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How to Write a Testimonial

How to Write a Testimonial

March 17, 2023 in Business | 19 comments

If you’re anything like us, you probably buy a lot of stuff online and subscribe to multiple services. Sometimes, you’re so pleased with your product or service that you want to leave a gushing review or testimonial on the company’s website. The problem is, a poorly put-together...

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Telecommuting: What a Day at Work Looks Like

Telecommuting: What a Day at Work Looks Like

January 6, 2023 in Business | 8 comments

Telecommuting. Remote work. Work-from-home. Distributed workforce. They’re all synonyms for the same thing: not being in the same location as your co-workers and employer. Over the past few years, the trend for telecommuting has moved from a trend to a well-established norm in many sectors....

View Full Post An Overview and Review An Overview and Review

September 15, 2022 in Business | 0 comments

Money management can be so overwhelming and complex that it’ll cause even the most financially-savvy freelancer or solopreneur to need a break (or a shot…or a shopping spree). Financial tools have a tendency to be overflowing with features, making them a pain to figure out, bulky to use and...

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How to Copyright Your Website’s Content

How to Copyright Your Website’s Content

September 15, 2022 in Business | 16 comments

Your website’s content is valuable, especially if it’s tied to your income. Therefore, protecting it from people who might want to copy and redistribute it without your permission is vital. This will help you maintain your site’s and business’ integrity, and avoid missing...

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