it yet!

    Divi itself continues to be, in my opinion, the best theme/framework available, as I regularly search for Divi alternatives. The only major problem I’ve ever really come across is this update, which is a bummer because besides the visual editor, there’s really nothing new to Divi for 3.0 (for someone like myself that won’t be using the visual editor).

    I was hoping this would be a viable option for my clients to be able to update text on their sites, but I definitely cannot put this in the hands of customers. I fear I’ll be working twice as much to fix what they — with the help of the visual editor — screw up.

    Oh well. Looking forward to the next non-visual-editor update!

    • If you run into any issues, please open a ticket in the support forum so we can take a look.

    • Unfortunately, you are 100% correct.

      I do think, though, that the goal of a true front-end visual builder should remain and Divi 3.0 could and should still strive to attain greatness in this. If not, Divi will be overtaken by other front-end editors/themes that are already very good and getting better all the time.

      The one thing I am a little disappointed in, is the near silence about these issues from Nick and the team at ET.

  113. Love working with Divi. It has come a long way and I liked it at the beginning.

  114. Sadly visual builder not working on my system. Seems to just be the back end version. Brand new WordPress.org site with content imported from my WordPress.com site. Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? Answer from Divi people didn’t make sense to me.

    • Hi Fiona, I’m in the same situation, visual builder don’t work on my win10, i’ve tried many different ways, others systems and still not work, I tested in may macpro and it work, I don’t understand why, and I still searching to find solution, perhaps it’s about to make updates on flash and java for our web browsers !

  115. Simply Awesome

  116. Nick and the team at ET. I really like where you are going with Divi 3.0, but the hundreds of problems being reported means I don’t think it is ready yet for mainstream adoption.

    It seems that many third party plugins simply won’t work with the Visual builder. One I’ve found is SmartSlider 3. This works great with the backend builder and even shows as an available module for easy insertion into a page. But it doesn’t work in the Visual Builder. I understand there are many similar issues with other popular plugins.

    In addition, I don’t really understand some of your UI choices. It would be FAR easier if the outline of rows and columns were shown on the page all of the time, perhaps a dotted or dashed outline, rather than when only hovering over a row.

    On this point, when you do hover over a row, a number of settings panels can open up all at that same time. One for the row and all of those for the columns and/or modules in a row. This makes the interface very messy and unintuitive to use in my opinion.

    I can think of three other front-end visual builders that really have this stuff nailed and was really hoping you would emulate their way of handling it.

    And I remain hopeful that you will enable dragging of column widths. Dragging of column padding is a nice feature, but being able to drag the actual width of the column would be WAY more useful.

    There are some great features in Divi 3.0; the inline text editor particularly, but isn’t the point of the Visual Builder to speed up web page development as a whole, not just make it quicker to type complex formatted text?

    I want to stay with Divi for three reasons: 1. ET seems like a great company to deal with, particularly your Lifetime membership plan, 2. there is a growing eco system around Divi and 3. sites built with Divi can look very good, so I’m really hoping you fix most of the issues very quickly.

    I would love to hear from Nick or someone at ET regarding the many issues raised and what you think you can do to fix them.

    • Most of the things you’ve mentioned seem more like personal preferences than issues.

      Would you mind sharing which are the “three other front-end visual builders that really have this stuff nailed”?

      • Patty, yes perhaps they are personal preferences, but the more established front-end visual builders (I haven’t named them out of respect for Elegant Themes who I’m sure don’t want me promoting rival products on here) all do the things I mentioned in my previous post.

        Setting the width of a column to any desired width is surely more useful than dragging the side padding of a column?

        And surely it would be easier to see what you are doing with a light outline of the columns on the screen at all times?

        This is how other visual editors work; I assume they made this UI choice for a reason.

        And of course there are dozens of bugs (take a look in the Divi group in Support), many of which aren’t critical for me, but a few are.

        I will continue with Divi for the reasons I mentioned above, but the only killer part of the Visual Builder for me (at present) is the inline text editor. The color picker is good too.

  117. Not tried DIVI 3 just yet… but I know how totally RAD Divi has been, my clients love it, I love it, and Im sooooo EXCITED about the new interFACE! 😉 bring It On! xxx

    • P.S…. I just got a brand new computer too! So the TWO go hand in hand! 😉 xxx

  118. This. Is. AWESOME. LOVE everything about it!!

  119. Nice interface…easy to use.

  120. Awesome and great tool !

  121. This looks very interesting, would love to try it on some client sites!

  122. Just heard about this through another email newsletter. After reading through this, it seems rather interesting and I’ll definitely have to check this out.

  123. This is looks greats! and interesting

  124. I just tried the demo and I was actually very impressed with the fluidity and ease of use. I can’t wait to play with it more.

  125. Looking nice,
    I’ll try it now

  126. Amazing tool!

  127. Super Fast! Thanks guy great job!!!

  128. What would be great if the category builder would be integrated. When having the tools of the category builder in the visual builder of divi 3.0 would be an extra advantage, because you could integrate then both page builder as well as category builder.

  129. Divi 3.0 Looks great!

  130. I am excited to try it!

  131. think i should give it a try

  132. I can’t wait to try this out!

  133. Would love to use this. Thank you so much for bringing such a great theme to us.

  134. Let’s try this. 🙂

  135. Divi 3.0 looks great. Thank you, guys.

  136. This is a great theme, keep up the excellent work. This update is worth the wait.

  137. I’ve loved your themes since 2010 and you have gone above and beyond with Divi 3.0. It is now my exclusive theme for all projects.

  138. Excited to start using this. I have heard from some developers that Divi isn’t good because of high loading times since there’s loads of resources being loaded that could be leaner if you do a customised website. I personally enjoy the fact that there are lots of different features that allow us to pivot / create new stuff quickly and that’s the goal really.

    Is Divi 3.0 leaner in this respect than the previous version?

  139. The new update looks incredible, guys. Great work!

  140. very exciting, looking forward to trying it out soon!

  141. very exciting, looking forward to trying it out soon!

  142. This looks like it will change the way of building website!

  143. Awesome dudes! I love it! Please put a link to the comment form on top of the comments, terrible to scroll down 🙂 cheers

  144. Divi 3.0 is brilliant

  145. I really love Divi!!!

  146. Thanks for providing such an amazing theme. I absolutely love the new live editing and can’t wait to use it. Hope I get a free membership!

  147. I can’t wait to try it!!!! amazing!!!

  148. Exited to try it out! 100 days of wait was well worth it.

  149. Thank you 🙂 It’s gorgeaus!

  150. This is Great for editing content and tweaking stuff, like changing headlines, fonts or trying different background colours. But I think the old way is better for building sites.

  151. So excited about this update. Still in love with Divi <3 <3

  152. I can hardly believe how fast and responsive this is.

  153. Wonder Themes and easy to use! Would love to win a membership account – would get me started in the right direction!

  154. I can’t wait to try this!

  155. This really is freaking amazing! Great job.

  156. Divi, Divi, gimme just a little smile,
    That’s all I ask of you
    Divi, Divi, gimme just a little smile,
    I’ve got a message for you.

  157. Great work guys! love it. Can’t wait to start some projects with this.

  158. It looks great, and can’t wait to start some new projects with it! great job guys.

  159. I love the demo and am excited to be a Divi newbie!

  160. Divi 3 looks excellent. IT would be brilliant to win a Membership account.

    Great giveaway, thanks elegantthemes.

    Good luck to everyone.

  161. As a new company *just now this next 60 days* designing my very first web site for my own business (times are a little tough) … how wonderful to *WIN* Divi 3.0 !!!!

    Cmon, guys, help a newbie and a new designer out! Let’s see how Divi 3.0 really works for newbies! (Noooooo louder cheerleader than I will be when I succeed w/ it!)

    Held out for a year awaiting this Divi 3.0 moment. I’ve built baby sites before. Cannot wait to start on THIS! (please)

    Ready to go, so let me know!

  162. That’s the best template ever!

  163. Can’t wait to dive in!! 🙂

  164. Can not wait to dive in!!! 🙂

  165. Great2 theme! Im currently using Divi using my friend’s account so im just testing it right. I’m new to WordPress.
    U make this so easy for beginners like me and with a lot of tutorials!
    Im hoping to get an account for my own! a big fan now! Thank you so much!

  166. I just updated and it seems it ruined the connection to Mailchimp as none of my divi optin form-modules are working anymore. What to do? The url of the button is the same as the page with an # at the end, fex: http://tonjesolberg.com/grundermailen/#

    I did a test page with no changes to the module and it didn’t work either.

  167. Hi,
    does Divi come pre-loaded with a jewelry store theme
    If not do you have one to add?

  168. This is really awesome, love it….

  169. I’m a bit confused, but it seems way more powerful than before.
    I work on it right now to get used to the new workflow!

  170. It’s very beautyful.

  171. Beautiful and intuitive. Can’t wait to dig in.

  172. I’m a big fan of Div and I am reeeeally living the new Divi 3.0. It’s already make blogging much easier. It’s a no-brainer for anyone that blogs. There is not need to complicate blog posts and pages, especially if you have a resource like Divi 3.0 that makes it easy AND makes it look good all at the same time.

  173. I honestly can’t wait to try’ DIV but I want to buy the annual and can’t quite afford it today. So excited to have found you just as you’re ready to launch the upgrade! It looks amazing!

  174. Have been waiting for this. Hope it works well!!

  175. I fail to understand that why would the developers keep editing header and footer outside the purview of the visual editor in divi 3.0, I am slightly disappointed. May be that is just because I am a novice and I find editing/customizing codes challenging for the drop down menu, hover background in the drop down menu, and mega menu. A tutorial might be helpful.

  176. Got a lot of expectations about the new Divi 3.0 .- congrats to ET!


  177. I’m really diggin the new Divi 3.0. Took me a good 2 minutes to understand it. It’s a breeze and makes life so much easier than update&refresh or preview changes button. Great work Elegant team.

  178. OK, I work with the new Divi 3.0 for a new website of mine: it’s incredibly cool! It takes a while to go around all the possibilities, and there are some minor bugs while editing, but it’s just great!

    Finish the back and forth from the front-end to the back-end.

    I really enjoy it.

    Nobody will see that as I am the number 1460 something to comment, but whatever: thanks for putting something that great together!

    I purchased Divi a couple of years back, it was the best investment I made in years.

    Paolo E

  179. Woo Hoo! Can’t wait to give this a whirl! Thank you!

  180. Amazing product thank you, ET!

  181. divi builder is awesome….i like its colorful ui…:-)

  182. Stunning! I cannot wait to have it. Thank You for such amazing work 🙂

  183. I’m late ..but super excited, can’t wait to see Divi 3.0!

  184. Wow. Didn’t even know about Divi…but my world now has a tool that even “Annalog” can use to create my digital products and life.

  185. Game changing… I look forward to having the time to play with it… Divi was already game changing… This is even more so… Well done!

  186. This is brilliant! Really a game changer for designers and everyone who needs a great looking theme.

  187. Looks very promising. Haven’t had the chance of trying it due to costs of it. But am very excited and love to have the opportunity sometime

  188. Fucking awesome! You’re crazy, guys! And I’m truly excited about that. It makes working so much more fun and easier and allows a creative flow. Thanks for making my life easier!

  189. In Spanish, when we are too surprised to speak, we say: bufffffffffffffff!! So: Bufffffffffff! Thanks, this new builder is going to save me tons (tons!) of time previsualizing changes and editing margins, spaces, etc. Awesome.

  190. Can’t wait to try it on a real website!
    Good job!

  191. thank you so much for 100 of divi!

  192. many cool options.
    look forward to working with design and features

  193. This could be very interesting…

  194. Always You guys deliver more then we wanted.

  195. Best WordPress Theme I ever saw, I wish you do Magneto Themes too

  196. This looks great! Can’t wait to use.

  197. Congrats on the new release. I really like the new visual editor. Makes thing easier to make quick changes.

  198. Looking Forward to the giveaway. I hope I win the upgrade.

  199. Hi, Nick…

    This version is magic for me.

    And please change image that preview Divi v 2.0 in this website Home page, huehuehue.. We’re Divi 3.0 now, heuheeu 😀

  200. Best WordPress Theme.

  201. This looks amazing, can’t wait to start creating!

  202. Looking forward to win this superb theme.
    Thanks a lot!

  203. Guys, just… WOW!

    The most intuitive and elegant visual builder I’ve ever seen around.
    I’m not a Divi user yet, but I’m really impressed. Awesome job!

  204. You guys rock!! Upgrading my account ASAP!

  205. I’m loving Divi 3, I’m already seeing improvements in my designs.

  206. Looks great, I’ve been hearing about it for ages.

  207. Can’t wait to see where the new Divi takes me.

  208. Playing with the visual builder and am loving it! Great job ET!! You all rock!

  209. I love it but, why in the Divi builder is the link to edit the element the same as a Hamburger menu icon?

  210. I hope to have luck this time, I never win

  211. DIVI 3.0 is the best, thank you so much for creating it

  212. Divi 3.0 is the BEST EVER, thank you so much for creating it

  213. Facebook Thumbnail Fixer stops the builder from working.
    Having gone through my plugins I found the plugin that was stopping the builder from working was Facebook Thumb Fixer by Micheal Ott

    I find this plugin super useful, do you have a suggestion of a similar plugin that works with the new Divi?

  214. Facebook Thumbnail Fixer stops the builder from working.
    Having gone through my plugins I found the plugin that was stopping the builder from working was Facebook Thumb Fixer by Micheal Ott

    I find this plugin super useful, do you have a suggestion of a similar plugin that works with the new Divi?

  215. I’m transferring all my sites to Divi builder. Done!

  216. What more can I say…with the awesomeness that is Divi 3.0 we can bring world peace to all. It is the jingle in jingle bells, the bubble in my champagne. Truly revolutionary, truly awesome, truly Elegant Theme

  217. Looks GREAT! You’ve done an amazing disruption with this… do you have a plugin compatibility list?

  218. Gamechanger!

  219. Oh my god, I tested it and it will change everything!
    You just created a piece of technology that can impact the world through better usability. Thanks!

  220. Cannot wait to get my hand on this baby!

  221. First of all it looks amazing… But do I have more functionality? I don’t see it? Maby I mis something? We are still atached to rows and columns, for example why cant I put a button in the header?

    You know what I mean?

  222. Really, I Love us!

  223. I am sooo looking forward to trying out the new 3.0 Divi to build my next website. Keeping my fingers crossed for the free membership! Woot woot!

  224. Divi is the best!

  225. Keep being awesome!

  226. This looks like an exciting new builder. The tools look awesome.

  227. This theme is excellent,
    looking forward for new sites to build, so i could use this theme again and again!

  228. Great theme !

  229. Thanks

  230. This is great! You guys bring so much value.

  231. Fantastic! TKS

  232. Divi 3.0 and The All New Visual Builder Has Arrived!

  233. This was an amazing journey for me! I got to learn more about DIVI with this campaign than any other time! The buzz you guys have created around the release was amazing and kept everyone engaged! Thank you for such an amazing product and for creating such and inspired “tibe”. I, for one, am very proud to be part of the “elegant themes” family.

  234. DIVI 3 es lo máximo, definitivamente Elegant Themes hizo un gran trabajo.

  235. I have tried previous versions of Divi and bee impressed although it hasn’t suited every situation. This front end builder looks impressive and very useful however as that has always been the hardest part of using a WordPress site.

  236. I can not see the upgrade button from my dashboard .
    can someone please tell me what to do to upgrade.

  237. DIVI 3.0 perfect solution for many users. Thx you for this update!!!

  238. Awesome update and just in time for new project.

  239. Still stunned about all the posibilities you mention here. Will try it out *now* 🙂

  240. Divi 3.0 is awesome! I have been waiting for this! Thank you, Nick!

  241. Woow!! its amazing, beatiful work!! I can’t wait to get it, Congratulations !! Divi 3.0 its great

  242. Really appreciate your hard work Elegant Themes!

    This is a very important step to converting a mass consumer market!

  243. Best website builder inn the word. Easy to use and understand.

  244. Best website builder inn the word!

  245. All of you at Elegant Themes…..you’re awesome!

    Have followed it every single day.

    Amazing work and commitment


  246. Just tried the demo and it really feels awesome…

    How do i get 20% off offer ? 🙂

  247. I can’t believe how fast it works. It’s amazingly simple and super intuitive. You should definitely take it for a spin.

  248. Nice improvements.

  249. Awesome work!

  250. Awesome Work Guys, Used it for the last 2 days, amazing!

  251. Nice work!

  252. Nice now my even a less tech savy user can edit their page easily

  253. Love!

  254. Huge job! Congratulations!

  255. You guys and gals ROCK!! Me and my clients LOVE Elegant Themes, and it just gets better and better. With baited breath we’ve waited for the Divi 3.0 release and now it’s here – we’re in LOVE all over again. Thank you so much 🙂 xx

  256. Hell yes!!!

  257. I was looking to buy a new theme. Hope I’ll win this giveaway 🙂 and save some money for my bootstrap startup.

  258. Way to go team! Congratulations for the launch, looking forward to the Divi Builder plugin upgrade too!!

  259. Great!

  260. I’ve been looking for a comprehensive package like this for quite some time!

  261. Shared on twitter, facebook and email didn’t get 10 more entries

  262. awesome. i hope i win this giveaway..

  263. Divi looks fantastic – I look forward to learning more about it!

  264. Congrats!! This is one of my favorite wordpress theme all the time, and I’m excited to use 3.0 for my new website!

  265. What a great gift to have

  266. wow the divi 3.0 is even more stunning thanks nick

  267. Oh snap! You’ve out done yourselves. Congratulations!

  268. Amazing work. The best builder for WordPress. 😉

  269. Divi 3.0 is a super-charged upgrade to the previous Divi builder. As a lifetime member, I am so excited to see such strides being taken on a continuous basis, and support is top notch as well. Worth every penny!!

  270. Divi is such a fantastic and fast theme to work with

  271. Divi 3.0 is the absolute ultimate WP theme!

  272. Cannot add a hyperlink to a page by clicking on the text and then clicking the ‘link’ symbol in the visual editor. The only way is to quit the visual mode and go back to the old section editing method.

    Shame because most of it seems to work beautifully.

  273. An excellent update! This is going to make a huge difference to my business and more importantly, my clients. Such an easy to use, straight forward way of making updates. So glad I chose Elegant Themes, not only because of this update, but for all the other work the team continuously put into the theme. Thanks Elegant Themes!

  274. Excellent Job Guys!! I am huge fan on ET

  275. Although I don’t currently have Divi, I’ve been following the countdown and Divi 3.0 looks incredible. I’m looking forward to possibly getting a membership in the future!

  276. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I really didn’t see how it was all going to come together in time for the projected release – more incredible really, than words can express!
    So impressed with you all at ET – this is going to be talked about for a very, very long time =)
    You guys ROCK!

  277. Thank you guys for the amazing upgrade. Easy to use and just so straight to the point. U guys are awesome

  278. It’s a kind of magic~* ?

    Great job guys~!

  279. Just setting up a new dev environment to try this out now.

  280. It looks amazing… I really loved and want to use it on my new website of spirituallity courses.
    Great for beginners like me.
    Thanks a lot!

  281. Oh My God, This was the update I was waiting for…Website Designing Made Easy for us…. Thanks Guys..you are the best

  282. Divi 3 – Nice fo’ me

  283. The most awesome website builder around!
    Easy to use, very fast, versatile, amazing UI and so much more.
    3.0 is amazing!!! I waited so eager to see the release and guess what everyone: it worth every single day from this 100.

    My new moto: Amazing we’ll see, only if we use Divi 3 !

    Congratulations guys and keep it in this way !

  284. The most powerful and useful website builder around!
    Easy to use, very fast, versatile, amazing UI and more.
    3.0 is amazing!!! I waited so eager to see the release and guess what everyone: it worth every single day from this 100.

    My new moto: Amazing we’ll see, only if we use Divi 3 !

    Congratulations guys and keep it in this way !

  285. Looking forward to taking it for a spin on my new website

  286. The concept of creating a website has jumped into a new orbit. Congratulations to the Elegant Themes team on their astounding innovation. Thanks.

  287. I was excited in the lead up to the release and now I’m just stunned! Love it. Thanks for all the hard work

  288. Excited

  289. You nailed it with the Frontbuilder! I have not tired it yet (waiting a few days for bug fixes) but it looks fast, slick and very functional! Great work! You are on the right tracks…

  290. Già dalle immagini deve essere colossale già anticipatamente vi ringrazio per l’ottimo lavoro

  291. DIVI 3 is awesome

  292. Excellent Good Job!!

    There are some suggestions for you guys:

    1. It is hard to find save button when be in the front end mode.
    2. The styling wrong when i paste text copy from web or word.
    3. The text toolbar always blocks my editing text. > <
    4. It's wonderful if I also can change the logo, header and footer style in front end mode.
    5. Is it possible to provide the Google Font of noto sans for Chinese users?

    Thank for you guys! You really did great job!

  293. Once you try this theme, you won’t search for any other, like me!

  294. great theme!

  295. A great leap forward. Good job.

  296. Upgrading was a no-brainer! Excited to implement this on my own website and help others do the same!

  297. Looks good. Will the speed be enhanced for actual website?

  298. Very much excited for the new Divi

  299. WOW, the UI is fast! It even works on my iPad! (but could you make the icons bigger in tablet view?)

    As expected, there are some limitations. You can’t edit the Footer, for example, which is understandable since Divi Builder never directly had to do with the Footer to begin with, but I think once people get comfortable with WYSIWYG editing, they will start asking for things like visual header and footer editing.

    Oh, and blog page editing/styling. (Another thing it doesn’t do, and again, I understand why).

    I think your next challenge is figuring out how to automatically add new CSS via WYSIWYG editing. For example, if I were to right-click on a footer piece of text. Come up with a way to pop up styling info, then whatever changes we enter, automatically save those to either style.css or into the Theme Options CSS. = No more back and forth with little custom CSS.

    Great job regardless guys!!!

  300. Love and hope about this opportunity…to try Divi 3.0.

  301. Congrats! 🙂

    This is the visual builder.

  302. Had been a user since Divi 2.0, I really love your work. And can’t wait to use 3.0 and the Divi Builder!

  303. I love the DIVI theme and plan to use it for the rebrand of my business – I think it is clean and beautiful!

  304. Amazing framwork!

  305. Rockin Divi 3 on a couple of sites now. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new features!! Thanks!!!

