Divi Meetup Community Update: May

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 1 Comment

Divi Meetup Community Update: May
Blog / Community / Divi Meetup Community Update: May

It’s May, Divi Nation!

What a wonderful month it’s been! As always the Divi Community–from Facebook to Meetup and beyond–has been buzzing with new energy. Perhaps in part thanks to the fact that much of the world seems to be turning the corner on the pandemic. While most, if not all, of our Meetups are still being held virtually it’s clear folks are more ready than ever to engage in community! We hope you’ll find the nearest Divi Meetup to you and come join us in June 🙂

In the meantime, check out our current stats and community updates for May!

The Divi Nation Meetup Network by the Numbers

  • Total Members: 9,580
  • Total Groups: 54
  • Total Events Hosted: 957
  • Total RSVPs: 8,537
  • New Members (Last 90 Days): 777
  • New Groups (Last 60 Days): 1
  • New Group Pipeline: 1

If you have a passion to build your local Divi community, locate a group near you here or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.


Updates from Existing Groups

Our Divi Meetup Pro community is moving right along and hosting meetups lickity-splickity. Currently, some local communities are considering if it’s safe to meet in person again. This is exciting but we’re all treading lightly. I mean, at the same time I’m super antsy in my seat trying to be patient. 😅
And, don’t worry, virtual lovers. You won’t be left out. All groups are encouraged to move to a hybrid model with virtual accommodations along with our in-person events.

Speaking of our groups, let’s take a look at how our May meetups went! 👀

Divi Lagos, Nigeria

Divi Lagos may 2021

Divi Lagos

Divi Lagos may 2021

Divi Lagos

From the Hosts, Ayodeji & Olusegun:

Attendees: 5

Divi Lagos Co-organizers hosted Olutaller Akinwole a guest speaker for May 2021 Meetup, he talked about “Website Development Business: Starting with the End in Mind”.
The meetup was an engaging one as everyone was filled with questions.

Yasss, Divi Lagos! Woot!

Go to Divi Lagos, Nigeria

Divi Los Angeles, California, USA

Divi Los Angeles

Divi Los Angeles

From the Host, Julius Lopez:

Attendees: 10

May was a great month for Divi Los Angeles. On May 11 we hosted an “Open Mic” where everyone was welcome to ask questions. There were several engaging conversations including one where we cleared up some confusion around the ‘transform’ and ‘position’ tools.
Then, on May 13, Julius was the featured guest for Rosalina’s Divi Sacramento Meetup to present my method for managing blog posts by taking advantage of the database which drives WordPress, MySQL. Using Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields for post data, while leveraging Divi’s Dynamic Data and the Theme Builder to create unique layouts for the data.
Later in the month were back for a second Divi Los Angeles Meetup on May 20 to focus on Migrating Divi Websites. The conversation [led] to a thoughtful debate over the use of free local environment tools and low-cost cloud development. It was a great discussion [that] demonstrated the benefits and weaknesses of both solutions.
We can’t wait to engage in more great conversations with the Divi community!

I love how Divi LA is excited to meet more of you!

Go to Divi Los Angeles

Divi New York City, USA

Divi New York City May 2021

Divi New York City

From the Hosts, Patty, Jeanine, & Mickey:

Attendees: 9

Divi NYC has gone National! We had members sign in from Atlanta, San Antonio, and New Jersey 😊
What started out as a brainstorm for future topics of interest turned into a Brain Share! We started with Site speed + hosting, moved to migration and staging, and then on to starting a business. There was definitely something for everyone in this session.
“You are part of a great community! Definitely in the right place to let your creativity shine. Divi is the right theme for you”

Looking forward to Future Topics:
• Membership – our own Marc Silverman has offered to speak!
• Practical examples of the Divi Platform solving client problems
• Hosting
• Divi and using data tables
• How to use Divi from Scratch – Atlanta’s Cammy Farone has offered to speak on this one!

Check that lineup! Visit this group today! Bet.

