Bloom 1.2 Has Arrived With Three New Email Providers, Form Success Actions And More

Last Updated on December 31, 2022 by 134 Comments

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Bloom 1.2 Has Arrived With Three New Email Providers, Form Success Actions And More
Blog / Theme Releases / Bloom 1.2 Has Arrived With Three New Email Providers, Form Success Actions And More

Today we are excited to announce the release of Bloom version 1.2. This version adds 3 new email providers, bringing Bloom’s supported email provider count up to 19! In addition, we have completely re-vamped the API system that Bloom uses to connect to third party providers, streamlining the system using WordPress core functions and laying the groundwork for the easy-addition of new providers in the future. This means better compatibility with more hosting accounts and a much leaner and more maintainable code base. The new system has also been extended to the Elegant Themes core framework shared by all of our products, which means we will soon be able to take advantage of all 19 email providers in more of our products (such as Divi 🙂 ) Finally, we have added a Success Action system that allows you to perform different functions when someone subscribes to your list (such as redirecting them to a new URL).

Three New Email Providers

Bloom now supports a total of 19 email providers! No matter what service you use, we want to make building your email list as easy as possible.

Today we add support for three new email providers, including ConvertKit, MailerLite and Mailster. Bloom now supports a total of 19 email providers, including all of the most popular third party services and WordPress plugins. We want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to build their list, no matter what email provider they are using. We continue to recognize email as the king of online marketing, and every business should be encouraging their users to opt-in to their newsletters!

ConvertKit claims to have found a sweet-spot between power and usability. “The power of Infusionsoft, but easier to use than MailChimp” is their motto, and we have had a lot of Bloom users requesting support for their service. ConvertKit was built with bloggers in mind, which makes it a natural choice for WordPress users. Combined with the power of Bloom, it’s the perfect way to take your blog to the next level.

277,365 businesses, start-ups and freelancers around the world trust MailerLite, and it has been at the top of our “most requested” email providers list for some time. Now you can easily grow your MailerLite list using Bloom’s suite of opt-ins and advanced targeting methods.

Mailster is one of the most popular WordPress email plugins, allowing you to build, maintain and email your subscribers right inside your WordPress Dashboard. This makes it a more affordable solution than most SAAS providers since your hosting company handles the work.

Introducing Success Actions

Each opt-in that you create in Bloom can now have a custom success action assigned to it, such as a custom success message or URL redirect.

Success Redirect

You can now redirect users to a custom URL after they subscribe to your lists. Each opt-in that you build in Bloom can have its own success action and its own unique URL redirect. This is the perfect way to welcome users to your newsletter. It’s also a great way to distribute incentives after signup, such as free downloads or resources. Offer a “free ebook” for signing up and then redirect them right to the download page!

Improved API Support & Core Integration

Bloom’s core system for interfacing with third party providers has been completely re-imagined and improved, laying the groundwork for adding and maintaining more email providers in the future.

WordPress-Native Code

Managing the code base for 19 different email providers is not easy. Previously we were taking advantage of large and often bloated API wrappers, each of which was developed and formatted differently. From a development perspective, it made it difficult to understand every piece of the puzzle. Each time we added a new provider, things got a little more complicated. In addition, these third party wrappers were not built specifically for WordPress, which means they did not take advantage of WordPress core functions for handling requests.

We decided to take on the challenge of re-writing all of these API wrappers from scratch and creating our own extendable system for managing third party API’s using the native functions that come with WordPress. The results is a much leaner code base that will be easier to maintain and easier to extend to new providers in the future.

Now Part Of ET Core

This new system for managing third party APIs has been extended to the Elegant Themes core framework that comes with all of our products. This unifies the system we use for interfacing with these third party providers and lays the foundation for extending support for these provides in more of our products. This means, for example, that Divi will soon be able to support all 19 providers when using the Divi Email Optin Module!

Some improvements can already been seen in the latest version of Divi, released today, which takes advantage of the new API system an introduces a slick new interface for managing lists right inside the Divi Builder!

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  1. Another bump for sendy integration. Please add to the next update!

  2. Ok grate for a third party integration. Does bloom works with self hosted email service as well. I think there is a option for that.