  306. Awesome!

  307. Divi 3 is amazing. It’s very easy to use. Blazing fast.

  308. Divi 3.0 is amazing!
    Divi 3.0 ficou sensacional, demais!!!

  309. Truly an amazing update!

  310. Keep On Keepin On! ET + Divi 3.0 = AWESOMENESS!

  311. This looks absolutely amazing… Such a pity my membership expired a short while back. Definitely going to. Be looking into getting this one. Good work guys. 🙂

  312. What a great theme!

  313. Can’t wait to get started!

  314. Divi 3.0 is more than a revolution!
    A big thank for your hard work and to have brought us in the Divi 100 marathon! This was awesome!

  315. Big up for the hard work – REALLY looking forward to use the new Divi 3.0!

  316. I love it

  317. As a newbie to the world of website creation, I am so excited to use the new Divi. Life just got easier for me!

  318. This is great. However, I can’t seem to style the blurb titles. And if the blurb includes a url, clicking on it will just take you to that page. Once you delete the link, you still can’t style the blurb title. Is it not possible?

  319. This is great!

  320. As always you guys a delivering on style and innovation. Go @elegantthemes

  321. I hope a future version will include a full screen slideshow as a top of the page option with a transparent nav overlay.

  322. Thanks so much, I’d love to win one of these and try it out!

  323. Thanks so much, I’d love to win one of these and try it out!

  324. The way I know this theme and the visual composer are working, I have no doubt the new version rocks 😉

  325. DIVI 3 is wonderful. It’s perfect for my web projects. The sky is the limit.

  326. Can’t wait to dive in to 3! Divi has been great to use. Thanks.

  327. Looking forward to having a proper play with Divi 3. Quick question – and a newbie question at that: if I purchased a couple of child themes just before the release of Divi 3 are they likely to still work with the updated theme? Or, would it be best to hold off installing them til the child theme makers have had a chance to make any necessary updates?

  328. Woohoo! So excited for 3.0 congrats on all your hard work! Divi fo life yo!

  329. I just started playing with this new awesome toy, I mean too, on a new site that I have been working on with Divi.

  330. Excellent…CSSHero has got nothing on the new Divi!

  331. This is a massive leap forward for Divi and all of WordPress. You guys are amazing! Still working on upgrading my website and I can’t wait to see my site working with this!

  332. Looking forward to trying this out …

  333. Superfine! Thanks)))

  334. I´ve tried the last two versions and I was satisfied. Only had a couple of problems in builder

  335. I´ve tried the last two versions and I was satisfied. Only had a couple of problems in builder

  336. I think divi will up everyone’s game by forcing everyone to make for a better front-end experience. It’s kicking off a new chapter in the evolution of wordpress design.

  337. Amazing !

  338. I already love it!

  339. Very Elegant Theme As You are.

    Nice Experience and Better Day By Day

    Hope For Win This one and Future too..

    Keep it up

  340. I really enjoy developing sites using Divi. I don’t personally own it yet but I am the admin on a number of non-profit sites that use it and I just love it! Everything about it! Just can’t afford the lifetime quite yet. Maybe one day once I get some more site builds using other free themes under my belt. I might even ask for it for Christmas this year I like it THAT MUCH!

  341. Divi 3.0 is really cool. It saves so much time and makes visualising the final product an absolute breeze. What a brilliant way to transform an already fantastic product. Top job!

  342. Was really hoping this would allow me to add a divi global module to the bottom of woocommerce pages! 🙁

  343. Hi, ET team, my compliments for your great work. I’m building a new website with 3.0… like a drug!
    Wonderful your video in modal with button of this historical post!!!!!!!!!

    with really admiration


  344. Such a great product. Looking forward to building some new, something creative with it.

  345. I love Divi already. For someone like me whose full-time job is not web design, there is just not a better option to create the look I want with the flexibility I also desire. Can’t wait to play with Divi 3!

  346. Really enjoyed the 100 days countdown and looking forward to using it for real. Divi is great!

  347. Can’t wait to dig in. Just downloaded and getting started.

  348. Divi 3.0 is awesome!

  349. I recently purchased Divi and i was amazed for the ease of creating excellent outcome i believe version 3.0 will be a unique platform for building sites and more.

  350. Always exciting when a divi release happens!

  351. I haven’t upgraded any sites to 3.0 yet, but that’s mostly because I’m not currently under contract for those. I’m looking forward to using this on my next build. Really enjoyed the Divi 100 leading up to the release, I grabbed a bunch of useful plugins.

  352. Great Job! Installed 3.0 on One site and cannot wait to get started on the rest of My clients

  353. Looks awesome. Can’t wait to get my hands dirty ?

  354. I use DIVI for my german clients. Very successfully.

  355. I use DIVE for my german clients. Very successfully.

  356. Brilliant work!

  357. Just tried the demo and I’m impressed. It feels a lot more intuitive than previous versions. This will come in very handy for me. Good job guys. 🙂

  358. Its my first day with Divi 3 and its just so cool! Its just perfect to deign sites in the visual builder 🙂
    Just one question, will you be adding font weight to the visual builder? maybe i missed it but it would be great to have!
    Thanks for your hard work!

  359. Divi 3.0 has made creating landing pages a lot more seamless for the agency I work for. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

  360. I have used this template absolutly Nothing like DIVI, everybody have to try it. Awesome products from Elegant Themes.


  361. I have used this template absolutly Nothing like DIVI, everybody have to try it. Awesome products from Elegant Themes.


  362. looks sick guys! What about page load time for website visitors? Any specs on that?

    • I am looking for answer too.

  363. A cool looking theme update! Thank you!

  364. I have used this template absolutly Nothing like DIVI, everybody have to try it.

  365. Nothing like DIVI, everybody have to try it.

  366. Love what I see so far. This would be awesome to win since I am just starting out. Good luck to all! 🙂

  367. I have been waiting 100 days and now its FINALLY! here. DIVI 3.0 is amazing. Love the user friendly concept. Great job DIVI team.

  368. Thank you Divi for making my life so much better. I love to use all of your products!

    Thank you!

  369. Excited to try out the new features of Divi 3.0

  370. Awesome

  371. Looks great, can‘t wait to test it

  372. Wow visual editing – its a dream come true!!! 🙂

    Thank You ElegantThemes Team!

    Best regards and congratulation for 3.0 release!


  373. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a WordPress Theme with so many features and the ability to make so many custom changes. Divi is awesome!

  374. I loved the Divi 100, and ver. 3.0 promises to be a game changer. I’m so glad I jumped on the ET wagon a long time ago, it has been a wild ride with NO regrets! Would love to win a membership upgrade.

  375. Looks amazing!!!

  376. Hello Nick and Team! I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful and magical Divi 3.0 – I absolutely LOVE it and can hardly wait to see all that I will be able to do with creating websites. I loved Divi before – but now? What can I say – a whole new era for creative and functional web design has begun! Thank you again – you all are the BEST!!

  377. Super Excited for to rock the new version, you guys are BAD ASS!

  378. Chur – did I win yet?

  379. I really look forward to using this version of Divi. It is the best WordPress website generator on the market hands down!

  380. This is an amazing addition to Divi, good work!

  381. I really like what I see so far. Will make building my sites so much easier.

  382. Prototyping and Spec Websites just got waaaaaay easier!

  383. Divi 3 s awesome.. I want to use it for ll my sites!!!

  384. Dear Nick & team,

    Divi 3.0 (and now Extra 2!) with the Visual Builder is a game changer for us web designers/developers, and I mean a ‘game changer’. I am seriously rethinking our business model now as the Visual Builder will allow us to interact better with our clients when it comes to getting content right. It will likely save us many hours of work and we’ll be able to drop prices a little – a win/win for everyone. We even have another idea based entirely on Divi 3 … but that’s our little secret.

    Well done on a stunning launch.

    Dave, Webspresso

  385. Well, can’t wait to try the new divi 🙂

  386. Awesome. Can’t wait to try it out! 🙂

  387. Super excited. Can’t wait to get my next project started with 3.0.

  388. This looks amazing, can’t wait to try it out! Is there by any chance going to be a calendar module in the future?

  389. I’m new to DIVI and I was impressed at how much I can do with my website and how easy it was. It’s so freeing to be able to have a vision of what I want to see and be able to do it myself. Now that you’ve made it more intuitive and visual it’s even better. Only problem is I’m having so much fun that I end up spending so much time creating and tweaking my website.

  390. Thx! I was just in the middle of a site overhaul, Divi 3 came at the right time! Still learning the interface, but so far most is just self-explanatory, well done 🙂

  391. Awesome! Can’t wait to get this installed.

  392. Das beste was einem WordPress Admin passieren kann. Elegantthemes und Divi — einfach nur Weltklasse.. Danke an euch alle für eure tolle Arbeit.

  393. Elegant Themes, you ask? It’s the best there is. It’s been so informative and enjoyable following the 100 days of DIVI! Thank you – our primary website will shortly be a ‘DIVI’ 🙂

  394. cool

  395. Upgraded one of my sites to 3.0, runs smooth!

  396. Been looking forward to this!

  397. So excited to start using Divi 3.0 once we get thru our big event at the end of the month!

  398. Most amazing theme ever! It really is everything I’ve ever dreamed about.

  399. Elegant themes won my love the day I tried divi 1.0. Never turned back since then. Thank you for your work

  400. In love with Divi! I follow this Blog’s 100 days and it was an awesome experience! Thank you so much!

    !Enamorada de Divi! !Seguí los 100 días del Blog y fue una experiencia maravillosa! !Muchas Gracias!

  401. I used Divi 2.x on a couple sites for my customers and was very satisfied with all the possibilities it gives for building diverse web sites.
    I am sure v. 3 will be just awesome!


  402. I just love DIVI, since the beta version i have been trying, and is so easy now to create a dream page, your just can change everything without hard word and previews, and most important no need code 🙂

  403. Very excited to give this a spin soon!

  404. How exciting! Signing up for the lifetime deal now!

  405. Divi became the best. Now, it’s at a whole new level

  406. So exciting! Looking forward to play with Divi 3.0 over the weekend. Thank you Nick and ET team!

  407. Divi is the best website builder, and theme for WordPress, there is no other theme like it.

  408. Love the Divi Theme and 3.0 would be amazing for my site!

  409. You rock Elegant Themes!

  410. Just finished recreating two of my own websites with Divi’s previous edition. Looking forward to updating and seeing what other mischief can be achieved on at least one of my sites. 😉

    You guys are theme designer maniacs! And I mean that in a good way. 😀

  411. The new Divi I think would totally change my business~ Could do more projects faster, and with superior design!

  412. So, Guess we will all be going nuts over Divi 3 for a little while .. then we will move on, to start thinking about ” Divi 4 ”


  413. Why would the comment box be at the bottom… anyway, I hope I win!

  414. Great improvement to the already awesome builder.

  415. Nice work !! i love it, i need it, i want it !!!!

  416. Have been fllowing your 100 days with much anticipation! Can’t wait to get started with Divi 3 – it seems to be everything I’ve always wanted 🙂

  417. Love this theme!

  418. Dive 3.0 looks so intuitive and easy to use. I am super excited about this! Keep up the great work!

  419. Looks amazing …

  420. Great job!!!

  421. Very nice demo!

  422. The developers at divi are the most involved team I’ve ever come across, and I’m glad to see all the advancements they’ve done. So my question is: “what’s next, divi is going to read my mind and build my sites for me?”
    I can’t wait!!

  423. Hmm, not all that intuitive to be honest

  424. Can’t wait to play with the new Divi!

  425. Love Divi 3.0 This is a an awesome tool in our arsenal. Its a total game changer for bloggers and developers

  426. Thank you for all your hard work! 🙂

  427. Can’t wait to try the new update!

  428. Can’t wait and see Divi in action!

  429. Using Divi has changed my way of using internet – I use Divi on all my websites! I love it!

  430. Looking forward to this update! I have a feeling clients are going to be excited for the ease of updating!

  431. Looking forward to this update! I have a feeling clients are going to be excited for the ease of updating!

  432. Incredible work guys!

  433. I haven’t installed Divi 3.0 on an active website yet. I’ve tried the test version and it looks like an exciting tool.

  434. DIVI the night away!

  435. I did not waste time, and upgraded. I was not afraid things would get messed up. I trust Elegant Themes. I trust them and love them so much!
    Regardless, the Demo idea = GENIUS!!!

  436. Awesome!

  437. Is 3.0 only for people with lifetime memberships? Thanks

    • Everyone with a membership can have Divi 3.0 as All memberships have the themes included.

  438. Divi 3.0 is simply amazing and a game changer! Divi was already the best WordPress theme and now… Wow!

  439. I love this theme. It’s extremely versatile, and looks gorgeous.

  440. Thank you for the amazing 3.0 upgrade.

    Game changer indeed!!

  441. I’m waiting for the inevitable 3.01 release next week before installing 3.0, but I can’t wait to dig in!

  442. Divi 3.0 is definitely a game-changer – loving the new interface… MUCH easier to work with! You guys really DO rock!

  443. Those 100 days went fast!

  444. I have had an opportunity to try Divi 2.7 through a Udemy course and I’m sold! As soon as I can afford it I am buying a lifetime membership.

  445. I have to admit it… I’ve been putting off doing any upgrades or changes to my site in anticipation of this release… this is too cool.

  446. A bitterly disappointing end to 100 days of marketing for me.

    Absolutely filled with bugs, plugin conflicts and downright horrible design of the front end editor. Intentions – 100%. Execution – 12.5%.

    Based on all the comments I’m reading above it appears it’s perfect for people that otherwise couldn’t build a website to save their life. Making dumb people dumber…

    For anyone doing real work for real clients – nothing, zip, nada.

    I cringe when I think of how much work that took away from what Divi could have been by now (work that was PAID FOR by memberships).

    Still can’t edit the footer but you can guestimate margins and padding, change the purdy text and other kool stuff visually now.

    Perfect for “Whaat I Hed Fer Brekfasst dis Merningg” type personal blogs I guess…

    • Just for reference, they released DIVI 3.0.1 today and added a footer copyright editor in the Customizer, along with several bug fixes.

      I think your criticism is a little harsh, and your comments about what TYPES of people must be enjoying it is completely uncalled for and classless. How do you know what various users know or don’t know? So it works for them and they like it, that makes them dumber? Why are you USING a theme like DIVI then?

      They will obviously be going through bugs and fixing them. They have already fixed several. Maybe they didn’t spend the time on what mattered to YOU, but that doesn’t mean the time was wasted.

      Me, I know how to code. I have the ability to fully code out sites without visual builders, etc. But I think the DIVI 3 visual editor is awesome. Buggy, yes. I have many complaints of my own. But I can see that once they get some issues worked out, it is very slick and VERY fast.

      But ultimately, my main point is that your comments are a little unfair, and your assumptions about the people who are happy aren’t just unfair, but rude and unfounded. Maybe just chill a bit and give the ET team a chance to work through everything? It certainly won’t hurt you to continue working with DIVI however you did before in the meantime, right?

      • display:none;

      • OMG – you can edit the footer FINALLY.

        About time Nick caved and made that happen.

        As for the rest of your comment – you are free to disagree with me. I’m also free to say I disagree with you 100% (which I do).

        • use display:none; bro

        • And just for reference, they have released two bug fix updates since the initial release. So they are obviously addressing issues that come up. I would say that given a couple of weeks, the builder will be even better to work with. So if you’re having problems, maybe share a few or create a ticket with them so they can be addressed, if they haven’t already? That would certainly be more helpful than getting upset and insulting users who have done nothing to you, right? I sincerely hope that it becomes the builder you hoped it would be.


          • I am with Brent on this one. I am just guessing, Ron, but it might not hurt you to improve your people skills. Nonetheless, an interesting exchange. Happy Coding.


        • Well, in the case of your rude comments, it has nothing to do with just disagreeing. You are wrong. You don’t know the people who use DIVI and are excited about the new builder. What use is it to insult them and claim they can’t build a website to save their life, the dumb get dumber, etc.? That’s just absurd.

          So yes, you may disagree. But your assumptions are completely wrong. You don’t have to like the new update. Criticism in that area is fair as it is highly subjective. But the comments about the users aren’t fair, and they are wrong. You couldn’t possibly have any idea what skills and knowledge and mindsets the users have.

          For the record, the update isn’t “filled” with bugs and plugin conflicts. It is buggy in some areas, yes. And virtually every WordPress plugin is incompatible with SOME plugins. But I’ve implemented the new builder on multiple sites (both my own and a couple of client sites) and it works fine for the most part. It hasn’t broken anything. So your experience isn’t the same as others (and there may be some that your experience is similar to as well). Why not share a few of the bugs and incompatibilities you are experiencing so the devs can explore them? I think the devs would appreciate that.


          • Well, my opinion is that you’re wrong.

            Which one of us is right?

            • ..and my humble opinion is only a doosh would continue to use something they arn’t happy with.
              Which one of us is right? You seem to be the only one in these blogs with an attitude – Go and use Drupal and move along.

            • Your “opinion” of other users has no basis in fact. So you are indeed wrong. While I would also suggest that your views of DIVI are not fair, I can accept those as being strictly opinion based on whatever expectations you may have had (though you haven’t actually said WHAT you were expecting and why you are so disappointed).

              But your opinion of other users has zero foundation. You ARE wrong(I happen to know multiple users who are happy with DIVI 3 who are very capable of building great sites, whether their life depended on it or not). No debate or difference of opinion needed. It is a fact that you are wrong.

              If it makes you feel better to make things up and throw insults around like you’re a 12 year old, go ahead. I won’t comment again on this as it is quite frankly a waste of time.


              • You’re basing the fact that you’re “right” because you “know multiple users who are happy with DIVI 3”? O_o

                In your OPINION I’m wrong. In my opinion I’m RIGHT.

                Who are you to tell me differently?

    • Ron, I agree with some of what you’re saying. It does seem a little ‘style over substance’ – it looks very impressive superficially, but dig down a bit and there are issues, both in terms of bugs but also actual UI.

      However, I would suggest caution at jumping to conclusions. I routinely use the Formidable Pro form plugin and was worried when I saw reports of a plugin conflict. However, it is working for me on my test local installation.

      Some of the work in Divi 3.0 is genuinely good and a big timesaver, such as the inline text editor and color the picker. These are things you will use multiple times on every site. If ET can fix the row settings panel obscuring the uppermost left-aligned text, this will be, beyond any doubt, the fastest way to produce formatted text in WordPress.

      I suppose the question is: do we trust Nick and ET to take on board the issues and fix them? I am confident that we will see Divi 3.0 improved and fixed quite rapidly and become the leading front-end editor for WP in time.

  447. LOVE it! The only theme I use for years, and this release is fantastic, cant wait to use.

  448. Congrats to the amazing LAUNCH of Divi 3.0!
    I can’t wait to experiment around!
    Go Divi GO!

  449. I, luckily, have gotten to work with Divi through my job and have enjoyed seeing you guys grow into the beauty that is before us with 3.0. Here’s to getting my personal membership and using it for my own, outdated, site.

  450. After seeing reports about a conflict with Formidable Pro, I thought I’d test it with Divi 3.01.

    I’m happy to report that it DOES work, so I’m not sure what issues others were having with it. The ‘Form preview’ function, which opens your newly-created form in a ‘Post’ of it’s own, is blank, but this is not a function I use anyway as it doesn’t show the form sitting in it’s correctly styled environment.

  451. Very excited for these changes – Divi has already done wonders for my site, can’t wait to see how much better it will look with these new features.

  452. Amazing! It would be an honor to be selected:)

  453. Thanks for all the hard work guys! I look forward to the future!

  454. This upgrade looks awesome! Finding Divi Builder has been great for my business and this upgrade will make the websites we build even better.
    I am looking forward to digging in!

  455. Can’t wait to get back to work after holiday to try this. A slightly mad thing to think but then that’s the life a geek freek treads.

  456. Count me in.

  457. Nicely done. Love the front end builder, would like to also make pictures bigger or smaller and to adjust margins with the front end. Thanks also for updating Extra, nevertheless, some configurations are missing in the back-end. I.e. it is not posible anymore to disable the starring and comments for the meta’s.

  458. You guys have really set a new standard for themes and especially the WYSIWYG area. This looks amazing and I look forward to using it for my sites and clients. So much easier now.

  459. Cool. Can’t wait to check it out.

  460. My body is ready to win

  461. I have been watching the Divi 3.0 100-day updates. I work with Divi 2, and I am SO EXCITED by all the great stuff we will get with Divi 3.0! Very good stuff, very useful and for me, Divi is THE theme to use for creating fabulous WordPress websites.

  462. What a great job you did! thanks! it’s look Superb! I’m going to start my own re agency and Divi 3.0 look could be so perfect for my projects!
    Ciao from Italy!

  463. The new front-end builder is so fast and smooth, what an amazing experience! Thank you ET for all the hard work that has gone into bringing this to us.

  464. Thanks for this! I’ve been waiting for months in order to upgrade one of my blogs – which is currently on Serene, by the way.

  465. I’m also very eager to try the new builder out! Gotta install it this weekend!

  466. As an ol’ timer who hasn’t really worked with websites in years – and talked into using WordPress – “new” ways of doing things can be frustrating. Divi, and now Divi 3, makes the transition easier, smoother and a pleasure. Thanks!

  467. I’ve been waiting for 100 days! Super excited about using Divi 3.0, it looks amazing! Thanks ET team!

  468. Can’t wait to get my hands on this! Looks FANTASTIC!

  469. Congrats you guys! I know you worked long and hard on this and have plenty more planned for the future. Keep it up!

  470. New builder to go with the library, both major features

  471. Finally. I was too anxious for this update. I prefer the DIVINE to other builders by knowing that you always excel . wow

  472. Wow! This is wonderful!!!

  473. Looks great! Nice one, guys. 🙂

  474. I’m excited to be building using the new features of 3.0!

  475. I’m dying to test it !!

  476. Divi 3.0 is Fabulous easy !, some little problems but they are working hard to solve it!

    Never was building a website so easy for newbies ! everyone can do it, so you to!

  477. Hope to win

  478. This looks amazing. I can’t wait to give it a go. Thanks!

  479. Keep it up Elegant

  480. I’ve always been a fan of Divi! Thank you for this amazing new version.

  481. Can’t wait to install it, love Divi.

  482. How long will you be offering the upgrade discount?

    Love the product Divi (but have not yet upgraded to 3.0 yet). I loved all the marathon products and stuff….