Go to Divi NYC

Divi Sacramento, California, USA

Divi Sacramento may 2021

Divi Sacramento

Divi Sacramento may 21

Divi Sacramento

From the Hosts, Rosalinda Huck & Elizabeth Hahn:

Attendees: 20

In May, we had two guest speakers for our two meetings. First, Julius Lopez from Trivessa (and organizer for Divi Los Angeles!) presented his process of redesigning a blog using the Divi Theme Builder. He demonstrated his step-by-step method, including using custom post types, and advanced custom fields. Then, in lieu of our regular Q&A meeting, Raya Stoilova from SiteGround shared info on what to look for in a web hosting provider and [the] benefits of using SiteGround for hosting. Thank you both for being fantastic guests! Starting in June, we’re moving our meeting days to the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Drop-in and say hello!

Love it, Divi Sac-Town! 🙌🏼

Go to Divi Sacramento

Divi Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Divi Salt Lake City may 2021

Divi Salt Lake City

From the Host, Dustin Olsen:

Attendees: 5

We had a handful of people show up and the format of our Q&A turned into a bit of a panel discussion between me and the Divi Meetup Organizers from Atlanta and Chicago. We had talking points on Child Themes, Theme Builder, and using Animations (plus the little tangents it took us on).
For those of you still trying to get your bearings on where you stand with these different areas, or you find it fascinating to learn what others do with the same tools you use, then you’ll want to take a look at our recording of the Meetup.

The energy from this group has me hyped!

Go to Divi Salt Lake City

Divi San Diego, California, USA

Divi San Diego may 2021

Divi San Diego

From the Hosts, Ryan Berg & Marcus Boyd:

Attendees: 4

This month, we met virtually to discuss all things Divi. We each shared a few sites that we had worked on recently and discussed how Divi integrates with Advanced Custom Fields and other plugins.

We’re so glad to see Divi San Diego reenergized!

Go to Divi San Diego

Divi Seattle, Washington, USA

Divi Seattle

Divi Seattle

From the Hosts, Bradon Garley & Shane Griffiths:

Attendees: 22

In this meetup, we did a deep dive into site speed. We covered why speed matters, how to measure speed, limitations and upcoming improvements with Divi, and general best practices for building a fast website. We reviewed several design choices specific to Divi that will slow things down and how to optimize for them. Last we shared some great tools and resources for tracking speed over time, third-party scripts, and speed optimization plugins.

Every month, Divi Seattle brings it!

Go to Divi Seattle

Divi Tampa, Florida, USA

Divi Tampa may 2021

Divi Tampa

From the Host, Steve Willingham:

Attendees: 4

The virtual Divi-Tampa May-Meet 2021 meetup was held on Thursday, May 27 at 1 PM EST. We had 4 very engaged members attending out of 11 sign-ups. All four attendees were from the Tampa Bay area and we had a blast helping each other with some website issues. We shared insights and knowledge about navigation headers and why they sometimes work on Divi pages but not posts. We also discussed the potential of a hybrid in-person & online meetup again in June. Interestingly, after meeting online over the past year, most attendees said they’d prefer to continue meeting online!
We’re looking forward to our next meetup in June with it tentatively being a hybrid meeting.

Yes, Tampa! So excited! 🤸🏻‍♀️

Go to Divi Tampa

Divi Valencia, Spain

Divi Valencia may 2021

Divi Valencia

From the Host, Celine de Castro:

Attendees: 6

For our May event, Katerina Angelova from SiteGround gave a presentation about the Benefits of SiteGround’s Divi Hosting. It was wonderful to hear about the great support and how SiteGround and Divi are working together for ease of use and page load speed.

Woot! Divi Valencia coming with it!

Go to Divi Valencia

Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?

Great! We’re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and building community and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.

Starting a new Divi Meetup group is simple. Just apply by filling out this form or email [email protected]. Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!

Not sure if there’s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.

Global Divi Meetup Network

Featured Image via cosmaa / shutterstock.com


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1 Comment

  1. I have been using Divi since the year 2014. I would like to know how I can be joining future webinars. Regards,

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