Divi Hosting with Pressable – Host your site with WordPress itself!

Last Updated on May 16, 2024 by 2 Comments

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Divi Hosting with Pressable – Host your site with WordPress itself!
Blog / Divi Resources / Divi Hosting with Pressable – Host your site with WordPress itself!

When it comes to WordPress hosting, you can’t get any closer to the source than Pressable. Run by Automattic, Pressable hosts your site on the same servers as wordpress.com, wordpress.org, and woocommerce.com. Automattic, for those of you who don’t know, is the company that operates WooCommerce, JetPack, and WordPress.com. Matt Mullenweg, the creator of WordPress, founded Automattic, too. So when you consider our new Divi Hosting on Pressable, it’s hard to imagine safer hands to place your Divi and WordPress website in.

What is Divi Hosting with Pressable?

pressable landing page

It’s simple: Elegant Themes members get not only discounted hosting rates with Pressable, they’re getting managed hosting from the WordPress people themselves, fully configured in a PHP environment set to our recommendations and best practices. While there are some limitations on PHP values (as there are with all managed hosts), they’re well within the Divi recommendations.

divi hosting with pressable

With Divi Hosting, you can create new Divi sites without downloading the theme, entering usernames, API keys, or anything. Just click a couple of buttons and your new Divi site is up and running. No fiddling with the PHP to adjust parameters or contacting support to make sure each setting you need is correct. You know it will be the moment you click the launch button.

Your workflow just got a lot simpler.

Additionally, because this is an official partnership, users will have access to the full support platforms of both Elegant Themes and Pressable. They’re in contact with one another and can discuss issues directly to solve your problems the most efficient way possible.

Pressable hosting comes with Jetpack Premium by default, CDN services, multi-site support, site caching, free migrations, and a lot more. You can check out the Pressable knowledge base for full platform and service information.

Getting Started: Divi Hosting with Pressable

Setting up your Divi Hosting with Pressable couldn’t be simpler. You will start at the Elegant Themes hosting page and select Pressable from the list by clicking View Details in that column.

Divi hosting with pressable

You will then see the Pressable hosting page, where you will click on View Pricing to select the plan you want to purchase.

hosting with pressable

Now, once you’ve chosen your hosting package, you will be prompted to log into your Elegant Themes member account. Keep in mind that to get the Divi Hosting with Pressable, you must be an existing Elegant Themes member. So you can either enter your credentials here, or click one of the Join Today! links to set up your membership.

Upon logging in, we will redirect you to the Divi + Pressable account signup page. Just enter your information and click Complete Order.

pressable signup page

Now you’re ready to (easily and simply) get started with Divi Hosting!

Your Divi + Pressable Dashboard

Upon checkout, you will find yourself in your new Pressable dashboard. When you need to return, though, you can log in using either divi.pressable.com or my.pressable.com. The only difference will be the logo at the top. Functionality remains the same.

divi pressable signin

You can also reach your Pressable dashboard via the Elegant Themes members area. Just look under the Divi Hosting tab and click the Pressable Dashboard button.

Additionally, you can reach out to Pressable support directly via the ET members area, as well as check out the documentation that we provide, as well as the Pressable Knowledge Base itself.

And, as always, Elegant Themes support is just a click away under the Contact option in the menu or the live chat box in the lower corner of the screen.

et dashboard

Either way you go, once logged in, your hosting dashboard is simple and easy to use. You can access the hosting settings for each site you have hosted on Pressable, as well as the WordPress admin dashboard itself. You can also either create a Brand New Site from here or Migrate a Site From Another Host (using the Pressable free migration plugin) with just a few clicks.

pressable dashboard

All you have to do is select that you want a Divi Website from the drop down, enter the site name, and click Brand New Site. You will see a notification telling you that the site has been successfully created, and in the Sites section at the bottom of the dashboard, you will see a message saying, “We’re in the process of building your site. You’ll receive an email with WordPress login credentials when the process has completed.”

divi website creation

Within moments, your site will be up and running with a fresh Divi installation, secure in a hosting environment devoted to its best performance.

Pressable Hosting Settings

When you click the settings button, you will be taken to a page where you get all the information about your site you will need to manage it. You get DNS and nameserver information, SFTP credentials and info, domain assignment (though not registration), cache purging, and deletion.

pressable settings

A row of tabs at the top take you to a pretty standard array of sites. The Database tab opens PHPMyAdmin, a standard among web hosts. Migrate Site ties into the sites you’re bringing into Pressable and provides the info you will need to run the plugin (you can read more about that in the Pressable documentation). Clone and Staging is just like it sounds — you can clone existing sites and set them (or another) to be staging sites.

create user pressable

Under Users/SFTP, you can set collaborators to your site. Not only for this particular WordPress installation, but for Pressable as well. If you create a user this way, the person will have access to this site’s hosting management and settings within Pressable–plus the WP site.

Your Divi Website

You shouldn’t notice anything different in the backend of your website, other than better performance and a smoother setup workflow.

pressable wp admin dashboard

When you click into Appearance – Themes, you will see Divi already installed and activated for you.

divi installed and activated on pressable

And when you check the Updates tab in your Divi settings, you will see see the Username and API key already entered for you since you have a connected ET and Pressable account.

Wrapping Up

With Divi Hosting provided by Pressable, you get one of the best WordPress experiences available. Not only do you get the benefits of an Elegant Themes membership, but you also get the support, expertise, and infrastructure maintained by Automattic themselves. Elegant Themes and Pressable are incredibly proud to offer this joint service, and we hope that you are just as excited about it as we are.

Tell us what you think about Divi Hosting with Pressable in the comments!

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  1. Nice option

  2. At first glance, these are WAY TOO expensive for what is worth. The only extra thing offered, compared to a low cost competitor like HostGator for instance, seems to be CDN , which you may or may not need.

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