Introducing The Divi Marketplace

Last Updated on September 20, 2022 by 47 Comments

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Introducing The Divi Marketplace
Blog / Theme Releases / Introducing The Divi Marketplace

The Best Place To Find Divi Modules, Child Themes & Layouts

Today we are excited to release the Divi Marketplace. The Divi Marketplace is a repository of third party Divi Modules, Child Themes and Layouts. It’s a place where Divi developers and designers can upload their creations and make them available to the Divi community for purchase, or to download for free. We won’t be adding our own products to the marketplace. This is just a place for the community to sell and to share. Think of it like the WordPress repository or the iPhone App Store, except just for Divi.

Even though the marketplace is brand new, you will be happy to find quite a few stellar products already listed, and now that we are live we hope that many more creators will be excited to participate. Over the past few months we have been working with Divi creators to help improve their products and get them published. We have invested a lot of time reviewing code, design and QA testing to make sure that the products accepted into the marketplace meet our quality standards. It’s time consuming, but it’s a service we are happy to provide because it helps make the Divi ecosystem stronger. When you purchase something from the marketplace, you can also feel good in knowing that you are supporting someone who has dedicated themselves to being a Divi creator, and the more thriving creators we have, the stronger the Divi community becomes.

Browse The Marketplace

What You’ll Find In The Marketplace

In the marketplace you will see some of our favorite products, along with top sellers and new arrivals. You can also browse through the full list of hundreds of modules, child themes and layouts, and filter the results based on price, category, and rating. If you are looking for something in particular, try the search bar at the top to quickly locate anything within the entire catalog.

Divi Modules And Extensions

Thanks to the Divi Module API, it’s easy for developers to create custom Divi Modules. When you purchase and install a Divi Module, it gets added to your module list in the builder so that you can use it as an additional building block for your website.

There are already some great modules in the Divi Marketplace. Build event listings with the Event Calendar module. Create new kinds of menus using DiviMenus. Use the Table Maker module to create tables. Some Divi Extensions such as Divi Supreme, Divi Plus and Divi Next Text come with entire collections of new Divi modules for one low price. These modules really expand Divi’s capabilities.

You’ll find more than Divi Modules in the marketplace. Other extensions, such as Divi Toolbox and Divi Switch focus on the Divi theme and offer a whole host of new theme options. Other extensions, such as the Divi Overlays pop-up builder, expand the Divi builder into new territories. Divi Mega Menu unlocks tons of new possibilities for the Divi Theme header and Divi Rocket will make your Divi site faster! The list goes on 🙂

View All Modules & Extensions

Divi Child Themes

Child Themes can be installed along with Divi to add a second layer of styling or functionality. There are a lot of great child themes on the Divi Marketplace, each of which focus on a particular niche. Some serve broad categories, such as Divi Ecommerce and Divi Business Pro. Others serve smaller categories such as Divi Pizza and Divi Dental. If you are looking for a great way to jump-start your next website, using a child theme can save you a lot of time.

Many Divi Child themes have become more than a simple CSS layer. Instead, they often offer new functionality, custom Divi Layouts, pre-defined Theme Builder templates and demo importer systems that will set up your entire website in just a few seconds!

View All Child Themes

Divi Layouts

Unlike Divi Child Themes, which focus on styling Divi Theme elements, Divi Layouts are pre-made designs that can be imported into the Divi Builder. Some layouts focus on particular types of websites such as Legal, Construction, and Grocery. Other layouts give you collections of pre-made sections that can be used on a variety of websites. There are also various post and product layouts available that can spice up your blog posts and WooCommerce listings.

View All Layouts

Accessing Your Products And Getting Help

When you purchase a product you can download it right away from the product page. Your purchased products will also show up in the Product Downloads tab in your Elegant Themes account. Each product comes with documentation which can be found in the documentation tab on the product page.

Products purchased from the marketplace are supported by their creators. You can open a support ticket in the product’s support tab if you need help. Creators on the marketplace are required to respond to support tickets in a timely manner to remain in good standing.

Products can also be reviewed by the community. You must purchase a product before you can review it. All reviews will be available for the community to see so that everyone can make informed purchasing decisions.

Share Or Sell Your Products On The Marketplace

If you are a designer or developer and want to produce products for the Divi Marketplace, now’s the time to get started. Anyone can sign up to be a creator. Divi has a robust API that allows developers to create custom modules. If you are a Divi designer, you might consider building some Divi Layouts that others would find useful. We couldn’t be more excited about the Divi Marketplace and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you create!

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  1. I looked there and for me it does not make sense to buy anything above $10. Divi theme is updated almost every month with some new functions and security updates, which is good. But those updates can also break something.
    Lets say I buy plug-in for $30, in price is included only 1 year of updates, so there is good chace that after 1 year it will stop working and I will have to pay another $30 and paying that every year gets quite expensive.
    I understand that programers have to also make some money and updates are not for free, but this way it can get out of hand quite quickly. If you buy few items and you can end up paing every year over $100 to keep them updated.

    • I fully agree. Either the sellers follow the same model as Divi or I say goodbye. No lifetime license, no revenue. Or is this Divi’s hidden business model?

  2. This is amazing!!! Thank yu somuch!!!

  3. Awesome! So grateful to have products in the Marketplace.
    Congratulations to ET and all third party creators.

  4. I think its really nice to have a divi marketplace. That being said I hope this doe not stop divi from improving the code plugin and adding many of the missing features into the main plugin rather than the need to add all sort of extra plugins ontop.

  5. Hey Nick,

    Marketplace available for affiliates promotion ?

