Welcome to Day 94 of our Divi 100 Marathon. Keep tuning in for 100 days in a row of awesome Divi resources as we count down to the amazing release of Divi 3.0 on the final day of the series!
It’s day 94 of the Divi 100 Marathon, and that means t-minus 6 days until the release of Divi 3.0. Excitement is high at the ET offices and we are working harder than ever to make sure this release is smooth and spectacular. Over the past 100 days I have been dropping by on a weekly basis to give you updates on our progress and to provide small glimpses into the upcoming visual builder. If you have been following along, then you probably have a good idea what’s coming in Divi 3.0, but I would be remiss if I didn’t finish off the series with at least one more sneak peek!
If you missed my last few videos and want to learn more about what’s coming next week, then you should definitely check out the first video which gives a nice overview of the visual builder, the second video which showcases the visual builder’s customizable interface, and the third video which shows the new inline editor in action. To sum things up, Divi 3.0 will introduce the brand new Visual Builder—a complete re-imagining of the Divi Builder interface that allows for an insanely fast and intuitive front end editing experience.
Using The Visual Builder To Undo, Redo And Restore Revision History Works Like A Dream!
Today I would like to give you a look at how we have integrated undo, redo and revision history into the visual builder. Not only are these cool features in and of themselves, but they are also a great way to showcase the speed of the builder and to show you how the visual nature of the new builder can often and surprise and delight you with its intuition. The ability to undo and redo in the visual builder is especially useful because you can use it to compare recent edits and see the differences in real time. Think of it like a digital sketchbook that you can flip through at any time! The revision history system keeps track of every change you make and allows you to jump backwards and forward through time to any moment during your editing session. It’s a cool feature of the current Divi builder, but it’s infinitely cooler in the new visual builder!
Remember, when September 7th rolls around, just keep calm and ctrl+z 🙂

Divi 100 Day 93
The Countdown To Divi 3.0
This post is part of our Divi 100 marathon. Follow along as we post free Divi resources for 100 days in a row! This 100-day countdown will end with the game-changing release of Divi 3.0, including our brand new visual editor built from the ground up using React. Divi 3.0 will change the way you build websites with the Divi Builder forever!
Let the countdown begin.
I wish you everything goes ok with the release.
i have to say that it is a great product BUT you need to improve support BIG time.People cannot wait 1 day just for first response ,another day for the second etc and providing mainly answers with general content.
I am happy for the product but NOT with the support.
Maybe not the right place to comment on this but would like to know if people are satisfied with the current state of support or it is just me.
Hi there Lin,
I’ve never asked for support before and my first time I ask a question on Twitter I was referred to support forum, and it was not until I made a point that I got a reply and it wss not what I was asking.
I was very impressed with Divi I became a lifetime member.
Yes disappointed v at my first request for information.
I don’t believe that the Divi 100 day countdown has helped find anything on the blog out within support. Far to much content, hard to find anything again.
I’m hoping that this is only due to summer holidays and a new release and this will be better.
Best of luck
P.s this is in no way a dig at Elegant Themes just a situation comparison and discussion.
Thank you Elegant Themes Team.
A 24 hour window for first response sounds like good support to me. I just waited 2 weeks to get help from Google, and they gave me the wrong answer!
Did you pay Google for the services you were wanting support for?
This may not be true of you, but I notice that a lot of people who post in the support forums do it in a distinctly non-professional way. They often don’t provide the necessary information or ask their questions vaguely. They frequently write sloppily so that it’s hard work, or just insulting, to try and read their posts.
“need helllp! my heddEr has big space above, i tried CSS but nothing woorked”.
It usually takes me a good half-hour to carefully document the problem I’m having and describe it respectfully, sometimes providing screenshots. I make certain the support person will know exactly what I’m talking about. I then assume that it may be 24 hours or so, and wait my turn. I’ve never been disappointed.
I stopped using ET due to the lack of support which was either slow or, even though code, screenshots, clips and even full access to droplets that covered it all to prove the reported issue was provided the support kept asking me nonrelevant questions or asking me to do a clean install and config (which I already did with providing the demo droplets). I have worked 20 years in support and I am pretty sure I am capable writing well-structured tickets including repro steps and more. My Learning: ET has very skilled WP developers for sure but lacks of professional support knowhow.
