Divi Meetup Community Update: Q3 2022

Last Updated on March 16, 2023 by Leave a Comment

Divi Meetup Community Update: Q3 2022
Blog / Community / Divi Meetup Community Update: Q3 2022

Hey, Divi Fam! It’s time for a community update!

Oh my goodness, have we got some catching up to do! 😅
It’s been busy! In-person events and conferences are back and reacclimating has taken some time. I forgot what three years ago was like! It’s been amazing getting back to in-person conferences! WordCamp Europe and WordCamp US finally came back to us this year and it was long expected. We loved having a presence, especially at WordCamp US. Did you get to attend either event? Comment below because we’d love to hear about your experience.

But first, check out our current stats and community updates below. ⬇️

The Divi Community Meetup Network by the Numbers

  • Total Members: 12,515
  • Total Groups: 54
  • Total Events Hosted: 1,630
  • Total RSVPs: 13,167
  • New Members (Last 90 Days): 601

If you have a passion to build your local Divi community, locate a group near you here or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.


Let’s Welcome Our Newest Meetup Host!

Please give a warm welcome to our new host! We just onboarded a new Divi host for Divi Phoneix (my hometown) and we’re thrilled to introduce you to him!

Divi Phoenix, Arizona, USA

professional headshot of Dennis Dinsmore in suit

Dennis Dinsmore – Divi PHX

Meet the host, Dennis Dinsmore:

Dennis Dinsmore is a WordPress developer originally from Salem, Oregon. He got his start in the creative field over 20 years ago as a screen-printer. Dennis moved to Tempe, Arizona to attend Collins College in 1999 where he graduated with a degree in Visual Communications with a focus on multimedia.
A Flash developer in the 2000s, Dennis transitioned to building WordPress sites in 2010 and never looked back. He has worked as a developer for small and large agencies in the Valley of the Sun but now works for his freelance venture, Lights Out Interactive.
When he’s not building WordPress websites, Dennis enjoys golfing, playing FIFA, riding his beach cruiser, or just chilling at his condo with his cats, Gracie and Tiger.

Dennis desires to lead the Phoenix Divi meetup because he has the heart and mind of a teacher. Dennis recently acquired his teaching certificate in Career and Technical Education and hopes to share his professional Divi knowledge and experience with the Phoenix WordPress community.

Dennis is leading the charge with me as an assistant (I can’t do it all 😅). I’m sooooo glad you stepped up, Dennis! 😍

Go to Divi Phoenix

Updates from Existing Groups

Our Divi meetup groups have been faithful and we’re excited to share some of their community updates with you below. Read on!

Divi Cape Town in South Africa

Divi Cape Town September 2022

From the Host, Dirk Tolken:

Attendees: 5

We discussed how to set up WooCommerce on a DIVI site. Attendees enjoyed it very much!

There it is, Divi Cape Town! 💥

Go to Divi Cape Town

Divi Chicago, Illinois, USA

screenshot of Divi Chicago virtual attendees

Divi Chicago September 2022

From the Hosts, Joan Margau & Scott Winterroth:

Attendees: July-9, August-9, September-24

July 2022
Divi-Chicago Monthly Mastermind Meetup was a lively roundtable discussion about the workflow and Divi. The recent built-in, gradient, masks, and pattern background options increases the need for quality images. Finding and compressing images is time-consuming. Consider including the time factor for images in the cost of the website build.
August 2022
The Divi Chicago Mastermind Meetup was the masterminds of Divi users. We shared new ideas, made suggestions, and solved problems. Had a lively discussion on the workflow and how to give clients extra care with Divi’s built-in features. We didn’t get ’round to the union of SEO with Divi, but this is our next month’s mastermind.
September 2022
One of our very own Divi Chicago loyal members, Dhruv Pandya, gave a knowledge-packed presentation on ways to make your website search engine friendly, a/k/a SEO. How to do search engine optimization, and how to describe website content using Schema Structured data. Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value to help search engines categorize and index your content. All of this helps search engines understand the content in a website. Dhruv will be giving more presentations in the future. Be sure to check the Divi-Chicago Meetup Schedule for details.

