How to Create a Virtual Summit Landing Page with Divi

Last Updated on March 21, 2023 by 3 Comments

How to Create a Virtual Summit Landing Page with Divi
Blog / Divi Resources / How to Create a Virtual Summit Landing Page with Divi

Promoting a virtual event involves a number of promotional strategies. Creating an inviting landing page is one of them. Creating a landing page for your virtual summit is the perfect way to make your audience curious. With the right combination of sections, you can invite, inform, and collect registered attendees. Today we’ll show you how to create a virtual summit landing page with five sections. The design includes duotone images and scrolling section dividers. We’ve also included a downloadable JSON file if you want to skip the step-by-step tutorial. In the folder, you’ll also find the header and footer graphics in both PNG and AI.

Let’s get to it!

Table Of Contents


Let’s take a look at the landing page design on different screen sizes.



virtual summit landing page


virtual summit landing page

Download The Virtual Summit Landing Page for FREE

To lay your hands on the free virtual summit landing page layout, you will first need to download it using the button below. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our newsletter by using the form below. As a new subscriber, you will receive even more Divi goodness and a free Divi Layout pack every Monday! If you’re already on the list, simply enter your email address below and click download. You will not be “resubscribed” or receive extra emails.

Virtual Summit Landing Page Sections

In order for your landing page to do its job, it needs a specific set of sections. Apart from catching the viewer’s eye, landing pages must also convert. A virtual summit landing page, for example, needs to include relevant information and a call to action. All sections must flow from one to the other seamlessly for the viewer to feel inspired to act and sign up.

We’ve included the following sections in the Virtual Summit Landing Page:


The header section includes important information like the title of the summit and the date of the event. This is the most important information, that’s why it’s at the very top. No header is complete without a call to action and easy navigation to the rest of the page.

In our design, we’ve included two buttons with anchor links that navigate to the speakers and schedule sections. Most importantly, we’ve included a button with a link to the register section. Throughout the page, all the “register” buttons look the same, in order to have visual unity in the design.


The second section is an informational section that incites the viewer to consider attending the virtual summit.  In the design, we’ve added four blurbs and an image that can be easily changed into a video. The blurbs list four reasons to attend the summit and the image (or video) is the visual to support the decision.

The Speakers

In the next section, you’ll find a set of six person modules. This is where you present the speakers that will participate in the summit. Each module includes the following elements:

  • Image
  • Name
  • Position
  • Description
  • Social media links

Make sure to input all the relevant information for each speaker. Also, try and use the same amount of lines in the body text to keep the design looking crisp. As you can see, we used a duotone color effect on all the speakers’ photos to give the design an interesting look and feel. There is a step by step tutorial below on how to achieve this effect in Photoshop.

If you have more than six speakers, simply duplicate the row or clone modules into rows with more or fewer columns.

The Schedule

The schedule section is next. In this area, we’ve elegantly shared the summit’s schedule and made sure it’s structural. To keep the style of the text design, make sure to change the content but not the heading levels. Try and keep the content to about the same length so the design stays neat.

Rows are organized by days with a title image and a group of blurbs. At the bottom of the last column you can find a call to action button for the audience to register.


Last but not least is the registration section. We’ve included a countdown timer to add a sense of urgency (you can use the Divi module or one of the top countdown plugins available with WordPress). The contact form should be directly linked to your RSVP list so that each invitee is registered automatically.

Throughout the virtual summit landing page design, you’ll find three buttons that navigate to this section for optimized lead generation.

Create a Duotone Gradient Map with Photoshop

Open Image in Adobe Photoshop

If you’d like to mimic the duotone images in our design, follow the steps below. First, open an image in Photoshop.

Open Adjustments and Select Gradient Map

Open the adjustments toolbar and click on the gradient map. In the properties tab, double-click on the gradient bar to open the settings popup.

Adjust Gradient Colors

In the gradient settings, double-click on each color to customize the settings.

