Since its inception, I have been Elegant Themes’ sole designer. However, finding inspiration in isolation often proves a difficult task, which is why we have finally acquired some fresh new talent! Today I am excited to welcome Kenny Sing to the Elegant Themes family. Kenny is a super-awesome, mega-talented designer that we have known for some time, and I can’t wait to see what great new themes we will build together. In fact, we are already hard at work, and you can expect our upcoming themes to be among the best in our collection.

A Sneak Peek At Our Next Project
For those who are curious about what we are working on behind the scenes, here is a small glimpse at our upcoming ultra clean and simply beautiful blogging theme. Sorry, it’s a little faded, you will just have to wait for the release to see the rest 🙂
wow, very Awesome designs,
by the way I want to know if there is a fresh look for Movies?
Looking forward to some new cool themes among the other great themes..:)
Looks really great… 🙂 Inspiring. Good look to the team
Best of Luck to you
I use Aggregate and it workes well for me. Rock on ! 😉
Now, Elegant Team has a DIAMOND! 🙂
wow, great designs,
btw I wanna know if there is a new look/fresh look for Chameleon?
On behalf of all the newbie site designers that have learned so much from Nick, I’d like to say “Welcome to ET”. You instantly have a huge following and much support!
Kenny, so excited for you and proud of what you have accomplished in a very short time! You deserve all this for all the time you have put into making your dream a reality! As your mom, I could talk forever letting people know what an amazing designer you are, but most of all, what a great person you are. I am proud to say you are my son. Welcome to ET and look forward to seeing what you and Nick have in store. I love you forever! MOM
Thanks, Mom! 😀
best of luck to You and to ET Team for future & hope to reward best for you guys 🙂
Congrats man!
The theme looks nice. 🙂 I’d /really/ like to see a fresh new iteration of Chameleon. And please give me an editable layered slider! 😀 😀 😀 (Something like this:
Can’t wait to see what’s around the corner.
Hi Nick and ET Team!
You continue to amaze us! I am eagerly waiting for the release of Serene theme. I am certain is going to be as good as Fable and Vertex! 🙂
I would also like to welcome Kenny!
I am sure that you Nick in collaboration with Kenny will create outstanding themes in the future. A sneak peak of the Serene theme is just a sign of it.
Without a doubt Kenny will Sing some beautiful and elegant themes out of his creativity 🙂
Thank you once again!
Welcome Kenny Sing!!! I like your name!
Looking forward to seeing what you and Kenny come up with, Nick!
Hopefully he is someone who is able to get simple text formatting right. Margin of list items for example is messed up in all your themes. They all look nice. Until you display content with them that is different from your demo page content. Or is that so that freelancers can bill more hours for bullshit?
Sorry for the harsh language, but the sloppy typography in your themes bugs me for a long time now.
I hope so too.
Congrats! I was wondering if the first image is taken in your HQ? It’s awesome that you’re all working on Macs! Love the ecosystem! Btw now that you have Kenny on board, how big is the team?
Yep, that’s our HQ in San Francisco. Our team of 20 is mostly distributed – we only have 3 people working out of this office at the moment, but we plan on growing!
Welcome Kenny 🙂
It’s a very good news to see the awesome Elegant Themes family still growing…
Alex from
Welcome Kenny!
Welcome Kenny singh !
You should also release Tumblr themes ! only one theme is available, there are many themes from the vault – best fit for Tumblr. !
Good catch. Hope he adds value in ET team. All the best to him and ET team.
Welcome kenny, hope u gonna sing a new song for ET? The bigger the better
and thank God, I can bet two themes per month!
I use Minimal for my own site, but we recently used Aggregate and it worked very well for a CSA Farm site!
I agree that more various designs with more area for content and less for large imagery is good for businesses.
Kenny Sing Welcome to the ET family…
I am a big fan of ET, loved most of the themes but can’t resist to say that “FUSION” was simply staggering.
Zestfully looking forward to the next project ( blogging theme )…
Keep doing marvelous works…
definitely excited for this new theme – it looks all google now-ey
This is fantastic news, I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with now…
I’m excited for this theme! I definitely see the Google Card/Now Interface inspiration and I have been waiting for a WP thing like this
Welcome Kenny!. Looking forward to your new creations. I work with a lot of First-time Authors, trying to promote their books. Hope that little seed helps to germinate some creativity in that genre.
Yah I agree with Chris down there. I love the new full width designs. Very modern. Would be great to get a couple more business themes to use!
Hi, thank’s for this very good news. And good luck for Kenny and your team !
Congrats & welcome, Kenny! Nick has done a great job so far & now so looking forward to see more & more exciting new themes! All the best guys!
This is really great news! Looking forward to the new themes!
Congratulations on the growth. Can’t wait to see what theme love comes from the two of you.
