How to Create Beautiful Footer Scroll Reveals Below Divi’s Section Dividers

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 7 Comments

How to Create Beautiful Footer Scroll Reveals Below Divi’s Section Dividers
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Throughout all the design trends, footers remain essential. People have gotten so used to them, which in turn makes them highly user-friendly. They help visitors organize their stay on your website and navigate to the precise page they’re looking for. With Divi, you can easily create any kind of footer in one single section.

Now, if you’re looking to give your footer some extra dimension and interaction, you’re going to love this post. We’ll creatively combine a footer section with section dividers to create a footer scroll reveal.

Let’s get to it!


Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s take a quick look at the outcome across different screen sizes.


footer scroll


footer scroll

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1. Create New Blank Page & Upload Layout of Choice

Add New Blank Page

The first thing you will need to do is create a new blank page.

footer scroll

Upload SaaS Company Layout Pack Landing Page

Switch over to the Visual Builder and upload the SaaS Company Layout Pack’s landing page. Although we’re using this specific layout, you can make the technique work on any kind of page you’re working on.

footer scroll

2. Add Z Index to Each Section & Remove Section Animations

Add Z Index to Hero Section

Continue by changing the z index of the hero section on the page.

  • Z Index: 3

footer scroll

Copy Z Index & Paste to All Other Sections on Page

Copy the z index and paste it to all the other sections on the page. Increasing the z index for each one of the sections is a crucial step to making the tutorial work. It’ll allow each one of the sections to appear on top of the footer section which we’ll add later on the post.

footer scroll

footer scroll

Remove Hero Section Animation

To make sure the footer remains hidden until the bottom of the page, we’re also going to remove all section animations. Open the hero section and remove the animation.

  • Animation Style: None

footer scroll

Extend Animation to All Sections on Page

Extend the animation styles to all sections throughout the page.

footer scroll

footer scroll

3. Modify Last Section on Page

Change Background Color

Move on to the last section on the page and change the background color.

  • Background Color: #f2f2f2

footer scroll

4. Add Regular Section #1 to Bottom of Page

Section Settings

Background Color

As you can notice in the preview of this post, the footer will appear below a section divider. We’ll dedicate a new section at the bottom of our page to this section divider. Open the section settings and use an entirely transparent background color. This will allow the footer to show through the section container, even though its position will be below it.

  • Background Color: rgba(0,0,0,0)

footer scroll

Top Divider

Move on to the design tab of the section and add a top divider of your choice.

  • Divider Style: Find in List
  • Divider Height: 250px (Desktop), 150px (Tablet), 100px (Phone)
  • Divider Horizontal Repeat: 2x

footer scroll

Z Index

This new section needs an increased z index as well.

  • Z Index: 3

footer scroll

5. Add Regular Section #2 to Bottom of Page

Section Settings

Background Color

Time to create the footer section! Add another new regular section to the bottom of the page and select a background color of your choice.

  • Background Color: #202332

footer scroll


Go to the design tab and make sure the width is ‘100%’.

  • Width: 100%

footer scroll


We’ll also need to increase the top padding of the section.

  • Top Padding: 500px

footer scroll

Z Index

The z index we’re assigning to this section is lower than that of the other sections on the page. This will help us hide the section until we’re at the bottom of the page.

  • Z Index: 2

footer scroll

Add New Row

Column Structure

Continue by adding a new row using the following column structure:

footer scroll


Open the row settings and change the sizing settings accordingly:

  • Use Custom Gutter Width: Yes
  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Equalize Column Heights: Yes

footer scroll

Column Spacing

Open the column 1 settings next and add some left padding.

  • Left Padding: 20px

footer scroll

footer scroll

Column Right Border

Add a right border to the column as well.

  • Right Border Width: 1px
  • Right Border Color: #515151

footer scroll

Copy Paste Column Styles

Apply the changes to all columns by either extending the styles or using the copy-paste option.

footer scroll

footer scroll

Add Image Module to Column 1

Upload Image

Time to start adding modules! Add a new Image Module to the first column and upload your logo.

footer scroll


Move on to the design tab and change the width across different screen sizes.

