Divi Meetup Community Update: June

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Divi Meetup Community Update: June
Blog / Community / Divi Meetup Community Update: June

Whew, this year is flying by! Can you believe that with the passing of June weโ€™re already halfway through 2021? Itโ€™s been a wild ride this year and with the gradual re-opening of the world thereโ€™s lots of new energy, ideas, and enthusiasm around what new things might be possible in the latter half of the year. Which isnโ€™t to say of course that great things arenโ€™t already happening. Just take a look at our current stats and updates from Divi Meetups happening every month around the world!

The Divi Nation Meetup Network by the Numbers

  • Total Members: 9,769
  • Total Groups: 55
  • Total Events Hosted: 993
  • Total RSVPs: 8,836
  • New Members (Last 90 Days): 687
  • New Groups (Last 60 Days): 1
  • New Group Pipeline: 1

If you have a passion to build your local Divi community, locate a group near you here or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.


Letโ€™s Welcome Our New Meetup Meetup Group and Host

Please give a warm welcome to our new host! We just onboarded a new Divi meetup, and weโ€™re thrilled to introduce you to the them.

Divi in Durham, Ontario, Canada

Edmund DelSol of Divi in Durham

Edmund DelSol of Divi in Durham

Meet the host, Edmund DelSol:

I am an electrical engineer by training, with extensive business leadership experience in telecommunications and information technology, including learning technologies. I now operate a workplace productivity agency and teach as a professor of business. Iโ€™m passionate about cycling and photography.

I am an avid Divi user and believe that a Divi group in Durham Municipality will represent a useful technology additional to [the] growing urban area. Together, we can build exposure for the platform, exert influence in multiple venues, and help to drive innovation and help to shape the technology direction for our city.

Divi in Durham already hosted their first virtual meetup! Check the group out!

Go to Divi in Durham

Updates from Existing Groups

We say this every year but Summer always poses some lull time with our meetups as humans leave town. And, if youโ€™re from hotter climates, thereโ€™s a bit of hibernation happening as peeps stay indoors and in the air conditioning. Here at ET, we guide our groups on ways to engage during the dog days of summer. There are great ways to still have great meetups. See for yourself below!

Our June meetups!

Divi Cape Town in South Africa

Divi Cape Town june 21

Divi Cape Town

From the Host, Dirk Tolken:

Attendees: 11

This month we covered how to run a freelance business using DIVI & Elegant Themes and it was very well received. We had loads of sharing of experiences, advice, resources and more. Freelancers are having a hard time at the moment and many were grateful for this session. Itโ€™s also evident that everyone is looking forward to the performance updates coming to DIVI.

Yasss, Divi Cape Town! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Go to Divi Cape Town

Divi Chicago, Illinois, United States

Divi Chicago june 21

Divi Chicago

From the Hosts, Joan Margau & Scott Winterroth:

Attendees: 62

Divi Quick Tips and โ€œAhaโ€ Moments. Our guest speaker was Donjetรซ Vuniqi, content creator with Elegant Themes. Donjetรซ showed us how to: hide page overflows using VW for Tablet and Phone: implement Auto Scrollbar: modify a column into a section size: use Layers for more creative freedom and position settings. Most of us had our own โ€œaha,โ€ so thatโ€™s how you can do that in Divi.

Divi Chicago fire! Itโ€™s a thing! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Go to Divi Chicago

Divi Washington DC, USA

Divi Washington DC june 21

Divi Washington DC

From the Host, John Browning:

Attendees: 19

Julius Lopez from the Divi Los Angeles group demonstrated how to create a blog post using ACF and Custom Post Types with the Divi Theme Builder. It was a great Divi โ€œjam session,โ€ learning about blog post offsets and talking about our favorite beers!