To achieve the effect of our design, adjust gradient as follows:

  • Gradient Type: Solid
  • Smoothness: 100%
  • Opacity Stop #1: 100%
  • Color Stop #2
    • Dark Purple #202060
    • Position: 19%
  • Midpoint:
    • Opacity Midpoint: 85%
    • Color Midpoint: 50%
  • Opacity Stop #2: 55%
  • Color Stop #
    • Violet #f895f8
    • Position: 100%

virtual summit landing page

virtual summit landing page

Save as a Custom Gradient Map

Add a name for your gradient and click on new to save it. It’ll then be stored in your gradient library. Save the image for the web at 700px tall. Repeat the process with as many images as you need. After applying the gradient map, select your saved gradient.

virtual summit landing page

1. Create Header Section

Add New Section


Let’s start recreating the virtual summit landing page. Create a new page and open it with the Divi Builder. Before adding rows, add a background image and gradient to a new section. You’ll find the background graphic in the downloadable folder above.

  • Background Gradient
    • Color 1: #1f4068
    • Color 2: #202040
  • Background Image: Header Graphic


Adjust the min height next.

  • Min Height: 1050px


The spacing as well.

  • Top and Bottom Padding
    • Table and Phone: 90px


Finally, adjust the visibility settings in the advanced tab.

  • Horizontal and Vertical Overflow: Hidden

Add New Row

Column Structure

Add a row with three columns. Select the 1/2, 1/4, 1/4 column structure.


Adjust the sizing of the row as follows:

  • Width: 90%
  • Max Width: 1800px
  • Alignment: Center


\Add some top margin too.

  • Top Margin: 200px

Column 2, 3 Settings


Adjust the settings for columns 2 and 3. First the spacing

  • Top Margin: 30px


Then, hide the columns on phone.

  • Disable on: Phone

Add 1st Text Module To Column 1


Add a first text module in column 1. Insert the title as H1 content.

  • Body: H1 Content

Heading Text

In the design tab, style the heading text next.

  • Heading Level: H1
  • Font: Alata
  • Weight: Bold
  • Alignment: Center
  • Color: Off White #eaeaea
  • Size
    • Desktop: 85px
    • Tablet: 70px
    • Phone: 44px
  • Letter Spacing: 2px
  • Line Height: 1.1em
  • Text Shadow: 1st Option
  • Shadow Color: rgba(o,0,0,0.26)

Add 2nd Text Module to Column 1


Add a second text module. Insert the date as H2 content.

  • Body: H2 Content, July 15+16, 2020

Heading Text

Style the heading text next.

  • Heading Level: H2
  • Font: Alata
  • Weight: Regular
  • Alignment: Center
  • Color: Fucshia  #b030b0
  • Size
    • Desktop and Tablet: 60px
    • Phone: 45 px
  • Line Height: 1.3em


Add some spacing too.

  • Bottom Padding: 20px

Add Button Module to Column 1


Add a button module for the call to action.

  • Button: Register


Add the anchor link.

  • Link URL: #Register


Move over to the design tab and set the alignment.

  • Button Alignment: Center

Button Custom Styles

Style the button too.

  • Text Size
    • Desktop: 30px
    • Tablet: 25 px
    • Phone: 20px
  • Text Color: White #ffffff
  • Background: Purple #602080
  • Border Radius: 35px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px
  • Font: Alata

virtual summit landing page


Finally, adjust the spacing.

  • Top Margin
    • Tablet and Phone: 15px
  • Top Padding: 2px

virtual summit landing page

Add Button Module to Column 2


Move over to column 2 and add a button module. Add the copy of your choice.

  • Button: Speakers


Next, add an anchor link.

  • Link URL: #Speakers


In the design tab, set the alignment.

  • Button Alignment
    • Desktop: Right
    • Tablet and Phone: Center

Button Custom Style

Adjust the custom button styles as well.

  • Text Size: 24px
  • Text Color: White #ffffff
  • Background: Transparent
  • Letter Spacing: 1px
  • Button Font: Alata
  • Border Radius: 0px

virtual summit landing page

Box Shadow

Finally, add a box shadow.

  • Box Shadow: 4th option
  • Horizontal Position: 0px
  • Vertical Position: 5 px
  • Shadow Color: Fuchsia: #b030b0

virtual summit landing page

Clone Button Module to Column 3

Clone Button

Clone the button in column 2 and place the duplicate module in column 3.

Adjust Button Module


Change the text in the cloned button.

  • Button: Schedule


Change the anchor link too.

  • Link URL: #Schedule


Don’t forget to change the alignment as well.

  • Button Alignment
    • Desktop Left

Add New Row

Column Structure

Add a new row with two equal columns.