Also, I felt my customer voice wasn´t heard well enough (support for additional social sharing feature is just one simple example that’s been ignored by ET for years now – even though many customers from Europe were asking for social sharing for xing – to specify another example).
If you need half an hour to log a ticket, I suggest considering improving related workflows and tools being used. Also: Why don´t you provide a template or better: a button from within DIVI allowing to extract the specific code which is pulled into a support request?
Just to provide one example (If going that path: make sure there is an option to assign related permissions to specific people or groups only).
Looking at the pricing model I understand that ET can´t provide business class support but seriously: How can you expect businesses considering ET without providing an adequate level of support?
Suggestions: Introduce a “FastLane” Ticket System (Either Option or a mix of them would do it: First 30 days after purchase Direct Support Chat, followed by X tickets per licenced / activated product. Sell additional tickets for live/direct support at a reasonable price (X $ for active customers, Y $ for customers without valid subscription. Keep basic support in the forum as is and set expectation clearly by simply telling your (potential) customers about the different response times.
I am confident that would establish more trust and avoid customer satisfaction issues.
While my intention is not to derail the thread I had to comment as the last reply by ET was simply ignorant and not customer focused at all – not to say disrespectful. Please ET don´t get unprofessional telling us the quality of incoming requests and lack of ET internal processes and tools are the reason for slow responses and start taking your customers feedback more serious – it´s free advice on how you can improve. while keeping customer satisfaction high (did you ever asked customers why they don´t renew or request a refund and if so: did you ever made something out of that?).
I am for the model where you pay per ticket system. Or maybe buy blocks of technical hours of support.
My exp with ET support is ok. I get my answer but often not the fastest. Some questions i don’t even bother asking given that I don’t think the system can do what i want. But i totally understand if your clients want specific function and Divi cannot provide then you are in a rough spot!
For example, block of 10 technical support hours for 150 dollars. You can send as much tickets as you want and when ET will deduct hours per ticket. When hours are done, you buy another block.
This is a great business potential for ET.
To be fair though, have anyone use another WP theme support system where they get great support? I do have some issues with ET (not big one) but my problem is that often times when we ask for is beyond the system capability. In all due respect, compare to other themes, Divi, is about as flexible as you can get. It is not perfect but it gets 95% of the job (especially customization) done.
Me, too! And I spend a lot of time researching on Google for answers about Divi. An Amazing amount of information pops up. BUT – I have often seen that the Divi Support Team is swamped with questions….I think it’s time for a Customer Forum – where each theme has it’s own section and customers can ask questions and offer answers for one another. That way – you can ask your question in the Support Forum as well as the Customer Forum. Just an idea. 🙂 I can hardly wait to try the new version of Divi!!!
I’ve seen several questions about speed and loading times in this thread, but no responses from Nick, Nathan or anyone from ET.
People want to know. C’mon guys.
Looking forward to the release, with excitement and a bit of anxiety.
Hey Craig,
Nick mentioned in a post over the last few days (can’t remember what one specifically) that Divi 3.1 will be a developer release with a focus on speed and code improvements.
I am also looking forward to this one.
Hope this helps.
They have responded, and I have also pointed several people to the article addressing this issue. 3.1 is the developer release and will specifically address the issues you mentioned. Search this blog for it, you will find the post and links to it.
The biggest problem with support forums, I have found, is that it is very easy to spend two hours on the forum, looking for your question among the 20,000 (literally – frequently twice that) postings, only to finally determine no one has yet asked or answered it.
It is essential that any consumer support forum have a good search capability, and then we have to ask search for our question eight and ten different ways, just to see if it’s there. Or not.
That said, of the four questions I’ve had to ask about Divi over the last year, I found ONE answer on the support forum, and the other three were answered promptly by ET staffers.
I’m very happy with their support, and I try to respect their time by doing my research before I bother them.
Sorry to add to this off-topic thread, but support issues are as critical as having a good product.
I can’t wait to try out 3.0!!
I really find their tutorials amazing! All the videos explain most of the things you need to find.
