What To Expect In WordPress 3.6
Named Oscar, after the jazz musician Oscar Peterson, this version of WordPress has had a rocky past due to the creation, and later the removal of, the post formats UI. Although the flagship feature of 3.6 has been removed, there are still many other great things to enjoy with this release.Improved Post Revision UI

Auto-Saving To Save Us From Our Own Forgetfulness

Native Video and Audio Support

Introducing The New Deafult Theme – Twenty-Thirteen

thank you very much.
I am now using WP 3.8, but really liked the 3.6 a lot better, wish I could go back…. Maybe in time 3.8 will get better.
WordPress 3.6 is filled with hell lot of errors, I am tired of it.
Updated! Thanks. I love WP 3.6.
I can’t download the version 3.6. I have this error:
An error occurred while updating Chameleon: Update package not available.
Can you please explain for me why ????
Thank in advanced!!!1
If you need help, please open a ticket in our support forums so that our team can assist you.
WordPress 3.6. really sucks in my case, em really disappointed with this , because I purchased a theme from Ait-themes, but my visual text editor is not responding whether its not compatible with the theme or what 🙁
If anyone can help please do ping me….
Theme Name : MyAppTheme
Wordpress Version: 3.6.1
Site: http://www.pevolve.com
I am afraid we can’t support another company’s themes. I would suggest contacting the theme author for assistance.
@Christine, if you are using Elegant builder, I’d advise you to wait, I upgraded last week and lost both the layouts not saved as templates but in use, the gui is only loading it’s hooks in list form and I cannot save new layouts.
See Brian’s and Nick’s input above. I hope They will find a fix soon.
I don’t mind rebuilding but I need a stable plugin 🙂
Kind regards,
Hey folks, should I upgrade to this version??? I fear my plugins wont be compatible.
name seems to very grand , good up gradation
WordPress 3.8 when you will be releasing?
Great work ElegantThemes . It’s high time for new update of WordPress themes.
Thanks for native video and audio
I think that changes from 3.5 are not that big or at least not that significant.
Great work. Nice little updates from WordPress.
Nice very nice.
Hell we ain’t even found the time to update to WordPress 3.6 at http://www.webtechglobal.co.uk and there are themes like this popping up straight away. On the ball huh 🙂
thanks nick, perfect 😉
nice to theme twenty third :D. that’s colourful. in all free wordpress themes . i like this arras theme
Typo in the heading:
“Introducing The New Deafult Theme – Twenty-Thirteen”
Should say “Default”
Is anyone else having issues with Elegant Layout Builder since the upgrade to Oscar? Mine is leaving a trail of modules when I move them, thereby making the canvas ridiculously huge, then it will freeze up, and I can’t change the size until refreshing the browser.
Sorry to hear about that Brian. Have you opened a support ticket so that we can take a look?
I just did, I included a screenshot of what I’m referring to. Thanks for any help, I love the Elegant Page Builder, and wish to continue to be able to use it!
Hi there, Since oscar the problem I have is the inability to save either a layout or ar a template. (Also I lost all made layouts that where not saved as a sample layout but active). Also the Builder Gui does not load yet all hooks are there in list form. Please inform. Can I connect to Brians ticket? makes no sense to shoot in another one while it is allready being handled.
Kind regards,
Great… Now its time to update.. thanks for the info..
I’ve upgraded to 3.6 and have embeded a video using the new [video] shortcode on my homepage. It works great on all browsers but wont work on my iphone. I dont want to have to download a plugin for it to work on mobile. Any ideas?
iPhones don’t support flash.
Hey Nick,
I bet you guys are having a good laugh with everything going on over at WooThemes!
They shot themselves in the foot, big time!
What happended?
I use woocommerce should I be worried?
I’ve downloaded 3.6 and have embeded a video on my homepage using the video shortcode. It works great and displays on all browsers but wont work on my iphone. Peeps are telling me to download a plugin but I dont want to do that.
Thanks nick, you’re thorough….
Great news. Will update my sites now.
Nice thanks.
I am ready to wait for WordPress 3.6 Oscar, elegantthemes lovers
I just updated a couple of websites (of course no Elegant Theme issues) and noticed the new custom menu area, but I appreciate you reviewing ALL of the new highlights. Thanks!!
It’s awesome features by WordPress and nice to detailed ET….
I recently updated to 3.6 for my blog and got one strange error 🙁 but somehow i fixed it. The Twenty Thirteen theme is really cool theme..
Really i loved this “Oscar” update of the wordpress 🙂
Bug, not everything is flowers.
in appearance menu. It is with this error:
Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Argument number must be greater than zero in /home/videoa11/public_html/blog/wp-admin/nav-menus.php on line 478
I believe the changes in the menu, it was not the way it should.
If you need help, please open a ticket in our support forum so that our team can assist you.
Finally WordPress supports videos in native mode !!
This is reason why wordpress is the most popular cms around the world.
Perfectly timed post, I just updated to 3.6 a few minutes ago. WordPress continues to get better.
Great work, ET. I’m using MP6 too, my dashboard is brand new!
Can someone say if the Post Format UI plugin is out????
Native video and audio! Nice.
I love WordPress and I definitely love Elegant Themes.
Thanks for your continuous improvement, ET!
Great article, hope all your themes updated shortly with latest WordPress 3.6 version 🙂
Nice little updates from WordPress.
And thanks for making compatible themes quickly.
Oh, I just upgraded, without even a smidgen of thought involved. I guess I trusted 100%. Reckless huh? now to upgrade all my sites 🙁
I was about to drop a mail about asking the WordPress 3.6 compatibility with ET themes, but suddenly saw this post.
Now, I am going to make the update, will let you know issues on the forum, if any.
Hey Pranjal – I like how you have done your site. It also shows me that the posts will load forever. Cool.
Time to update!