  3. Possible bug of Bloom v1.2.3: unable to add/edit Name Field(s) when using Mailerlite.

    To overcome this I change email provider to Mailchimp, add/edit Name Field(s), Save, change again email provider to Mailerlite, Save.

  4. +1 on Mautic integration

  5. This is great NEWS! Especially the ConvertKit support, being waiting on this forever…..

  6. Hi, this isn’t strictly related to the email opt-in form, but does anyone know if the Divi contact form can email multiple email addresses? A lot of forms allow multiple email addresses to be added with commas separating, but it doesn’t mention it in Divi builder, and I can’t find any mention. I just wondered if anyone knew, cheers 🙂

  7. Hi there, we found a bug. We connected the new verson of bloom plugin to Mailchimp.

    Sometimes, even the email is correct, the users are not added to the list. We tried several emails, same problem.

    Sometimes works fine, sometimes not.

    Before the upgrade, it worked fine.

    Any of you found the same problem?


    • That’s odd. Please open a support ticket so that our team can take a look. Thanks 🙂

      • Having the same issue.. :-/

  8. We need more form field options for the email forms, contact forms and email optins. They are REALLY lacking!!! I needed to create a form the other day and could only use name and email form inputs????? That REALLY was a downer!!!!!

  9. Eureka!
    I have been waiting for this update for several months. It is really very welcome the functionality of redirecting to a welcome page. Yeah!
    It is a coincidence that I started with Mailer Lite and I like it a lot.

    Thanks for your hard work! I use Divi in all the websites I built, and now I going to recommend to use Bloom at not extra cost for the client, that’s wonderful.

    My clients are going to like it. I am going to prepare a video for them in Spanish to explain them how to use it.

    You’ve made my day!


  10. What about ClickFunnels’ Actionetics integration? Is that already in Bloom or coming soon?

  11. Great update, I love Bloom 🙂 (and Divi of course) – use it on all my projects now. Many of my web design clients and my WordPress Guide students (located in Denmark) use Simplero as their email provider. Simplero is build to help entrepreneurs sell and market online products, and they include really cool list options. I managed to implement my own Simplero list in Bloom, but it would be really awesome if you could add it to the Email Provider list. Thanks for all your awesome work.

  12. Interesting to see that there’s still no Drip support. Any special reason?

    Apart from that, the fact that Exit Intent is still missing is a big bummer. This should be somehow solvable as others get it solved too.

  13. Nice update and the new codebase looks promising for a faster update cycle. I hope to see support for subscribers who are already on the list soon, so I can have multiple sign-up forms for different giveaways.

  14. Great work ET! Request to add Mautic integration to Bloom at the earliest 🙂

  15. May I suggest to add Cleverreach in the future? This is one of the biggest Email Marketing Providers in Germany. Due to Dataprotection laws we can’t use Mailchimp etc. overseas. So, no Bloom for me so far.

  16. What are the chances of getting this to integrate with Mautic Marketing Automation?

  17. I’m glad to see that you guys have integrated Mailerlite. It sounds like the team has laid to foundations to make Bloom a real contender. I evaluated Bloom last year, and the lack of Mailerlite support was a major reason why I didn’t purchase. I think it’s time for me to revisit Bloom.

    A couple of other features that I’d like to see are opt-ins that get triggered on click and opt-ins that will just send the website owner an email. For example, the user clicks on a button this action triggers a popup to request a quote for a service.

    The last thing I’m trying to work out is how smart Bloom is. Can you configure Bloom not to show popups to visitors that are already on your email list? Or is it possible to set Bloom to stop showing popups to a visitor that has already dismissed them a specified number of times in a single visit or across multiple visits to the site?

  18. I have also started using Drip and would love to see this integration added.

  19. Finally – success page!! Thank you.

    This is one of your best products, and I really hope to see more for it soon. Great stuff!

  20. Integration with Drip would be good.

  21. It’s so much faster to load each settings page! YAY!

  22. MailerLite integration – Hallelujah!!!!


  23. Just switching to MailerLite so this is so timely for me. Thankyou!

  24. I am SO friggin excited that you FINALLY have an Integration for Convertkit!!!! I have been WAITING ever so patiently for this! Whoop Whoop!