The only thing I couldnt find on ElegantThemes Website is how to remove the footer with their branding 🙂 But then I found it online. I am surprised this is not an option within the Theme…
Lin, I’ve had the complete opposite experience. I’ve asked several questions in the past few weeks and they’ve usually been answered within a few hours and sometimes sooner. I had one personal message that I messaged back late on a Friday evening that got answered on Monday morning but I didn’t expect that specific person to work over the weekend. If it was critical I would have messaged someone on Saturday. But every other question has been answered pretty quickly. Yes, five minutes would be nice but we’re also not paying a lot of money every month. So, just another perspective. I’ve experienced a lot worse 🙂
From my experience I’ve received very prompt and good support from ET. Sometimes within half an hour sometimes within 12 hours, depending time of night or day I lodge a support ticket.
I usually search the forum and internet beforehand, then ask for help. Four of five times I think. Just my experience.
Thank you all for taking the time and sharing your opinion regarding your support experiences.
I would like to emphasize that the reason for bringing up the support quality is to make the product and overall experience better and NOT to accuse anyone.
Personally i am more on favor of having a REAL ticketing system (a paid one ?) so you can measure response times,quality of responses,resolution times etc.
Resolved cases can be a part of a accurate and really helpful knowledge base.
Using a forum environment for support cases under the hood of a paid product simply won’t ever work reliably and in a fast manner. It is like you ask help from the community for an open-source program(it relies on best effort) and not professional help for a product that you paid for !!
A complete product HAS to provide good support.
Hopefully the comments can be heard and maybe something can change because as far i understood from the comments people want for sure improvements in this area.
My tickets always answered very quickly cannot fault the support !!!!!! No need to change anything !!!
Lin, I am happy with Elegantthemes support. For me, Divi is so easy-to-use that I’ve only needed to contact support 3 times. My expectation was that hopefully they would respond within about 24 hours, which they did, and they helped me solve my problem. I’m not saying it’s you, I think many people have too high of expectations for support versus what they would want to pay for support, the most in expensive part of all this is paying people. I watched “The Russian Guy’s” (Uri) 2 hours videos twice to learn. I watched about all of Nick’s tutorials. I knew how long I could fly my jet upside down BECAUSE I READ THE MANUAL, too many people don’t read the manual.
Its Awesome Nick
Its really awesome! Cant wait for the release date 🙂
I really hope the site speed and end-user/customer usability are equally impressive.
looks awesome!
are six days of waiting!
cheers ET team!
Looks great! Personally, I don’t use the revision history too often in the current Divi builder because I like to see the changes on the front end before undoing anything. However with the new visual builder that will definitely be changing. Actually the new visual builder is going to change how I build websites altogether 🙂
Great going… But 6 days more 🙁
Amazing Work Guys! I have been building WordPress sites for the last 7 years and have been an Elegant Themes customer since the days of “Deviant” and it’s easy to say I have never seen something work so “Elegantly” as this does.
It’s easy to see that the function, capability, and UI is amazing but much of the final UX will depend on DIVI’s performance. If all this new front end function requires 5 external javascript libraries and 4 additional CSS libraries, it’s absolutely going to perform poorly.
Nick, what work went into avoiding this pitfall that I see from other front end builders?
I’ve recently used Cornerstone, and the ability and ease of use it great, but it takes my Google page speed from an A to a C with just its install. I can’t afford that kind of performance from a plugin with 50% plus of my traffic coming from mobile.
I’d also be interested to hear the answer to this.
Apparently Divi 3.1 is intended to address speed issues, and the like. I’ve not read the post about it, but saw a few other folks mentioning it above.
Looks amazing and it’s so close now, which calms me down and gives me hope.
Great work from all the ET Divi team.
Excited for the release!
Awesome stuff guys !!
fantastic!!! excelent job!
I was wondering if copy/paste still exist with that new wysiwyg system?
Cheers! 🙂
Yes. Just yes.
can it be launched sooner?! 😀
That’s Great. Hard to wait six more days …
Hooooooo man! wow….but definitely undo the last font type change in that video. lol ;>)
I did, didn’t you see? 🙂 I was showing you how you can “cancel” your terrible design choices.
