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How to Write Quality SEO Content in 8 Steps

How to Write Quality SEO Content in 8 Steps

July 3, 2024 in WordPress | 5 comments

Content and SEO go hand in hand — at least where brand marketing and copywriting are concerned. Writing for SEO is the process of preparing, creating, and optimizing content for the purpose of ranking in Google and other search engines. Knowing how to write SEO content is paramount to your...

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How Blog Commenting Can Help SEO

How Blog Commenting Can Help SEO

March 16, 2023 in WordPress | 27 comments

Very simply, blog commenting is what it sounds like: leaving a comment on a blog post, usually along with your username and a link to your site. When done correctly, blog commenting for SEO is a non-spammy way to rank higher in SERPs. But handled incorrectly, blog commenting can harm your...

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7 Best Rank Tracker Tools for SEO

7 Best Rank Tracker Tools for SEO

March 24, 2023 in WordPress | 19 comments

Reaching the top positions in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) can bring an influx of organic traffic to your website. However, climbing the rankings can take a lot of time and effort. With a rank tracker tool, you can track your site’s progress and hone your Search Engine Optimization...

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13 Best Truly Free SEO Tools

13 Best Truly Free SEO Tools

September 12, 2023 in WordPress | 6 comments

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques can help your website climb the rankings and display higher in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). However, optimization can be really expensive. Premium SEO tools carry premium price tags. Fortunately, there are plenty of free SEO tools that can...

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The Ultimate Guide to Canonical URLs

The Ultimate Guide to Canonical URLs

March 7, 2023 in WordPress | 3 comments

When content that’s exactly the same or almost exactly the same appears on two or more pages, that’s called duplicate content. The biggest problem with duplicate content is that search engines don’t know which version of the content to index or show in search results. It’s also difficult to...

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6 Best Keyword Mapping Tools for SEO

6 Best Keyword Mapping Tools for SEO

January 5, 2023 in WordPress | 4 comments

Are you interested in building a keyword map for your website? You’ll need to select at least one of the many available SEO keyword mapping tools to get the job done. Not sure what a keyword map is? That’s a structured set of SEO keywords and phrases you put together for your website, based on...

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HTML Sitemaps: Good for SEO and for Users

HTML Sitemaps: Good for SEO and for Users

March 23, 2023 in WordPress | 0 comments

An effective SEO strategy is designed with both search engine bots and real users in mind. One way to make your website more user-friendly is by creating an HTML sitemap. Fortunately, this process is easier than you might expect. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at HTML sitemaps and their...

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