Join Divi Chicago give them your input. 🔥

Go to Divi Chicago

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, USA

zoom screenshot Divi Dallas attendees' heads

Divi DFW July meetup

screenshot of Divi DFW virtual attendees

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth August 2022

From the Host, Tommy Lee & Kent Pilkington:

Attendees: July-18 & August-13

July 2022
In July, we covered custom fields, custom post types, and how to use the Divi Theme Builder to apply styling to them. We demonstrated how this can be used to build websites multiple types of users can easily edit without worrying about messing up the code or design. We hope to see you next month as we host an open Q&A session.
August 2022Last month at Divi DFW, we had our annual open meeting, which is a live Q&A between our members and the organizers. Members posed their questions to our experts, and we looked into the answers together. It also helped us generate topics for future meet-ups (like this month, where we’re looking into using global presets).

Yee, Divi DFW!

Go to Divi Dallas/Fort Worth

Divi Washington DC, USA

Divi Washington DC August 2022

From the Host, John Browning:

Attendees: 5

During our meetup, we utilized Divi’s built-in gradient, pattern, and masking tools to add punch to our designs without knocking out the message. We had a great time experimenting with different combinations and learned a few shortcuts for other Divi tools along the way.

Thank you for your dedication, Divi DC! We love it! 💥

Go to Divi Washington DC

Divi Dhaka, Bangladesh

6 men & boys standing outside at the Divi Dhaka meetup

Divi Dhaka September 2022

group of men sitting and listening to one standing man at the Divi Dhaka meetup

Divi Dhaka September 2022

From the Host, Md Kamal Hossain:

Attendees: 15

It was a great meeting in person where we had quality time in Ramna Park, Dhaka for two days. Participants were very happy. We discussed the features and building materials that are common and extra from other page builders around the web developers. We have found some matched and unmatched answers regarding web development steps related to the theme and modules.

Yesss, Divi Dhaka! 🤸🏻‍♀️

Go to Divi Dhaka

Divi Houston, Texas, USA

City of Houston in background overlayed with a transparent purple

Divi Houston

From the new Host, Jube Dankworth:

Divi Houston is refiring. Jube Dankworth, the found[er] of the Divi DFW group, moved to Houston, and has stepped up to refire the Houston Group. We look forward to meeting all the folks who make this community great!

Divi Houston is back at it! Check them out.

Go to Divi Houston, Texas

Divi Kolkata, India

screenshot of Divi Kolkata virtual attendees

Divi Kolkata August 2022

From the Host, Rajesh Ravidas:

Attendees: 4

Hi Divians,
This month we talked about how we can use Divi to build an effective landing page with some [great examples]. We also had [a] QA session which covered some of the CSS/JS-related questions.

So, glad to see Divi Kolkata always on it! 🔥

Go to Divi Kolkata

Divi Los Angeles, California, USA

screenshot of Divi LA virtual attendees

Divi Los Angeles August 2022

From the Host, Julius Lopez:

Attendees: 5

So this is the one about Divi website hosting. A small gaggle of Divi enthusiasts got together online to share insights about hosting Divi websites. From great experiences to horror stories and everything in between. We even got into tools to manage multiple sites.
There’s something to learn no matter what your experience is with Divi. Our next event is in the works so keep your eyes peeled to Meetup.com for it!

Are you a resident of the Greater Los Angeles Area? Do you love Divi? Would like to present, or become a co-host of Divi Los Angeles Meetup? Contact Julius via email at: [email protected]. 🙌🏼

Go to Divi Los Angeles

Divi Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Divi Milwaukee August 2022

From the Hosts, Tracy Champagne & Phil Reinhardt:

Attendees: 8

We had a pretty good meeting. It was a small group this time but we discussed a lot of Divi theme ideas.

Get it, Divi Milwaukee! 💥

Go to Divi Milwaukee

Divi New York City, USA

screenshot of Divi NYC virtual attendees

Divi New York City September 2022

From the Hosts, Patty, Jeanine, & Mickey:

Attendees: 10

Our September Meetup was “Back to Business – A Community Planning Discussion.” The meetup was attended by 10 members and we talked about our work and successes over the summer, what we are working on for the fall, and any issues or roadblocks with our businesses or Divi itself that we needed advice about. We also had the opportunity to view the efforts of one of our members in developing a new look for gallery display. It was a lively and informative discussion in which we had members attending from the US, Australia, and England.