Can’t wait to get it
6 More days! Excited! I guess there are more hidden features.
I would love, I would pay to have more icons to use in the blurbs (i think) module.
The icons are great, just limited. Please add more or make a way for us to add more.
I’m very excited for this change and to see how it will react with the many child themes I have built using Divi. I’m sure there will be good and bad but bugs are a part of life. I’m looking forward to this large jump and hope it’s a glimpse of the direction that wordpress in general will be moving.
Super excited!!
Awesome!!! 🙂
The organization, the logic, the flow of the creation, pure genius…being a retired systems programmer, I can appreciate the hard work and excellence I see in the release of Divi 3.0…it is going to be a real game changer for me and I expect everyone.
I have joined the best online community without a doubt, I’m soooooooooo excited about the future 6 more sleeps!!!!
This is so great! I really cannot wait to work with this! Awesome 🙂
I’m really expectantly
Good job. Only 6 days to go…
I purchased Divi 2.0 a while back, but did not like having to choose CSS attributes that I could not see on the fly. I’ve been using Webflow for over a year and really like it, but I’ll have to say, it looks like the Divi 3.0 is going to give it a run for the money.
Good work all, and brilliant marketing with the countdown to build excitement! Well done!!
I hope DIVI 3.0 will not be slower than the current version. Other inline editors (like visual composer) are very powerful but so SLOW.
Please! Please! Please!
I can’t wait more… Let me use it… I pray… 🙂
Excellent job, guys!
Quite amazing what you have been doing guys…. Can’t wait for the official release to test it live.
Are there going to be new training videos for Divi 3.0?
This is amazing! Can’t wait!
Crippled Google Fonts selection = Crippled creative flexibility.
OK, I gotta hand it to you guys, this looks pretty good. When I had off my built pages to the content editors, and they muck up the design, it will be nice to be able to roll back the changes without totally blowing away their content.
Pfffff… stil 6 days to go… almost can’t wait anymore. This all looks amazing!
The price will rise?
No the price is the same 🙂
Can someone actually answer the question that has been repeated again and again on these forums and not answered – what is the speed performance going to be? Much as this looks like a great product that question has been specifically avoided.
The speed of the builder is actually something we’ve consistently talked about. It’s going to be blazing fast. Near instant. However, if you’re referring to overall site speed performance that is not something we can share because there are too many variables “in the wild” for us to account for in tests–such as hosting, image sizes, and much more. When Divi 3.0 is released in a few days feel free to run your own speed tests and publish the results.
It’s amazing what we’re getting with Divi 3.0!!! Just a few more days …
Really excited to see it in action. I wish there would be new modules based on the current trends.
This is absolutely awesome. I can’t wait to start using it. Elegant themes is awesome.
I have been using other front end builders, Live Composer and Beaver Builder prevalently – there are several good ones out there but Divi 3.0 appears to have a lot of great features missing from some of the others, if the videos are any indication.
Looks really slick too!
Can’t wait to see how it stacks up against the others.
This looks really cool, Nick. I can hardly wait to try it out. Best wishes for the upcoming roll out.
I’m increasingly apprehensive about the 3.0 release. Will it be the same sort of disaster as 2.4 was? We are still dealing with 2.4 bugs at 2.7.10.
I don’t think you can compare the two. The “2.4 disaster” was caused by the fundamental change of working with relative values rather than fixed widths (px values).
Divi will continue to be working with relative values (Nick has already confirmed that), so we will continue to work with the same foundation. The only really big difference is that there’s going to be a front-end editor that allows for (hopefully) much easier editing. Under the hood, everything will stay the same, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. 😉
After 94 days, this is the first time I’ve gotten excited about getting my hands on Divi 3.0. This is revolutionary. 🙂
I’m glad that I made the investment in Elegant Themes.
Can’t wait. I hope however that the speed isn’t because “everything” is in the page but just being hidden or made visible. If so, does the end user end up with all the hidden content too?
I’d also like to know what you’re using that makes the editing appear so quick. The performance of Divi is subject to the following dependencies:
– Designer/Developer’s computer speed
– Internet connection speed
– Server response time
– Server processing time
I’m left wondering if we will need top of the line new computers and 1000gb internet connections in order to get what we see in the video?
