Elegant Themes Blog

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How To Build A Coupon Site With WordPress

How To Build A Coupon Site With WordPress

January 20, 2023 in Resources | 28 comments

Who doesn’t love saving money? We live in a time where pinching pennies isn’t just for frugal moms anymore. Not only do we want to save money, but most of us have to for one reason or another. But what’s even better than saving money? What about making money from helping others save it?...

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WordPress SEO Best Practices

WordPress SEO Best Practices

May 16, 2024 in Tips & Tricks | 81 comments

In the past five years, Google has changed the meaning of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) — and boy did she bring down the hammer! All those loopholes and black-hat methods were not only throw to the side, but they also received huge punishments including loss of ranking and even being banned...

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An In-Depth Overview Of The ManageWP Dashboard

An In-Depth Overview Of The ManageWP Dashboard

September 20, 2022 in Resources | 37 comments

It is no secret that setting up and managing a blog is time-consuming. But what if you could spend less time managing your WordPress site and more time on the important stuff? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, actually, there is a tool that can help you do just that. Just what is that...

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