Adjust the gutter width first.

  • Custom Gutter Width: 2


Add spacing next.

  • Top Margin
    • Phone: -35px


Then adjust the visibility of the row.

  • Disable on: Tablet and Desktop

Clone Button Module & Place Duplicate in Column 1

Clone Button

Clone the button module in column 2 of the previous row and place the duplicate module in column 1 of the new row.

virtual summit landing page

virtual summit landing page

Adjust Button Module

Button Custom Style

Adjust the text in the new button.

  • Text Size: 20px

Box Shadow

Modify the box shadow as well.

  • Vertical Position: 4px

Add Cloned Button Module to Column 2

Clone Button

Duplicate button module from column 3 in the previous row. Paste it in column 2 of this row.

Adjust Button Module


Adjust the text content in the cloned button.

  • Text: Schedule

2. Create Info Section

Add New Section


To create the information section, add a new section and style the background first.

  • Background Gradient
    • Color 1: #202040
    • Color 2: #202060

virtual summit landing page


Add some padding too.

  • Top Padding: 170px
  • Bottom Padding: 5px

virtual summit landing page


Finally, adjust the visibility settings in the advanced tab.

  • Horizontal and Vertical Overflow: Hidden

Add New Row

Column Structure

Add a new row with one column. We’ll call this the title row.


Set the sizing next.

  • Width: 80%
  • Max Width: 1800px

Add Text Module


Add a text module.

  • Body: H2 Content – Why attend the Digital Marketing Virtual Summit?

Heading Text

In the design tab, style the heading text.

  • Heading Level: H2
  • Font: Alata
  • Text Color: White #ffffff
  • Size
    • Desktop: 55px
    • Tablet: 45px
    • Phone: 40px
  • Letter Spacing: 2px
  • Line Height: 1.1 em

Add Divider Module


Now add a divider module and style the line in the design tab.

  • Line Color: Fuchsia #b030b0


Adjust the sizing next.

  • Divider Weight: 50px
  • Max Height: 50px

Scroll Effects

In the advanced tab, add a horizontal scroll effect.

  • Enable Horizontal Motion
  • Desktop
    • Starting Offset: -6
    • Mid Offset: 50% / 0
    • Ending Offset: 6
  • Tablet and Phone
    • Stating Offset: -4
    • Mid Offset: 50% /0
    • Ending Offset: 4

Add New Row

Column Structure

Now add a new row with three columns. Select the 1/2, 1/4, 1/4 column structure.


Before adding modules, adjust the row sizing.

  • Width: 80%
  • Max Width: 1800px

Column 1 Settings


Also, adjust the spacing of the first column.

  • Top Padding: 20px

Add Image Module to Column 1


Now add an image module to column 1. Use one of your images with the duotone effect.

  • Image: Photo with duotone effect


Adjust the borders too.

  • Rounded Corners: 15px

Add Blurb Module to Column 2


Move on to column 2 and add a blurb module. Insert the content.

  • Title: Make New Connections
  • Body: Descriptive Content


Upload the number 1 image which you can find in the downloadable folder.

  • Image: PNG of #1

Image & Icon

Adjust the placement of the image next.

  • Placement: Top
  • Alignment: Left

Title Text

Style the title text too.

  • Heading Level: H4
  • Font: Alata
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size: 23px

Body Text

Don’t forget to style the body text.

  • Font: Open Sans
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size: 14px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px

Custom CSS

Finally, add some extra padding with custom CSS to the blurb title in the advanced tab.

  • Blurb Title: padding-bottom: 15px;
padding-bottom: 15px;

Clone Blurb Module & Place Duplicate in Column 2

Clone Blurb

Duplicate 1st blurb in column 2.


Update the content.

  • Title: New Title
  • Body: New Descriptive Text


Then, change the number image. You can find the new one in the downloadable folder.

  • Image: PNG of #2

Delete Column 3 & Clone Column 2

Clone Column

In the row settings, delete the 3rd column and duplicate the 2nd. Make sure you return the column structure to 1/2, 1/4, 1/4.

Adjust Blurb 1 in Column 3


Update the text content in the cloned blurb.

  • Title: New Title
  • Body: New Descriptive Text


Change the number image as well.

