Hey Divi Nation, thanks for joining us in a very special installment of our ongoing Divi design initiative. Today we’re sharing the third theme builder pack that’ll help you set up a website from A to Z. This theme builder pack is part of our big Divi 4.0 celebration. We want to give back to you, the Divi community, by providing you with 6 awesome theme builder packs that you can use right away.
So, let’s take a quick look at the third theme builder pack and how to use it!
Introducing The Divi Theme Builder
The Divi Theme Builder is a fully-featured website templating system that allows you to use the Divi Builder to structure your website and edit any part of the Divi Theme including headers, footers, post templates, category templates and more. Each Theme Builder template consists of a custom Header, Footer and Body layout. These three areas can be built and customized using the Divi Builder and its full set of modules along with Dynamic Content.
Global Header Template
Global Footer Template
Post Template
Product Page Template
404 Page Template
Category Page Template
Key Features
The third theme builder pack is beautiful and matches many web design styles. The global header is simple but elegant and includes all the elements your website might need. The footer has a gorgeous signup form. You’ll definitely find yourself reaching for this theme builder pack when creating professional and business-oriented websites!
Live Demos
Click the links below to see a live demo for each of the layouts included in the pack.
- Theme Builder Pack 3 Post Template (live demo)
- Theme Builder Pack 3 Product Page Template (live demo)
- Theme Builder Pack 3 404 Template (live demo)
- Theme Builder Pack 3 Category Page Template (live demo)
Download The Theme Builder Pack
To use the third theme builder pack on your own Divi website, you will first need to download it using the button below. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our newsletter by using the form below. As a new subscriber you will receive even more Divi goodness and a free Divi Layout pack every Monday! If you’re already on the list, simply enter your email address below and click download. You will not be “resubscribed” or receive extra emails.
How To Import The Theme Builder Pack
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Once you have downloaded the theme builder pack, locate the divi-theme-builder-pack-3.zip file in your downloads folder on your computer. Double click the folder to unzip it and then navigate inside the divi-theme-builder-pack-3Â folder. Inside this folder, you will find one file that contains all the different templates and an individual file for each separate template as well.
To upload the Theme Builder Pack to your website, go to your WordPress Dashboard > Divi > Theme Builder. You can select the individual layout you desire or choose the ‘all’ file to important everything at once.
- theme-builder-pack-3-all.json
- theme-builder-pack-3-default-website-template.json
- theme-builder-pack-3-product-page-template.json
- theme-builder-pack-3-post-template.json
- theme-builder-pack-3-category-page-template.json
- theme-builder-pack-3-404-page-template.json
Important: when you import the files without unchecking the boxes, the templates will automatically affect your entire website. Make sure you double-check these options before uploading a file.
No Licensing Restrictions
The photos included with these templates have no licensing restrictions. This means you can use them in all of your commercial projects without having to worry about paying licensing fees or attributing the photographer. Use them in your commercial websites, sell them within your Divi child themes, include them in your own Divi layout packs or just use them on your blog. We know how challenging it can be to find good photos and how confusing and scary the licensing that governs those photos can be. We want to fix that problem for our users.
Download the Full Res Image Assets
The Fourth Theme Builder Pack is Coming Your Way Tomorrow!
We hope you enjoy this theme builder pack. We look forward to hearing your opinions in the comment section below. Make sure you check back tomorrow for another beautiful theme builder pack!

Win A Free iPad Pro!
When we announced the countdown to Divi 4.0, we gave away a free MacBook Pro. Now that Divi 4.0 has arrived we thought to ourselves…why not give away an iPad Pro too? ?To enter the giveaway, simply complete as many of the raffle options below that you can. The more entries you submit, the better chance you have to win.
Please add all of the instructions to the written description. I had to scan through the video to find the upload buttons. I would have preferred to just read the steps.
I am unable to upload the pack and get error message with red cross on local machine installation.
Images for pack three are not here.
Het ET, congratulations on releasing Divi 4.0. Nice to see this template with the author at the top. I was looking for that kind of solution/option!
I’m disappointed. I expected much more. In addition, when you load a design for any page, the mobile menu of the entire web is affected, offsetting the hamburger …
Is there a reason why you are not using the divi builder at all on the product and post pages on each of these? What am I missing? The global elements are wonderful but when I pass this site off to a client, am I leaving them in Gutenberg for these items?
Great job one more time!