    Great work!!

  483. Thanks for making life easier for designers, I can not imagine myself without DIVI

  484. I’m learning about web pages a few days ago thanks to your designs, because I want to use them. I read about you in a Spanish blog, I live in Sweden, so you are quite popular. Congratulations for the designs that the group have done. They are very interesting.

  485. I believe this Divi 3.0 revolutionary, and will take over WordPress.

  486. Really good job! It’s incredibly fast to design a page.

  487. Woo hoo!!

  488. I can’t wait to try it!

  489. Nice, can’t wait to use Divi 3.0 for my next project!

  490. Awesome software!!!. Tons of good stuffs
    Keep working hard, yield good fruits. God bless you all abundantly.

  491. A couple days ago, I tried to do update to Divi 3.0 from WordPress admin update on a GoDaddy-hosted site but it failed. Today, I was able to update to 3.0.1 with a dev mirror of the same site hosted at SiteGround. A brief glance about does not reveal anything broken. The direct front end editing is killer – much faster than MotoPress to load. My non-tech clients will be delighted with Divi 3.0 front end editing. I see that Divi Builder is still available to use if one prefers the color blocks approach. I will ponder this as I sip coffee.

  492. Customizing, at its own best, love it Divi 3.0, finally its here after big marathon

  493. Great tool to give away for free or even discounted!

  494. Congratulations on Divi 3.0!

  495. I will win one of the 10 accounts of this wonderful plugin !!

  496. Looks very exciting 😀
    Still new to this. Trying out the demo now.
    Congrats on what sounds like a fantastic product.

  497. Really great work!

  498. Silly question/comment: I cannot figure out how to install it? Do I upload the builder zip file like I would do any theme or plugin?


  499. Great!

  500. Wow, I was skeptical at first with the front-end builder, as I’ve used many and hated them all, but this looks really slick! Can’t wait to use it on a project!

  501. When I started using Elegant Themes a few years ago that’s when I redesigned our website using Division on its first release. Unfortunately I never had the time to renew my subscription to keep the updates because I took a leave of absence. The time that I used Division it was flawless and just all around amazing. I won a subscription years ago during a Christmas Giveaway.

    Blake Pounds

  502. Creo que Divi 3.0 es lo que todos los novatos hemos soñado que fuese wordpress: un lugar donde diseñar tu propia página web es divertido y fácil. ¡Seguid así!

  503. You’ve done it again! Always topping yourselves with something even more incredible than before.

  504. C’est juste WAOUW l’attent en valait la peine.
    Bravooooooooooooooo! Good Job!

  505. Absolutely amazing !

  506. I have been using Elegant Themes for some time now. Thank you for the opportunity to win my membership this year!

  507. Divi is life! 😀 I really want it! Thanks guys! U rock!

  508. I think the real rival for Visual Composer has arrived!
    Awesome work guys!

  509. Just downloaded v3, looking forward to using it. Thank you for all your hard work to make our lives easier.

  510. If you do not have Elegant Themes yet you have to go forth and buy it today, because this is the only theme you will ever need.

  511. Just updated, loving it, cheers!!!

  512. Wonderful!

  513. Wooooooow!!!

  514. Great work guys!

  515. I’m ready to play my <3 out with the new builder <3 <3 <3

  516. I’m a very happy Divi user! I cant wait to try the new builder 🙂

  517. It’s not working great on my site for whatever reason but I still see its potential. Good work.

  518. Wow! I just began editing a site I’ve been working on for a client, using the Visual Builder. I can’t believe how fast it is! I’m so impressed, I went and upgraded right away to a lifetime membership. I’ve been frustrated with front-end builders fro WordPress in the past – this is so much better, and paired with Divi’s modules and layouts, I’m going to be using this a lot with client sites! I also use Genesis, and Divi is my new go-to theme for client sites! So easy to quickly get mock-ups built, and narrow down what the site should look like – it’s a whole new system, and better than giving a client ten theme examples to choose from. It’s going to revolutionize my business!

  519. awesome… would love to compare it with XThemes and Jupiter

  520. Can’t wait to try it – looks amazing!

  521. Super ! J’en veux ma license moi aussi.

  522. Very cool to see this is out! Great work. Thanks.

  523. I can wait to try it 🙂 This is going to change the way I work completely 😀

  524. I can wait to try it 🙂 This is going to change the way I work completely 😀

  525. Looking forward to taking Divi 3 for a test drive

  526. Very nice theme, the best ever!

  527. Very excited for this update, a front-end editor that looks really useful, wow!!

  528. Really enjoying using Divi 3.0 so far! It’s working well, helping me create my new portfolio site. I’ll definitely be using it for other website too. Great job!

  529. I’m really excited to get started with this new version. As good as 2.x was, it’s hard to image how much better you could have made it!

  530. I’m super excited about the latest release. I’ll be exploring and working with it today!

  531. Looking forward to test more thoroughly the new release. Very exciting time.

  532. This is going to change web design!

  533. Thanks so much Divi! Looking forward to getting started with my new website now that you made it so much easier. HTML is not my friend! Thanks for taking care of this 🙂

  534. So excited!!! I can’t wait to own Divi 3.0 and start building my site!
    I will be one of the luckiest if I get the awesome Divi 3.0 as a Giveaway!

    Thanks for this awesome 100 days and a contest now 🙂


  535. Divi just keeps getting better and better, this new version is the best improvement yet!

  536. I tried Divi 3.0 yesterday and so far it’s looking incredible. I still need to figure out how to edit the text with the inline editor, as the simple toolbar never pops open even when I’m in the visual builder, which is funny. Other than that I’m really excited to navigate all its possibilities!

  537. I tried Divi 3.0 yesterday and so far it’s looking incredible. I still need to figure out how to edit the text with the inline editor, as the simple toolbar never pops open even when I’m in the visual builder, which is funny. Other than that I’m really excited to navigate all its possibilities!

  538. Absolutely unreal!! Love the new update

  539. I can’t wait to give it a try – Divi is by far my favorite WP theme!

  540. I was intimidated by Divi. I loved how Divi sites looked, and decided to take the plunge.

    Was there a learning curve? Sure – I’d never used a comprehensive and powerful visual builder tool before. Was it easy to learn? Incredibly so! I really had no problems, and had a new site up and running in minutes.

    One thing that doesn’t get mentioned enough is that Elegant Themes publishes all kinds of tips on using Divi. From free layout packs to custom CSS and custom settings, they make it easy to make your site design your own.

    Thanks Divi!

  541. So far, I like 3.0. I was hoping I could update the title and Permalink in the visual editor, but everything else is well well done. The new kits save me so much time and the need for other plugins (especially Landing pages) so I’m geeked to primarily use Divi for most projects. Great job ET! You’ve just killed most of my other theme foundry subscriptions.

  542. Elegant Themes has done a fantastic job creating a high quality interface for users and developers. I cannot wait to integrate this into my new website for 3D Printed Jewelry!!!

  543. It’s an incredible a super theme!!

  544. Thankyou

  545. Great job!! Amazing theme and builder, thanks.

  546. Beautiful and absolutely stunning! Can’t wait to play around with the interface.

  547. Yep, I’m just here for a chance at free stuff. I’d really like to try out Divi, seems nice. I’m sure I’m missing out.

  548. I’d be interested to play with it before deciding on purchase.

  549. This is really exciting

  550. Thank you guys! Love your work.. Divi is now the only theme I use 🙂 Love it.. 🙂

  551. Awesome products. Love to see it’s being updated day by day with so many new features and improvements.

  552. Looking forward to trying the new version!

  553. I’ve been counting down the days. The new Divi 3.0 interface is soooo dope.

    I hope I win!

  554. I haven’t gotten to try it yet, but I’m super excited. I looking forward to this release.

  555. The new interface is just amazing. Thank you very much for inventing such a great theme and builder!

  556. So Excited to see the update!

  557. Excited about the new Divi Builder!

  558. I have loved the 100 days of Divi – some great tips and suggestions for new layouts. Thanks for all the hard work!

  559. Great work.
    I’m learning how to use Divi and this update is going to take some time to get used to. I have checked out visual builder and I was impressed. Still prefere to build on admin side and ise visual builder to adjust / giving it final touch.

    Hope you going to make header more moldable next.

  560. To the Elegant Themes Team

    Well done. I can’t wait to do more with Divi 3. This is going to make updating my websites so much faster and better.

  561. Divi has been the best site builder I have ever used, but now it is even better. More elegant, more powerful, easier to use, increases productivity, and unleashes your creativity. What more could anyone ask for?

    To the Divi development team, WELL DONE! Your countless hours of hard work and your commitment to excellence is very evident in Divi 3.0. Keep those genius juices flowing.

  562. I’m new to web development but a coworker showed me a lot of the basics of divi. Your builder is really easy to use and now with 3.0 (which I’m excited to try) things just got a lot better. I loved your 100 days buildup to Divi 3.0 and I used a few of your wireframes to make my website better with ideas I didn’t know you could do.

    Thanks guys!

  563. Already a lifer, but good luck to everyone else! 🙂

  564. Bit disappointed to see ET removing any posts that are not overwhelmingly positive or just “wow” “amazing” “incredible”. This is a business, selling a paid-for product, isn’t it? I haven’t stumbled into some weird cult worship thing?

    ET; you pride yourself on the community you have created here and it is certainly lively and knowledgeable. Surely you can accept that there are quite a number of issues with Divi 3.0 without resorting to removing posts?

    • We never legitimate comments. You have 4 comments on this post.

      • My apologies Nick; I’m not sure what is going on. I searched for my previous post before I made the above post and could not find it! Every time I log into this blog, it is reporting a different number of posts (not just incrementally going up!), so I assume there is some database glitch somewhere.

        I am looking forward to seeing the major bugs ironed out ASAP so that I can focus all of my attention on Divi in future.

        • Just FYI, they did already release the first bug fix update for DIVI today. And as a bonus they added the ability to edit the footer credits FINALLY. So they are already working on it!

  565. Fantastic work!

  566. Great product, I love it and I use Divi from the first version and I’m your client before the Divi was born…
    I have two suggestion, please do editable footer credits through the Divi control panel and please try to do more fluid (when the smooth option is on) when scrolling content on the pages or posts, especially with the parallax effect is on. I see that some other themes from other WP theme seller are almost perfect fluid and smooth.
    Thank you.
    Keep working and don’t stop on the way to the perfection. I wish you luck with your work…

  567. Divi 3.0 is amazing!!

  568. Excellent job, I love DIVI 3.0

  569. Loving the new 3.0, it may also allow me new opportunities to allow clients to do some of their own editing now that the front-end interface is more intuitive, it was worth the 100 day wait and thanks for all the awesome freebies along the way!

  570. I have a PageCloud subscription, as I wanted a drag and drop builder. However, i was finding the lack of versatility limiting, compared to working with a great theme like Divi. Divi 3.0 gives me that drag and drop real time editor, and the versatility that wordpress brings. Thanks Elegant Themes, you’ve really done the business this time

  571. Incredible!

  572. Excited for Divi 3.0. Congrats!

  573. LOVE the new interface! Thanks for a fantastic new experience.

  574. I take ages to choose a theme, many hours and all that like some of you here. I had been using X theme for a few projects as the only Major advantage it had,in my opinion, was that it had many ready to publish examples that needed just a few tweaks for it to satisfy SME clients and they get a value for money product. I havent researched Divi yet, but from my research and being in the favebook communities Divi has caught up quite a lot and the systems, templates that you can create so that it can be site wide changes if you edit it, is great for my OCD for efficiency.

  575. I can’t wait to play with the new Divi 🙂

  576. I just purchased DIVI a few weeks ago and I was already in love. Now this?! I’m swooning. Awesome work!

  577. The demo looks great!

  578. If this isn’t the theme of the year then I don’t know what is. Awesome stuff.

  579. Pretty cool incentive.

  580. Anything Divi looks owesome

  581. Divi 3.0 is so user-friendly! Looking forward to using this and telling my co-workers about it as well.

  582. You’ve got the best page builder on the market. Keep the good work Guys!

  583. Dear Elegant Themes team, you are fantastic! Many congratulations on the Divi 100 roll-out and the launch of Divi 3.0. I’ve had a little go with the new visual editor and I LOVE it! I am still creating my layouts in the Builder but then flip to the VE for tweaking. Thanks for the opportunity to win a Lifetime Upgrade too! *crosses fingers* – have a wonderful weekend ET 🙂

  584. Is divi 3.0 better than instapage?

  585. Amazing

  586. Incredible reimagination of a product that was already excellent. Thanks to everyone at Elegant Themes.

  587. Really loving this update; been a real boon to my workflow over the past day or so!

    Super Awesome update Elegant Themes!

  588. This looks amazing!

  589. Love Divi & many of the plugins Elegant Themes as created. Thank you all for your hard work & following through with your vision.

  590. I’m using Divi since the beginning… CONGRAAATS!!

  591. I luv DIVI

  592. New look, new design , new opportunity . Great .

  593. Divi 3.0 awesome!!!

    Divi 3.0 sorprendente!!!

  594. Totally awesome, congratulations!
    Still a work in progress but we all know you will be addressing the issues asap.

  595. I am TOTALLY stoked about Divi 3.0. So much so that I am also going to learn React. If you can create something this good with React, then that’s a technology I should be learning as well.

  596. DIVI 3.0 looks amazing. I am looking forward to working with it. Well done development team!

  597. The progress on DIVI is absolutely amazing. Thanks for a great product!!!

  598. I’ve been using Divi for a few months now, but WordPress for a number of years. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! The 100 days giveaways were amazing and Divi 3 looks like a great seller too.

  599. Wow , that’s a nice surprise, thank you! 😀 Finally Divi 3.0 is up, can’t wait to use it

  600. Upgraded my dev’ sites to Divi 3.0.1 and loving it. Thank you! 🙂

    Now working on upgrading all my live sites.

  601. Its look really nice, im following your Divi builder for a couple of months ago but i never take the decision to purchase it, hope to win today 🙂

  602. Looking forward to winning Divi Theme 🙂

  603. Very awsome

  604. I use divi now for a wile and just cant be without it anymore. And 3.0 just made it even better! Thanks guys!

  605. absolutely wonderful ! What a great job you’ve done

    Keep going on like that for the future,
    from France,

  606. What I like best about Divi 3.0 is the way it opens up site development to people who use simple web tools (like my colleagues who loved Apple’s old Web builder). Makes WP sites now accessible to them.

  607. This looks awesome! Looking forward to seeing it in action

  608. Thanks ElegantThemes team especially to Nick Roach for another milestone of Divi!

  609. This update is amazing!!

  610. Thanks to your wonderful work!

  611. I just need to win to start my job 🙂

  612. After 100 days of suspense, and the 3.0 release while I was away, I am so excited to play with my new toy!!Thank you for all you do!!

  613. Themes well-done and Divi 3.0 is marvelous

  614. I’m looking forward to trying Divi. A friend uses it for her website, and it’s beautiful. Thanks for creating such a beautiful, easy to use theme.

  615. Fantastic cutting edge stuff. building and updating my website just got 200% easier and more enjoyable! thank you!

  616. Probably the best update of Divi so far. It’s far to be perfect, but is really advanced compared to the majority of other themes.
    I personally feel that the footer and header options are quite poor, but i’m confident that the ET Team would pump it up soon… i hope 🙂

  617. Thanks this look great!

  618. Looks awesome!

  619. Very excited about the new Divi 3.0

  620. 3.0 is nice. Please add more icons for the blurb module.

  621. Divi is great! It can save precious hours of work and let you concentrate on the contents besides the code. It’s not so hard to customize via CSS and with some graphic design work, no visitor would say you used a ‘standard’ WordPress theme.
    Version 3 is even better, now you can live edit a webpage, saving even more time and getting a look on the final page. It still has some little bugs, but it’s going to improve very quickly. Thank you very much, Elegant Themes!

  622. Can’t wait to dig into the new Divi over the weekend when I can sit down and spend a chunk of time with it. Thanks

  623. Looks like an extremely powerful and easy site builder. Thanks y’all.

  624. Looks awesome.. can’t wait to try it out.

  625. I love the builder! I was playing around with it yesterday for a client’s website redesign, and it’s so much fun!

  626. Goooooooood

  627. Amazing!!! Just love it!

  628. Great new version and I can’t wait to start using it.

  629. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  630. Been with Elegant Themes 4+ years – Divi 3 looks their best yet… 🙂

  631. Would really like to experience working with Divi 3.0 from every aspect.

  632. I love the new Divi. I’m so excited, I’m redoing my entire website! thanks so much.

  633. Thrilled with your work !

  634. Awsome!

  635. Awsome!

  636. wow truly wow. might stop by squarespace subscription!!

  637. Just checked the front end demo of Divi 3.0, it’s great.
    I’m very excited about this!!

  638. I haven’t had a chance to try Divi 3.0 out yet, but I’m looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and seeing what it can do.

  639. Divi 3.0 looks really amazing. I’ll keep up using it for my sites.

  640. Amazing it is!! Love in with DIVI 3.0

  641. I’m excited to really get into the visual builder as I’m still making my way around the rest of the builder programming. I think the only thing I’ve noticed so far that has really bothered me is the changing of margins and padding. I generally find this frustrating but it’s at times difficult to see what I’m changing when I deal with the visual builder. And it’s absolutely no help when one is dealing with elements sitting on top of each other.
    Otherwise, I love Divi and I’m looking forward to using it for many years to come.

  642. Excellent theme, the best I’ve seen so far.

  643. Awesome! I’m just starting to take a look at it, and so far so good!

  644. It’s Looks Great Update . I am happy with speed issue and this update fixes what am not love about great divi .

  645. Thank you for this Awesome product. Always wanted to be a member of Divi.

  646. So amazing, thanks for all the hard work!!!

  647. If Divi 3.0 is 10% more complete than its previews version, I’ll be happier than ever! Go for it dudes! 😀

  648. Definitely one of the best and biggest update to Divi. The real time editor and changing padding on the go is going to save a lot of time.

  649. Divi has changed the way I build websites. THANK YOU.

  650. Looking forward to building excellence with Divi 3.0!

  651. Very exciting to have a brand new version of divi, my favourite template !

  652. Just subscribed to Divi and extremely excited to start using it. Have heard nothing but awesome things about it!! Here I go 🙂

  653. Thank you for continually improving an already great product.

  654. Tengo muchas expectativas sobre el Divi 3.0. Estoy emocionado por lo alcances que puede tener. Actualizando Divi en mi sitio web… 3, 2, 1.

  655. I’ve been waiting to build my web site using the new Divi 3.0! Now I can get started. Happy dance!!

  656. Wow. Divi 3.0 changes everything for me. I am so pleased with it.

    As someone who never quite got to grips with the padding etc. I found it quite tedious having to make changes backend while never quite knowing how the changes would look on my sites.

    Awesome work Nick and the team. Thank you so much!!

  657. I’m a beginner with Elegant themes – but I like it!!!
    It’s easy to work with Divi. Thank you for your work – and go on…

  658. I love this theme! Thank you, Elegant Themes!

  659. The Divi frontend builder is amazing! I love the addition of the footer editor in the Theme Customizer.

  660. I’ve been a customer since the early days and I locked a very low membership fee. It’s like getting Divi for free, thanks a lot guys!

  661. I’m looking forward to test it.

  662. Super excited to see the next iteration of this theme. Loved Divi 2.0—cannot wait to see what’s in Divi 3.0!

    Big ups to you guys and all your hard work. Thanks so much. 🙂

  663. Superb work guys! Looking forward to test it

  664. So far I really love the demo that I played with, seems super easy to make websites fast!! Definitely a plus

  665. I have been testing it and it’s amazing!!!
    it will save me so much time while designing and deciding changes or spaces if I can see them on the fly!

  666. Awesome job

  667. Congrats, great work guys!

  668. So excited ! It is the best wordpress theme I’ve ever worked with! Keep up the good work!

  669. This is the best visual editor out there to date!

  670. Love it!

  671. Divi is awesome. I have been ET member for years and have been given an awesome reason to stay for many more!

  672. Divi was already awesome and now is even better!

  673. I have been playing with it and am very happy. what more can I ask?

  674. Absolutely in love with this update.

  675. So far we’re loving what we seen in Divi 3.0.

    The knowledge that guys wont stop here but will continue towards Divi 4.0 makes being a member one of the easiest business decisions ever.

  676. So excited to play with it!

  677. Love the new ideas. Thanks for a fantastic product!

  678. I just installed and tried it so too soon for an opinion:-)

  679. Congrats on the new release. Looking forward to getting my hands on it soon.

  680. SO excited for the launch of 3.0 just as I’m ready to start building my site! Definitely spreading the word!

  681. The wait is over and this update looks absolutely amazing!!! I can’t wait to finally start using it.

  682. Looks amazing!

  683. Thanks for all the hard work! What you and your team have done is truly revolutionary, and I don’t use that term lightly!

  684. What a fantastic competition. I hope that I win 🙂

  685. Great work ET team!

    Now this really would be a timely and useful thing to win for me!

  686. I’m thinking about changing up my website. this would be cool!

  687. Thrilled about Divi 3.0. But I’m going to miss the Divi 100!

  688. Now I can start my website!

  689. Genial!
    Excelente herramienta, tanto en diseño como usabilidad. Recomiendo 100%, me cambió la vida.

  690. This is really awesome. The demo is so promising, can’t wait to actually build stuff with this.

  691. Excellent news!

    i can’t wait to test it on my Extra-themed website.

  692. Took the live demo for a spin. Love it! Can’t wait to update all my Divi sites. Great work Nick and the Elegant Themes team!

  693. I am looking forward to giving Divi 3 a spin! Looks awesome!

  694. using divi for years now, its great!

  695. So far I am liking Divi 3.0. The front end is a little to get use to but I think it can become a great tool in someones web development arsenal.

  696. Looks great – can’t wait to try it out.

  697. Looks good. I lok forward to giving the wheels a good kick

  698. I love Divi 3.0, Thank you!

  699. Loved playing around w/ 3.0! Great launch and great tips and resources leading up to it! Thanks, all!

  700. ugh…. divi 3.0 incompatible with what looks to be any third party contact form plugin, like the super popular contact form 7. Like a 1980’s Jaguar…. looks great, works horrible.

  701. Apple, Elegantthemes, Tesla etc… Minimalism + Power in a World of overcrowdedness and superficiality…

    Way to go!!!!

