Announcing Divi 5 Dev Alpha

Posted on March 7, 2023 by 43 Comments

Announcing Divi 5 Dev Alpha
Blog / General News / Announcing Divi 5 Dev Alpha
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Today, we are releasing Divi 5 Dev Alpha. This is the first step on our journey towards the public release of Divi version 5. It’s also my first update in what will become a series of monthly videos and blog posts that will keep you up-to-speed on our progress. If you are a Divi developer, keep reading to find out how to access the alpha.

If this is the first time you’re hearing about Divi 5, you might be a little confused! I gave a high level overview of Divi 5 in my previous post, so be sure to check that out first.

What Is Divi 5? A Quick Refresher

To recap briefly, Divi version 5 is a foundational update to Divi’s core technologies and API. It’s focused on improving performance, stability, scalability and extend-ability. It won’t be introducing new features, but it will be blazing fast, it will open up amazing opportunities for third party development, and it will provide our team with the foundation we need to spring forward into the future.

We our building ourselves the foundation we need to sprint forward once again and release great new features at a consistent pace.

The Divi 5 Release Schedule

We are approaching the release of Divi 5 much differently that any previous version of Divi. This is due to the scope of the project and the agile nature of our development process.Β  Divi 5 will be released in five phases. With each new phase, the product will become increasingly feature-complete and will be released to a larger part of our community.

As we approach the public beta phase, you may even find it appropriate to use Divi version 5 on new websites if you find that the improvements offered in Divi 5 outweigh whatever features may be missing in the current build. Let’s take a look at the five phases of Divi 5:

  1. Phase 1: Dev Alpha – In this version of Divi 5, the new API will be almost finished and a moderate portion of Divi’s features will have been developed on the new API. We will inviting developers to explore the API and give us feedback on Divi’s new foundation.
  2. Phase 2: Dev Beta – In this version of Divi 5, the API will be finished and a large portion of Divi’s features will be ready. We will continue to work with the development community to iron out any API-related bugs.
  3. Phase 3: Public Alpha – At this phase, the API will be finalized and a majority of Divi’s features will have been developed on the new foundation. Some features will be missing, but most of Divi’s core features and modules will be available. At this phase, we will invite a large part of our customer base to test Divi 5.
  4. Phase 4: Public Beta – At this phase, 100% of Divi’s features will have been developed on the new Divi 5 foundation. We will have fixed all bugs found during the public alpha, and we will continue to address feedback as we roll out the beta to the entire Divi community.
  5. Phase 5: Official Release – At this phase, we will officially release Divi 5 as a normal update in the WordPress dashboard. Everyone will be able to upgrade to Divi 5 without any disruption to their websites.

How To Get Access To The Dev Alpha

The two initial development versions (including today’s version) will be limited releases available to active Divi creators, such as those in the Divi Marketplace. It will allow creators to get up-to-speed on Divi’s new API so that they can be begin transitioning their products and working on new features that can be ready to go when Divi 5 is released to the public.

The Dev Alpha version we are releasing today is a limited version of Divi 5 with a relatively complete version of the API. It’s missing features. It’s not intended to be used.Β  However, the foundation is solid, we’re ready for feedback, and we want the community to be involved!

If you are an active Divi creator (meaning you have developed your own Divi modules or features), and you would like access to the Dev Alpha, fill out this form to request access.

Stay Tuned For Monthly Updates

Divi 5 is a huge project that the majority of our team has already been working on for the better part of two years. With the release of Dev Alpha, we’ve jumped over the first major hurdle! Once we have progressed through the initial development versions, we’ll be opening up the Public Alpha and Public Beta to larger parts of the community. Everyone will get to use it, test it, and we’ll be making sure that everything is in tip top shape before the final release.

Be sure to follow and subscribe so that you don’t miss our ongoing Divi 5 updates. We will be shipping new Divi 5 versions every 2 weeks and I’ll being going over our progress each month. See you in the next one!


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  1. This is exciting! Can’t wait to test this out! The future of Divi is bright!! 😍 πŸ”₯

  2. Great news! Thank you Nick.

    • I am a developer with products in the marketplace. I have filled in the form. When will access be granted? Thanks

  3. Really excited and thank you making an update schedule to keep us up to date on how things are progressing!

  4. I am thrilled to hear about the release of Divi 5 Dev Alpha and the fantastic strides that the Divi team is making towards creating an exceptional user experience. The new API, along with the foundational update to Divi’s core technologies, will undoubtedly improve performance, stability, scalability, and extendability. This will create new opportunities for third-party developers to explore and build on the Divi platform, resulting in even more robust functionality for users. Additionally, the phased approach to the release schedule is a wise move that ensures any bugs or issues are addressed before the official release, ensuring the best possible user experience. The monthly updates will keep us in the loop about progress, which is exciting and keeps us eagerly anticipating the official release of Divi 5. I am confident that Divi 5 will exceed our expectations and be a game-changer in the WordPress space.

