WordPress Trends Infographic – Google Search Popularity for WordPress Over the Past Decade

Last Updated on September 23, 2022 by 38 Comments

WordPress Trends Infographic – Google Search Popularity for WordPress Over the Past Decade
Blog / General News / WordPress Trends Infographic – Google Search Popularity for WordPress Over the Past Decade

Over the years we have seen rapid growth in WordPress and how relevant it has become in the web design community. In this infographic, we explore some interesting Google Search Trends around WordPress and its ecosystem. By exploring the popularity of search terms over the last decade, we can gain a deeper understanding of the rise and fall in popularity of certain systems, and use those results to shape our understanding of how the web has changed, and how things will continue to change in the foreseeable future.

WordPress Infographic 2013
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Analyzing The Results

WordPress Alone

Since 2004, there has been steady growth in searches for WordPress. We can only predict that this will continue to rise as WordPress advances as a CMS and Application Platform.

Templates vs. Themes

In October 2007, search relevancy for WordPress Theme surpassed that of Website Template from an extreme increase in WordPress themes being developed, making web templates a thing of the past.

The CMS Race

Comparing WordPress to other top CMSโ€™s such as Drupal and Joomla, makes WordPress a clear winner. In September 2009, searches for Drupal and Joomla climaxed, while WordPress continued to grow in popularity.

A Bright Future

An interesting comparison is between the search relevancy of Website and WordPress. Sometime in the near future, we may see these two search terms come close to one in the same.


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  1. Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.
    Thanks for sharing this post.

  2. Thanks for sharing this post.

  3. I’d love to translate this into spanish.
    (And sharing it here of course)

  4. Love the infographic – will use it on one of my blogs very soon!

  5. Yeah I’ve been using Joomla first, too. Must’ve even been around 08-09 as the infographic suggests. Later development then asured that wordpress is just more powerfull and easier/quicker to use and I guess that’s why I sticking with it. WordPress is boss and it should be! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I believed that Infographic and WP will reach new heights in the future.

  7. It’s amazing how WordPress did become that popular. I think it is still at the beginning and we will see more great features and stuff in the future. The huge demand in WordPress themes shows how people like WordPress and I think this is not the end of the WordPress story.

  8. WordPress is great for a significant number of content based websites, but I still don’t think it can compete at the top end, corporate and government work, it’s not, and probably never will be designed for it. Drupal leaves Joomla and WordPress for dead at that level in terms of installation numbers and sheer capability, not to mention security. But definitely for the vast majority of standard business and blogging sites, its brilliant.

  9. WordPress is the best it is true
    (but… is popular as Windows – you have to secure Your back ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    ps.infographic is really wpetstylish – respect

  10. WordPress is the best!!! Simple as that!!!

  11. like the colors of the infographic. nice work guys!

  12. Wow! Just I wish in the future GOOGLE not buy and close WordPress if consider that is a rival for WebSearch.

  13. I use WordPress for all my websites. I’ve tried using Drupal, Joomla, and even forum-powered CMS like vBadvanced, etc., but nothing seems to work as simply and easily as WordPress.

    WordPress is used by so many people that there’s no way – at least any time soon – that it’ll be going anywhere. My friends, myself, my competitors, everyone I seem to know use WordPress. They’ve tried Blogger, Blog, Tumblr, amongst others, but WordPress just works better.

  14. I do not usually follow stats on things but this info on wordpress and its rise in popularity is very interesting. I suppose if you correlated how wordpress evolved to make it easier for the average person to use to its rise in use, the two would probably follow each other. This is why I choose wordpress is the ease of use, setup and maintain.

  15. Awesome infographic and article…

  16. There is no surprise here, WP is an amazing blogging platform and has proven to be very reliable in the last 5-6 years. The trend will carry on and WP popularity will reach new heights in the future.


  17. Thanks for sharing the infograph. This is one of the things that makes me a happy WordPresser

  18. Nice graphic Nick. It gives a good visual to how WP has grown in popularity over time.

  19. Nice info graphic of WordPress increment in web development. It’s an awesome achievement for WordPress. Thanks for share this details.

  20. Thatโ€™s nice inforgraphic.Thanks for share

  21. Harnessing “WordPress” Power everyday. counting design and development based on this nice platform. It’s Awesome!

  22. Having used WP for most of my sites over the last few years I am now busy converting them to responsive WP themes as I find that up to 15% of my viewers are not coming through desktops/notebooks.

  23. I went from supporting ASP.Net sites to focusing solely on WordPress sites about two years ago. Since then, my earnings, customer base, and my own site traffic numbers have all improved. This graphic only confirms what I already knew! Thanks for the details.

  24. ET Team – A HUGE thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts as well as your beautiful themes, graphics and timely support forums. Our business has really grown these past 2 years because of you.

    The best touch?? Allowing us to grab your graph images to improve our blog and customer support.

    Cheers from the east coast – love you all!

  25. Wow, the last info shows that website=Wordpress in some years is very very impressive!!
    Great infographic ET!!

  26. Nothing is more important for the longevity of WordPress or anything else than to see where the competition is headed. If it gets ahead, the strategy must be adjusted.

  27. Nice info graphics. Im curious though how did you pull the data? It would be interesting to see how specific long tail terms are trending such as Tim suggests. Thanks.

  28. Great presentation and some interesting thoughts to consider. Thanks for the info!

  29. Interesting for viewing at the popularity of wordpress. However, more interesting would be to know how good the wordpress platform is for SEO purposes, or even better, how good the elegantthemes platform is for SEO ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Great infography for great wordpress

  31. The thing is, no one can predict how much longer WordPress will be around for. Could be years, could be months.

    • I’ll share a fact. WordPress will be around for many years.

      The installed base, developer, and user momentum is enormous. 18% of ALL websites are currently WordPress. Add the fact that the WordPress organization is truly socially conscious with a focus on individual empowerment and their momentum will only increase, as opposed to google who said they were and then became an evil profit driven megalomaniacal privacy sucking NSA drone.

      • How many times throughout history has the largest player with the biggest market share gone on and gotten destroyed by upstart competitors? Far too many to name, but I’ll give you the most recent example – RIM. Barely 5 years ago BlackBerry was the king of smartphones and Apple was a new player that RIM never took seriously. Now BB is an afterthought and RIM is barely surviving.

        While WordPress may still exist for years to come because it’s opensource, there’s no guarantee it will still be top dog.

  32. That’s nice inforgraphic, but do you think WP will be always number one? In that way thinking BlackBery, Nokia and many others ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Very interesting and informative. I’m assuming the first graph is just for the word “WordPress” by itself? It would be interesting to see a trend with some specific long tail keywords like “WordPress contact form plugin”, for example. My thinking is that as the industry becomes more educated there’s more and more searches for specific WordPress things. For example I never search for just “WordPress” but I search all the time for things like “WordPress hooks” or “WordPress lightbox plugin”, just to name a few.

  34. Nice information with infography. thanks for sharing it.

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