  702. Really looking forward to this 😀

  703. This is truly amazing guys! And the 100 day adventure leading up to this was just the BEST!!

  704. This is great! I will try to upgrade to lifetime.

  705. Stoked to try Divi 3.0 on my own website!!!

  706. I can’t wait to try this out. Been waiting for it ever since I saw the announcement. This’ll be amazing.

  707. I’m checking Divi for quite a while but never subscribe. After the 100 days of Divi and Divi 3.0 launch, I decide was about time to commit to Divi and I did yesterday. Great job guys!

  708. Liking it so far, although it didn’t save my changes.. maybe I did something wrong?

  709. Thank you to ET for Divi 3.0! As a small business owner, I rely on ET to make website development easy and straightforward. With Divi, I know the end product will be beautiful and functional.

  710. Absolutely amazing work by the Elegant Themes team. Already installed and started to use it on my website – it’s fantastic and works like a dream! If anyone is contemplating building a wordpress site, this should be the first choice for a theme to use…. Any just about anyone can develop a customised, unique looking website.
    Great work!!

  711. Looks great! Can’t wait to use it!

  712. Thank you very much for your hard work. It will make possible to develop graphic design and business in the internet.

  713. OK, updated to 3.0.1 and now seems to work.

  714. The 3.0 It’s amazing!

  715. Nice!

  716. I just love the new Visual Builder. Great to work on the front-end of my blog instead of switching back and forth between admin and weblog.

  717. Can’t wait to try the front-end editor. Might feel a bit strange at first since I’m used to the backend version, but we’ll see. Will be upgrading to a lifetime membership soon since I love the tech support that you guys provide. It just speeds up things so much and it’s like running an agency with my own team of tech support. Love it!

  718. I just can’t wait to have my hands on it, this sounds like a game changer.

  719. I am trying… Good direction of development…

  720. I always enjoyed Divi, but seeing the new front-end feature makes even more happy!

  721. Can’t wait to try the divi 3.0 😀

  722. I am looking forward to working with Divi 3.0. Thank you guys !

  723. This is it! Making www finally is simple, lovely, functional, eye cathing, more improved and ELEGANT!

  724. Good luck everyone! The launch has been so exciting – great work to the Elegant Themes team!!

  725. Awesome stuff. Now I can start migrating my site to Divi!

  726. Visual editor – this is a big game changer. Than You!

  727. Great you made it to 3.0
    Looks promising but I need further testing for production.

  728. Congratulations to all everyone at ET. Your hard work has been so evident over the last 100+ days. Loving 3.0!

  729. I’m so excited and glad that Divi 3.0 has finally been released! I’ve been anticipating it for the last 100 days and hope to get my hands on it soon. You rock!

  730. An amazing upgrade. I’m already seeing the benefits and work is so much faster. Thanks guys!

  731. The Best!

  732. Yay! Thank you for the giveaway!

  733. I can’t wait to see the new builder! thanks for this great update.

  734. 3.0 Looks Amazing.

  735. Thanks for the wonderful update.

  736. Sorry guys but I have multiple installations of DIVI 3.0 where the visual builder simply will not load – the loading animation just runs and runs – only works on one site so far which I cannot explain. No Plug-ins on the installation to interfere.

  737. Looking forward to see live on my site.

  738. I love the new Visual Editor. It will take some getting used to, but it saves a lot of time. One thing I wish is that page settings were available via the Visual Editor.

  739. Absolutely amazing product! Speeds up and makes the design process even more exciting!

  740. Divi 3.0 looking good!

  741. Divi 3.0 looks amazing! Can’t wait to get this and play with it.

  742. Hello,

    Totally agree with You !
    This is my main question : How did 500 beta testers not see those little imperfections :

    – A fullwidth row will not allow to access to the section interface (blue one)
    – Thin sections won’t be accessible at all. (must go to the Back-end Builber)
    – Difficulties to add a new section at the bottom of a page. (existing workaround…)
    – Some text size setting sliders won’ t work at all.(random)
    – Alzheimer Visual Builder : Some modifications won’t be saved at all.(random)
    – “Save” is slow-downing as the number of sections/rows and modifications grow.
    – boxed websites will be suddenly displayed full left while using the Visual Builder .

    But we must admit that it is a really really ambitious project, and that a tremendous work has been done to get here. E.T. team is courageous and hard workers.
    Bravo ! Keep up the excellent work !

  743. Divi 3 look amesing D: i wish i had the money to buy it for my site :c

  744. So excited to get to use the new Divi 3.0!

  745. awesome themes. I’ve tried.
    but, what is visual builder need an internet connection? because when I try in an offline state can not be active

  746. I am in the process of planning to launch my first ever blog and this theme looks like the perfect balance between something that I can use to design a beautiful website myself with no coding knowledge or experience but also robust enough to grow and scale with me as my blog and business no doubt flourish!

    Now back to playing with the demo ?

    Thanks ElegantThemes team,

    Nicole @ Barefoot & Boss

  747. Definitely very promising, but still much to do, I fear.

    I have posted in ‘Support’ regarding the fact that in a text module where the text is left-aligned, the text is covered by the row settings panel, but had no response as yet. Others have noted this too. How on earth did this get past beta testing?

    Even setting a top padding of 20 px doesn’t help, as the tooltips for the row settings panel still get in the way. Another way of showing the row settings panel is required and urgently.

    Clearly there are ways you could work around this, but that’s hardly the point.

    By far the bigger concern for me, though, is the multiple reporting of plugin conflicts with leading plugins. My form plugin of choice is Formidable Pro. My slider is Revolution slider and grid is Essential Grid. All are being reported as conflicting with Divi 3.0.

    These are not obscure, poorly coded plugins but premium plugins from well-established publishers. I have to ask the obvious question: what exactly were the beta testers doing, if they didn’t pick up on these conflicts?

    I was really looking forward to canning other themes to be able to finally get really expert with just one, but I’m going to wait for a while yet until more bugs are fixed.

    • What have some of the Formidable Pro conflicts been? We’re using that plugin as well.

    • I just love the elegant themes. Can’t wait to use it on my new websites.

  748. Thank you!

  749. Great job, best theme ever!

  750. Congrats for the launch of Divi 3.0 and Extra 2.0 and soon divi builder plugin! Hope to see some improvement and enhancement to existing things like contact form (e.g. instead of simple 1+2=, can use other better verification to filter out spams/bots) and any bugs/incompatibility found. If there are plug and play amazing canvas html5/javascript 2d/3d animation (which look like image/flash which is actually created using coding) module built in which I can use straight in Divi and Extra will be great without needing to know how to create beautiful animation using coding, especially when flash is not displayed in mobile devices and thus not mobile-friendly.

  751. Where can i report bugs?

    The animations stopped working, automatic sliders, map module etc.

    Please respond quickly as possible 🙂

  752. The interface is great and certainly the approach to development is innovative. However, I am finding that often the editing process becomes really really slow. This is happening on several sites. Plugin in changes don’t seem to have any effect. Sometimes the editor simply locks up for 20 sec to as long as 2 min. Not sure why this is.

  753. Tested it out yesterday and love it so far! Looking forward to launching my new website even more now 🙂 Thank you!

  754. Congratulations, well done!
    Just updated to 3.0.1… Glad you’ve added footer credits editor to Theme Customizer!

    • Where is that?

  755. Well done. Now the web design has become a real pleasure 🙂

  756. Really want one! No budget for now! hopefully pick!

  757. Guys, this is just brilliant!
    I wish I would have this when I did my page 🙁
    But I guess it’s time to have a new one 😉


  758. Looking awesome, good job guys!

  759. You guys never cease to amaze me with the new updates. I already love the new frontend builder! The only thing I would like to see changed (or having new effects added) is the lightbox of the gallery module, since the current zooming effect tends to stutter.
    Thank you very much for your effort!

  760. Congrats on getting Divi 3 out.

    I’m testing the demo site now and wondering why you can’t adjust the font family or size of the call to action title (‘Build Things Visually’) directly, as you can with the text below it? Seems you have to go into settings to do this, and even from there you don’t seem able to change the font family or much else. Am I missing something? Thanks.

  761. Thanks for the update. This is by far the easiest website builder I have ever used.

  762. C’est une révolution dans le monde wordpress !

  763. Its really awesome feeling. I can’t wait to use it!!

  764. Just Superb piece of coding.
    Awesome team, Awesome Product
    Well Done

  765. Awesome! But when it will be available for download? I’ve got developer account, but cant see anything new there(

    • Oh, i thou it will be as plugin, and it’s as theme, found it x)

  766. Excellent builder. Every site developer or blogger must use it…. Thanks for sharing.

  767. Just upgraded to 3.0 on a site that was built a few weeks ago. The Visual Editor shows a huge white space above content. (The entire above the fold area.) Happens even if I create a new page from scratch. Confused…

  768. Amazing theme! Good job.

  769. Have not found a way to easily save and exit back to admin, anyone seen this? am I missing something?

    • I can’t find a way either. It’s driving me bananas.

  770. Great preview. I’m looking forward to giving this a try! Also, kudos for the great info provided in the 100 days blog post marathon!

  771. You blew me away… I am experiencing a learning curve to get the hang of it, but liking the instant edit results, it’ll make everything faster.

  772. Can’t wait to sink my teeth into this update! Looks so awesome!
    You guys must have learnt to code at Hogwarts!

  773. Outstanding. But in all the focus on the sexy new features, I didn’t see any guidance on how to save a page of changes in the new Visual Builder. This was very annoying because I spent a lot of time making changes to my home page with the new visual builder but then couldn’t figure out how to save them. So I lost all my work and had to recreate the changes with the old builder. I’m sure there is the old update button somewhere; I just couldn’t find it.

    • Click the three dots button in the centre at the bottom the save button is to the right…. However I haven’t seen a save and exit back to admin yet.

      • Thank you Phill!!

  774. Congrats on the release! You’ve got some great features in this new version. I’m especially liking the customizable interface. Well done guys!

  775. Looking forward to test driving this in the next few days 🙂

  776. Lots of nice features, unfortunately it destroyed my site on IE11, and I still cannot easily resize the featured image at the top of a blog post. Overall a bit disappointed with those two things….

  777. Can Divi builder display custom post type content yet, had to hack this in previously by copying the project portfolio modules.

  778. Absolutely incredible again… I’m so glad I chose Divi as my theme, on multiple sites 🙂

  779. Where I come from, the term we use for something so awesome is, “KICK-ASS!” Of course, that’s probably a pretty common term worldwide.

    And like so many other have said, THANK YOU!

  780. Love the new Divi! Can’t wait to use it.

  781. It is rare when software pleasantly surprises you rather than limiting you. You have achieved that with this update. Keep it up!

  782. I can’t wait to try it! I’ve loved all the updates leading up to the release. Really looking forward to being able to implement things.


    Thanks, Elegant Themes team!

  784. I think this is a record number of comments for one post! 🙂

  785. Thanks, look fantastic and I went for Lifetime. Wow, now I can skip my other yearly payments from other supplier and use yours.
    You have done a really nice makeover and I look forward to start exploring all new stuff 🙂

  786. This looks great! Will the documentation be updated to learn how to easily start using the editor in 3.0? Thanks!

  787. Awesome and EMPOWERING!
    A couple questions… I have a lifetime Elegant Themes membership already…
    Is DIVI 3.0 included in that membership, or is it a separate buy-in?

    And… can I use DIVI 3.0 on the Divi sites I have already created?…
    OR only on new sites?

    If I CAN upgrade my current sites to DIVI 3.0, do I just update the theme inside the dashboard? Is there anything special I need to do to make this magic happen?

    • Lifetime memberships are included Jo Lyn. All lifetime memberships will have access to all updates and new release made by elegant themes.

  788. Wow, looks really impressive! Congratulations! Can’t wait to use it to build my website and get my first e-course out into the world!

  789. I can’t wait to see the new builder! thanks for this great update.

  790. Looks fantastic. Can’t wait to get my sites updated and start using it for real! Thanks team for all the hard work.

  791. Very excited to start testing the new Divi and creating a brand new website!

  792. Just updated. Simply amazing. Keep up the good work.

  793. I cannot wait to try it!

  794. Nick:

    Just briefly installed 3.0 on a dev site and briefly played with it. I am aware that folks have reported problems with the release; for me, with something this major, they were to be expected. I have to hand it to you and your team: great job!

    I will play with it further, but am very excited with what I see so far. I’d also like to thank you for the Divi 100 additions, a genius marketing tactic and very useful stuff.

    Thanks again, and please reply to my question about upgrade costs.


  795. Downloaded DIVI 3.0. I see the new visuell bilder at the top of my side, but if I click it nothing happens. Only the 4 bubbles are dancing, but nothing more. Already shut down chrome and also the PC. Even after restart the same result.
    Wordpress 4.6.1
    Divi 3.0
    Chrome 52.0.2743.11
    Win 10

    Anyone else such a problem.


    • Solved. The Plugin “Better WordPress Minify” is/ was the problem.

  796. Eu não aguentava mais esperar mas agora ele está aqui!
    Vou comprar assim que poder! Espera, vou esperar sair o resultado do concurso….
    Vocês mandaram muito bem nesse desenvolvimento, parabéns!

  797. Great! Is Divi 3.0 available for all membership owners or do we have to pay something extra?

  798. Thanks guys, happy to have my lifetime membership. Upgrading to Divi 3.0 now!

    One more thing: Why is your own website not on par with your great themes? 😉

  799. Nick,

    A quick question on pricing for memberships, in particular upgraded membership.

    I renewed my Developer License in May or June (forgot which), but would consider taking advantage of the upgrade to lifetime, especially considering the discount.

    As I am just a few months into my renewal, what would the price be for me to upgrade to a Lifetime License?



  800. Genial!, muchas gracias 😉

  801. Looks great. I’m already a lifetime member. When will updates be available for previous versions?

  802. Watching quietly fore some time now the divi theme and now I am sure that is a high quality them able to give a great number of beautiful and professional implementations. Love to gain a license 🙂

  803. Looking forward to try out the Divi 3.0!

  804. Nice. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I am excited to use it!

  805. Well done, Team Divi!!

  806. We are a small non profit that as all non profits are always broke we were able to build out company website http://redbridgetrading.com using Divi and 3 novices took only 2 weeks to complete our site. We have read most of the blog posts and are addicted to Divi . Divi has helped us do our best for the community here in San Francisco, CA. Thank you so much Nick and team for building such an easy to use and elegant tool you are helping us help thousands of non profits and causes all across the bay area! Empowering Social Good.

  807. REVOLUTIONARY! That’s where the new era of web design begins…
    Hats off to all of you guys at ET and to Nick for leading the company to new heights.

  808. Let’s play!!!! Goooood job ET!

  809. I am excited to download it and start using the new Divi

  810. Love how clean this looks, I’m excited to use this on my websites!

  811. Just Phenomenal ! This is what I always hoped wordpress would deliver, and you’ve done it.

  812. In one of my WordPress installs using Divi, I clicked the update now button in WPThemes. Two things happened – I get a message that says “Update failed: The theme is at the latest version” – the other thing is after clicking to update, the ‘updating’ circle keeps whirling, and has been doing so for a while. Anyone have input for me on this? Comment appreciated…

  813. OK,

    i’ve been testing DIVI 3.0 and as far as I’ve been: i’m preatty disappointed.

    In my opinion we’ll still have to make the 90% of the design in the back end and OK, it’s good to have the visual to adjust this messy 10% but there’s no way where this option got 100 days waitting and all this marketing noise.

    I sick of using the same stone-blocks modules where a lot of css and js code needed to do something a bit diferent…. So, instead of introducing more variables to your modules you just spend 100th days throwing away closed presets that only work for this propuse. If u just include all of these as module/configs/… it would work preatty nice for everyone.

    Maybe Divi is no for me anymore as it has become a dummy preset web creator…….. And i have a lifetime account ‘couse i thought you will greatly improve it :_(

    • You’re disappointed because they gave out a bunch of free presets? I have no idea what you are talking about with having to do 90% in the backend. What can you do in the backend that you can’t do in the frontend? You can do everything in both, including loading presets.

      The DIVI modules are already some of the most flexible out there for page builders. I would like to see more column flexibility and other changes, but most of the modules that are there have MORE options than the competition. When you add in the A/B testing, the best preset system in the industry (where you can add global sync, or sync just parts of the settings, etc.), and the new front end builder which is cleaner than most, it really is great.

      It isn’t just a “dummy preset web creator”. I really have no idea where you got that impression.

  814. I keep receiving this message when I try to switch to the visual editior.

    Oops, it looks like the Divi Builder failed to load. Performing the following actions may help solve the problem.
    1. You are using third party plugins. Try disabling each plugin to see if one is causing a conflict.

    I’ve tried disabling all my plugins but it didn’t help. Any recommendations?

  815. Excellent! I just upgraded to a lifetime membership. After using Divi for the past year I’ve been super pleased with the frequency of updates, good support and lots of video/article help on the Elegant Themes blog. I’ll be sticking with Divi for a long time. I was also happy to see that with 3.0 I can still use the backend builder while I learn how to get used to the frontend builder. Thanks Elegant Themes for making the learning process for a new tool an easy transition!

  816. Great work, just tried demo version. Easy to use.

  817. You guys knocked it out of the park with Divi 3! No more – change, preview, change,…. Thanks so much.

  818. Whaaaaahahahahahaha this-is-ridiculous… ridiculously awesome! Well done guys. This just leaves all other page builders and many frameworks also, in the dust.

  819. I started to use it yesterday, and WOW!… This is completely amazing, you absolutely did an amazing job!.. I did saved about 80% of the time. My hands used to be tired all the time testing every move I made to see how the design looked. Now I can almost complete a page in one go.

    One thing I couldn´t do, it´s to load images, the media manager don´t show them even when I upload new ones from there. any advice to correct this?…

    Thank you!.

  820. I just joined Elegant Themes and what I want to say about Divi is that is beautiful

  821. Many thanks for great works!

  822. New Divi 3 web site design builder looks excellent…thanks

  823. I finally decided to make the switch from Genesis to Divi after deciding that page builders are really going to make my life easier. I’m tired of working so hard in an attempt to be a developer and a designer when all I really want to do is design (though I will code some, if I need to). I was on the fence for so long concerning page builders because I was so focused on the opinion of a community that doesn’t like them. But I now know that this works for me and my business and I am so happy to be a part of the Divi tribe now!

    • Callee,
      I know what you mean. There are many people out there that don’t want to change the way they develop, and peeps don’t know yet they are not getting the best deal, all other theme makers are interested in selling their SNAKE OIL of old products.
      Some chats I know focus on helping people with CSS and it’s sad, to see people they are not making it, and they are doing what their “leader” suggests.

      • Yes, Jeffrey, there are so many people out there who are being influenced by those who want to stifle progress (and evolution) for their own benefit.

        Also, Divi seems like such a lovely alternative to Genesis but also Squarespace. I really would like to see more people who are afraid of WordPress embrace a page builder like Divi and see how easy it is to create anything they want.

  824. I’m sorry it’s working now. The only problem is just my browser cache. Good job ET team! Great work!

  825. How do I update divi if I already use the theme Extra?

  826. I’m trying to update my existing Divi to 3.0. My theme said there was an update and when I clicked it it said “Update fialed. The them is at the latest version.” And then it says “updating” with a little circle going around like it’s updating, but it’s been 5 minutes and I think it’s just stuck.

    What should I do?

    • I managed to stop the cycle by refreshing the page. No harm done. But I DO want to update. I am a member. Is there anything I need to do besides click Update Now?

      • Folks are saying that if you update through the WordPress updates menu, everything should work.

        Personally I have not tried the upgrade quite yet; there are too many comments related to problems, so we are going to wait for an incremental release.

  827. Congrat for divi 3
    It is available for dowload and can we use it for live sites

  828. How can I access or use the visual page builder? I am already an elegant themes member with Developer Account Package. Thanks!

  829. Congrats guys! Looking forward to giving this a spin.

  830. Amazing work! I can’t wait to use Divi 3.0 on my web design projects!

  831. I’m SO excited for this! How do upgrade my current DIVI to this?

  832. Divi 3.0 IS AMAZING! Would love to get a new license.

  833. I actually love the way we build websites using the back-end but I can see that this is the way to move forward. I have seen other frameworks that does this but Elegant Themes is still the best value for money. Well done guys!

  834. Truly amazing! One question though…. how do I save my updates after using the visual editor? I click SAVE but when I load a new tab, the old page loads. And if I exit the visual builder my old page is there in the old builder. I have purged cache etc. The page isn’t saving. Am I missing something? In any case, I LOVE the new DIVI 3.0. 🙂

    • I can only see my new changes if I include /?et_fb=1 after my home page domain. Has anyone else had this problem?

    • I can see my new changes if I include /?et_fb=1 after my home page domain. But otherwise, my old page loads . 🙁

    • I can see my new changes if I include /?et_fb=1 after my home page domain. But otherwise, my old page loads. 🙁

  835. Great att!!!!

  836. Really amazing! Congratulations!

  837. Hi guys and gals

    Only had a quick play but liking it so far. Love the live editing for mobile and tablet. Something that was hit and miss on the previous version of Divi. The times I had a site on my iphone, mac, macbook AND tablet to get right!

    One suggestion for future updates is the introduction of rules and guides. I think this would be especially handy when utilising the new draggable width and height feature as it’s hard to get that equal balance off the bat.

    • +1 on rules and guides

  838. HI Guys,

    Nick said we’d be able to use the visual editor to create new posts and pages from scratch and not to editor current pages or blogs. How do i do this?.

  839. Bravo! to Nick & ET team. Took it for a short test drive and LOVE it. Joined ET in 2010. ET’s team, especially since Divi’s first release, has always been the leading WordPress theme developer while others get stale. So grateful for Divi 3.0! Many, many thanks! Hope you all can take a nap now. 🙂

  840. Looks great! I can’t wait to try it out.

  841. Really Amazing, guys!!! Congrats!!!!

  842. Wow. This looks awesome! I’ve been using the old Divi only for a few days now and am still learning all the modules. This new version is super intuitive and I can’t wait to try it. It’s a godsend for non-techie users like me. Thanks for all the great work, guys!

  843. Amazing!! Seeing custom CSS changes in real time is pretty cool too.

  844. Increadible!

    This will change the way so many people work. Can’t wait to start building websites faster than ever! Thanks guys!

