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GoDaddy Pro Sites: An Overview and Review

GoDaddy Pro Sites: An Overview and Review

April 26, 2023 in WordPress | 30 comments

Let’s address the elephant in the room right off the bat – GoDaddy doesn’t have the best reputation among users. However, they’ve strived to correct this by launching hosting plans and tools that target advanced users, such as GoDaddy Pro. With GoDaddy Pro, the service wants to...

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LaterPay WordPress Plugin Overview & Review

LaterPay WordPress Plugin Overview & Review

March 23, 2023 in WordPress | 7 comments

Getting paid for your work can be hard. If you’re a content creator, there’s a high chance you’ve been low-balled on a number of projects. Or worse, you’ve been asked to write for exposure. Two of the more successful ways of monetizing your content creation are Patreon or...

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7 Best WooCommerce Social Media Plugins

7 Best WooCommerce Social Media Plugins

May 16, 2024 in WordPress | 5 comments

In the early days of the internet, you could often put a product online and sell it. You’d have to market and advertise, but that doesn’t even begin to cut it today. Without a sustainable marketing strategy that includes social media, your shop may go unnoticed. Luckily there are a lot...

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