Yee, Divi NYC!! 🙌🏼

Go to Divi NYC

Divi Phoenix, Arizona, USA

People taking an "usie" at the Divi PHX meetup

Divi Phoenix September 2022

From the Host, Dennis Dinsmore:

Attendees: 6

Yaaaaaaay! We’re back! Long-time community member, Dennis, was ready to take the baton and lead our group. 💯 We kicked off our rebooted meetup in September at a local coworking space in midtown Phoenix. This is the first meetup post-pandemic and we’re excited to continue them! Do join!

Finally! 🥲

Go to Divi Phoenix

Divi Rio de Janiero, Brazil

screenshot of Divi Rio de Janeiro virtual attendees

Divi Rio de Janeiro August 2022

From the Host, Daniel Peres Lins:

Attendees: 5

After months of not getting together, we’re back with the meetup in August covering all the recent Divi updates, talking about Divi Cloud and how to get the most out of Divi in ​​Woocommerce.

Divi Rio just had their first meetup and they’d love for you to join the magic! Check it out!

Go to Divi Rio

Divi Sacramento, California, USA

screenshot of Divi Sacramento virtual attendees

Divi Sacramento August 2022

From the Hosts, Rosalinda Huck & Elizabeth Hahn:

Attendees: 4

Divi Sacramento took a slight break over the summer, but did enjoy a Divi “Staycation”-themed meeting in August! We discussed creating travel blogs, reviewed existing travel blogs built in Divi, and then enjoyed some fun socializing through a travel-themed poll. We’re gearing up for a strong finish in the remaining months of 2022, starting with an overview of Google Analytics 4 in September. Come join us!

Join Divi Sacramento for some continued Divi learning opportunities! ♥️

Go to Divi Sacramento

Divi Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

screenshot of SLC meetup virtual attendees

Divi Salt Lake City July 2022

screenshot of Divi SLC virtual attendees

Divi Salt Lake City August 2022

screenshot of Divi SLC virtual attendees

Divi Salt Lake City September 2022

From the Host, Dustin Olsen:

Attendees: July-12, August-8, September-5

July 2022
For July we had a guest speaker, Chris Settle, join us to discuss the basics of branding and how if we are able to humanize our approach, we will find success in being able to connect with our target audience. There’s a lot that goes into building a brand before one arrives at the website-building phase. Avoid common pitfalls in branding by doing due diligence in defining “who you are” and “what you stand for” and live by those attributes.
August 2022
For August, we did a demo of Divi Presets and went through some best practices and common use cases where you might want to leverage the power of Presets to streamline and ultimately simplify your design process (in other words, avoid the frustration of going page-by-page to update button styles). We also had questions that lead to discuss Global Modules, how they are different from Presets, and a use case for that as well.
September 2022
This month we had a guest speaker, Grady Kelly, join us to talk about the importance of UX in not just the websites we build, but in many areas of life and work where processes can be improved for even greater efficiency. We learned that one of the best things you can do to improve the UX of just anything is to talk to those who are using the tool and understand what their pain points are. Create a product that accommodates the end user.

We love what Dustin’s cultivating with the Divi SlC community! 💯

Go to Divi Salt Lake City

Divi Satkhira, Bangladesh

group of men around a table

Divi Satkhira August 2022

9 men standing outside at the Divi Satkhira meetup

Divi Satkhira September 2022

From the Host, Delower Hossain:

Attendees: August-8 & September-9

August 2022
After a long time finally, We’re back. Our Divi Satkhira’s Co-organizer Delower Hossain provided us with an introduction to the Divi Marketplace.
September 2022
It was our regular monthly meetup. We covered What is Divi Marketplace and how we can get involved. There was a lot to cover! It was informative and some members shared some of the tools they use, too. All in all, a great meetup.

Thank you for serving your community, Delower! 🙏🏼

Go to Divi Satkhira

Divi Warri, Nigeria

Divi Warri July meetup

Divi Warri people sitting at tables and learning.

Divi Warri July meetup

From the Host, Purity Ochuko:

July Attendees: 18

It went wonderful and expressive, we talked about tools, templates, and things that make Divi more unique. Topic: divi for beginners.

Woot! 🤛🏼

Go to Divi Warri

Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?

Great! We’re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and building community and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.

Starting a new Divi Meetup group is simple. Just apply by filling out this form or email [email protected]. Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!

Not sure if there’s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.

Global Divi Meetup Network


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