  845. Gonna give it a try, again.

  846. Congratulations for the new release of Divi 3.0.

    I followed Divi Marathon and watched all the excitement and innovation pumped by your amazing team in developing such a useful theme and plugin.

    The Divi 3.0 with its front-end editing feature makes it stand out among the competition.

    Kudos! to Elegant Themes.

  847. Divi is definitely my preferred theme, the builder is very fun to use. I am a graphic designer, not a developper, so I always wanted a more natural way to build websites. Great job !

  848. Congratulations on thee plugin. The real time workflow looks like a winner.
    Will take it for spin soon.

  849. “A Modern Builder For A New Era” +Elegant Themes

  850. I love Divi and would love to win a free upgrade to use the new builder!

  851. So 3.0 is awesome. I am having an issue with text over images. All the text has a white background for each individual line of text. I can’t seem to remove it. Any suggestions?

  852. So amazing. I’m so excited to try the new Divi Theme 🙂

  853. It’s didn’t work with Autoptimize Plugin

    • Well, yes it does …. but ….. if you like to use the Visual Frontend you have to disable CSS compressing for the time you work with it. Afterwards you can enable it again. Thats so far the workaround. The Divi-Builder itself works great, even with CSS compressing enabled.

      It looks like one of the Divi-css files should be excluded from compressing with autoptimize but I can not tell you wich one. I´m really not to deep into it. Just found out by try and error.

      Greetz re7ict7

  854. Great job…thank you so much

  855. This is awesome. I can hardly wait to take it for a spin.

  856. Congratulations Divi 3.0 is wonderful, you did an amazing job.
    I am wanting to use the Theme Extra and I wonder if the Divi Builder 3.0 also works on it? Thank you.

  857. All good on my second site – awesome in fact….

  858. Nice job, going to test it right now !

  859. #likeaboss

  860. Beautiful work! It’s very impressive but also easy and fun to use.

  861. I’ve only this year discovered Divi, and it’s really made me able to access an entire form of creation that was a mystery to me before. Thanks for making web-design more approachable.

  862. Loving it already…

  863. Loving the new features……I for one adore simplicity and logical steps…..Divi 3.0 has them all. Great job Team Elegant Themes!!

  864. Many thanks for the months of hard work and deep thought you’ve put into this, even while giving us a series of marathon treats during the countdown. Much appreciated and I look forward to getting to know 3.0 and to promoting it to others.

    Congratulations and thank you!

  865. I am showing everyone the DIVI .3.0 because it’s great, easy to learn, and fast!

  866. Oh boy, it’s not already available for those who already are members? =/

  867. I wanted to take advantage of your special discount to upgrade my account but it does not work 🙁 After adding to cart, clicking purchase upgrade and then selecting my payment method, it says “No products available for purchase”. It doesn’t matter which payment method I choose. When I hit “continue” I am redirected to the selection of payment method – so I am stuck in a loop. Please fix it

  868. Wow! What a fantastic update. I just installed on a local dev site and had a quick play around. You guys have done some awesome work with Divi and the Divi Builder. Congratulations, and looking forward to seeing what you come up with for Divi next!

  869. Hey there,

    Just need to clarify, this Divi3.0 is the theme or the page builder i can use it in any other theme also?

    Please guide.


    • Sort of yes and yes. Divi is a theme that, with this release, has a builder with an integrated front-end editor. In the near future, ET has committed to release the builder plug-in, also updated with the new editor.

      That’s what you need to wait for, should you wish to use these capabilities in other themes.

      Hope that helps.

  870. Only had a little play with the demo so far but it’s been updated on two of my sites. Looking forward to using it in anger. Well done peeps!

  871. Yeah, amazing work !!

  872. Really keen to move to DIVI but need migration help / new developer. Can you give me some tips?

  873. I like that it is fast, much faster then having to open each module in the back end, save, preview etc. and I like that you see what you are doing. However, there are also a few things that makes editing content a bit tedious:

    1) If you copy text from another source (word, webpage) it also copies some of the formatting. There is no option to ‘copy as text’ (which I think should be default). Sometimes it even adds line breaks where they were not in the source.
    2) It’s easy to insert an hyperlink, but there is no option to make the hyperlink open in a new window. I think that option should either be there, default it to open internal links in the same window and external links in a new window.
    3) If there is already a hyperlink and you want to change it, you automatically click in the hyperlink text due to which it opens the hyperlink. So you have to click outside the hyperlink and then use the cursors to get in the hyperlink to change it’s text.
    4) The floating text menu’s are constantly in the way. If I am editing text this floating menu usually sits right on top of where my cursor is so I can’t see what I am typing.
    5) The full width post title (with featured image) looks weird when the visual builder is enabled.

    All in all I think it looks great and has great potential but for now I am not sure yet if I really really like to work with it. I constantly find myself switching between the front end back end.

  874. Génial ! C’est pour quand l’upgrade ? ça me tarde 🙂

  875. Amazing work! great for every project, this is how internet should work, Thanks!

  876. Been loving Divi since it came out! Can’t wait to try out the new interface!

  877. Looks great, can’t wait to get to work.This was just what I have been hoping for: frontend editing – just upgraded to lifetime membership 🙂

  878. It simply won’t load for me! Clicking “use visual builder” just goes into the spinning “loading” pattern and just sites there all day! Day one.

  879. Looking forward to using the new release!

  880. Nice 🙂

  881. Thanks. Can’t wait to try it!

  882. Already being a lifetime member, I assume I get new Divi for free?

  883. Great work!
    You inspired me and my partner to finally update our website!
    We are great fans of Divi.
    All the best and thanks a lot.

  884. Are we able to limit a user’s/client’s access to certain areas, for instance, only allow them to edit the text/styling within a module, but not anything section/layout related?


  885. Absolutely awesome news!

  886. Hey guys, I gave up on ElegantThemes a few years ago, after years of fidelity. But the work on Divi 3.0 is amazing and makes me want to join you once again ! Gg Nick and the team !

  887. Thank you very much Elegant Themes, Nick and team! This is absolutely AMAZING!!

  888. Best builder I have ever seen.

  889. Wow Divi 3.0 is amazing! This will speed up my development! I use Divi for our corporate website, but I’ve just purchased it for my personal projects! Thanks a lot guys, keep up the good work!

  890. Great stuff!

  891. Wow… Divi 3.0 is amazing beyond what words can describe. Well done!

  892. I’ve been following the process of new development and I’m interested in getting my projects juiced with your products. Keep up the good work.

  893. Very intuitive user-friendly interface.

  894. Absolutely amazing update! This is a whole new way to desing/develop a website.

    Great job Divi Team!

  895. Wow this is so amazing! Everything is visually appealing. I commend you all on your hard work.

  896. Amazing! Work with color pallet became much more easy and quick!

  897. Great job! That’s what I was looking for! Thanks guys!

  898. after try out the demo, Still can’t add icon before or after the tab title without coding , change the tabs border width or something else.
    Still the header layout is lack of choice.

  899. It’s really fantastic, I am looking forward to use in our websites.

  900. Super excited about this…looks amazing!

  901. Hi Elegant Themes, I simply LOVE LOVE LOVE your divi theme. The past 100 days have been so awesome. I have my own website call TechAFY that uses the Divi 2.7.3 theme at the moment. Can’t wait to upgrade

  902. Awesome, congratulations!

  903. Been looking forward to this for a while. Great work folks!

  904. Works with WPML?

  905. Amazing! I can’t believe DIVI could get BETTER! 😉

  906. Congratulations from Paris, France. A giant step forward for the web.

  907. Good Job !!
    Waiting for the final version.
    Im now a lifetime member,

  908. Great job! Divi 3.0 is awesome!

  909. 100 long days but now we finally can enjoy this piece of art!



  910. Speed of the demo is impressive. Needs some pratice but is fun to use so far.

  911. A long wait but totally worthy! Great job guys!

  912. This looks amazing.

  913. I just updated to version 3 and everything is working fine! It is FANTASTIC und a little MAGIC to work with the new pagebuilder!

    Thanks to you all – you have done a great job – as always!

  914. Appreciated work from Elegant team!! you made lot of free time on my work schedule!


  915. Hi guys, not sure what I’m doing wrong, I’ve upgraded to Divi 3, but when I click on ‘Use Visual Builder’ (Back End) or ‘Enable Visual Builder’ (Front End) there are no changes, just the normal page showing up without any editing options… I’ve used another front end editing theme before, so I am familiar with this type of editing but maybe I have to change something in the setup that I’m not aware of… I’ve (1) updated via WordPress, (2) deleted and installed again and (3) installed via http://FTP... All results are the same. WordPress and all plugins are updated. Please help if you can….

    • Yay!! Working at last!! Not sure what was wrong though… Thanks for an awesome theme =)

  916. VERY Excited for this release. Looks like it’s going to RAWK!!!

    However……….I am not able to use the Visual Editor in combination with the Monarch plugin.

    I was getting a load error telling me that a third party plugin was not allowing the Visual Editor to load. So I closed all of them (Mostly all Elegant Theme plugins BTW) and turns out it’s Monarch that is the issue. Isn’t this also an Elegant Themes plugin?

    Is this a known issue? I use Monarch all over my site so can’t de-activate it hence I can’t use the brand new, sparkly Visual Editor. *sad face*

  917. Yea great, but why is this website that you’re telling us about Divi on not responsive? I’m looking at it on mobile and it’s unreadable.

  918. I love the theme! But I agree with a lot of others that there should be a way to alter the footer in the theme. It’s very essential in my opinion.

  919. I am working on it since yesterday !!

    Realy cool jobs !!

  920. Hi, I’ve been designing websites for years and years from the days of Frontpage, pure html, Dreamweaver etc and in the past couple of years WordPress. I have to say that coming from the tools I’ve used in the past, Divi was great, I liked it a lot, but a bit cumbersome for me. Divi 3.0 however is just FANTASTIC. I am working on a site as we speak with a smile on my face. It’s like having a ball and chain removed from your body. You guys really have done a tremendous job with this and deserve all the success you get. Truly massive strides forward. Well done, really and truly. Great, great job!

  921. Waiting it for so long, finally arrived.

  922. The promo says it’s the WYSIWYG of the future, but it seems as the future is already here 🙂
    I agree with a previous comment that the “text pop-up” gets in the way when you click in a text paragraph and wants to type. When selecting text it is ok to get the popup because then you want to do something with the selected text.

    But hey, this is a giant leap forward when it comes to builders!

  923. Great stuff, looking forward to buy developer license

  924. WOW +

  925. Thank you.

  926. Amazing Stuff!!

  927. Trying to use it, but the inline text editor (one of the best new features for me) is not usable at the start of the text because the text is covered by the row settings. Am I missing something?

    • In the row containing the text module, setting top padding to a minimum of 20px solves the inline text editor issue.

      The speed of the Visual Builder is certainly impressive!

  928. This is EPIC. I am so pumped to build my Funnels with DIVI 3! This builder can literally remplace many of the Page Building Tools I currently use. I am wondering if I could build a “checkout page” with DIVI and hook it to my CRM via API.

    Has anyone build a Checkout page with DIVI? 🙂

  929. Looks amazing. Is the promo only for upgrades? What about potentially new clients coming the whole way from Bootstrap land?

  930. I think it looks great, can’t wait to use it!

  931. Great!! Cool Design and Great Demo

  932. Great Work!!
    But… why elegant themes updater will not let me update?

  933. This is unbelievable!!!
    Absolutely incredible 😉
    And I thought Divis 1 & 2 were pretty amazing….but how can you even get better than this???

    A perfect ’10’ 😉
    Thank you!!

  934. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

  935. Great news! Can’t wait to try it.

  936. So proud! Nice job, i really need it!

  937. This is the best builder for Worpress !!!

  938. Awesome guys – I can’t wait to dig in! Thanks for all your hard work and for the amazing build-up.

    • Odd though… I upgraded to 3.0 and nothing’s changed on the front end. Nothing’s clickable/editable (I am logged in).

      Is there something I’m missing?

      • Aaah – gotcha! “Enable VisualBuilder” in the admin bar. Problem is my one site has admin bar disabled for the front end. Is there any other way to enable the Visual Builder?

  939. Absolutly amazing work guys!

  940. As someone who has worked with Adobe Muse for some time I have followed the development of the new version of Divi with some interest. Like many others I am a designer first and I’m looking for a medium which will allow me to focus on what I love and after watching the sneak peaks of videos and reading the blogs it looks like I’ve found an alternative with Divi 3.0. After playing with the Demo, all I can say is Wow!!! A definite game changer and Elegant Themes should be congratulated on it’s visionary approach, rather than resting on their laurels!

  941. Divi 3.0 is awesome, a revolution in the world wide web, sure.

  942. It looks like unreal… I have to test this tonight. A dream for Designers, no Menue clutter, pure Design!

  943. Divi 3.0 is pretty awesome, I mean Elegant Themes was cool before but this is on a whole nother level!! That’s right, the level you took it too they don’t use the letter “a” in the word “another”.

    I picked a perfect time for a site redesign, yessss!

  944. OMG! It is so great!

  945. I remember those dark days when ET took a lot of flack for not bringing out new themes every month, users moaning and complaining about the $39 they spent to get ONLY 80 or so themes.
    I’ve always liked the path that you guys took pursuing Divi to what it is now.
    I always hung in there through all those “bad old days” to be awesomely rewarded with yet another fantastic theme Divi theme update.
    Well done ET!

  946. Looks amazing, well done! Hats off to the team at Elegant Themes. ?

  947. v3 is simply amazing

  948. Great work 🙂

  949. OMG! This is unbelievable! I just purchased developer license yesterday and today this update! I am blown away friends, I am blown away!

    Keep up the great great work. I deeply appreciate these customer centered efforts 🙂

  950. What a great release….waiting just end 🙂
    Thank you team for your awesome update.

  951. Excited! Can’t wait to try it.

  952. Excellent 🙂 does not yet have the chance of having a membership but always admire his work and the great team they have. I love WordPress.

  953. HI … I just downloaded it no probs but it is taking AGES – 5 min and still going… to load the ‘visual builder’??? I thought It was meant to be ‘super fast???’

  954. Very interesting! Waiting for trying so much!

  955. This is really exciting!!!

  956. I think Divi so far surpassed my expectation of the Builders out there because honestly it can combine with any other themes but best with Divi theme. I have waited long enough for this release and I wanted to check this one out!

  957. Looking forward to putting this Bad Boy to use!

  958. Exactly what I’be been waiting for. I’ve been happy with X but I think it’s time to reconsider. Well done ET 😉

  959. Test drive Google Map – The map does not have enough options: No set zoom level, No custom map pins, No color variations, most of the options come with the most default higher end templates now a days..

    The locations add is nice and very easy to use but other then that its a shit module. which is sadly a map is one of the key features of my newest site.

    The system has its learning curve, but over all is very limited. just a lot of generic eye candy thus far.

  960. How can I stop the black bar with bold, italic, underline etc… from appearing
    all the time when you click on text? It’s very annoying when trying to write something.

    Would be better if this only showed when I double click the text or when text was selected.

  961. Congrats Nick and Team.

    Here you go, I am claiming “Game Changer”.

    Loving it. Just logged into our website and started playing.

    Am I imaging things, or do we have some extra icons to play with as well?

  962. credit card transaction keeps getting rejected, on both Amex and MasterCard, multiple times. please check.

  963. awesome!

  964. Awesome!

  965. Oh my Gosh!!! in one word: SEXY!

  966. Why isn’t this a simple process for me? I have two websites, both running Divi 2.7.10. I clicked the word “update” and both of them failed, telling me that I am running the latest version.

    There are currently 549 comments on this post. I gave up trying to scroll through all of them trying to find a simple fix.

    I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks.

  967. I’ve updated to Divi 3.0 and try to use it on my existing page. After try on ‘Use Visual Builder’ and it seems doesn’t work. It just a page without any editing tool with it.

    Updated to the new wordpress 4.6


    Thanks Nick and Divi team! 😀

  969. Really it is so fast and surprising, but clearly a missing a control to handle individual module to adjust its size and add an extra column if necessary. I saw these features in many simple builders, but i don’t know why this is missing in such gigantic one.

  970. Great job! I’ve been a member since 2010 and have always been super impressed with your team. Thank you for delivering such amazing value, over and over again… 🙂 I’ve used it on multiple client sites with much success, and now it’s time to (finally) update my own site!

  971. I am loving this update already! Thanks for all the hard work and all that the ET team does!

  972. I notice that Visual Builder not showing text module which contain revolution slider. any way to fix it?

    • That is a bit of a major problem here, Sure you are not going to be able to edit the slider, but it would nice if would show up though.

  973. finally!! i can’t wait to start using divi and divi builder, i hope to win this!

    Congrats on your awesome work, you guys rock!

  974. This is Absolutely stunning work , I am amazed by the speed of everything . One thing that still bugs me is the Blogging side of things , As we can not edit or shape Blog pages or single posts in previous versions , Can we do something about this in this new version ?

  975. O tema ficou incrível! Vocês se superaram!

  976. I was waiting for that day the counter stops =).
    Great work guys. You’ve earned the “Wooow!”

    You can delete the previous message (wrong user name sorry, this one can stay)

  977. Thanks for the release. A small step for mankind, a giant leap for web designers 🙂

  978. What a great Divi Updates. I’ve been waiting so long to see Website Builder with React.
    And the Divi New Builder was the first one. I’m going to update soon.
    Thank you ET !

  979. When are you going to update to the new Instagram logo? It’s almost been 4 months since the logo changed….ET seems to only be interested in adding new features instead of maintaining the current codebase.

  980. Oooh, I can’t wait to play!

  981. I have been putting the new release through its paces and really like what I see.

    A question: Is it possible to edit the title of a post in visual mode? I couldn’t get an editor to pop up for my regular post title.

  982. This is freaking awesome for years i been asking myself if was possible to have a tool like this to build what ever you can think of by far this is the best thing i seem out in the market place. i just started using divi my friend have been using since it came out he recommended it to me until i finally decided to use i think by far has been the best investment i ever done. very easy to use and you can i accomplish things much faster without reinventing the wheel.


  983. I just have to say that I’m a happy paying customer.
    Please keep the good work! 🙂

  984. Divi 3.0 looks better than any page builder I’ve seen before. I must’ve tried them all 🙂

    I will definitely be checking it out asap. Can’t wait!



  985. What’s in it for developers tho? For example, Divi has (had?) a distinct lack of hooks, making specialist customisations much more painful, requiring copying core code to a child theme and hacking it. When a filter or hook would have been sooo much easier.

  986. Congratulations for the work. Thanks Elegant Themes.

  987. Jealous – both my Macs are being upgraded and DIVI 3 is here! Can’t wait to upgrade and take it for a spin. Cheers!

  988. Great Work. Testing it now looks good. Well Done.

  989. All I have to say is if this upgrade works as per your promo videos and is as fast on the front-end as shown then ET has revolutionized the way a builder works. The front-end builders I’ve seen really suck and are full of bugs. Even backend builders are clunky compared to Divi. Most of the time they reformat your entire layout and hardly ever work while losing your hard work. I love that Divi 3.0 and the Divi plugin are backwards compatible too. That was a big concern for me. I did notice one small flaw for the color picker during the promo for editing text. I noticed that there was no place to put HEX values as generally there are. So it seems you have to use the eyedropper to randomly pick a color. I hope this is not the case and it was just because it was a early demo shot.

    Really looking forward to test driving this. I’ve been waiting to update my site, now I have a reason. I also hope the Divi Bundle plugins that I just purchase through you Blog post will work on Divi 3.0.


    • Hey Matt,

      You can insert HEX values.

      I am currently working on a site with 3.0 and it is great to work with.

  990. How long before the visual builder will work with third party DIVI modules.

    I have the free person-extended module from elegantmarketplace and was wondering what was missing for it to show up in the visual builder?

  991. muy bueno aunque esperaba mas funcionabilidades de modulos.
    Igual amamos Divi!

  992. This is awesome, very little learning curve. So much time will be saved. Thanks for a killer product!

  993. One word… Wow! By profession I am an asp.net developer and I wish views were as easy to edit as this… I love playing around in WP and am Glad I bought the lifetime membership to et 🙂

  994. Simply Amazing.

    You guys just took website design to a whole new level.

    Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.

    The ET Team is the Best in My Book 🙂

    • I forgot to mention that the update was smooth as silk.

      The front end editor works like a dream.

      Thanks again.

  995. I have updated my test site with Divi 3.0. It’s fantastic. Real time editor is superb and adding new modules and resizing and duplicating modules from front end help to change the total look and feel of the site within no time.

    Thank you boys. You are rocking!!. Expecting more excited from you guys.

  996. Congratulations guys – I can’t wait to try it.

  997. Awesome. Excited to see how Divi 3.0 wil disrupt other frontend website builder!

  998. Have just been playing around with it and it is awesome!
    Well done, works really well.
    Just designed a complete page in a matter of minutes in stead of hours.
    Thank you very much!

  999. Looks awesome

  1000. Easy to fix yet massive error in the Visual Builder. Using the Visual builder to change to the size of a section or module the maximum allowable width the slider allows is 100 pixels which of course would leave your entire section a skinny little strip down the center of your website. It looks good in the builder but when you save and go live you see that it is actually only a skinny little 100 pixel wide section. The temporary fix is to type in the amount manually by guessing how many pixels it should be, say 1280 for instance instead of 100 and saving and then going to check the live site to see the results. Kinda defeats the purpose of a visual builder no?

  1001. I found a bug, when you exit the front editor you can’t not see page title anymore both as user and even after being login in.

  1002. The update is awesome, gonna try it on my test website but will definitely use it on my new projects. Thanks Elegant Themes!

  1003. Hi, I tried and it is really cool.

    I have had one issue with the interface: it looks so slick and realtime, I would assume changes ale saved in real time. Instead there is a save button hidden 2 clicks away.

    going down to the “…” icon then click the safe button. It took me some time to find it, and I am not getting used to it.

    I would expect it to auto safe with a robust undo history. And to see a big flashing safe button as long as there are unsaved changes.

    Keep up the good work!

  1004. Freaking WOW I have been waiting what feels like for ever for this thank you guys great job !

  1005. Gracias por el trabajo que se tomaron estaba ancioso por este dia!

    Thank you for the good job! i was waiting for this day!

  1006. Congratulations! It’s looking good! Can’t wait to teach people how to use Divi 3.0!

  1007. When you search the comments for the term “broke” and there is only one…… and it’s about how nothing broke. 🙂 Congrats guys on an epic update and 100 day campaign. Can’t wait to really get stuck in to the new bells and whistles.