  6. Could we have some more plugin categorisations please either by cats or tags. Nice addition to the ET hinterland though. TVM

  7. Thank you ET team for provide a great platform! I’m very happy & proud to become one of creator on ET Marketplace! 🙂

    Two questions:

    How can I change my prices without review process?

    I sold my first product, but I don’t get any notification. It’s normal?

    Timi – Webhely Muhely

  8. I can say Congratulations to the Elegant Themes team and the third party creators, It’s really a great achievement.

  9. I know as a developer that this is probably not feasible but how cool would it be if I could add me licenses that I already have from these vendors and my purchases and downloads showing up in my ET account just to make it simpler and to avoid the need to login to the individual vendors sites? If that were possible, we could all leave reviews as customers of the products already, which in turn might boost sales for the vendors. Just me two cents.

    • I could go for that as well.

      One tab for ET API keys
      Another tab for extension API keys.

      Keeping it all in one place would be nice.

  10. Brilliant! Awesome! Please as an “add to wishlist” option as well 🙂

  11. Divi Marketplace is the best marketplace. Even I also use Divi theme for My CDAS Hospital. This is Awesome to use. Thank You So Much…

  12. Thank you Nick and everyone at Elegant Themes who reviewed my Divi-Modules products and answered my questions. I wish you all every success with the new Marketplace!

  13. you know what…. For the extensions area I would like to see a chnagelog here.

    If a plugin has not been updated in over a year I do not want to make a purchase of the plugin.

    • +1

    • I agree with you that product version numbers and a change log would be helpful. I can tell you that these details are provided by developers to Elegant Themes during the product approval process. Perhaps it’s something that will be implemented in future updates of the Marketplace. If a product hasn’t been updated in over a year, it could also be an indication that it’s functioning properly and doesn’t require upgrading. If it ain’t broke… don’t fix it!

      • It could also say that the plugin has been abandoned by the developer and that is not a good sign at all. I want to see new versions of the plugin even if is just a minor one saying it has been properly tested to work with the latest version of WordPress.

  14. Congrats Nick and team! 🥳

    I’m honored to have Divi Supreme on the marketplace. Was impressed by the QA check and help us improve our codes quality in Divi Supreme! Go go go!

  15. Awesome! So grateful to have products in the Marketplace. Thank you for this opportunity! 👊🏼

  16. Congratulations ET. Looks great and will be a useful resource for everyone 🙂

  17. Hi Nick and everyone at team ET,

    Congratulations on the launch of the marketplace. We are mesmerized by the way your code review team works. It did not just help us get our plugins ready for the marketplace but also improve code quality.

    Excited to see Divi Plus in the list above 🙂

    Divi Extended

  18. An exciting new era is upon us! I know this was a long and difficult road to launch, but now it is here! Congrats to all the team who made this happen. The Divi community is so supportive and this is another way to work together to build great things!

  19. Congratulations to the Elegant Themes team and the third party creators! This is a good move for the Divi community. I am thrilled to be included in the initial launch.

  20. Nick I can’t become a creator because E.T ask us to fill the taxs form, and some of us live in third world countries that charge a lot of taxes and take all the profits from us, it’s not fair. Is bad for business. You have to stop asking the taxes form for foreigns.

    • Paying taxes is required by law. It’s not up to us.

  21. Great ET! Hopefully, we can do a great business.

    Unfortunately, we are from Bangladesh and here paypal is not available. We have payoneer and bank. Please for something for us. So, we can start our business with ET.

  22. I have some of the items that are offered in the marketplace that have been really problematic lately. What kind of compatibility and ongoing quality control measures are there?

  23. This is great news. I can’t wait to get my hands on these. I have browsed through the Marketplace and I’m more than happy to support the guys who are behind the creation of the amazing Divi tools.
    Well done!

  24. Thank you Nick and ET team for Provide Wonderful platform ! We are so happy & proud to become one of creator on ET Marketplace !

  25. Really excited about this. Congratulations to the team at Elegant Themes and the entire Divi Nation!

  26. We are so happy & proud to have our Divi Pet Care Child Theme is part of Elegant
    Themes Marketplace.., Thank you Nick and ET team for giving wonderful platform for divi product creators ! Congrats Nick and team!

  27. Yeeeeessss! Congrats ET! Thank you Nick! 💜 Lets go DonDivi! Here we go!

  28. That is awesome! I am so proud to have my Toolbox listed here, thank you Nick and ET team!

  29. awesome!

  30. Wait a minute! Do we have to pay for these layouts even if we are legacy lifetime members?

    • Hi Geneva,

      That depends on whether the person who created the layout chooses to sell product or give it away for free. This is a community-based repository of third party modules, child themes and layouts (nothing in the marketplace is created by Elegant Themes). The catalog of products will develop based on the community’s involvement.

  31. Cool! I can’t wait to see what’s new! =)

  32. Does this mean Elegant Themes will stop producing free layouts on a regular basis?

    • Items in the marketplace and pre-made layouts in the Divi Library will remain separate endeavors 🙂

    • No, the marketplace does not affect Divi’s development at all.

      • Excellent. Thanks Nick!

  33. This is great!

  34. Amazing. Congrats, now need to get all our other plugins added, been busy with the release of Divi Machine 🙂

    Love you guys!

    • I love body commerce 🔌

  35. This is one major step forward for DIVI…

  36. Yay it’s finally here! Congrats Nick and team!

    I’m honored to have my products on here, and can’t wait to see how this will continue to help the Divi community and ecosystem thrive!!

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