I have a lifetime license, do I have to purchase again?
I’ll go out on a limb here, as I’m a lifetime member, and say, “No, you won’t have to pay more.”
Looking forward to experiencing it!
You are making me cry.
Hi Nick. Will the new version of DIVI work with Facebook Instant Articles and Google AMP?
Also, will the new version of DIVI finally “merge” with Extra, so we can create and edit custom layouts for archive pages (categories, search results, tags, etc)…
Great work!
Wow! This is amazing! Seems some magic is going on…can’t wait to feel the sheer power.
Thanks a trillion!
I am a DIYer and I started building my first web site a few months ago with the Divi theme. I follow along every day and the tutorials have been extremely helpful. My life has been empowered by your brilliant team. This has been an amazing journey. Thank you
I will never, ever, need another theme again. This is by far absolutely the greatest thing to hit the WordPress community if years.
There are some addons I’d love to see to further enhance internet marketing, like bloom redirect on submit, evergreen countdown clocks… etc.
But this is so rad. So much better than any other theme I’ve seen to date.
Tony, I feel like I’ve seen most all of the WordPress landscape from theme makers that charge huge monthly fees, or that charge for each installation, and Divi is clearly the best.
I know people who’ve been in WordPress for 10 years and THEY CHOOSE DIVI.
I see other theme companies’ products, and say, “I can do that with Divi!” I totally agree on adding more “functionality” in the direction you mentioned.
Super Excited, I wish ET will add features like breadcrumbs, fancy text title styles and more header styles.
great theme, great team
6 more sleeps
I really like what I see in the video but I also like what I hear. Any idea who the composer of the music is?
Awesome! Can’t Wait!!
I know some of the people in the thread are complaining about support… I don’t really have any problems with ET themes. Everything seems logically organized and the community behind the product is so vast you can find answers to just about anything.
Most of the time if I run into a snag… it is not a problem with the ET product, its a problem with MY code or how I chose to go about implementation. People need to stop pointing fingers at ET for their problems… they deal in solutions.
This looks so sweet… I’m still trying to process what I just witnessed.
I’m very excited to try version 3. Divi has changed the way I work on our website. I can make changes and updates at the speed required by our business instead of waiting on a developer to fit us into their busy schedule.
One question: Is it possible to restrict font choices and colors to brand guidelines? I shudder to think of the kind of mayhem that could ensue if all my content creators can select whatever font and color they want.
Hello Divi Team,
I would like to know if we bought a regular license we get Divi 3 update for Free or we have to buy the plugin separately or just upgrade license.
Hi Alexandre,
Everyone who has an active membership will have access to Divi 3.0. There will be no additional purchase required. Having access to the latest versions of all of our themes is one of the perks of having an active ET Membership 🙂
YAY! 🙂
I hope you continue something like the countdown as all of the help you have posted has been a great help and I would definitely miss not having this kind of thing continue in some form – I look forward to the daily serving.
Looking forward to start designing with Divi 3.0, it is the cherry on the cake to finally design in the front end and really see what you get directly.
How much is the new DIVI going to cost. Should I throw out current version and wait for next 6days?
With a teaser like this..yes it…..blows me away!
Looking forward to the release.
If I style (say) an H2, will I be able to apply that to all H2s on the site?
It’s like you’re taunting me, Nick. 😉
You post an article about re-do and un-do on the day I (in a half-awake state, thinking I was in my junk mail folder) accidentally delete all the email drafts from my drafts folder.
Oh, for an “un-do”…
It is interesting, but I’m waiting for something to give to change the theme itself.
You guys could release it early and add another 100 days of awesome blogs.
I don’t think anyone would mind. 🙂
Do you think that having all these features will make the theme too bloated? When I use P3 to check the load time of plugins and themes, DIVI is already quite heavy. Just curious, I love the theme and can’t wait to try the new release.
PS, when I checkmark the “receive notifications” I never get the notification, same for your support area as well. It is not going to spam. I have been using ET for years now and asked support about this and never got a response.
I would not mind.
This is why we bought a lifetime membership. You guys are incredible.
Can’t wait!