  • Image: PNG of #3

Adjust Blurb 2 in Column 3


Modify the content of this blurb too. First the text.

  • Title: New Title
  • Body: New Descriptive Text


Then, change the number image.

  • Image: PNG of #4

3. Create Speakers Section

Add New Section


Moving on to the section for the speakers. Add a new section and style the background.

  • Background Gradient
    • Color 1: #202060
    • Color 2: #162447


Adjust the visibility settings in the advanced tab.

  • Horizontal and Vertical Overflow: Hidden

Clone Title Row & Place Duplicate in New Section

Duplicate Row

Duplicate the title row from the section above and place the duplicate in the cloned section. We’ll call this, title row 2.

Adjust Text Module


  • Title: New title content – The Speakers

Heading Text

Then, style the H3 text settings in the design tab.

  • Heading Level: H3
  • Font: Alata
  • Size
    • Desktop: 100px
    • Tablet: 80px
    • Phone: 45px

Custom CSS

Adjust the CSS ID in the cloned text module as well.

  • CSS ID: Speakers

Adjust Divider


Next, change the line color of the divider module.

  • Line Color: Purple #602080

Add New Row

Column Structure

Now add a new row with 5 equally-sized modules.


Adjust the sizing of the row as follows:

  • Width: 80%
  • Max Width: 1800px
  • Equalize Column Height: Yes


Add some spacing too.

  • Top Margin: 40px

Add Person Module to Column 1


Add the first person module to column 1.

  • Name: Person’s Name
  • Position: Person’s Position
  • Social Media Profiles: Person’s Profiles
  • Body: Descriptive Text


Upload the image of the speaker with the color effect. We recommend a 550 x 770 px image size.

  • Image: Photo with duotone effect


Add some rounded corners to the image next.

  • Image Rounded Corners: 15px

Title Text

Then, style the title text.

  • Heading Level: H4
  • Font: Alata
  • Size: 33px

Body Text

Style the body text as well.

  • Font: Open Sans
  • Size: 14px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px

Position Text

Don’t forget the position text.

  • Font: Alata
  • Size: 20px

Custom CSS

Finally, add some custom CSS for extra padding.

  • Member Image: padding-bottom: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
  • Title: padding-bottom: 20px;
padding-bottom: 20px;
  • Member Position: padding-bottom: 20px;
padding-bottom: 20px;

Duplicate Column 1

Clone Column

In the row settings, delete columns 2-5. Duplicate column 1 four times.

Adjust Content for New Person Modules


Update the content in all the cloned modules. First the text.

  • Name: New Person’s Name
  • Position: New Person’s Position
  • Social Media Profiles: New Person’s Profiles
  • Body: New Descriptive Text


Then the image.

  • Image: New image with duotone effect (550x700px)

4. Create Schedule Section

Add New Section


Now we’ll create the schedule section. Add a new section and style the background as follows:

  • Background Gradient
    • Color 1: #162447
    • Color 2: #1f4068


Adjust the visibility settings in the advanced tab.

  • Horizontal and Vertical Overflow: Hidden

Clone Title Row 2

Duplicate Row

Clone the title row from the section above and paste it in this section.

Adjust Text Module


Change the title content.

  • Title: The Schedule

Custom CSS

Change the CSS ID in the cloned text module.

  • CSS ID: Schedule

Adjust Divider


Change the color of the divider as well.

  • Line Color: Fuchsia #b030b0

Add New Row

Column Structure

Now, add a new row with three equally-sized columns.


Adjust the sizing of the row.

  • Width: 80%
  • Max Width: 1800px


Add some spacing too.

  • Bottom Margin: 50px

Add Text Module to Column 1


Add a text module to the first column. Insert the content.

  • Body: H3 Content – Day 1

Heading Text

Move over to the design tab and style the heading text.

  • Heading Level: H3
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size: 50px


Add some spacing next.

  • Top Padding: 20px
  • Left Padding: 30px

Add Call To Action to Column 1


Now add a call to action module with some content of your choice.

  • Title: Day’s theme title – Inbound Marketing
  • Body: Descriptive Text


Add an image background too.

  • Background image: Image with duotone effect

Heading Text

In the design tab, style the heading text.

  • Heading Level: H3
  • Font: Alata
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size: 26px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px

Body Text

Style the body text next.

  • Font: Alata
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size: 15px


Add some spacing too.