  25. Many thanks for the update. However, really hope that both Monarch and Bloom will get some more love, feature-wise. Please add support for Mailjet.

    • I agree, support for Mailjet would be a plus.

  26. Does it compatible with PHP7?

    • Yes, all of our products are fully compatible with PHP 7+ 🙂

      • That’s great 🙂

  27. Great changes! How about Drip? I know that’s another growing email platform. Would love to see that one included in the near future.

  28. We need a Monarch update, which includes Whatsapp and shortcodes

    • +1 for this. Whatsapp esp.

  29. Great new update, now gloom works with my ALO EasyMail Newsletter HTML form! I am very pleased that this problem has now been resolved!! Keep up the creative and good work,

  30. No exit intent popup, no Bloom.

  31. Quick question: Is video integration/pop-up playback being considered?

    • that’s a good question..I purchased ConvertPlayer for this, but it doesn’t allow tagging with Active Campaign. I made a rough workaround with Popup Ally, but would be so much better with Bloom.

      Will follow this.

  32. Has the problem been fixed on updating an existing contact and ability to add a tag if using Active Campaign. The workaround for Bloom I figured out is so clunky, so using Popup Ally in the meantime, but would SO PREFER to use Bloom for everything.

  33. Hi – I am currently constructing a site in Divi. We have four different meditation center locations and an email list for each location. On our website, I’d love to include a Bloom module that allows our users to decide which mailing list they want to sign up for. Right now I have four separate Bloom modules installed in a row on our Divi website for each location/mailing list, but it would save a lot of space just to have one Bloom module with a drop-down menu that would allow site visitors to choose for themselves which mailing lists they want to subscribe to. Can this be done in the current version of Bloom?

  34. Thank you Nick. I’m very pleased with Elagant Themes and your continued efforts for quality and growth!!

  35. Nice!

    Are you planning a deeper integration with ActiveCampaign to give tags after sign-up?

    • I submitted a support ticket to followup up from their last reply last year. There is a workaround, but it’s clunky.

      • I second the need for tags with Bloom & ActiveCampaign and filed that request with Elegant themes ages ago.
        I’m interested in your workaround Gisele. Does that involve creating different sign-up lists & automations that assign tags in AC? Because that’s how I’ve done it so far.

  36. Awesome! Thanks for all your hard work, continued improvements to your software and community building efforts. Love it!

  37. Yay ! Have been waiting for integration with Mailerlite for quite a while. I am a happy customer. Bloom is blooming well! Thank you!

  38. It’s a shame about the exit intent 🙁 However, I’ve seen a NUMBER of Shopify addons that are based solely around exit intent, so I’m not sure how those plugin/addon developers were able to go around the exit intent. Are there any plans in the future for the ability to add more fields to Bloom? I use Mailchimp and my subscription forms usually have 3 fields: name, email and phone. This breaks or makes the default Bloom forms look REALLY ugly… Also the straight HTML form looks wierd too and the CSS styles from Bloom don’t get applied to all the fields, which is a bummer. Any plans to include this in the future please?

  39. Great improvements. Outstanding!

  40. Great Stuff! Thanks Nick for having the vision to improve. Any chance the success exit can also handle a postback URL for outside data capture to CRM/Marketing Automation tool?

  41. There needs to be an option to enable/ disable optin email confirmation (using EMMA now). This is a major goal set back for our use case.

  42. I would love for Bloom to have the ability to configure and send the form data to a Post URL, so I can easily integrate with various CRMs.

    • That’s already possible using Bloom’s Custom HTML Forms feature. You could simply use your browser console to copy/paste the HTML from one of Bloom’s default forms and then change it to POST the data to wherever you like 🙂

      • Hello Dustin.

        It would be awesome if you post a video teachnig how to do that.

        So people could easily follow the instructions in order to integrate to anything they want and avoid to hire a developer just to do that.

        For example, I have Divi Theme and I use a child theme named Anthem which is beautiful!

        But I still don’t know how to integrate an email form built using Divi E-mail Module to ActiveCampaign.

        I really need to learn how integrate any email custom form to ActiveCampaign or anything else.

        Thanks in advance.