Best Regards
Hey guys,
Has anyone had any issues trying to import the json files? I’m using Local by Flywheel v.5.06 + PHP v7.3.2
I am trying the new import function in the new Divi Theme Builder. When trying to import I just get an orange circle with an X, and nothing is imported. No error messages. Working on local server on my PC. The Divi support panel in Dashboard shows everything OK working with Divi. This is a fresh installation with no plugins or other themes that could interfere. I noted that other people have had the same problem in comments over the past days. Please advise what could be the problem.
On localhost, under Theme builder, it WON’T import this layout no matter what, max upload size is huge, did upload divi itself for ex. Did anyone else encountered the same problem?
ps: Wanna try divi 4 on my localhost first before going live.
Thanks a lot for sharing it. It looks great!!
is this going to be a weekly thing along with the layout packs so we have a free layout pack added to the Divi Builder and a theme builder pack for the same niche we can download from the blog?
We’ll likely mix things up a bit. Some weeks it will be a layout pack, some weeks it will be a theme builder pack, and some weeks we might throw in some other types of design asset freebies.
I see the blog (at least) is using “rubik” for the font. I’m hoping that signals the demise of the odious “Poppins.”
Are you now pushing out all pre-designed theme builder packs, even though you are aware of the concerns by many Divi users, in the Divi Theme Users Group, or should you not be improving them before releasing more of these packs?
Dave Pehrson – https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiviThemeUsers/permalink/2277695939026656/
“SEO Blunder: If you don’t create a Global Header or Global footer, within the HTML5 code, the and tags appear appropriately. What is very disappointing is that once you create a custom Global Header or Global Footer, the and tags are eliminated.”
Stephen Turner – https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiviThemeUsers/permalink/2281740585288858/
He is explaining seven issues with using the menu on a new custom header/
Is Elegantthemes doing a round of fixes and upgrades on this? Does it not make sense to hold off on releasing any more theme builder packs until this has been done?
I do not understand why my custom body creations have the same name of “Builder Layout Theme – Body Layout” in: Load from Library >> your existing pages
thank you
Thanks. They are very attractive.
Are these going to be available from within the Divi Builder or do we need to download and save them?
It seems like we are going to have to download these for import which I do not really like. This stuff can be made through the backend though for import when we need it.
Hi Nick!
Great job and congratulation for all the team of ET.
But, I’m watching that in all templates, where the menu_bar (when I’m device mobile) is most close of logotype. It’s correct?
Don’t you think it should be on the other side of the logo? And that will occupy the entire width of the mobile device?
Thank you for your job!
on live demo sites, the footer comes without categories
I’ve attempted to import the 404 json file via Div > Div Library, Divi > Divi Theme Builder, and on the specific page via Portability > Import, and keep getting a “This file could not be imported in this context” error. Is this a hosting, file permission, or Divi Theme Builder error?
Ignore that. It was a 1D10T Error. A failed to watch the how-to video because I assumed one of the three ways listed above would work. All is good. Thanks.
Thanks for asking the question because I was having the same issue. I guess I’ll need to watch the video as well…
like I did – you’re likely trying to download from the wrong menu.
I too am getting the red x. I watched the video, imported from the portability menu, selected the zip file (I tried both pack 3 and pack 2 with same results). When I clicked on “Import Divi Theme Builder Templates” a red x briefly showed up and then disappeared. No other error message was displayed. Any suggestions for what is wrong?
Cannot import on clean WordPress install on localhost (wamp). Just a red cross. Pls, provide a fix for this. I see other people having same issue.
I have some difficulties with Theme Builder:
– Shop page cannot be edited, first there is no edit or frontend builder, second as soon as i use divi builder it destroys the shop page, third, customizing sidebar has no effect
– Theme Builder pack. If i load more than one theme builder pack i am loosing track of structure and get confused about the logic here. Maybe it is not ment to use more builder alternatives for one page. So if I load builder pack 1 and 2 there comes up some chaos and I get confused with the usability
thanks elegant themes!. but the headers that are built using new 4.0 features are not that gr8 on mobile devices even to look and feel..
Where are the images for the third FREE theme builder pack for Divi?
All of the images in this pack are dynamic using Dynamic Content 🙂 This means they are pulling from your blog posts, products, website logo and so on. They will just work automatically.
Hope something gets done about that search result page.
You can apply the category template to search results as well 🙂 You can use it for any archive page.
when we will have the search for native products in divi, without plugin, without additional codes. because that is so difficult