  • Top Margin: -120px


Then, style the border.

  • Rounded Corners: 15px

Custom CSS

Finally, add custom CSS for extra styling.

  • Promo Description
    • border-radius: 15px;
    • background-color: #162447;
    • padding-left: 25px;
    • padding-right: 25px;
    • padding-bottom: 40px;
border-radius: 15px;
background-color: #162447; 
margin-top: 500px; 
padding-bottom: 40px; 
padding-bottom: 40px;
  • Promo Title
    • background-color: #q62447
    • margin-top: 500px
    • padding-bottom: 40px
    • padding-bottom: 40px
background-color: #q62447;
margin-top: 500px;
padding-bottom: 40px;
padding-bottom: 40px;

Add Text Module to Column 2


Move over to column 2 and add a text module. Follow this content structure:

  • Body
    • Date: H4 Content
    • Speaker: H5 Content
    • Topic: H6 Content
    • Description: Paragraph Content


In the design tab, style the text.

  • Font: Open Sans
  • Size: 14px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px
  • Alignment: Left

Heading Text

Then style all the heading levels.

  • Heading Level: H4
    • Font: Alata
    • Weight: Bold
    • Size: 40px
  • Heading Level: H5
    • Font: Alata
    • Size: 25px
    • Line Height: 1.5em
  • Heading Level: H6
    • Font: Alata
    • Style: Italics
    • Size: 19px
    • Line Height: 1.5em


Style the border too.

  • Style: Bottom Border
  • Width: 3px
  • Color: Fuchsia #b030b0

Clone Text Module 2 Times

Clone Text Module

Duplicate the 1st text module twice.

Adjust New Text Modules


Change the content in the cloned text modules.

  • Body
    • Date: New H4 Content
    • Speaker: New H5 Content
    • Topic: New H6 Content
    • Description: New Paragraph Content

Remove Border of 3rd Text Module


Remove the border of the last module in the column.

  • Bottom Border Width
    • Desktop: 0px
    • Tablet and Phone: 3px

Delete Column 3 & Clone Column 2

Clone Columns

In the row settings, delete column 3. Duplicate column 2.

Remove & Adjust Text Modules

Delete Text Module

Erase the 3rd text module in the cloned column.

Adjust Content

Update the content in each new text module.

  • Body
    • Date: New H4 Content
    • Speaker: New H5 Content
    • Topic: New H6 Content
    • Description: New Paragraph Content

Clone Button Module & Place Duplicate in Column 3

Clone Button

Copy the “register” button in the header section and paste it below the last text module in column 3.

Adjust Button Module


Change the alignment of the button to left.

  • Button Alignment: Left

Button Custom Style

Adjust the text size a little.

  • Text Size
    • Desktop and Tablet: 25 px
    • Phone: 20px

Clone 1st Row of Schedule Section

Clone Row

Duplicate the 1st row in the schedule section.

Adjust Text Module in Column 1


Change the content in the cloned text module.

  • Body: Day 2

Adjust Call To Action Module


Adjust the content of the call to action module.

  • Title: New day’s theme title
  • Description: New descriptive content


Change the background image as well.

  • Background Image: New image with duotone effect

Adjust Text Modules


Adjust the content in the text modules too.

  • Body
    • Date: New H4 Content
    • Speaker: New H5 Content
    • Topic: New H6 Content
    • Description: New Paragraph Content

5. Create Register Section

Add New Section


The final section is dedicated to the registration. Add a new section and style the background as follows. You’ll find the footer graphic in the download folder above.

  • Background Color: Purple #602080
  • Background Image: Footer Graphic
  • Image Position: Top Center


Adjust the spacing of the section as well.

  • Top Padding: 70px
  • Bottom Padding: 120px


And change the visibility settings in the advanced tab.

  • Horizontal and Vertical Overflow: Hidden

Add New Row

Column Structure

Now add a new row with one column.

Add Divider Module


Add an invisible divider to act as the anchor link for the section.

  • Show Divider: No


Insert the CSS ID that links to all the “register” buttons.

  • CSS ID: Register

Add New Row

Column Structure

Add a second row with two equal columns.


Adjust the row’s sizing settings.