        • It’s not yet possible to use Divi’s Email Opt-in Module with ActiveCampaign, but it will be soon 🙂 In the meantime you can use Bloom which already includes support for ActiveCampaign.

          • Thank you Dustin.

            One more related question: I have followed your advice and I have tested Bloom. Can I instead using the shortcode it generates, use the HTML code? I need that because I use a translation plug-in named WegLot and it can’t translates dynamic content generated using shortcodes.
            How can I get the HTML code Bloom generates from its shortecode?
            Please, I need it.
            Thank you so much!

  43. Hi Nick, does the roadmap for Bloom include introducing a “floating bar” (aka SmartBar) optin like or or any of the other leading email opt-in plugins? These are common and very effective (I see uses one as well) and has been my number one missing feature in Bloom for some time now. Is it on your Roadmap already? If not, any chance you could add it?

    • I can confirm that it is on the roadmap 🙂

  44. Great to hear! Thanks for all your hard work and awesome products.

    Are you going to come out with slim optin layouts as well? I know there is coding that can be done, but would be nice to have it built in.


  45. Fantastic update! Glad to hear more is on the way. Bloom & especially Monarch (possibly Extra) have been neglected in comparison to the stunning Divi. Monarch really needs the LinkedIn auth situation fixed and the Admin Ajax issue with 100s of calls.

    • Monarch was updated today with improved performance and reduced ajax calls. The LinkedIn auth fix is on the way. Extra was also updated today with 40+ bug fixes 🙂

      • We need a Monarch update, which includes Whatsapp and shortcodes, I love Monarch!

      • Nick – any chance I can request a slideshare option added to Monarch or even just to Divi’s social share options? 🙂

  46. Hi, how it’s possibile to have a privacy confirm checkout?

  47. When can we use Bloom to simply send us an email when there is a new signup?

    I don’t like having to use a third party service because my sites are relatively low volume. I’d like the enrollment to come to me.

    • Sounds like Mailster would be a good solution for your use case. Its a WordPress plugin and is now fully supported in Bloom 🙂

  48. Thanks for the update!!

    Regarding the redirect. If using a pop-up email sign-up, will the popup content redirect, or will the user’s browser page redirect?

    This could be a bad UX if a user is reading a post, the sign-up flys in, they sign up, and are redirected away the blog. Sure, they can simply use the back button, however, why have this extra step? I guess this would not be easy in WP as creating an entirely black page may be difficult.

    Perhaps allowing the functionality to ‘Download File’ where you will a) point to the file being DLed, and b) give a thumbnail image to represent the file, along with a brief message?

    • Simple. Because when you’re doing online marketing and you want to direct people into a sales funnel you can have it so they optin and immediately take the user into a sales funnel.

  49. Hi Nick,

    great to see Bloom is getting more and more sophisticated.

    Coming from a country (Germany) with exceptional strict privacy laws and compliance standards it would be so great to see one of our compliant E-Mail providers covered by Bloom:


    That would be very helpfull for compliance sensitive web businesses in Germany and the EU.
    I think it will help you sell Bloom in Europe.

    There are a lot of successful SAAS-companies that integrate CLEVER REACH (maybe especially for this EU-compliance reason):

    salesforce, amazon, ebay, gravity forms, woocomerce, etc.

    Would love to hear from you!
    All the best!


  50. Dumb question. How do we update from Bloom 1 to Bloom 1.2?

    • Ditto… do we have to remove the old plugin and reinstall this one? Will all the other optin’s be lost?

  51. Great release!
    What about checkboxes and radio buttons????
    Are they included?

  52. Nice update!

    I would like to request the addition of (now owned by LeadPages) for future integration.

    The ConvertKit integration was a good one to add also.


  53. Love the redirection feature… This has been requested for a while now.
    I really hope you guys step up your game and integrate our feature requests to the products much sooner than this rate. Otherwise it’s inevitable that you guys going to lose ground to other upcoming products like Elementor. Just a friendly reminder. Anyway, I appreciate this addition 🙂

  54. Good work! Bloom keeps getting better and better.

    I laughed when I read the email as we just switched from ConvertKit to Drip. Now I’m looking for native Drip integration in Bloom! I’m guessing it will be in v1.2.1? 😉

    • Would be awesome to have support for drip. Right now I have to use the custom email provider and paste the HTML code for the drip form, then I also have to style it. But the problem is that there is no client-side validation unless I add that manually (which is a pain).

