Divi Meetup Network Community Update: March 2021

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Divi Meetup Network Community Update: March 2021
Blog / Community / Divi Meetup Network Community Update: March 2021

Hello, Divi Nation! 🌺

Spring is in the air and the scent is incredible! Maybe it’s the Spring Bloom or maybe it’s the general optimism, but something smells great! Hopes are high that we might crawl out of this pandemic and there are great indicators promoting these hopes. But, it’s important that we’re not too hasty rushing back into “normalcy.” Our Divi Meetups are continuing strong virtually and show wonderful resilience. It’s been a year since we implemented virtual meetups and we can say, honestly, that it’s grown our core community in ways that knock our socks off. We’re holding on to this virtue as we tread lightly back to IRL human interaction. We can patiently wait (but we can’t wait). 😃

Check out our current stats and community updates.

The Divi Nation Meetup Network by the Numbers

  • Total Members: 10,620
  • Total Groups: 67
  • Total Events Hosted: 891
  • Total RSVPs: 7,866
  • New Members (Last 90 Days): 1,003
  • New Group Pipeline: 1

If you have a passion to build your local Divi community, locate a group near you here or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.


Updates from Existing Groups

We care a great deal about each and every Divi Meetup community. We keep multiple lines of communication open and implement continual conversation. Building community starts with us and we’d be remiss if didn’t pour into our community of Divi meetup organizers. Our desire is that our community of leaders is strong and motivating so the organizers take those virtues back to their local communities. And then we have a wonderful, strong, and inspiring global community of Divi users! 🙌🏼

Let’s take a look at what our March meetups accomplished below!

Divi Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Divi Atlanta

Divi Atlanta

From the Hosts, Mark Treager & Cammy Farone:

Attendees: 13

Really get excited each time we have a meeting as we get a good cross-section of attendees. Always great questions asked and people willing to share what they discover in Divi. They love showing what they are doing or have done to improve the knowledge of everyone attending.

Divi Atlanta is lively so visit the group asap!

Go to Divi Atlanta

Divi Cape Town in South Africa

Divi Cape Town

Divi Cape Town

From the Host, Dirk Tolken:

Attendees: 8

We covered how to customise WooCommerce pages using the Theme Builder and there was a lot to cover! It was informative and we had some members sharing some of the tools they use too. All in all, a great meetup.

Be sure to attend the next Divi Cape Town meetup!

Go to Divi Cape Town

Divi Chicago, Illinois, United States

Divi Chicago

Divi Chicago

From the Hosts, Joan Margau & Scott Winterroth:

Attendees: 11

Divi Chicago Member Nancy Mikyska gave a colorful presentation about going global with site colors using the new Divi Global Feature. Nancy showed us how easy it is to initiate the Divi Global Colors feature. Now there’s no need to open each module to change a color. Nancy also shared great tips and inside information on how she builds websites with Divi.

Scott & Joan put on a great show! Have you been?

Go to Divi Chicago

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth

From the Host, Tommy Lee, Kent Pilkington, & Jube Dankworth:

Attendees: 26

This month, Divi DFW took a deep dive into search engine optimization and reviewed the best practices of how to build Divi Pages for search. We also had a rousing discussion with our members about what other SEO plug-ins and tools they use with Divi. Then, as usual, we opened the floor for a live Divi Q&A session, where we helped our members solve their Divi challenges.

Have you been to a Divi DFW meetup yet? Check them out soon!

Go to Divi Dallas/Fort Worth

Divi Washington DC, USA

Divi DC

Divi DC

From the Host, John Browning:

Attendees: 9

During our March meeting, we had a great discussion on how we can use the Divi Theme Builder to create better and more unique WooCommerce pages for customers. And on the backend of the website, we explored how we can make it easier for our clients to add new products using dynamic content from a product template built with Divi Theme Builder.

Do be sure to check Divi DC out!

Go to Divi Washington DC

Divi Dhaka, Bangladesh

Divi Dhaka

Divi Dhaka

Divi Dhaka

Divi Dhaka

From the Host, Md Kamal Hossain:

Attendees: 5

We enjoyed the meetup very much. [We’re] glad to tell you [that] the attendees were very excited to learn [about the] Divi community and the Divi Builder.

Divi Dhaka would love your presence!

Go to Divi Dhaka

Divi Lagos, Nigeria

Divi Lagos

Divi Lagos

Divi Lagos

Divi Lagos

From the Hosts, Ayodeji & Olusegun:

Attendees: 12

Divi Lagos meetup for March 2021 was amazing and interactive we hosted an event based on the title “How to build a career in web designing and how to get started using Divi”.
We hosted a guest speaker named “Mr. Chinweike Jude Obiejesi” who is an amazing front-end designer, the meetup was facilitated by Mr. Ayorinde Ayodeji and Mr. Olusegun Oye.
We also got users who were interested in learning more after the meetup, it was a great experience.