Do you think that having all these features will make the theme too bloated? When I use P3 to check the load time of plugins and themes, DIVI is already quite heavy. Just curious, I love the theme and can’t wait to try the new release.
PS, when I checkmark the “receive notifications” I never get the notification, same for your support area as well. It is not going to spam. I have been using ET for years now and asked support about this and never got a response.
Sorry Ollie, I did not mean to put a reply under your comment :/
We will know soon after the seventh of the month how slow this theme is. I do not think it have much of an impact at all.
The new visual builder has no affect on the loading time of your pages. The theme will perform exactly as it does not on the front end. We have some great performance enhancements coming in Divi 3.1 though 🙂
Playing the video again not only because Divi 3 looks awesome, the sound tracks to these Divi 3 videos sound great. What resource was used for the tunes?
Come Launch Day – Hope ET has prepared extra resources to cope with the demand 😉
WOW guys this looks freaking awesome and the 100 day lead up was a great idea I look forward to your emails every day in anticipation well done I wish you all the best success as it is well deserved !
As mentioned earlier in this thread and in regards to my personal experience with the ET support forum(s) thereof… It would be wonderful (and this would certainly cut down on a ‘ton’ of required research and support ‘load’ for your staff) if at the end of each support ticket (forum thread) the placement of a distinctive discrepancy remedy… a final answer to the original problem!
This would be most helpful… eg., many times one reviews a discrepancy in a support forum thread, only to find that the answer was not forthcoming or not updated within the support thread itself, as many times the support staff PMs’ the initial party with the answer which prevents the reader from seeing the outcome, or, the final fix was never finally noted by the original inquiry… hence, leaving the support thread unfinished and the reader [us] empty handed with the answer to the original discrepancy.
Also, consider getting your support staff more up-to-date with DIVI 2.7 and 3.0 education… Many staffers continue to suggest CSS Scripts and (old-fashioned) Editing Codes, when in fact DIVI can now simply handle many, if not most edit modifications within existing Section and/or Module parameter settings.
Still love ET… as all my sites are now DIVI driven… I’m sure support will catch-up in this expansion mode.
3.0 should be fun!
Now that is impressive guys! 5 days can’t come soon enough. 🙂
Really excited to see it in action. I wish there would be new modules based on the current trends.
Like what?
ET has already said that this release would not add new modules or module-level functionality; it is releasing the front-end live edit capability, mainly.
Christmas will be early this year!
Looks fantastic, guys. Can’t wait.
Supper excited!!!… Can i update and use divi 3 to my previously build website’s on divi 2?…
I can’t wait 🙂
Excellent !!!
Definitely the best theme on the planet. You guys made it a prefect theme ever
I can hardly wait. *drool*
The new visual editor is certainly going to save us some time.
Great work guys.
Hoping the update transition to Divi 3.0 will be smooth sailing.
To the rest of the ET customers, make sure you test on a development site and back up before you update.
An update of this size will undoubtedly have a couple of little bugs. So if you update and don’t have a backup you only have yourself to blame.
Looks impressive! Can’t wait to get my hands on it.
I could “listen” to this video all day. Great tune! Wan’t lucky with Shazam 😉
Looking great. Can’t wait. But, alas, I will have to. A long 5 days. 🙂
The support from Elegant Themes is fantastic and the best, and any problem is always fixed and great help from those guys in support.
Really happy when 3.0 is there, now i jump from back end to front end and so on. Hurrayyyy to 3.0
Dear Nick,
Is it an idea to bundle all Divi 100 tips in an PDF file?
Including an index.
It will save us and your support team a lot of time.
Divi 3.0 is looking great.
Some have said it’s hard to find things like how to CSS and other Divi Tips and Tricks.
I found this site called The Divi Tutorials Directory, it’s a site that helps you find CSS, Code, etc. along with Tips, Tricks and more.
It has some free but if you want full access there is a fee to join, but very well priced for what you get IMHO.
I have no attachment to this site except for being a member, I hope this helps.
Hey there, hi all. Juste wanted to know about the divi 100 extensions and layouts. Are all these features Will be included into divi 3 or shall they remain extensions as now ?
Thanks for all this awesomeness.