      • +1 for

        • +1 from me too

    • Would love to hear about why you switched. I’m currently evaluating both tools for a new site I’m launching — what did you like better about Drip?

      • Hey Melissa. The visual workflow builder is amazing. It lets you craft some cool automations visually and is altogether more powerful than CK.

    • I just requested this above 😀

  55. sendy and mautic please…on the next update

    • mautik please

    • mautik ++++

  56. Nick,

    I appreciate the integration of the Mailerlite service.

    But when using the Divi Optin module, you also need to use the integration.

    The integration is interesting but lack 50% with the optin module Divi.

    Will this integration with Divi be soon?

    • Yep, as mentioned in the post, this update was critical in allowing up to extend support to all 19 email providers in the Divi Email Optin module. That update is coming soon 🙂

      • Are you going to integrate a redirection thank you page to the divi email option module too ?? It would be awesome !!

  57. Thanks for the update. This is great! Question: Will we have the ability to choose specific forms or tags? I use Aweber and we can now create campaigns based on tags. Subscribers are tagged based on which signup form presented tonthem. Creating a list for each lead magnet creates a duplication issue.

  58. Awesome! Glad to see Bloom getting some development love!

  59. For those of us who aren’t familiar with Bloom, a link to a description of what it is, as opposed to the new features, would be helpful. (I followed a link in a promotional e-mail.) I assume it’s some sort of mailing list product, but I have no idea why I’d want to use it for my customers.

  60. Could you please add Sendy to the integration list, may be in the next update? Sendy is quite popular now, adding it to the list might benefit many people. 🙂

    • I’d really like to see Sendy integration as well.

      • Please please please integrate Sendy!!! The integration plugin does not work anymore and its caused me to stop using Bloom for now until you guys officially support Sendy.

    • I support the idea!
      There is an addon but only work witn Bloom 1.1 and if you don´t have it you could not work.

    • YES PLEASE!! Sendy integration would be wonderful

  61. I’m happy with the evolution of the Web, Divi has revolutionized and made it easy to create websites, Bloom is easy and efficient, congratulations.
    I would like to know how I can have some support from Elegant Themes for the Portuguese-speaking public, I am working to launch a DIVI course for the Portuguese-speaking community.
    How can I have some elegant themes material and support for new users?

  62. Awesome update! Glad to see Mailster in the boot! Yuppie!

    Thanks a million ET.


  63. Hey for your European fellows there is no Email Provider 🙁
    We have to use for dataprotect only German Providers as newsletter2go – I can´t use Bloom and I am totally sad about that – or anyone have a workaround?

    • We are based in Germany, too. Switch your email provider!

      • Hi there,

        Just want to point out that I am having issue with bloom and Sendinblue !

        I do ask for email + Name + Last Name on my BLOOM form, however it seems that I have a sync problem as I can only get the email in my sendinblue list.

        If anyone is having the same issue, I will be happy to know if he solved the problem !

        Thanks a lot for your help.


    • Hi Gesa, wie kommst du darauf, dass du MailChimp und Co nicht verwenden kannst? Du musst doch nur darauf achten, dass du ein doppeltes Opt-In hast und einen entsprechenden Eintrag im Disclaimer.

    • Hi, actually there is, which is based in France. I’m a customer of them since I found out about them in Bloom and am quite happy with them.

      • Cool, but how you get it in Bloom or they are already in… have no Bloom installed 🙂 Thanks Brecht

  64. How about Mailchimp groups and segments? Can we add signups directly to those, or only to top level lists?

    • Yeah – me too. Would like to see the Mail chimp Groups and Segments.

      I using Hustle at the moment and a few other tools but would much prefer to use the ET stuff if I could.

    • These are coming soon. We thought they would be ready for this update, but there are a few bugs to work out.