  1008. Great work! Best builder ever!

  1009. It’s not even an update, really. It’s a beautiful overhaul.

    Thanks for the hard work, folks!

  1010. One word! Amazing!

    Actually one word don’t cover it!

    Seamless upgrade, works first time with zero issues (at least for me), simple to use with zero to no learning curve if you already were using DIVI 2!
    Great work ET Team! You have excelled yourselves!

  1011. So only the builder was updated? Nothing else in regards to the theme and/or theme settings/features/options?

  1012. Nice!

  1013. This seems amazing. Hopefuly I will have the time to get the free trial 🙂

  1014. It’s crazy cool! Demo = super-fun, can’t wait to play on my site 🙂

  1015. The smartslider module is nowhere to be found. Intentional or just forgot?

  1016. After using the Visual Builder for the first time I feel like a designer. Normally I would avoid adding some details to my websites due to the need to spend a lot of time testing and going back and forth the WordPress interface.

    Now I can create a website fast and do the changes live, it is like using photoshop but on the finished product, this is amazing. I saved a lot of time with a website I was finishing in the old Divi, it saved me a lot of time.

    Thanks for the update.

  1017. Great work, just upgraded from Dev to Lifetime. Havent received an email nor seen changes in my account yet, but I assume that will happen.

    Looking forward to playing with Divi 3.0

  1018. Is there anyway to stop the black bar with bold, italic, underline etc… from appearing all the time when you click on text? It’s very annoying when trying to write something. Would be better if this only showed when text was selected.

    • Good idea, we will look into it.

  1019. Working like a charm. Best theme in the world. Thanks Nick and whole ET Team for the years of hard work.

  1020. Outstanding!

  1021. Can’t wait to use it. Thanks!!!

  1022. Impressive!

  1023. Extraordinary. Elegant Themes is truly putting creative web design in the hands of regular users and, of course, empowering those with higher end skills, a platform to develop great user experiences without trampling around in technical underbrush. Thanks!

  1024. First of all, CONGRATS on all your hard work! I have been a long-time fan and user of Divi for all recent projects.

    Major issue: third-party shortcodes are rendered and then saved. For instance I have a shortcode that displays content from an XML feed. When I saved with visual editor the shortcode was replaced with the rendered content — making it static instead of dynamic. Good thing I caught it. Now I have to figure out how to safely put the shortcode back — probably revert to Divi Builder. This seems counterproductive. I can test with a simpler shortcode, such as one to insert the current date. I imagine that too would be save as the static date.

    Unless you already have a workaround to tell the editor to leave the shortcode as a shortcode, such as registering 3rd-party shortcodes with Divi…

    • Thanks for the report, we will investigate!

      • Nick, I really appreciate that you responded personally and quickly.

        I found a solution: wrap the shortcode in [protected][/protected].

        It seems someone thought of this!

        I found it because I was looking for a ET inline shortcode to experiment with and notice [protected].

        I’ll have to super aware when I edit pre-3.0 pages for any shortcodes that need to be wrapped.

        Again, thanks!

        • I should have re-read what I wrote and caught my awkward typos…

  1025. You have convinced me, that magic exist.
    My best wishes and greatest congratulations.

  1026. I would sell my mother-in-law, if DIVI 3 would be available for other systems 😉

    Joking aside… I am coming straight from the amazing online demo, and I would like to report 2 small issues and first-5-minutes experiences:

    1. Drag’n’Drop behavior has one issue:
    If you grab an item, and for any reason change your mind, you can’t drop it on the same old position?! You can only drop it into a new position.

    2. Section background:
    I tried to create a transparent color overlay on the background image. A quite common design style. As far as I can see, there is no parameter option or combination that creates this effect. Finally I had to use the CSS tab, and had to enter custom CSS into pseudo-class “After”. I expected to find something by configuration.

    Maybe these are minor issues for other people, but it feels wrong to me in such a beautiful interactive application… and 3rd revision. BTW, the different UI styles are awesome. I always hated fixed narrow sidebars. You have created a very versatile solution. Missing a “bottom style”… just kidding… 😉

    Thanks for reading and listening.
    Best regards!

  1027. Very impressive indeed! Truly living up to the name ‘Elegant’, Nick. Well done & thank you.

  1028. I am having trouble with text editing. The visual builder doesn’t recognize any text on my pages for me to edit. Is there a reason for this? Thank you, enjoying everything else so far!! 🙂

  1029. Chaps, trying to renew developer subscription to test, however I do not seem to have the option for 20% launch discount – any ideas 🙂

  1030. I love it, updated all my clients and my sites, but I have to go out of town, so I won’t get to play with it until Monday 🙁 But I can’t wait! I’m already a lifetime member and I am using Divi on every new client I get. Keep on keeping on! Divi rocks!!

  1031. Wow ..the wait is over.. awesome look and exxcited.. how everhope theme loading for viewers is not slowed down as it normally would… due to all this functionality


  1032. So excited for this new release. Can’t wait to redesign my website.

  1033. This is the future! Its simply pure magic! I’ve been on the cockpit for some minutes and it felt sooooo good. However, how can I make a section? I can make rows, edit page but don’t see add a new section…seems I’m missing something…

  1034. What amazing work. Couldn’t wait to try

  1035. Great job, just upgraded and about to take it for a spin!

  1036. Congratulations! This looks fabulous. Thank you for all your hard work!

  1037. Great job, thanks!

  1038. Hooray and congratulations! Can’t wait to try it out!

  1039. I can not Enable visual builder

  1040. Speechless.

  1041. It’s very good project, it’s why i choose eleganthemes.

    I have some request to optimize divi speed performance, because not all country have fast internet speed and many of them using mobile broadband (2G and 3G) 🙂

  1042. Love this cannot wait to use it!

  1043. Wow. I enjoyed 2.0. 3.0 is the best visual based wordpress editor I have ever seen. Really happy about my purchase.

  1044. To bad that The Visual Builder is not working with some need plugins I use. When will there be a product slider module to show product by category, date,bestseller etc? Until then I can’t use this nice visual builder.

  1045. After 100 days we are here! *Punches out of work and scurries home to finally try the new Divi 3.0!* Thanks for all of the hard work Elegant Themes!!

  1046. This is what a lot of us have been waiting for for the past 100 days and you sure don’t disappoint! You took an already amazing theme and made it spectacularly easy configure. Thanks a TON for this fantastic release, can’t wait to see what you guys think of next.

  1047. I don’t really use Divi theme.
    I use Divi Builder with different frameworks, mostly with Headway.

    Given the changes to Divi theme, what can we expect from Divi Builder in the future?

  1048. divi is SO LIT!

    I can’t stop playing on the demo LOL

    I don’t care about my site any more.

  1049. Installing Theme from uploaded file: Divi (1).zip
    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the theme…

    Destination folder already exists. /home/netstuff/public_html/wp-content/themes/Divi/

    Theme install failed.

  1050. Great job ! I can not wait to try 🙂

  1051. Excellent ! !! !!! 😀

  1052. This changes everything about how I can manage my site with multiple authors and techno-phobes! Thank you for your work and your motivated design team!

  1053. Looks great….but, how do you save/update the page you’ve edited?


    • I believe it all saves instantly, so no hassle with save buttons. That makes the right-mouse > UNDO function very important 🙂

      • Hmm maybe I’m wrong there: it seems you have to click the purple icon at the bottom and then hit SAVE in the bottom right to commit your changes.

  1054. After 100 days of goodness and you now do this – Divi 3.0! Oh Wow!

    I love the fresh upgrade and I can’t just wait to try out my hands at this.
    This is truly awesome guys! Well done!

  1055. Really elegant and highly recommended theme ! Thank you for the good job 🙂

  1056. Wooooooooooow! Really I like it, thanks Elegant Themes.

  1057. Fantastic!
    These guys are doing great work!

  1058. Fantastic!
    These guys are doing great work!

  1059. Hi,
    I have lifetime membership I don’t see Divi 3.0 in my account download list?

  1060. This is awesome. Works great. One problem though: it’s unclear how we are supposed to save textual changes. When I go to exit the visual builder, my browser tells me there are unsaved changes; if I exit anyhow, the textual changes I made are missing.

  1061. Awesome! Can’t wait to use it on my website 🙂 Thanks!

  1062. Game changer! You guys and gals ROCK!!!!!

  1063. Loveit!

  1064. I am still a novice but have truly enjoyed the 100 days launch emails! Currently, have a theme and not sure how to strategically switch without website shut down… fearful but SOOOO… want this DIVI Theme so I will never have to switch I can just redesign! #Revolutionary

  1065. fantastic, thanks ¡¡¡¡

  1066. Great work… Divi always the best!

  1067. Incredible work – yes a game changer, pioneering the way forward. Congratulations – it’s amazing and going to save me sooo much time (and money too)

    THANK YOU Elegant Themes 🙂

  1068. Can’t seem to find it, is the A/B testing feature on the front end editor too or just the backend?

  1069. Than you for going all out just to bring us this. The wait is over and what’s left for us is to explore and give thanks for always surprising us with all these new features.

  1070. I like it

  1071. Looks solid, nice demo.

  1072. Thank you elegant themes for your hard work.. divi look awesome now

  1073. Best update ever!! 😀

  1074. Wow. Kudos. Salute. Awesome.

  1075. I can’t wait to use this on the site I’m currently building in Div. I’ve been longing for something as simple as this for years.

  1076. Totally Awesome!!!

  1077. So it’s finally here. Looking great. 🙂

  1078. Great!

  1079. I’m guessing you all are catching on to how much everyone loves Divi 3.0!!! haha I am impressed and excited! Great job to all of you!!!! Thank you!!!

  1080. Nathan, do you know why my Update isn’t showing. I really would like to use 3.0 and have been waiting for it for a long time. the usual method of updating the theme (using the plugin) isn’t working. Please help.

    • It can take some time to appear. You can try going over to the Dashboard > Updates tab and clicking the “Check Again” button a few times.

      • First, very good job !!
        Update is not still available ?? 😉

  1081. Awesome!!!!!

  1082. Looks amazing!

  1083. Can’t wait to test it out!

  1084. Wow, it’s AMAZING! You guys did a great job. It’s more powerful than I thought it would be. I’m blown away!

  1085. Great job everyone! Divi 3.0 looks amazing. I look forward to trying it out and playing with all the new features! Keep it up.

  1086. its amazing! thanks!!

  1087. To “Everyone”, Thank You.. You all deserve a Good Vacation.. “Not at the same time, We still need the support team, on stand by.. Lol…” Cheers

  1088. Really good job! You’re great. Thanks for these 100 days and this amazing release.

  1089. Thank you so much for all the hard work… you are so appreciated!!!
    That’s awesome !!!

  1090. Hi,

    Stunning is the word. Great work.

    Please advise if Divi 3 will work as a plugin on top of the Genesis framework.

    If so, will significant customization be required?


    • We will soon be updating the Divi Builder Plugin with the new visual builder, and it will work great with just about any theme. You can already use the Divi Builder with Genesis. We have a lot of customers doing that 🙂

      • Thanks, Nick. Good to know. Exciting stuff.

  1091. Finally out! Been waiting all day for the upgrade to be available 😀
    Astonishing job guys!

  1092. I’m so excited at this highly anticipated update! Congratulations, to Nick and the team! One question: is anyone else having trouble installing the update? For some reason my theme I can’t get it to update. It has been “updating” for the past hour or so. Any thoughts?

    • You can try going to Dashboard > Updates and clicking the Check Again button a few times. Unfortunately it can take a while for the update notifications to appear in some cases.

      • The update notification is already there, but when I click update it just continues to think . . . It says “updating” for a long period of time, then it says “update failed.” I’ve tried it several times already. Can I uninstall the theme and reinstall the updated theme?

      • The update notification is there, but when I click it, it just keeps thinking and thinking. It says “updating” for hours.

  1093. Cant help loving you!

  1094. Does not appear to be working with meta slider……

    • If you are running into any issues, please open up a support ticket so we can take a look. We will do our best to address third party plugin compatibility issues.

  1095. Good idea with the demo. Will need some practice but i will try it as soon as possible on our page.

  1096. La révolution est en marche! Bravo.

  1097. Divi already were a terrific theme, this is an wonderful improvement

  1098. WOW! Amazing! Keeps on getting better. You guys never disappoint!

  1099. I am thrilled after all the wait NOW I can build my website at last!!!! Super excited. Thank you Nick & Team Divi for all your hard work.

  1100. For one hundred days I have been following the progress, for one hundred days I have waited, for one hundred days you have sky rocketed my expectations and still you blew my mind! You nailed it.

    Now my clients can look forward to us using less time developing and more time on creating an experience that converts their traffic.

    You are awesome!

  1101. Thank you, Elegant Themes! It’s beeooutiful! Testing it on a dev site that was running 2.7 and nothing broke, everything is so slick! It is still so intuitive— well, everything except I can’t find how to save my visual builder changes. Can someone clue me in?

    • When you click the purple “control doc” button in the center of your screen (at the bottom), it will expand and reveal a save button in the right-hand corner.

      • Very nifty! I hadn’t seen the control doc yet. Too cool! Thank you. You guys have done great work.

  1102. still no real header customisation, just the same old options? would have been awesome to be able to adjust the header and nav as a module….

    • Don’t worry, we aren’t stopping with Divi improvements. One thing at a time, but it’s going to keep getting better and better 🙂

  1103. Awesome work guys!

  1104. Holy whatsit,

    that 100 days flew past!! I know what tomorrow will be spent doing now!

    Great work guys!

  1105. I use Divi for 1,5 years and although there have been a lot of changes for the better, this one is best update I’ve seen so far! This makes my work so much easier. Thank you, elegantthemes, for you did agreat job!

  1106. I can’t seem to update the theme to 3.0. I have tried the usual method and the new update isn’t showing. I am a lifetime member and this is very frustrating.

    • Do it manually by uploading through FTP.

      That’s whay I did.

  1107. Alrighty. Let’s take the new car for a ride 🙂

  1108. It’s fantastic to actually use it after seeing all the promising stuff. Great job, keep it up!

  1109. I wasn’t delighted with the visual builder idea, but I must admit it works like a charm.

    • Glad to hear it!

  1110. Awesome! Thanks you guys.

  1111. Well done ET team, looks like a great product. Can’t wait to give it a proper try. Stunning work all round!

  1112. Awesome update…

  1113. Looking forward to it

  1114. Worth the wait! Finally a WordPress website development platform that doesn’t get in the way of the design process!

    Well done!

  1115. Today the 7th September is my 57th birthday. I’m so excitided that I’m writing this comment beside my wife, 5 daughter’s and 5 grandchildren in a restaurant in the UK. CONGRATULATIONS. I cannot wait to get home. Thank you all for the Divi experience.

    • Happy Birthday Errol!

  1116. Amazing! I’m very excited!!!

  1117. Update Failed: The theme is at the latest version. WHHY GOD HATES ME!

    • This is a bug since WP 4.6, sorry about that. You can use the Dashboard > Updates page to update instead and it will work! It’s fixed in Divi 3.0, so future upgrades will work from the Appearances > Themes page.

      • I had the same problem but fixed by doing the following.
        1. open website ftp via file editor/cpanel
        2. locate the themes folder from within WordPress
        3. copy Divi to Divi2
        4. Open WordPress and navigate to appearance>themes and select the second DIVI theme (not active) and activate it.. (This will free up the original DIVI theme)
        5. Now you can install the Divi 3.0 update you have downloaded from elegant themes.

        It worked fro me.. sorry if these instructions are simple, someone may want to provide detailed step by step with images.

      • I have same issue. “An error occurred while updating Divi: The package could not be installed. The package contains no files.”

        from Divi 2.9.16 to Divi 2.9.19. There is no 3.0. I am a beta tester

        • Nm, I had to disable the beta tester plugin.

  1118. Finally!!! 😀 My god I’ve been waiting! Can’t wait to get started 🙂

  1119. Just loaded Divi 3.0, watched all the above videos, great music btw 🙂 Ready to dive in, thanks guys!!!

  1120. Hope to see more column options like 1/5, 1/6 in short future.

  1121. Just awesome! Looking forward to update my websites 😀

    Best from Germany, Bettina

  1122. So excited! Thank you!!

  1123. New version Divi 3. Yeah, so what?

    • Have you done research and seen what other stuff is out there?

    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • UP

        • SIDEWAYS

  1124. Where are the user requests?

    – Being able to work with more than four columns.

    – Edit with Divi the footer.


    I’m very disappointed. 😈 😥

    This has been a facelift. It added a visual way of working, but where are the improvements that users need?

    • We think it’s a ginormous improvement that will benefit everyone, but don’t worry this isn’t the end of the Divi improvements. One thing at a time, but it’s just going to get better.

  1125. Awesome! Been counting down with you in this 100 day marathon!

  1126. How do I save changes on a page?

    Does it have any issues with W3 total cache

    • We are seeing reports of various plugin compatibility issues, and we will be working them as best as possible this week. Best thing to do is disable all plugins and then enable them one by one to find out what is causing the issue. Then open up a support ticket so we can investigate. As for W3 Total Cache, a possible cause of the problem could be JS minification and combination.

  1127. Awesome! You really created something great! Can’t wait to work with the new version. Thanks for that!

  1128. So excited for this! Can’t wait to get home to use it.

  1129. Yeahhhhh!!! Thank you, it’s awsome

  1130. Amazing work guys, this is what was missing…!!!!
    Love it.

  1131. IT LOOKS AMAZING! I love using DIVI!!

  1132. Very, very fast, and easy to learn and use. Excellent work from the WHOLE TEAM! Was put to use within seconds of the update!

  1133. hoping for new contact form options

  1134. Oh, wow! I just recently started my blog, and at my age (48), new technology doesn’t exactly come naturally to me, so this just blows me away!

  1135. Looks incredibly great! Thanks for the hard work.

  1136. You guys are amazing! I think I will be up all night tonight :o) I’m like a kid on Christmas. Thanks for the fantastic work that you all have put in :o) I wish you continued success!

  1137. Awesome, I’ve been looking forward to this day.
    Thank you so much for all the hard work.

  1138. Best user interface builder ever!
    Great job Elegant Developers!! 🙂

  1139. This is cool. Waiting since 100 days of announcement and Finally getting hands on to Divi 3.0
    It will surely make life easier for designers “designers go home early” 😛

    -Love Divi


  1140. Congratulations to everyone involved in the making of Divi 3 and the new builder, time for some sleep now I suppose guys. I’ve tried many so called visual builders so I seemed quietly sceptical. I have to say Divi 3 is a game changer a true ‘VISUAL BUILDER’ unlike anything else I’ve tried.

    My WordPress test site is up and running with Divi 3, it’s taking a fair old bashing and holding up perfectly.

    Divi 3 proves that no other WordPress builder deserves the right to use the word ‘Visual’

    I’m actually looking forward to redesigning a few of my sites from scratch with Divi.

  1141. I would love for the development team to work on performance next. Divi sites often load tons of CSS and JS files, many on them un-minified or otherwise not optimized for performance. Our Divi sites perform poorly on tests like Google PageSpeed. We’ve also found some of the features like button shortcodes are showing their age and could use an update.

    • Divi 3.1 is our Developer and Performance focused update 🙂

      • Thanks for the quick reply Nick.
        When is this 3.1 Developer and Performance focused update going to be released approximately?

        Because I like what you have done with Divi but I never used it because it loads really slow and has all these Javascripts and CSS files on each page.

        I know this is not going to be huge issue down the road when HTTP/2 (SPDY) and parallel requests but it just does not feel right with a great tool like yours.

        So any information on when we can expect that 3.1 Performance update would be appreciated.

        Thanks in advance.
        Best regards,

  1142. The 100 day wait is OVER. I can’t wait to get in and play with this now that the visual editor is available. Thanks for sharing so much information on customizations

    • Have fun!

  1143. New Divi is awesome, I am in for it !!!

  1144. Awesome! So far I love it!

    Quick question:
    Does the new builder work with pages that are already designed with the old page builder? I’ve noticed that if I create a new page, the visual builder works perfectly, but if I try to use it on a previously created page, it just shows a blank shite screen.

    • Yep, it will work fine with previous pages you have built. It sounds like you have found a bug though, so please open up a support ticket so we can take a look. The first thing I would do is disable all of your plugins to see if one is causing a conflict.

  1145. Well done everyone!

    As a designer whose background and day is mostly spent on traditional print design it is heaven to use such a fast, intuitive front-end editor to build pages and sites. To have the same control ove a font and colour change or where within the ‘page/screen’ structure that I do with inDesign, Illustrator or photoshop.

    Brilliant work. I do agree with others over the flexibility of the menu and footers. BUt I know you are all striving to work on these things.

    I said a few years ago to an IT guy I worked with that one day web would mirror print and designers would lead the way as, well we first see with our eyes and no matter how much a site works if it looks bad people will go away. It is a simple case of locking in branding.

    Once again well done. This front-end update really inspires, as a designer and someone who looks at things visual, and shows that creating child themes is a real possibility and within the grasp of non-technicals (coders).

    Cannot thank/applaud you all enough!

    *am off to set up a dev site to have a play!*

  1146. Looks great!

  1147. Awesome work ET, Just try it no my new project.

  1148. I’ve been using the new Visual Divi Builder now for about 2 minutes and it’s already the best web editor I’ve ever used. This is easily going cut my design time down substantially. AWESOME work guys!!! Thank you for all your efforts!

  1149. So, new iPhones announced today and Divi 3.0. Think Elegant Themes have Apple beat today!

  1150. Can’t wait to dive in!

  1151. fantastic work – thanks for the great job! I’ve been saving a project to start till this was ready and I can’t wait to play with it!

  1152. Game changer!!. I am dying to start a new website with Divi 3.0

  1153. This is truly awesome!

  1154. Congrats Team! Awesome to see this come to life 🙂 I’m sure whatever is next will be even more revolutionary 😉

  1155. Awesome. Going to use it on my website

  1156. OMG! HEAVEN!!! So excited! I’ve already played with it! This is game changing! THANK YOU for putting all those other “drag and drop” themes to shame! Not only through a great theme like Divi but with the community you have built and how you have done this 100 Days of Divi! Frickin’ awesome! LOVE LOVE LOEV

  1157. Welcomed update but would hardly call this revolutionary. Seems very similar to Visual Composer but with less features such as the ability to specify thumbnail size for images and add css effects to text.