  • Width: 35% (Desktop), 30% (Tablet), 25% (Phone)
  • Module Alignment: Left

footer scroll


Add some bottom margin as well.

  • Show Space Below The Image: Yes
  • Bottom Margin: 50px

footer scroll

Add Text Module #1  to Column 2

Add Content

On to the second column! Add a first Text Module with some content of your choice.

footer scroll

Text Settings

Modify the text settings.

  • Text Font: Nunito Sans
  • Text Font Weight: Semi Bold
  • Text Color: #ffffff
  • Text Size: 19px

footer scroll


And add some custom top and bottom margin across different screen sizes.

  • Top Margin: 15px (Desktop & Tablet), 10px (Phone)
  • Bottom Margin: 15px (Desktop & Tablet), 10px (Phone)

footer scroll

Add Text Module #2 to Column 2

Add Content

Add a second Text Module to the second column and enter some content of your choice.

footer scroll

Add Link

Add a link that matches the footer item.

  • Module Link URL: #

footer scroll

Text Settings

Modify the text settings next.

  • Text Font: Nunito Sans
  • Text Color: #dbdbdb
  • Text Size: 17px

footer scroll


And add some custom top and bottom padding across different screen sizes.

  • Top Margin: 15px (Desktop & Tablet), 10px (Phone)
  • Bottom Margin: 15px (Desktop & Tablet), 10px (Phone)

footer scroll

Clone Text Module #2 as Many Times as Needed

Clone the second Text Module in column 2 as many times as needed.

footer scroll

Change Content

Make sure you change the content.

footer scroll

Change Links

Along with the links.

  • Module Link URL: #

footer scroll

Clone Modules in Column 2 & Place in Remaining Columns

Once you’ve completed the second column, you can clone both modules up to as many times as needed and place the duplicates in the two remaining columns of the row.

footer scroll

Change Content

Change the content of each duplicate.

footer scroll

Change Links

Along with the link.

  • Module Link URL: #

footer scroll

6. Make Section #2 Fixed to Bottom of Page

Add Custom CSS

Now, to create the scroll reveal, we’re going to make sure the footer section sticks to the bottom of our page by adding two lines of CSS code to the main element of the section.

position: fixed;
bottom: 0;

footer scroll

footer scroll

7. Add Bottom Margin to Section #1 to Create Reveal Effect

Add Bottom Margin Across Different Screen Sizes

We’ll also need some space at the bottom of our page that’ll allow the footer to show up. Open the section containing the section divider and add some bottom margin across different screen sizes and you’re done!

  • Bottom Margin: 400px (Desktop), 700px (Tablet), 800px (Phone)

footer scroll

footer scroll


Now that we’ve gone through all the steps, let’s take a final look at the outcome across different screen sizes.


footer scroll


footer scroll

Final Thoughts

In this post, we’ve shown you how to create beautiful footer scroll reveals below section dividers to create a unique effect. This is a great way to make any footer interactive and draw attention to the items that are listed in the footer. We hope this tutorial inspires you to create your own section divider footer reveals as well! If you have any questions or suggestions, make sure you leave a comment in the comment section below.

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  1. I must say that am very really impressed, Thanks for the update elegant themes

    • Happy you like it! 🙂

  2. Hi,
    Please consider how non DIVI builder pages such as default blog pages, tag and category pages etc need some form of html copying and adding to template files otherwise site wide elements like this are pretty much redundant.

    Even if its copy the generated html then paste into template-x.php

    This would help everyone build more polished and complete sites.


  3. Very nice! However, this method has a huge downside. If – let’s say – I want to save that footer to the library to add later to my other pages, I should first go through and change z-index on all sections of each page, shouldn’t I? Or maybe instead of making z-index: 3 on the upper sections and 2 on the footer, It’d be easier to change z-index to -1 on the footer only? Is it a good approach?

    • Totally get where you’re coming from. Unfortunately, using a z index below 0 will make the footer items unclickable.

      • When adding bottom margin to Section #1 to create reveal effect (Step 7), the footer items are not longer clickable. Section 1 is now covering up section 2. Am I missing something here?

        • You can delete this comment, the issue has been resolved. Thank you!

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