  5. Muchas gracias, estoy impaciente por ver mΓ‘s

  6. Really exciting!!!

  7. I guys, I’m proudly use DIVI since probably the first version and I get always impressed by the improvement and the functionality. I’m impatient to work on this new release. Keep going guys. Hugs from Italy. Marco

  8. How much of the Dev5 developer documentation has been completed?

    • There is a good amount of documentation ready, which will help developers jump into creating Divi 5 modules. The API is subject to change during this phase while we accept feedback from developers. Everything will be finalized and the documentation will be finished for Phase 2: Dev Beta.

      • When is Phase 2: Dev Beta released?

  9. Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility. No, your old posts from 2020 and outdated plugins that your customer service points to dont work. I really like Divi but frankly if you’re going to make improvements, make these improvements for (everyone). Accessibility really matters to some of us. We need clearly labeled elements, for sliders and the ability to label form fields among other things.

  10. Very exciting! πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to try it out.

  11. Sounds exciting! Admittedly, my favourite line is “Everyone will be able to upgrade to Divi 5 without any disruption to their websites.” Whew! Thanks, Nick!

  12. Congratulations on reaching another milestone with Divi.

  13. Very exciting! Keep it up, ET!

  14. Looking forward to seeing what the Dev Alpha phase brings!

  15. Very, very excited about this release. Thank you ET Team for this monumental effort – can’t wait to test it out!

  16. Exciting news! Divi 5 Dev Alpha is now available for access. Looking forward to seeing the amazing improvements in performance, stability, scalability, and extendability. Great job, team!

  17. Yay, the day we have been so anxious about is here! Looking forward to this!

  18. So great to see this first phase moving forward!!

  19. good to see the update about divi 5

  20. Looking forward to the public update

  21. Really awesome! It’s going to be a game changer in the long run. Keep it up! πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ»

  22. Amazing!!!!

  23. Great work Elegant Themes team! Very exciting news. Please keep accessibility in mind.

  24. Exciting times! I’m looking forward to see where Divi is going. Fan4Life!

  25. Using Divi has improved things so much for me, super excited for 5.0’s public release! One can always use more speed.

  26. not clear what are the improvements.

  27. Excellent πŸ™‚

  28. Nice one! Looking forward to this. Sounds like you guys have made loads on under-the-hood improvements.

  29. Big fan here, signed up to ET lifetime on the release of Divi 2.0.
    My sites’ visitor stats are all now 60:40 mobile over desktop, so hoping that mobile-first design & functionality is on the Divi 5 road map.
    Thanks, and keep up the great work. πŸ™‚

  30. okay, cool. I just logged back into my lifetime membership and it felt kinda dusty around the downloads area. I’m glad to see this update is coming!

  31. Exciting times! I’m looking forward to see where Divi is going. Excellent work.

  32. I really hope that Divi fixes the performance issues in the visual builder. It should use web workers for a fast responsiveness of the visual builder. Currently loading the visual builder is very slow and it blocks the whole page while loading.

  33. Do you have a plan date on when “Phase 5: Official Release” will be launch?

  34. Came here looking for updates. 5 can’t get here soon enough. I was just exploring Astra as an alternative because it’s rated amongst the fastest themes out there, and Divi’s been prohibitively slow. I’m hoping 5.0 is the solution I’ve been looking for.

  35. What are the target dates for each of the above phases?

    • In the article it says ‘monthly updates’. But no news for 2 months … so … don’t hold your breath. I hesitate to start new projects with Divi, in spite of my LTD.

      • There have been two updates since this post was published.

      • We’ve moved to Bricks Builder for these same reasons. Can’t justify the poor performance of Divi’s current build for any new sites until we can fully vet the 5.0 version. Praying that the “migrate Divi 4.0 to Divi 5.0” tool is smooth and not harmful to existing sites which desperately a better framework.

  36. Hi our company has been creating several websites for our clients using DIVI since 2018, I haven’t fully read the post about the changes in divi 5 but hopefully there will be a different installation for divi that structures the containers with display flex and grid not the float left and float right in all rows and inside containers for better customization in css and flexibility when switching to mobile or tablet view. I think it might get better result as well in optimizing in mobile since newly optimize page builders are structured with flex and grid now a days.

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