Divi Lagos has a welcoming community! Check them out!

Go to Divi Lagos, Nigeria

Divi Los Angeles, California, USA

Divi Los Angeles

Divi Los Angeles

From the Host, Julius Lopez:

Attendees: 5

This was a small but entertaining group. This month’s event was an AMA for those who are new or beginners with Divi. After a brief Q&A to see who on the Zoom was in need of help, it became apparent that a walk-through on how to use Divi was necessary. The basics of Sections, Rows, and Modules work, their toolbars, the Divi Toolbar, how to edit a Premade Layout, and more. We also touched on web hosting as well as the Divi Marketplace and WordPress plugins.

Divi Los Angeles would love your presence! Do join today!

Go to Divi Los Angeles

Divi Rio de Janiero, Brazil

Divi Rio de Janiero

Divi Rio de Janiero

From the Host, Daniel Peres Lins:

Attendees: 15

The meetup was held on 03/18 and it was very interesting, we talked a lot about the website creation market and about design. I was able to better understand the level of each one and their experiences. The group was very interactive. Matters for the next meetings.

Divi Rio just had their first meetup and they’d love for you to join the magic! Check it out!

Go to Divi Rio

Divi Sacramento, California, USA

Divi Sacramento

Divi Sacramento

From the Host, Rosalinda Huck:

Attendees: 10

For our March topic meeting, co-organizer Elizabeth reviewed some CSS basics, including where and how to apply custom CSS within the Divi theme, and how to use developer tools in your browser to further learn how to customize Divi styles. And for our Q&A meeting, we discussed a variety of topics, including how to improve workflow using Divi, ways to work with pre-made Divi layouts, and how to manage images.

Join us in April, as we fully roll into Spring with some COLOR!

Go to Divi Sacramento

Divi Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Divi Salt Lake City

Divi Salt Lake City

From the Host, Dustin Olsen:

Attendees: 17

Our virtual Q&A in March was packed full of great questions we’ve all had at some point in building a Divi website. With each question we had several people chime in to provide what has worked for them with others providing code-snippets in the chat to solve specific issues. It was a very productive hour for everyone to learn more about Divi.

Next month we are having a guest speaker from SiteGround join us to talk about what makes a good hosting company and the importance of picking a host that understands WordPress AND Divi to deliver the best performance and stability for your website.

Don’t miss it!

Go to Divi Salt Lake City

Divi San Diego, California, USA

Divi San Diego

Divi San Diego

From the Hosts, Ryan Berg & Marcus Boyd:

Attendees: 10

This month’s meetup (a catch-up after a short break) was a design showcase where members could share anything they have designed and built with Divi recently. We also discussed Divi’s newest feature Global Colors, a Divi-themed podcast, and some thoughts about hosting – in regards to Divi.

Check this group out and catch some warm feels!

Go to Divi San Diego

Divi Satkhira, Bangladesh

Divi Satkhira

Divi Satkhira

From the Host, Delower Hossain:

Attendees: 16

Finally, we arranged a wonderful meetup outside. We got 6+ new guest who wants to learn Divi for their business too. Everyone really enjoyed the meetup. We’ll organize more meetups outside.

Be sure to visit Divi Satkhira today!

Go to Divi Satkhira

Divi Seattle, Washington, USA

Divi Seattle

Divi Seattle

From the Hosts, Bradon Garley & Shane Griffiths:

Attendees: 20

This month we discussed security and anti-spam best practices. For security, we talked about quality hosting, user accounts, firewalls, password strength, 2FA, theme and plugin updates, and different ways to implement security hardening. Then we went over ways to prevent spam form submissions including ReCaptcha and Honeypots, preventing spam comments, pingbacks, and trackbacks.

Ya gotta catch the content here! You won’t be disappointed.

Go to Divi Seattle

Divi Tampa, Florida, USA

Divi Tampa

Divi Tampa

From the Host, Steve Willingham:

Attendees: 8

Divi Tampa Marvelous March 2021!
The Divi-Tampa virtual March 2021 meetup was held on Thursday, Mar 25 at 1PM EST. We had 8 very engaged members out of 17 sign-ups attending, all with different levels of expertise. Most attendees were from the Tampa Bay area, sharing beautiful weather, engaging web development Q & A, and great information about adjusting sizing and responsiveness for various user devices. We also discussed several web development professional issues regarding the hand-off of a final website to a customer and the applicability of the Divi API to that issue. We’re looking forward to our next virtual meetup in April, and tentatively, very tentatively anticipating that we may be able to re-start in-person meetups again in July.

Join in the fun with Divi Tampa!

Go to Divi Tampa

Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?

Great! We’re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and building community and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.

Starting a new Divi Meetup group is simple. Just apply by filling out this form or email [email protected]. Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!

Not sure if there’s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.

Global Divi Meetup Network


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