      • Hey Nick/ Team, Any update on the Bloom/ MailChimp groups functionality? I have to really decide soon whether to migrate away from Bloom as the groups and segmentation is core to our strategy with over 2 dozen of our clients using MC. Hard to hold this off much longer. Let us know, thanks!

      • YAY!

      • Echoing the other sentiments, very much look forward to group segmentation being ready. Will be a big help.

      • I’ve been ready to buy Bloom for years, but Mailchimp Groups is the only thing holding me back. It’s kinda ridiculous since Mailchimp groups has been around for close to a decade and almost all other email optin plugins have integrated it years ago, so it doesn’t seem that hard. Will there be any kind of notification of when they’ll come out?

      • Awesome sauce. This is the only thing holding me back from using Bloom. I need easier integration with MC Groups in my life. 🙂

      • Excellent! Thanks Nick. Looking forward to it.

        • This is really the only thing holding me back right now. I need to segment into mailchimp groups.

          I really hope you all iron out the kinks as this would make integration so much faster when using Divi.

      • That’s awesome. Advanced MailChimp functionality would be great. Is the ability to hidden fields coming soon as well so I can track why page on my website visitors currently sign up?

  65. Now we just need proper responsive images in Divi!

  66. Nick, you and your team just made my entire MONTH with Bloom 1.2! Solid work!

  67. Pretty disappointed to still see no support for Postmatic, given the success they’re enjoying, along with the fact their API connects to so many other options, including OptinMonster and TimerSys PopUps, that both support Exit Intent, which Bloom still doesn’t have.

  68. I was waiting for this updates!! Thanks a lot Nick, keep the awesome work!! 😀

  69. Glad to see a new update.

    Please add SendGrid. They are one of the most popular email delivery services.

    • Thanks for the suggestion 🙂 With the new API system we created, adding new providers is going to be a lot easier.

      • Yes, SendGrid would be top priority for my sites. Thx.

  70. I love Bloom to bits but have an obvious question – are we ever going to see 1-Shopping-Cart integration??

    I have a lot of clients who use it and would love to use something like Bloom for list building, but the work around I have to use for 1-Shopping-Cart is pretty dicey.

    Thanks and as always – great work!

  71. Awesome job Nick!

    By the way, do you guys have plans to include exit popups in the next wave of updates to Bloom plugin?

    • I don’t think so. I asked them a few months ago about the exit intent thing. The patent is owned by Bounce Exchange. My guess is that they can’t include it because you can’t decide a % or fixed cut that goes to Bounce Exchange because Bloom is not a standalone plugin, but a part of a membership plan which gives you access to many other things as well. But I’d also like to see it included in the near future. 🙂

    • Yes, I too am interested in exit popups.

      Bloom had an exit popup but it waas discontinued?

      Are they not effecitive? I don’t like them personally.

    • I would love to see an exit popup as well!

    • Don’t hold your breath, each time they’ve been asked in the past, they advise it’s “patented” to OptinMonster. However, there are more providers than OptinMonster who use Exit Intent – I use TimerSys PopUps, and the premium version uses Exit Intent.

      Inexpensive, too – single site license is just $39 USD, 2-5 sites $139 USD, and Unlimited Sites is $350 USD. It’s an annual license, but you get a renewal discount.

      • It’s patented by BounceExchange. They sued OptinMonster and settled after a couple years of battling it out, which is why OptinMonster is allowed to use the technology. They are patent trolls that not only sue companies, but their customers as well. This is the state of technology patents unfortunately.

        • Lol just don’t call it exit technology and don’t use their code. There are at least 10 different ways to do the same thing. As for the name that should now be a problem.

          • Patent’s don’t work like that. It’s not a trademark or copyright. It’s the protection of an idea. Their idea is “triggering something when the mouse leaves the browser.” If you do that, you infringe on their patent.

            • and if you trigger something when the mouse arrives the very top of the page? or something like this?

              • really bad idea, sorry

  72. Do you now have the option to not log stats? I get millions of rows of stats in my wordpress database due to bloom and it causes loads of issues. Be great if this was configurable

    • We completely reworked the way Bloom calculates and stores stats for better performance. Also Bloom will now only keep a rolling 12 months of stats. In a future release we’ll be adding an automatic stats cleanup feature for very large stats tables 🙂

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