Welcome to Day 99 of our Divi 100 Marathon. Keep tuning in for 100 days in a row of awesome Divi resources as we count down to the amazing release of Divi 3.0 on the final day of the series!
Here we are at long last, it’s the end of the Divi 100 Marathon. A day that, for many of you perhaps, seemed like it may never come. Tomorrow we wrap up the series with the launch of Divi 3.0. But before we do that, I’d like to take stock of how the series has gone, share some lessons we’ve learned along the way, and fill you all in on how this series has forever changed the way we create content here at Elegant Themes.
What’s Next? The Elegant Themes Blog After the Divi 100 Marathon–Divi Nation Short
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What We Learned
Prior to the start of the Divi 100 Marathon we were already having a good year on the blog. Traffic was up, engagement was up, and overall quality was on the rise too. But when we decided to fully embrace the vision that grew up around this idea of 100 days straight of premium quality Divi content, we had to almost entirely discard the way we’d been managing the blog to date and rapidly invent, then adapt to, a whole new system of content collaboration.
Instead of just one person more or less owning a blog post from start to finish, we now had one person tackling the design and development assets, someone else writing the post, and many times a third person creating a video to accompany that post. Because of this new dynamic each finished piece of content required a higher level of planning, co-ordination, and editorial oversight.
It also demanded more of each person in the creation process. Every freebie and tutorial was tested by multiple people. The instructions that eventually made it into blog posts and videos had to be clear enough for one member of our distributed content team to easily hand it off to another member and be confident that they would be understood. This resulted in a higher level of detail and clarity than we’d previously been able to achieve in our tutorials.
Without a doubt this blog post series has been the most ambitious, collaborative, resource heavy, community focused stretch of blogging we’ve ever done. And we couldn’t be happier with the results. August 2016 was this blog’s best month ever in terms of both raw traffic and community engagement. With the other months of the Divi 100 Marathon not far behind. Proving definitively something we’ve known for a while now: this community can’t get enough useful, actionable, Divi content. And when we provide it, good things happen.
Which begs the question: is all of this simply going to end with the Divi 100 Marathon?
Thankfully, emphatically, no! We have a plan. A plan to continue providing a steady stream of daily Divi content to this amazing community 🙂
The Next Chapter of The Elegant Themes Blog
Following the launch of Divi 3.0 tomorrow, we will take a short break from posting new blog posts. And when I say short, I mean short. We will be back up and running Monday, September 12th–just five days later.
At that time we will once again publish general WordPress and web design articles (like we did before Divi 100) on a daily basis. We will also begin publishing, as soon as we are able, daily Divi blog posts and videos very similar to what we created for the Divi 100 Marathon (but hopefully, in time, even better). Bringing our daily publishing schedule up to two blog posts per day.
But what do I mean by “as soon as we are able”?
Well, the Divi 100 Marathon took a lot of time and resources from the whole Elegant Themes staff to pull off. Everyone from support team members, our development team, design team, and Nick himself were involved with the blog on a daily basis right along with myself and Mak; the actual content team here.
Which means after the series ends and everyone goes back to their normal roles and responsibilities we are going to need more staff before we can provide daily Divi content alongside our normal blog posts. Not to worry though! After all, it’s not as if this is just now occurring to us. We have already started the process of bringing new freelance content producers on board who specialize in Divi related content. With the hopes of adding one or two new full-time staff members to the Elegant Themes content team in the near future.
You may have noticed some of these new Divi freelancers already. People like Melissa Love, Geno Quiroz, Josh Hall, and other talented members of the Divi Community who have contributed to the Divi 100 series (and even more who we haven’t had a chance to publish yet!). They have all agreed to contribute to ongoing Divi content creation. Some of them regularly and some intermittently as their other work allows.
In fact, as I’m writing this, we have seven weeks worth of Divi content in production and many more in the planning stages! As soon as the first few weeks are 100% complete we will start releasing that content on a daily basis. I can’t wait to share all of the fantastic work we’re doing behind the scenes right now with you and move forward into a new chapter of the Elegant Themes blog together 🙂
As a side note, I’d like to stress that we hand pick blog contributors based on a combination of their design/dev skills, familiarity with Divi and WordPress, writing skills, and professionalism. We do not publish guest posts or do any sort of “in kind” trading of content for exposure. Everyone who creates content for us is paid industry standard rates (or higher) for their work.
Tomorrow: The Launch of Divi 3.0
For ninety-nine days we’ve kept you all in suspense, but the wait is over. Divi 3.0 is finished, it’s here and it’s ready for you to use on all of your WordPress projects. Come back here tomorrow for the official launch of the long-awaited Divi 3.0 and see what all the hype has been about.
Be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter and YouTube channel so that you never miss a big announcement, useful tip, or Divi freebie!

Divi 100 Day 99
The Countdown To Divi 3.0
This post is part of our Divi 100 marathon. Follow along as we post free Divi resources for 100 days in a row! This 100-day countdown will end with the game-changing release of Divi 3.0, including our brand new visual editor built from the ground up using React. Divi 3.0 will change the way you build websites with the Divi Builder forever!
Let the countdown begin.
Just wanted to say a (belated) MASSIVE THANK YOU for the brilliant blog posts over the countdown – awesome resources & ideas – you guys are totally fantastic! Thanks a ton!
When will the new builder be part of the Divi Builder PLUGIN?
Looking forward to the new Divi!
this is more than amazing
also i really needed a theme that supports rtl !
and im happy that’s gonna be divi
Looking forward to the new Divi!
Looking forward to the new Divi!
This really has been a marathon of epic proportions, it has been tough to keep up with the flow from a user’s point of view and, I cannot really imagine how much work it has been on the other end.