    • David,
      Isn’t one still in a box in VC?

    • You can add CSS effects to anything in Divi 🙂

  1158. Thank you so much! That will be a new era for web design.

  1159. Wow. Thanks to the whole Elegant Themes team for their hard work. Divi 3.0 is really impressive.

  1160. Good!! It’s really a good work… Congratulations!

  1161. Al fin a salido, Felicidades, estoy seguro que este theme evolucionara la forma de crear Sitios Webs.

    Nuevamente Felicidades Amigos.

  1162. Only one word. Awesome!
    I really love Divi and all Features.
    I cannot wait to try it.

  1163. Wow!

  1164. Thanks for all your hard work on this! It doesn’t disappoint.

  1165. WOW! I can’t wait to try it! This looks amazing and the user experience ?? Well done Divi team!

  1166. Yes… I too want to know how to report bugs… I found one (and it’s really annoying). ‘-(

    BUT I LOVE THIS 3.0… omg… it’s sooooo cool!

  1167. I will be udating my sites today with the new version, I am really exicet about this change!!

    Hope to not have a problem with the upgrade 🙂

    Nice Job Elegant Themes!!!

    • We are getting ready to start a documentation overhaul 🙂

  1168. Great work.. But can somebody please verify that it is actually saving changes. I have used 2 laptops each with chrome and edge and both are not saving any changes I make. I spent an hour and a half perfecting a page and lost it all :/ anyone using a specific browser that allows them to save everything?

    • Are you using the save button in the bottom right corner? To reveal, click the purple button in the center at the bottom of the page.

  1169. How I edit line-height?

    • Hover over the center of your text module. Some grey controls will appear. Click the icon that looks like a gear and you will get a dialogue box. Go to the design tab of that dialogue box and scroll down to the line height setting.

  1170. That´s awesome! Well done!

  1171. It is looking really good. I just wanted to make sure, has anyone tried to the text module, it seems the font size is not working

  1172. Wonderful! Thanks you Elegant Themes. Can’t wait to try it .

  1173. Absolutely stunning! Divi 3.0 might really change the wordpress landscape and the way websites are build!
    I was really surprised that even the dutch translation is already implemented! Thank you again!

  1174. For those of us who go back into the stone ages of “paste up” and “litho” I would compare the release of Divi 3.0 to when we went from art boards and wax to our first Mac SE30 running QuarkXpress for the first time, being able to see what you create on the fly has always been the downfall of web design for those of us who are not “code geeks”, finally, a program that let’s designers be designers, this is truly a winner!

    • ah yes, memories, I was there too. good comments. ツ

  1175. Hi, ET Team !

    Your Divi 3.0 is amazing ! Will download and use it and ask readers – friends to use theme. The demo of the elegant themes Divi 3.0 is good.

    Congrats and Happy Holidays – you guys surely need a vacation after a major work in Themes.

    There was Typo in your Membership Upgrade option page:
    “20% Off All Upgrades For A Limited Time!
    To celebrate the launch of Divi 2.7, we are offering a huge discount.”

    • Whoops, fixed it. Thanks!

  1176. Hi!

  1177. Yuuuu-uuuu!!!!!

  1178. Okay this Divi Visual Builder works! But, you’d better know what you’re doing on the page otherwise you change it up too much.

    And to think some designers thought 3.0 would put them out of business, no way!

    I’m a user not a designer or a developer, but from now on I’m going to experiment and be more adventurous just because I can.

    • +1

  1179. Really excited about this will be using it in the next few days.

  1180. I know Divi 2.0. was an awesome update, but this just take smy breath away! You are now by far THE best visual builder!

  1181. This looks absolutely amazing.

    One quick bug that I hope will be sorted soon: I’ve installed 3.0 on my WooCommerce site and none of my product tabs are showing up on the individual product pages. Anyone else having this problem?

  1182. Good job Guys 😉

  1183. First Thanks to Nick and all his TE team for this magnificent work being presented today, is indeed the result of hard work done by professionals. But, I believe it was worth it right? Thanks again and Success to all.
    Em primeiro lugar Obrigado ao Nick e a toda sua equipe do TE por esse magnifico trabalho que está sendo apresentado hoje, certamente é o resultado de um árduo trabalho feito por Profissionais. Mas, acredito que valeu a pena não é mesmo? Mais uma vez Obrigado e Sucesso a todos.

  1184. I was so impressed with the Divi 100 series that as I followed it I also became aware that I would become a Divi user. Today I made the switch from Rapid Weaver to WP/Divi by purchasing 3.0.

    I can’t say how much I appreciate the sincerity and vision of the Divi crew and the commitment demonstrated by them in creating the 100 series. Not to mention the beauty of 3.0

    Great work!

  1185. but how did you manage it? you are magicians …

  1186. So happy and just tested it quickly and looks awesome will be using this for next few projects.Thank you, you guys did great job.

  1187. Wow…Looks amazing 🙂

  1188. Really digging the new v3 release – but I have a quick question…

    I do a lot of sites for mobile display, so the instant view on mobile devices was the first function I tried out in the test-drive page.

    I thought the instant preview of mobile devices in Divi3 would be a real help – but it is not. All those previews do is squish in the left / right page sides of the browser viewport, which is NOT a “mobile view.”

    You cannot switch the orientation (portrait / landscape) of the tablet and mobile phone “preview” nor can you see how much (of the scrolling page) would actually display on the phone screen. With these shortcomings, the mobile preview function is just a visual novelty, and not much of a design / development tool.

    Will these issues be addressed in a subsequent release?

    Thank you again for the amazing work on Divi3

  1189. Excited to try it!

  1190. So excited for this update. You guys are amazing!

  1191. Great! Best Theme

  1192. Maybe a small step for mankind. But what a huge leap for webdesign!

    • Haha!

  1193. Amazing! Just updated quickly and seamlessly! Thank you!

  1194. SUPERB DIVI 3.0
    Million thx for great works!!!

  1195. I want to have this so bad!

  1196. We’re not worthy!

  1197. Incredible! Wonderful!

  1198. Conflicts with Yoast and Adrorate

  1199. Amazing work!

  1200. I cried, I cried, I cried …
    It’s like a dream come true!
    My God, an absolutely fair price for such a powerful tool!
    Update very smooth and simple. It’s just recopy the credentials and go to the update page.
    And thank you, thank you, thank you.

  1201. I am so excited to try this out!!

  1202. Thanks for you Divi 3.0, great 🙂

  1203. Unbelievable cool!!

    Just installed on my site really nice progress!!

    I was counting the days and now it is here!!

  1204. Looks fantastic! Can’t wait to dive in and get started. Thanks for your continued dedication to excellence and elegance! 🙂

  1205. Looks fantastic!

  1206. Thanks a ton to all of you team elegant! Your hard work will reduce a lot more time in future! Thanks again

  1207. *now

  1208. At last, very excited it is here. When the 100 days started it seemed like forever away and not it’s here 🙂

  1209. Bravo, guys. So impressive!

  1210. what a journey been looking this plugin for years, but dont have a chance to use it on my personal website, hope I win the giveaway 🙂

  1211. And already the Divi forum is infested with bug reports.

    Three cheers for Divi 3.1.

  1212. I’ve been waiting all morning for this, can’t wait to start using 3.0!

  1213. 5.0 stars. Loving it already. So easy to use and love how it works well with Divi. Can’t wait to use it on Extra. Thanks for the hard work and long hours.

  1214. Having an anticlimactic moment here in the midst of all the praise and joy.
    Have updated to 3.0 on multiple sites and when I click on “Use Visual Builder” button I simply get a blank white screen. Tried three sites thus far all the same.
    What have I missed? (Used WP updater for all sites).

    • Sorry about that Jeff. Have you tried disabling all of your plugins? Please open up a support ticket so we can take a look.

      • I let the sites rest over night and voila! it works this morning. Now I get to play.
        By the way, it’s refreshing to see your crew engage with users.

  1215. WOW! nice support. Thanks guys!

  1216. Fantastic job Nick, Mitch, Nathan, Andy and all other ET team members. It has been an incredible thing to watch the evolution of Elegant Themes and Divi


    #wordpressgamechanger #thereisnolimit

  1217. Wow. Love the demo. If speeds hold up on normal hosting environments it will be brilliant to empower clients once setup. I can’t wait to test on my servers.
    Thanks in advance to all the team… you’ve done it again!

  1218. Amazing work guys!

  1219. Amazing!!! Thanks so much!

  1220. Best thing I’ve ever purchased! I was a bit skeptical at first but I feel like every penny I’ve ever spent was well worth it.

    Thank you so much and congratulations on Divi 3.0 launch!!

  1221. guys, I congratulate you,
    every time they release a new product I think, “that good desicion took a few years ago to subscribe to Eleganth Themes … just try the demo of DIVI 3.0 and is incredible,
    I’m a graphic designer, illustrator adobe user, and from the first time you type something in html, I dreamed of a site editor so … have really made my dream come true, thanks for so much dedication and work,

    PS: some believe strict security system roles so that our clients do not access the editor, because if they start to get their hands on the site, in a few seconds pueder destroy our work !! 🙂

    • Divi has a very comprehensive roles system 🙂 You can control every aspect of the builder, or disable it completely.

      • Hi Nick, a wonderful “Good evening” and the entire development team.
        I would like very much to thank you all for the work done in recent months. You have your users entertained not only with an exciting 100 days countdown, but nor can given away a lot of tips, tricks, snippets and layouts, like a huge flower bouquet for us. (This was certainly a crazy expense)! You have thus made an important leap that will save more than just the company’s survival.
        You have opened the first step into a new future of web design. I have Visual design in realtime able to experience at this pace and this quality only with you.
        I’m incredibly excited about the performance enhancements we can expect with the Divi 3.1.
        So: Thank you all and a wonderful weekend. You did it you really deserve.
        Bernd from Berlin

  1222. It looks amazing. I can’t wait to play with these new features!

  1223. Amazing product !! I should try Demo hopefully this theme got more interesting feature.Lifetime account user will get this update rite?

    • Yes, as a lifetime member you will get this update for free as part of your ongoing membership.

      • Hi Nathan, I have a lifetime membership at the moment.

        Should I download the divi builder plugin again? The plugin (v2.9 or something) has not been updated automatically unfortunately.

        Gonna try it out anyway, hope it will work… I’m too excited haha 🙂

        But please let me know.

  1224. Excited to dive into Divi 3.0! Looks great!

  1225. Congratulations guys! More power! Joined your giveaway. Hope I win!

  1226. Finally it’s here ! Congratulations !!!

  1227. F*A*N*T*A*S*T*I*C ….. it is what I can speak directly from Brazil. I’m really impressed with the quality and ease. A big thanks ET.

  1228. Epic! Can’t wait to test it out!

  1229. This is truly amazing work. Still having a hard time grasping the fact that I can “Realtime-Edit” my sites, and with Incredi-Speed. A big round of applause goes too the entire team, thank you for the great work. Cheers 🙂

  1230. Fantastic release !
    Thanks a lot for that great job (except for this night which risks to be without sleep to be able to test everything !)

  1231. Finally made it to this day! You guys have done an awesome job, can’t wait to give the new baby a test drive.

    Keep up you good and creative job. Cheers!!

  1232. This is amazing!! One Hell of a product!! Great Job!

  1233. Looks great! when does the 3.0 update drop for existing members?

    • It’s already available in our members area for you to download. If you have Divi or Extra currently installed the easiest thing to do is simply to wait until the updates section of your wp admin shows that the update is available. If you’re not seeing it now, refresh that page and give it some time. It’ll be there I promise!

      • Congrats to you all!
        I’m an existing member and my wp admin already shows that the update is available, but when I try to update I get this error message: “Update Failed: The theme is at the latest version.”

        • Same here 🙁

      • Olá! Eu gostaria de saber se é possível disponibilizá-lo para mim também? Desde já Obrigado, Sucesso e mais uma vez Parabéns a todos.

  1234. Congrats ET team with this release. DIVI beast mode on…

  1235. Simple DIVIne 😀

  1236. Finally, the awaited time has come. Feel Happy!

  1237. Well done ET team. A day to remember! Congratulations. I look forward to taking it for a spin!

  1238. This is an awesome theme!

  1239. Great work! Keep it up!

  1240. I would love to win one of the free accounts as I’m a student, so the price tag even for the cheapest option means I would have to go without food for 4 weeks 🙁 Trying to start a small business while at university and this would be really beneficial.

    Tried the demo and it’s amazing :O

  1241. Good work.

  1242. Just finished reading and watching today’s blog post. I’m super excited to work with Divi 3.0! Thank you so much for all your hard work on this and the 100 Days leading up to this. Amazing!

  1243. Can’t wait to try the new Divi Builder plugin, hope it’s out soon! With the revisions/history, will storing all those revisions impact the database size/speed and if post revisions are limited (ex. if it’s been limited to 3) will that affect the divi builders history as well?

    • All of the changes are stored temporarily in the app, none of them are stored in the Database.

  1244. Been waiting for this to launch my new projects…YAY!!

  1245. Hi. Beautiful product! I have a lifetime developers license. Does that mean I will receive this new release at no additional cost?


    • That’s correct! Enjoy!

  1246. Oh, this is awesome. I can’t wait to see what I can create now! Thanks guys for all your hard work.

  1247. A little clunky but will be helpful for text and some minor placement changes. I am still having a difficult time understanding why we cannot get a 6 or more column layout added to the builder.

  1248. Congratulations!

  1249. Wow, it’s amazing. Can’t wait to build a new site with it. Thank you for all of the incredible work.

  1250. I use Extra on two sites and I love the new DIVI framework 3, my articles will be more easy to write.

  1251. I believe it will make job of guys like me (not full fledged WordPress developer) much easier.
    I hate to add custom CSS for everything, hope Divi 3.0 will force me less often.


  1252. Thank you for the celebratory discount. I just upgraded to lifetime. Yay!

  1253. Absolutely brilliant, but the visual builder won’t work with Strong Testimonials plugin, so will need to find one which does. Got a launch day myself today, won’t upgrade on that site yet!

  1254. Awesome!!!
    Looks extremely effective and pragmatic and certainly the only theme that i’ll work with!!
    Thank’s ET for a brilliant Masterpiece!

  1255. Nevermind, update Finally appeared.

  1256. Having trouble updating, keep getting update failed.

  1257. I like how I can use it to make updates from my phone. Great work guys!

  1258. Awesome, I’am testing in my website. How can save changes when I drag a module to give more padding?

    Thanks for this amazing tool! ^^

    • I found sorry, xDD

  1259. Divi have been the best drag and drop builder we have ever used. We tried them all. All other should just give it up – Its a done deal with Divi.

    Would you try to create another Google? Divi is hands down the best!

  1260. Excellent work. Keep them coming!

  1261. The visual editor looks so much easier!

  1262. Elegant Themes has created something awesome here. I have been testing it, and though it is going to take some time to get used to the front-end editor, I can see the potential.

    Upgraded to a lifetime membership, WITHOUT the discount, I didn’t want it because the team deserves every penny for their hard work. If everything I purchased was this helpful to my business, I could retire tomorrow.

    Thanks Again!

  1263. I’ve always wanted this! Thank you 🙂

  1264. Awesome! Sums it up.

  1265. Quick question, can i upgrade from 2.7 to 3.0 without losing anything, or is it just for a fresh webpage? Tried manually installing the theme but tells me there is a folder named divi already, If i uninstall first the older version i lose everything, so I’m kinda lost here.

    • Yes you can update just like you normally would. Simply refresh you updates section in the wp admin until you see a new Divi update appear.

  1266. This is just a amazing job. Keep going!

  1267. What the heck happened to the “Background Color” option in the text module advanced design section so you could lay a semi transparent color behind your text for readability when placed over an image? It used to be an option just before the background image option and was incredibly useful.

    • It’s still there. Under the “Text Line Height” setting under the “Design” tab.

      • Thanks something went wrong with my update, reinstalled and things that were missing are all back again.

  1268. Wow, what an achievement. Congratulations! The demos look incredible.I can’t wait to use it.

    Is there a place where you’d like us to record bugs if we find any?


  1269. Awesome!

  1270. Thanks guys! This is awesome!

  1271. Actually amazing!!!

  1272. I’ve been looking forward to this release – seems to be worth the wait! The live demo was a nice touch.

  1273. Just downloaded………what fun ! Nice work here!

  1274. Cheers Nick and the team. Can’t wait to try this out in earnest. I have some potentially useful ideas for you.

    Is there an email address I could send them too?

    Many thanks.

  1275. Looks amazing, looking forward to the divi builder release so I can try this out!

  1276. Woo! This is amazing, just got it installed and its so fast its crazy! This is the best front end editor ever. And on top of this it looks the same as it did on the back end, but wait, its on the front end now!!!! AMAZING 100%!!!!!!!!!

  1277. Great !!!

  1278. Amazing to see how far ElegantThemes has come over the years.

  1279. The Iron Throne is about to change kings again. LONG MAY HE REIGN!!!

    (And by Iron Throne, I mean the spot as my #1 page builder)

    (And by kings, I mean Divi is overthrowing the current one)

    (And by reign, I mean I’m going to be using this forever)

    • Maybe you like my main company name Excalibur Websites, Inc.

  1280. how do I update a previous divi to divi 3.0?

    • If you have Divi installed you can simply wait for the update to appear in WP Admin and update your theme just like you normally would.

      • I don’t have Divi installed. I have only extra. My extra is update to 2.0 version but i can’t see the option for the visual building. I have to install divi theme too?

        • The visual builder is included in Extra 2.0 as well. In the black admin bar at the top of the page (when you’re on the front-end of your site) you will see a new “activate visual builder” option. Click that and start editing!

          • I assume visual builder doesn’t work on Category Builder pages then? Cause I don’t see an option for it.

  1281. AHH! Finally its here! So how do I upgrade to 3.0? Will my authenticated site pop up with an upgrade option?

    • Your WordPress Admin Updates section will notify you that an update is available. If you can’t wait you can do it manually by downloading the latest version from the member’s area.

      • Hello, this 3.0 is super exciting but i am not receive any updates on WP dashboard. So i have tried to manually upload but it failed. it says Installing the theme… Destination folder already exists. /data/home/qxu1608630048/htdocs/wp-content/themes/Divi/- Theme install failed. Any solutions?thanks

        • Hi Marc, sorry you’re having difficulties. Please create a ticket in our support forum so that someone can follow up with you: https://elegantthemes.com/forum

      • Slightly confused … latest version from member’s download area is named Divi-2.zip. Is this 7.9MB file actually 3.0?

        • If you’re downloading from the members area next to the theme Divi, then the zipped file name will simply be Divi.zip. It currently contains Divi 3.0.

        • Never mind. The current download just appended the -2 since I had another divi.zip in my download folder. I installed the current download and it is 3.0. Duh.

  1282. Hope you have improve the contact, header & gallery modules also….

  1283. No update notification on Divi yet. What’s up?

    PS: Super excited!

  1284. Très beau boulot ! Félicitations ! Great work, amazing !

  1285. Uhm….i update my extra theme but i can’t use the new visual builder. Why?

    • In the black admin bar at the top of the page you will see a new activate visual builder option. Click that and start editing!

      • Hi Nathan,

        In Divi 3, I get the Enable Visual Builder option on the frontend.

        But, in Extra, I get Edit Layout but I don’t see the additional button Enable Visual Builder.

        Thinking it could be a cacheing problem, I clearly the cache but still the visual builder button does not appear.

      • How long should it take to load? When I try to load the visual editor from either the admin bar on the page or from the page editor, the little dots spin forever – so far not loading no matter what plugins I deactivate, how many times I refresh the page, or logging out and in again…..

  1286. I’m really excited about this new version of Divi. It’s simply awesome. Thank you guys!

  1287. so can anyone tell me where i activate the function so i can edit in frontend.. i have updated to 3.0 and the latest divi builder but i cant see where i activate the edit options

    • In the black admin bar at the top of the page you will see a new activate visual builder option. Click that and start editing!

      • When the black admin bar is not enabled to my user, I can’t switch back to backend editor from visual frontend editor.

        • If you have the admin bar disabled simply remove “&et_fb=1” from the url to get out of the visual editor mode.

          • This is good to know. But I do think it would be ideal to have a button that is apart from the admin bar. Maybe it can open in the bottom hidden menu of the DIVI editor? The one in the middle that pops out with other options?

  1288. Seriously. This is paradigm shift. Stunning. Everything else just became obsolete. THANK YOU.

  1289. This is amazing! I can’t wait for the Divi builder to have this capability! Great Job!!

  1290. Look forward to working with this.

  1291. You’ve revolutionized the way we build sites and interface with clients! Thank you!

  1292. A W E S O M E !!!

    thanks ET team 😉

  1293. Finally! So excited to see the demo. Really well done!

  1294. Best Update ever.No words to describe.Love Elegant theme ad Divi

  1295. Best Update ever.No words to describe.Love Elegant theme ad Divi

  1296. Game changer finally!

  1297. Installed Divi 3.0 like a dream. I am playing with it right now, it’s beyond magic! Love it, and as it’s already 1am in the morning, I have no idea how I am going to leave it alone and get any sleep! I wanted to post gratitude and say thank you, however I am just speechless. Well done ET, I really don’t know what to say, your wrong Nick, it’s not magic it’s way beyond magic, It’s quantum magic !!

  1298. Out-standing work! Great update! Great theme! ET You won the internet!!!

  1299. Thanks for your hard work!

  1300. Congratulations and thank you to the entire Elegant Themes team for all your hardwork. I can’t believe the 100 days is already up!

  1301. This is incredible. I’m going to completely forget how to code. Thank you for letting be get back to being a designer instead of a coder. Bisous!!

  1302. Fantastic! This is a new era in the world of WordPress. For me, the release of Divi 3.0 is much more important issue iPhone7 today. Great job!

  1303. this is the amazing wordpress theme

  1304. Having fun so far and I love editing the responsive look now. So easy and a ton of time savings vs editing and preview, then editing and preview. Only thing that I found is the front end editor is not compatible with Gravity forms at the moment.

  1305. I looking forward to trying it. I am currently working on a website for my company. Would my current divi be upgraded to the new interface? That will be great.

    • Yes when you update your theme you will see a new option (in two places) to activate the visual builder: 1) the black wp admin bar you see when you’re on the front side of your wp website will have a button; and 2) the page/post editor on the backend will now have a visual editor button you can click too.