Really good news! Welcome aboard, Kenny. Looking forward to seeing what the partnership brings.
Thanks, Lawrence. Looking forward to what the collaboration has in store as well!
This is great news! Really excited to see another perspective on the ET design team. I could only imagine how much richer your catalog will become!! Congratulations on this milestone.
As someone already stated above, i had neither the idea that you were the only designer. Well i can only hope for the best concerning the future of ET, maybe you’ll touch the moon like the original E.T 😀
Welcome Kenny Sing,
“glimpse at our upcoming ultra clean and simply beautiful blogging theme SERENE”
what happened to NEXUS ?
Don’t worry, Nexus will be ready soon 🙂
Yeah. I was wondering about that, too.
Wow, your next project looks quite good along with your office. 😉 Waiting eagerly for the next one!
Congrats! 🙂 Good news.
Sounds great – welcome and good luck, Kenny! And wow, you guys got a real nice office there….! 😉
Ciao Kenny!
Amazing…..Kenny Sing & ET team…..
can’t wait for next one…….
Congratulations Kenny! I see your Portfolio, absolutely amazing work.
Can’t wait to see your work with ET team. Hope release ASAP!!!
Thanks, Dipak. I appreciate the warm welcome!
Welcome a board.
Can’t wait to see your upcoming work or new funcionalities.
Good luck Kenny!
Congrats Kenny! Looking forward to your awesome design in next themes 🙂
Thanks, Alex!
I checked out Kenny’s portfolio and really like his work! I’m sure his work will be a great complement to the ET innovations and ideas!
Congratulations Kenny!
Awesome! Looks like ET is getting better and better. Can’t wait to see the the upcoming themes.
Congrats on joining the team, Kenny! I’m looking forward to seeing what you have in store – still waiting on Nexus as well! Serene looks amazing as well, minimal but beautiful. Keep it up!
Thanks, Alex! Really excited about what we have in store!
Congrats! Looking forward to more great themes ahead!
Love your themes. Would be nice thoughts have just a page option with slider on the home pages. Keep up good work
Awesome… can’t wait.
Hey Kenny, can’t wait to see what you ca do.
Thank Nick, glad to see your business is growing.
Have a great day guys.
Thanks Richard!
Awesome news! The new theme looking great. Looking forward to check it out.
Just checked out some of Mr. Sing’s work. It’s pretty slick. Can’t wait to see the new themes he helps put out.
Congratulations! I’ll look forward to the “new blood” in the designs. I love your themes – don’t get me wrong. But a little fresh ideas won’t harm 😉
Some fresh ideas certainly wont hurt! No offense taken 🙂
Great News! Looking forward to the new theme!
😀 😀
🙂 🙂 🙂
😀 😀 😀 😀
The Bigger the team size, better will be the quality of the collaborative output.
Congrats Nick, keep on growing!
Thanks Pranjal, you are definitely right!
Awesome. This is good. Nick, I had no idea that you were the sole designer behind ET. I thought for sure you had a crew helping with design. That’s awesome that you’re bringing in someone else, it’ll add diversity and take some weight off your shoulders.
Yes, it’s been just me for a while, but I can’t wait to start collaborating with another creative mind 🙂
Congrats Kenny. I hope you will create some awesome themes. We are waiting…
Hi guys,
Congratulations. Nothing like a growing business! A suggestion – how about a couple new business themes? I’m using Chameleon for the third time because it’s a good general purpose theme, but the look and feel could perhaps use a style update.
We have created two business themes recently in Vertex and Foxy. Is there something that you need from a theme that Chameleon has and these themes don’t?
Hi Nick,
I would say that Vertex and Foxy are great themes particularly for service business, and mostly for a single kind of service (specially Vertex with its immediate call to action). For some client websites I´ve been lately missing a more general and flexible business theme. Don´t take me wrong, I do think that those two themes are quite flexible. But if you don´t use some of their features because they won´t fit within your particular site, they will loose a lot of their appeal.
Well luckily we are working on our most flexible theme ever right now, and I think you are going to love it 🙂 It should be ready in a month or so – it’s going to take a lot of work!
Looking forward to it, Nick.
Thank you! 🙂
I´m with you, Chris
I also think it´s time for some new and modern general business theme. I really liked the last releases, but I´m kinda missing a good substitute for Chameleon.
Hey Nick,
I think something that some of the older themes are better for than Foxy is for service-driven businesses over product-driven businesses. Foxy looks great if you have a physical object presented in the bar, but it feels impractical to display the type of scene or location one might need a service. For example, if a company provides on-site auditing, the Foxy theme isn’t ideal. The slider isn’t really built to display photos of the types of situations they might be auditing. I love Foxy, and it’s great when your client has a product to sell, but services are a little more vague and harder to display in a large slider that thrives on objects isolated on a transparent background.
Sweet. 🙂