Divi DC all day, erry day! ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Go to Divi Washington DC

Divi Dhaka, Bangladesh

Divi Dhaka june 21

Divi Dhaka

From the Host, Md Kamal Hossain:

Attendees: 4

Itโ€™s a part of [our meetup series] โ€œDivi the Master of Web Design โ€“ Episode 4โ€. The attendees were very happy for this episode where we showed some global settings and about the common discussion mater the price benefits of Divi Builder among others in Marketplace to design websites.

Ya gotta check Divi Dhaka out! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

Go to Divi Dhaka

Divi Kolkata, India

Divi Kolkata june 21

Divi Kolkata

From the Host, Rajesh Ravidas:

Attendees: 5

It was a QA and Problem Solving Session where Divi users shared their problems and we resolved them remotely. Five members attended the virtual session this month.

Welcome back, Divi Kolkata! Hereโ€™s to health! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

Go to Divi Kolkata

Divi Rio de Janiero, Brazil

Divi Rio de Janeiro june 21

Divi Rio de Janeiro

From the Host, Daniel Peres Lins:

Attendees: 6

We had a great time and I managed to share with the audience some tricks about speed performance and how they can improve their Divi websites performance on GT Metrix.

Waydda go, Divi Rio! Woot! ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Go to Divi Rio

Divi Sacramento, California, USA

Divi Sacramento june 21

Divi Sacramento

Divi Sacramento june 21

Divi Sacramento

From the Hosts, Rosalinda Huck & Elizabeth Hahn:

Attendees: 12

For our topic meeting, co-organizer, Elizabeth talked and walked us through the steps to setting up an online store using WooCommerce. Not only did she demo how to set up WooCommerce using Divi, but she also shared important tips on how to prepare, such as understanding sales tax, and how to ship products. And during our regular Q&A meeting, we fielded several questions about plugins and layouts from newcomers who are just starting out with Divi.

Join us in July, where Rosalinda will discuss and demo practical short-cuts in maneuvering Divi to maximize your workflow efficiency!

Go to Divi Sacramento

Divi Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Divi Salt Lake City

Divi Salt Lake City

From the Host, Dustin Olsen:

Attendees: 12

For June, we had a great discussion about Child Themes. There were lots of greats questions that helped better clarify what child themes are and some practical use-cases of when they can come in really handy.
The bottom line though, child themes are a matter of preference. ๐Ÿ™‚
If you were not able to attend, here is [the] link to the meeting recording.

Next month, we will be doing a Q&A โ€“ you bring the questions, struggles, headaches and weโ€™ll help provide you with some answers and relief.

Go to Divi Salt Lake City

Divi Seattle, Washington, USA

Divi Seattle june 21

Divi Seattle

From the Hosts, Bradon Garley & Shane Griffiths:

Attendees: 27

For our [June] Meetup we covered SEO best practices and how they can be accomplished with Divi. We covered setting up a third-party SEO plugin, configuring it with Divi, Heading tags, Image optimization, meta titles and descriptions, sitemaps, robots, featured images, internal linking, url structures, google search console, and much more.

Divi Seattle coming with it like they do!

Go to Divi Seattle

Divi Tampa, Florida, USA

Divi Tampa june 21

Divi Tampa

From the Host, Steve Willingham:

Attendees: 3

The virtual Divi-Tampa Jolly-June 2021 meetup was held on Thursday, June 24 at 1PM EST. We had 3 members attending out of 6 sign-ups. Attendees were from the Tampa Bay area and Sarasota Florida! We helped each other with some basic Divi functionality and control settings. Also shared insights, tips, and tricks experiences with website responsiveness and load speed. We also discussed the plans for our hybrid in-person & online meetup at our next opportunity in July. Overall, a wonderful experience and networking event for those of us that attended.

Divi Tampa is solid! Bet! ๐Ÿคธ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

Go to Divi Tampa

Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?

Great! Weโ€™re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and building community and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.

Starting a new Divi Meetup group is simple. Just apply by filling out this form or email [email protected]. Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!

Not sure if thereโ€™s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.

Global Divi Meetup Network


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