      • Hi Nathan,

        I’m probably being an idiot but how do you exit the visual builder?

        I’ve used option 2 (clicked “use visual builder” when editing a post in wp-admin) and I can save but I can’t figure out how to return to wp-admin/divi builder when done?

        I’ve disabled the admin bar so option 1 is not an option for me.

        Doing right click “open link in new tab” does work if the only option is to close the tab when done.


        • You are not an idiot 🙂 I have the same issue

          • No answer on this? I’m having the same problem.

      • Once I make changes to a page via the visual editor, how do I publish the changes? There is a “Save” button at the bottom on the right hand side but when I click that and it finishes “processing”, I then go to see my page live, yet the changes are not showing.

        • I just tried editing a different page (other than my home page) and it turns out, Wordfence was blocking the save action and gave an option to whitelist the action. Now that I whitelisted the action, I can save changes on this non-home page!

          WOOHOOO! That issue seems solved but I’ll have to test on the home page next.

        • This may be due to a caching plugin or another plugin conflict. Please create a ticket in our forum here: https://elegantthemes.com/forum

  1306. Wow. I am amazed at how good Divi 3.0 is. So excited to start using it!

  1307. What I love the most is that ElegantThemes is pushing forward the evolution os building websites. Thank You so much! 🙂

  1308. Awesome!

    • Perfectionism!

  1309. Awesome!
    You really didi it …
    A new era for WordPress users 🙂

  1310. hello & congrats!

    is there a way to keep properties panel open while editing different elements?

    its problematic to close it for an element in order to open it for the next one to edit


  1311. Congratulations for this amazing update!

  1312. Fan-Fab-Tactic! Can’t wait to try it out…!
    Amazing advance in WP website development.

  1313. Great Job ET !!!

  1314. Several of us are having trouble with updating. Seems like it might be related to a WP update that happened today. Any advice for what we do now? There is no update button or anything. I hope we dont have to do some FTP thing. I am not a tech savvy person. 🙁

    • For people that have this issue, go check the update folder even if you dont have a notification that updates are ready.

  1315. I’m super close to publishing my web site, literally just one more thing to fix/make work and it’s good. Divi has been awesome already, I’m super excited about the improved interface and ease of use. Thanks!

  1316. How do I upgrade to 3.0 ?

    • If you have Divi installed right now you can simply wait for the upgrade notification in WP Admin and update like usual. If you don’t want to wait, you can download Divi 3.0 from our members area and manually update your theme.

      • Hi,
        I have exactly the same issue with the update : it failed, and I had the same message as Michelle… Help !

        • Update via the Dashboard link (referenced above). That worked for me vs trying to do it from the Themes page

          • Thank you worked for me too! Thanks Liam

            • I have no options for update at all? None in themes and none in the dashboard update? My divi is still on 2.7.9
              Am i going to have to manually update?

      • Mine says there is an update and that the update is to 3.0 but when I click update it fails with the message that I already have the most up to date version. Help!!

        • I believe they said this was a bug that was being addressed. I am guessing you are using the themes page to update? Try doing to the Dashboard > Updates page and do the update there. I think they said that should work.

  1317. I am so excited to finally finish my website without the frustration of opening the modules for small changes!!! I am so technically challenged, this is perfect!

  1318. Can’t wait to try it!

  1319. Amazing – I’ve been literally at the edge of my seat waiting for the release!!

  1320. After 100 days following and many more using Divi, I´m delighted with Divi for all my projects. In Spain, Divi is TOP.

  1321. Awesome Work!! Testing!!!
    And the demo page, great idea!!
    You rocks guys!!

  1322. This is an amazing job guys thank you for the efforts

  1323. Nick & team you accomplished an industry first….upstaging Apple on a launch day! Kudos x 3…

  1324. J’ai l’impression que je vais refaire tout mon site avec divi 3!

  1325. Love Divi 3.0

  1326. Finally wait it over.

    You guys nailed it. Awesome..!! Beautiful..!!
    Congratulation team.

  1327. Wow, just wow!

  1328. I can’t wait to mess around with this!

  1329. Awesome!

  1330. Awsome job ! Cannot wait to try it !

  1331. Thanks guys!
    I realy liked the 100 days of tips, trics and content!

    p.s. I just upgraded to the Lifetime account! 🙂

  1332. Nick,

    you’re right. This changes everything.

    Keep up the great and excellent work.

    Kind regards and Greetings from Germany!


  1333. I can’t wait to hit that upgrade button and start using it. It is magical Thanks you Elegant Themes.

  1334. Thank you very much – I love to work with DIVI. Cant wait to try out the new builder 😉

  1335. Congrats on the bold decision to swing for the fences.

    Most, if not all, Drag n Drop attempts are based on a limited feature set or are built with inherent limitations.

    This is the rare exception.


  1336. This is so wonderful! Can’t wait to try it on my projects!

  1337. I would love to use your new builder on my website.

  1338. The editor is amazing, simply Elegant! Great work by your team. The build up with the 100 Days of Divi was also well done! Congrats!

  1339. I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!

  1340. I’ve been holding off on a few new sites because I wanted to use Divi 3.0. The countdown was genius because it really did build up suspense and excitement. About to go in to download and get started!

  1341. Awesome!

  1342. It’s here! Loving divi more and more everyday. Can’t wait to test drive this.

  1343. I am so excited!

  1344. This is awesome!

  1345. Glad to be apart of this! I just got a new client so Divi 3.0 will definitely be used!

  1346. Curious to give it a whirl!

  1347. Congratulations on the launch!

  1348. Looks awesome! Best DIY web building tool in the market 🙂

    I guess age of web designers are gradually ending. No need to hire someone to build sites when you have DIY tools like this 🙂

    • Dude, most people can’t get past hosting and a domain name by themselves. There are so many CMSs, tools, and themes out there, and someone has to find Divi first. Further, I’m good at Functionality, but horrible at Design. The easier they make this, the harder it will be for peeps to create with. Ideas are easy to throw around, perhaps you could help those people make their site. Most successful people I know don’t have time to pull off an “Internet Presence” by themselves, there’s more to it than a website.

      “Making a website is easy until suddenly, it gets really hard.”

      • I guess you may have a point because they said there will be a Divi Developer version. Looking forward for that version.

        Kudos for ET team for packaging up such great product. I have seen in polls Divi has already overtaken Genesis as the most popular theme framework for WordPress. Developer friendly additions will definitely cement that position.

      • Dude, I Agree with “Internet Presence” part other than that it’s a DIY tool to make website building easier. Look at the promo and tell me who’s the target audience. I think it intended for end user and not for some middle man.

        What I’m saying is you need to learn proper website building skills rather than using a DIY tool to make client web sites. Eventually client will find out how easy it is to do it by himself lol

  1349. Truly revolutionary! Thank you so much for all the hard work!

  1350. Truly revolutionary! Thank you so much for all the hard work!

  1351. I’m just about to fire it up……..Great job with the 100 days countdown and goodies.

  1352. Divi 3.0, Increible 😀

    • Hola Miguel.
      Ya has podido actualizarlo ??

  1353. Nice! Looking forward to updating my websites and creating some beautiful designs with the new visual design interface.

    Always a great job. Thank you Elegant Themes!

  1354. Well I’ll be damned! Good work, folks!

  1355. You guys are awesome! I’m still at work and just got a chance to try out the demo but I’m in LOVE. I’ve been waiting patiently as I was working on a section of my blog that’s almost e-book publication worthy. Without having to switch back and forth from the box mode and the text will save me an innumerable amount of time. Elegant Themes rock on!

  1356. Can’t wait to get started!! Thank you ET!

  1357. Amazing. We are using Divi since the first versions. With Divi 3 now also our clients can change their website in a really easy way. Congrats and thank you.

  1358. Unbelievable job guys. I’ve used several drag and drops and none of them tops this. Can’t wait for my dashboard to update. So excited to test drive on staging!

  1359. Well done, folks. Looking forward to diving in and testing these new features. Grateful for y’all.

  1360. Thank you so much for an amazing, I’ve been waiting for so long.

  1361. Amazing work guys!!! I love it!!

  1362. This is unreal. It’s so awesome, you guys. Thank you for all your hard work! The community is very grateful! *off to play with Divi!*

  1363. Looking forward to taking this for a spin!

  1364. So we are using Divi but how will Divi 3 be activated on our account – do we need to pay to upgrade to it?

    • If you currently have a membership with us then you get Divi 3.0 free as part of that membership. No additional charge.

      • Awesomeness!!!

        • I am unable to upgrade to Divi 3 i am not getting any upgrade option in Dashboard i am currently using Developer package. i enter username and API but still no use, please advise me.

  1365. Woohoo! Well done team! 🙂

  1366. This is just superb!!!

  1367. How do existing developer license holders upgrade?


    • You can click on the upgrade link above and purchase the lifetime membership.

  1368. We are waiting since 100 Days of this Update. It is just awesome. We thank you to Team Elegantthemes.

  1369. Great Job!

  1370. Simply beautiful!

  1371. Awesome!!! you ET people did it real!

  1372. This looks amazing. OMG.

  1373. Wooootttt…..!!!!!!

  1374. Loved the 100days of Divi – great way of building anticipation. Looks like you have a winner!

  1375. Awesome!

  1376. Just Awesome!!! You ET did it real!!

  1377. I’m deeply grateful to Et.. thanks guys..

  1378. What a great product a revolution in webdesign

  1379. Realmente genial!

    From Argentina, thank you! 😉

  1380. Yes it looks amazing and works amazing!

    I have a site with woocommerce… divi not works on the shop page… The normal builder and visual builder..

    Is that correct?

    Regards Guido

  1381. So far I’m pretty impressed with how awesome React JS can be. The new interface is very fast and to me that is extremely important. I found that it’s the little things that can dramatically save on project time such as hitting the view page a million times before the page is how you want it.

  1382. No way to custom menu and footer?

  1383. Thanks a lot guys, it was worth waiting. Outstanding demo.

  1384. Couldn’t believe that 100 days have gone. Great job, thanks a lot

  1385. Excellent work.

    Divi is really becoming the tool I always wanted to build websites.

    Best investment ever.

  1386. Looking really great. Everyone can feel how much love you put into Divi 3.0. Do you have a full list of changes, though? Especially aiming at what has changes under the hood … what features you had added coming from the community suggestions or your survey.

    • Yes there is a changelog available in the members area.

      • Great job with 3.0! It’s lightning fast.

        The changelog is only showing version 1.3.10 ( updated 08-18-2016 ) of the divi builder and the 3.0 changelog for the divi theme shows only 2 changes… are these likely to be updated?

  1387. Many thanks!

  1388. EPIC release! Great job guys!

  1389. I never win anything – still trying though…. 😉

    Been waiting most of the day for Divi 3.0 in my timezone 😀

  1390. So amazing, I cannot wait to try Divi 3.0 myself 😀

  1391. Ok, one quick observation. 🙂 When you added separate styles for the mobile device, tablet and normal screen, editing is a little uncomfortable.

    The same problem is with the “hide” sections.

  1392. Nick thank you and all the ET team for all the hard work, we are already testing this thing out. We have been plans for a upcoming project and can’t wait to use the new 3.0 for it.

  1393. Congratulations! Good luck with updates!)

  1394. wow finally its come Divi 3.0 the All New Visual Builder Has Arrived!

  1395. Divi has been one of the best investments I’ve made to help me get my business online with a premium theme at a price that doesn’t break the bank. I’m sure Divi 3.0 won’t disappoint. The Divi100 marathon was awesome!

  1396. Thank you guys for the great work.

  1397. Wow! Can’t wait to actually use this. All the fears I had about a front-end builder have been completely wiped since testing the demo. You guys did a beautiful job on this.

  1398. Just tested it in one of my sites… AMAZING!

    Great job!

  1399. Loving it

  1400. Yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss!!!!! Super-Very Cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! amazing !!! Thanks ET Team!!!

  1401. Forget iPhone 7, today is ALL about Divi 3.0! Can’t wait to give it a spin!

  1402. It is so awesome! So glad the visual builder finally happened. Makes editing SOOOO much easier!!!

  1403. Nick & team, well done!

  1404. WOW!!!! 😀

  1405. This is awesome.. Can’t wait to be able to give Divi 3 a whirl..

  1406. This is awesome.. Can’t wait to be able to give Divi 3 a whirl..

  1407. Divi 3.0 looks amazing, I am going to try it out on my site. Thank you to the entire Divi crew for all of your hard work.

  1408. I am truly excited! Thank you!

  1409. Wow!!! I´m going to improve a lot my web sites!! And most important: UX for mobiles!!

  1410. Congratz on the launch, Nick and team! 🙂
    I’m looking forward to giving Divi 3.0 a spin. Also great job on the Divi 100 marathon!

  1411. Looking great for the future.

  1412. Amazing. Can’t wait to test it out 🙂

  1413. cannot wait to try it!

  1414. I’ve been waiting for this release ever since I saw the countdown begin. So glad it’s finally here!

  1415. This is really awesome! Plus the best part is it launched on my birthday 🙂

    • Happy birthday to you and me also. Awesome!

    • Happy Birthday to you!

  1416. It’s a tad buggy on the boxed layout, with the content underneath the header detaching… other than that, impressed so far!

  1417. Awesome !!

  1418. Will this appear as an update in WordPress (I have my API etc set-up but no update so far)?

    • I have the same question

    • Yes it will show up as an update in the WP Admin

      • My Theme shows an Update Is Available (3.0.1) but when I click it it says “Update Now” after a few seconds it returns the error “Update Failed: The theme is at the latest version.” I am on 2.7.8

        Any ideas on a solution? Thx

        • I had this issue updating to 3.0 yesterday. Tried again a little while later and the update worked. Hope this helps

          • Fixed by updating via the DASHBOARD Update rather than via the Theme Update link

            • Thanks, this worked!

            • excellent advice – thanks, it worked for me too.
              Cheers, Ali

              • What is the dashboard update? I don’t see it.

                • Dashboard is an option on the WordPress menu.
                  Dashboard > Updates, select Divi, then click Update Themes.

                  Thanks for the tip, Liam.

            • Perfect! Thanks for the tip to use the Dashboard Update. Worked like a charm

            • Awesome tip!! I was having the same problem and that worked like a charm!! Thank you for sharing.

    • The same problem. I can’t uninstall my divi theme to reinstall it through ET download, and no update notification for the theme.

      • It may take a little while to show up in your updates.

  1419. Awesome!!!! This looks to be a game changer!

  1420. Visual Builder looks cool. Are there any new functions beside builder? Any modules?

    There is one truly bad thing and its visual padding setting. I cannot see the value of padding until I open row or module editor so it’s meaningless at this moment.

    • I agree with this. We really need to see the padding amount displayed while dragging. And the ability to adjust paddings of more than just sections, though I realize that could create difficulties UX-wise.


    • +1

      • Hi, I’m a new Divi user. When I click on the link I get taken to my account page, from there I click on support and get taken to the forum. But when I click on a topic it takes me back to my account page. So how can I access the forums? Thanks

  1421. I can’t wait to get started with this! It’s going to make my life so much easier!!! Thank you all for being amazing!

  1422. So far… ‘Far Out’ !
    Thx to Nick and the ET Team!

  1423. Is there any way to edit mobile separatly ?

    • Yep! When you have the visual builder activated there is an option to view tablet and mobile breakpoints in the bottom left corner. You can then set design settings for those page dimensions.

      • This! This is rocking. Love that side of the visual builder, such a fast way to work with mobile 🙂

  1424. Thanks for your hard work.

  1425. A job well done.

  1426. You guys are Awesome ! Keep up the great work!

  1427. I’m really happy about this release! It’s great!

  1428. This is the best day ever!

  1429. Very excited to teach my son web design, this looks to be the perfect tool! Thanks for the opportunity to play with the test site! 🙂

  1430. YES!!!

  1431. Looks great!!

  1432. Already busy test-driving and simply in awe, Nick. Well done to you and your ET team! PS we’re having our first DIVI meetup at WordCamp Cape Town this week! We’ll send pictures 😉

  1433. Amazing. I’m already testing.

  1434. The front end page builder is super duper fast, but when is the contact form module going to get much needed additions like check boxes, radial buttons, etc…???

    • Unfortunately there is only so much we can do in a given release and in this particular release, getting the front end builder out into the world was our top priority. Our next major release, the developer release, will have a lot of improvements in it. I can’t guarantee that each person will get their pet feature but I promise you we are doing our best to set appropriate priorities.

      • I hope flexible columns gets some attention as i know that has been a big request out there. “Developer Release” — is there any info on what that is??

      • Sounds like a plan! I think the new front end builder will keep us more than distracted in the mean time. 😉

  1435. I am so in love with Divi 3.0 it’s totally worth the wait!

  1436. AMAZING … it’s incredible, massive breakthrough !
    Was updating my “Updates” section all day waiting for the release … it’s astonishing !!!

    LOVE IT !!!

  1437. So excited!!! I can’t wait to own Divi 3.0 and start building my site!

    The 20% link leads to a page that says Divi 2.7. Is that just a typo?


    • I’m not seeing that. Maybe it was fixed? Which link in particular?

        • It says, “20% Off All Upgrades For A Limited Time!
          To celebrate the launch of Divi 2.7, we are offering a huge discount.”

          • The page was just cached, sorry about that. It should be working now 🙂

            • I upgraded yesterday to Lifetime with the launch of Divi 3.0. Did I get the 20% when I upgraded yesterday? Can I get the credit back for the special discount?

  1438. Cannot wait to give it a spin!

  1439. This really is a game changer! Thanks for all your great tutorials, ideas, inspiration and hard work!

  1440. Great! Best Theme

  1441. Wow, it was worth waiting! I’m testing the beast right now 🙂
    Thank you Nick and the whole ET team for such a great product!

    A true game-changer in the WordPress World and such an inspiration to build beautiful layouts! 🙂

  1442. Woo Whoo what an awesome too days but is is finally here I can’t wait to start using this. You guys are fantastic.

  1443. W.O.W. Divi 3.0 looks amazing! Congratulations to everyone to ET!

  1444. (Insert maniacal laughter *here)

  1445. Congrats on the release! What a great Demo. Looking forward to trying this for real later!

  1446. Well done guys. I think it’s safe to say that you accomplished your goal to create the most incredible front end page builder the world has ever seen. 🙂

    I’m also amazed that you’re able to create such an incredible product, while producing spectacular content/freebies for 99 days straight, and then also manage to create such an epic release post too. Do you guys ever sleep??

    Okay, I’m gonna go take 3.0 for a spin now 🙂

  1447. Many thanks for great works!

  1448. Woo Whoo what a great 100 days buts finally here you guys are awesome. I can’t wait to give this a test drive

  1449. Amazing. Have been literally refreshing elegant themes website and my mail every few minutes for the last one hour. Never been this exited for a launch

  1450. Amazing. Have been literally refreshing elegant themes website and my mail every few minutes for the last one hour. Never been this exited for a launch.

  1451. Great idea launch this with a demo! Thanks!!!

    • I agree… the demo idea is brilliant! 🙂

      • I also agree.. it was a great place to try things out without ruining my website.

  1452. Yes!! Going to give it a go right now. Congratulations on this important milestone. Cheers!

  1453. Let’s Have Fun! : )

  1454. Thank you guys… thank you so much for all the hard work… you are so appreciated!!!

    • I think this is finally product that deserve to be visual builder for wordpress… also i would give idea to put possibility to use wordpress widgets in divi and also in text editor there should be scrollable content… the way it works now for example if i edit links i must highlight link then scroll up to top to make it then scroll back to next link… so keet the top part of the editor fixed… greets!
      Keep up good work…

    • I can’t wait to get started. I’ve got two projects lined up that this will be SUPER for. I have used DIVI on a few web builds as well as a competitor software. After several huge issues including having to rebuild two sites from scratch due to DMS being unstable I’m now switching everything to DIVI and DIVI 3 looks like it rocks!

    • Good to know that DIVI is now better than before. I am a big fan on Elegant Themes and using some of yours themes on my blogs 😀
      and recommend people to use it.

    • Dito 🙂 always implementing new features and really pushing it to the limits, thanks a lot ET!

    • I LOVE Divi – didn’t used to be a WordPress person, now I use WP BECAUSE of DIVI!

    • I wish i win the giveaway 🙂

    • Awsome!

    • This is freaking awesome. I was just playing around with the Demo using an iPad …. AND IT WORKS! You guys are gods!

    • I love working with Divi at work. Need it for my personal sites as well.

    • The 100 day wait was worth it!

    • I loved the Divi 100 Series and I’m excited to work with Divi 3.0. You guys rock!

    • I think, Divi 3 is the real big step to move the website contruction from the techician job to the business consulting job with no technical glue!!!

      Really, most of our customers are boring not about the banner sliding speed, but about what they need to write in it and how to find well suitable image for it. But to give them the webmaster plus the consulter is very expensive.

      Now, we’ll try to use only the web business consulter. I hope this will be successful expirience.

      Thank you for the great job!

    • ¡¡Well done, Elegant Themes Team!! ¡¡I hold on two projects waiting on for this moment! Thanks!

    • This is a truly amazing theme!

    • beautiful!!! wordpress porn 🙂

    • so awesome!!! I can’t wait to dive in.

    • Divi is awesome



    • Such an amazing theme, excellent potential for many of my clients.

    • The new upgrade is really impressive!

    • Congrats on the release of such a great theme!

    • I’m so excited about Divi 3.0 – I love Divi already – couln’d imaagine how they could improve on it – but they did!!

    • Hello,
      DIVI am a user since the first version of
      I see an extra change
      it’s really good to work with this tool more effective

      I have a request to make effect in the pages of products woocomerce
      DIVI the page construtor not working

      In your opinion is it possible to bring up all the magic of DIVI in its pages

      thank you again for your work


    • I agree 100% – this rocks!!

    • Looking forward to diving in

    • like the new visual builder, but it doesn’t load for pages that have Gravity Forms on them … which is a bummer : (

      • Before I update: do the Gravity Forms keep working or not, Miso?

    • This is super exciting!!! I can’t wait to dig in and fully experience it. Thank you so much for all the hard work!!! And thank you for all the giveaways you put together as part of the 100 day count down!

    • Simply Amazing.

    • Nice. Its good to know DIVI now is better than before. Cheers for the development team at Elegant Themes!

      • Loving the upgrade – looks awesome! Hopefully I’ll win full access in the prize draw!

    • Ditto! I just upgraded to lifetime member! Now I need to my own website!

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