Free Download: 5 Custom WordPress Login Page Designs Built with Divi

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 21 Comments

Free Download: 5 Custom WordPress Login Page Designs Built with Divi
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  1. Has there since been any posts on how to implement these new pages?

    • Hey Jamie thanks for making a useful resource for the rest of the readers. We’re working on our own guide to compliment this freebie and we’ll publish it as soon as possible. As we’ve done our research, we’ve decided against the approach you show because the wp login process is more complicated than it appears on the surface. We don’t recommend that folks redirect the wp-login page to a front-end page. Instead, we recommend keeping the wp-login page as is and using the layouts in the post above for a strictly front-end login option. For site members for instance, not site admins or authors. More details to come when we finish our guide!

      • Hi Nathan, I’m revisiting this post as I’d like to use one of these layouts for a new site I’m working on and was wondering if there was any update on when your guide for this will be ready?

        Also, I was interested in your statement that these layouts are intended “For site members for instance, not site admins or authors.”

        I was intending on using one of these layouts as a ‘regular’ wp-admin page, so would be interested in what you would suggest to customize this?


  2. Trying to reverse engineer it 🙂 Could you explain the step by step guide to build one for instance ?

  3. Hi,
    1) Create a page
    2) Name it as you prefer (for example: my login)
    3) Import the login layout you prefer
    4) Save changes
    6) Logout form your WP Dashboard
    7) From now on, you can use your new login page (https://midomain/my-login) to log in your WP site.

    Note: Additionaly, you can use WPS Hide Login plugin to “hide/change” the default login page. Logically, it shouldn’t be the same name you had choosen for your personalized login layout page.

    Enjoy it! 🙂

  4. I thought it was possible to add the login page as an option in the Theme Builder but seems not. Is this something that could easily be added?

  5. lol, seems like they forgot to explain how to use the templates for the actual admin login page

    • That’s a whole other post. Coming soon.

  6. Same question as all others: how to actually use these layouts? How to make one the default login page…

  7. These login pages look so amazing, I can’t thank you enough for sharing these. I often face issues with clients complaining or bothering about wordpress default login page, this will help me serve better to the clients.

  8. I did upload them all, and I know where I can see them. Great Theme

  9. With plugin :
    Go to Plugins › Add New.
    Search for Change wp-admin login.
    Download and activate it.
    Go under Settings and then click on “Permalinks” and change your URL under “Change wp-admin login”
    You can change this anytime, just go back to Settings › Permalinks › Change wp-admin login.

    link (

    create a new wp-login. php file with your url

    • I have the same question as almost everyone else – is a plugin as Creator Gladstone recommended the only way?.

      l assumed there must be an option to create a template in Divi Builder and allocate it to the “wp-login page” but can’t see that option?

      • Hi Alan, I’m totally with you.
        @ elegant themes: The templates are awesome – thanks a lot!
        But why do you create such great templates and a special blog post without explaining how to use the custom WordPress login page with DIVI properly?

        I would be so happy if you guys could help us out.

        Thanks in advance.

  10. How do we set it up as a default login template?

  11. Great templates! However, I’m missing one last step however; how can I use these template for my /wp-admin/ login page?

  12. Hi, They look great, thanks
    Now, I did upload them all, and I now where I can see them.
    But how can I implement them or set one up to my acutal login page?

    • I ask the same

    • I think you need to go to Divi > Theme Builder and create a custom template assigned to the login page.

      • I tried this method, however from here you can’t

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