  • Custom Gutter Width: 4
  • Width: 80%
  • Max Width:: 1800px

Add Countdown Timer Module to Column 1


Add a countdown timer module to the first column. Add the content and date of the event.

  • Title: Descriptive Title
  • Date: Starting Date


Style the background next.

  • Background Gradient
    • Color 1: #1f4068
    • Color 2: #162447

Title Text

In the design tab, style the title text.

  • Heading Level: H4
  • Font: Alata
  • Alignment: Center
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size
    • Desktop and Tablet: 30px
    • Phone: 25x

Numbers Text

Style the numbers text too.

  • Font: Alata
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size
    • Desktop: 55px
    • Tablet: 35px
    • Phone: 25px

Label Text

Also, the label text.

  • Font: Alata
  • Size: 9px


Then, adjust the sizing of the row.

  • Width
    • Sizing: 100%


Add some padding too.

  • Top and Bottom Padding: 60px


Finally, style the border.

  • Rounded Corners: 15px

Add Contact Form Module to COlumn 2


Add a new contact form module to column 2. Remove the message field.

  • Message Field: Remove

Fields Layout

Enter the settings for each field. In the design tab, under layout, click on “make fullwidth”. Do the same for the second field.

  • Layout: Make fullwidth


Go back to the general contact form settings and add some content.

  • Title: Descriptive title
  • Success Message: Your message
  • Submit Button: Register


Then, style the fields as follows:

  • Background Color: Transparent
  • Text Color: White #ffffff
  • Focus Background Color: Transparent
  • Focus Text Color: White #ffffff
  • Font: Alata
  • Size
    • Desktop: 22px
    • Tablet and Phone: 18px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px

Title Text

Style the title text as well.

  • Heading Level: H4
  • Font: Alata
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size
    • Desktop and Phone: 30px
    • Phone: 24px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px

Button Custom Styles

Adjust the button custom styles too.

  • Text Size: 20px
  • Text Color: White #ffffff
  • Background Color: Blue #1f4068
  • Border Radius: 15px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px
  • Font: Alata
  • Top Margin: 10px
  • Top Padding
    • Tablet and Phone: 60px


Don’t forget to adjust the border-radius.

  • Rounded  Corners: 15px
  • Border Width: 2px
  • Color: White #fffff

Custom CSS

Finally, add custom CSS for extra padding.

  • Contact Title: padding-bottom: 30px;
padding-bottom: 30px;


We’re done! Let’s take a look at the landing page design again across different screen sizes.




That’s a Wrap

You made it! How does your virtual summit landing page look? Use this design for your own virtual summit or for a web design client. The navigation is optimized for conversion with just the right amount of information. We added scrolling section dividers for a little visual extra too.

Let us know what you think in the comments. Did you download the layout or did you follow the steps?

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  1. Trying to install this theme but I received this error
    “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
    Theme installation failed.”

    Is it possible to update the theme with the right style.css?

  2. Hi John
    You’re absolutely right. I did mess that up didn’t I?

    The CSS for the Promo Description is the one in the bullet list

    Promo Description
    border-radius: 15px;
    background-color: #162447;
    padding-left: 25px;
    padding-right: 25px;
    padding-bottom: 40px;

    That number #q162447 should be #162447

    The Promo Title is correct. That 500px margin is what’s giving all that space above the boxed text.

    Thanks so much for the heads up. I’ll get the copy fixed straight away.

  3. there are errors in your CSS code for the Call to Action Promo Title. What you tell us to write in the CSS is different from the example directly underneath it. This section of your otherwise excellent blog post is all messed up and confused me mightily! Also there is no color #q62447, and are you sure you want the margin-top in the promo title to be 500px? I don’t know if that’s right or not :

    Custom CSS

    Finally, add custom CSS for extra styling.

    Promo Description
    border-radius: 15px;
    background-color: #162447;
    padding-left: 25px;
    padding-right: 25px;
    padding-bottom: 40px;

    01 border-radius: 15px;
    02 background-color: #162447;
    03 margin-top: 500px;
    04 padding-bottom: 40px;
    05 padding-bottom: 40px;

    Promo Title
    background-color: #q62447
    margin-top: 500px
    padding-bottom: 40px
    padding-bottom: 40px

    01 background-color: #q62447;
    02 margin-top: 500px;
    03 padding-bottom: 40px;
    04 padding-bottom: 40px;

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