I originally subscribed to ET looking for some good themes, as I have in the past with other premium content which has ultimately not really done as I had hoped.
Having subscribed fairly early on in Divi’s early days, somewhere in Divi v1x, although Divi has evolved significantly since then, even back at the beginning I pretty much never bothered too much with other themes as Divi could do so much and be made look very different without much additional work.
I have for many years been constantly looking for the next great premium theme but stopped that once I used Divi, for me, there is no longer a need for the hunt, Divi does all I need from a theme and probably a lot more I have not discovered yet.
So a big thank you and enjoy your blog break!
This really has been a marathon of epic proportions, it has been tough to keep up with the flow from a user’s point of view and, I cannot really imagine haw much work it has been on the other end.
I originally subscribed to ET looking for some good themes, as I have in the past with other premium content which has ultimately not really done as I had hoped.
Having subscribed fairly early on in Divi’s early days, somewhere in Divi v1x, although Divi has evolved significantly since then, even back at the beginning I pretty much never bothered too much with other themes as Divi could do so much and be made look very different without much additional work.
I have for many years been constantly looking for the next great premium theme but stopped that once I used Divi, for me, there is no longer a need for the hunt, Divi does all I need from a theme and probably a lot more I have not discovered yet.
So a big thank you and enjoy your blog break!
Very grateful for your awesomely great job guys!! 🙂
This silent launch is kind of funny 😀
Enjoy guys !
Yeeehaaa again!
It’s here! Divi 3.0. I am so excited!
Thank you Elegantthemes-Team!
I’m excited as well but do want to make a suggestion. I’d LOVE to see all of the content organized a bit better! As ya’ll ramp up to offer more and more content, we need to be able to easily find it – at least those of us who are members. When I need layout inspiration for a page I’m working on, for example, it would be amazing to simply come back here to ET and go to a section showcasing downloadable divi layouts. If this is already available, please make it easier to find because I’ve tried! 🙂 And if you do implement this, truly this will make divi the absolute best theme and support on the market – by miles and miles.
Yeeehaaaa! New version just arrived – of WordPress 4.6.1, but no Divi in sight.
Detlef Antemann,
Despite not having updated the change log the Divi 3 is live .I am actually testing out the Front End builder
Changelog says 3.0, but the download isn’t…
F5, F5, F5… I actually stopped, and just used an auto refreshing tool. LOL. Kidding.
Oh shoot, it is here!
please, change the countdown to the right time! we need to know the right time
Start your 3.0 download and enjoy!
IT is here and downloaded!!
alright alright alright
Does the countdown timer take timezones into account? Oh, the anticipation…
members area – changelog 3.9 just went up
akh the exitement typos 3.0.0*
Does anyone know where can I download Divi 3 from?
Go to your theme downloads. It is now available.
got it, thank you Chrys 😉
This is stressfull 😀
Can’t wait any longer 😀
Oke time is up.. Let’s Go!
Still waiting… The countdown is over!
Please, bring it on!
where is it? where is it? my hands are itching 😉
Divi 3.0??? F5,f5,f5
I asked to Divi through the chat and they said in one hour
Where’s the Divi 3.0? hahahahah
it seems that I do not apply for updating DIVI 3.0, however I think it is a great tool
As with most software rollouts there are usually last minutes glitches.
You just know that the good folks at Elegant Themes have been up all night working to get this out today.
Please stand by, I’m sure it will be totally worth the extra wait time.
Please do not do a count down. You never seem too keep up with it.The divi 2 fiasco was not that long ago
Is it live? When can we download?
Refresh, refresh, refresh….
F5, F5, F5…..
Now where did I put that launch button?
Stay calm and refresh on… 😉
Dont see it updated in the member area yet?????
OK, the count down is finished.
How and where can we get Divi 3.0?
The changelog says it’s still 2.+ something and WordPress indicates absolutely no change to the theme.
My test site is ready. Just need that zip file…
Help !!!!
Where is my Divi Builder, I have a heartache 🙂
no where to be updated because the time is over ! you have to wait ? : O I want to live my editor now !!! divi 3.0 I love you !
Ok, it’s timed out. How do I get it? I’ve been looking all morning.
looking forward to the arrival counter to zero, but it came and nothing happened yet, that intrigues…
I’m refreshing like crazy 🙂
OMG guys I have been waiting so long for this blank time …
Your countdown timer is up…
OMG guys I stopped working for hours awaiting this blank time !!!
T-0, still no news though. 🙁
Maybe Divi 3.0 is a bit shy? Let’s give it a round of applause!
Where’s it?
Everybody at ET is busy watching the countdown to the Apple Special Event. 😀
Gaaaaah! I can’t wait any longer. I’m going mad with anticipation!
Feels like standing in line … but at least I’m not alone here 😉
yep you can be sure 🙂
So.. where is it? kkkkk
The countdown is over! Where can I get the files. Super excited to play around today.
So what happens now after the countdown is over???
I see that the countdown timer has expired.
so…??? where is the baby :)))) you want all of us with heartache???? 🙂
Will we be able update via the normal routine (wordpress updates)?
1 minute left
0 minutes left…
1 minute….
This is killing me……..
7 more minutes!!!
Awesome project! congratulations from Brazil. ^_^
ET made a Lifetime customer with Divi 100!
Best Regards and let’s create! ♥
10 min to go.. Can’t wait..
Where’s Divi 3.0?? Release time?
its 9:40am EST here lol, am patiently waiting.
Woohoo! 30 minutes.
Congratulations to the whole ET and other Divi guest blog authors on the past 100 days. While I’m not very active in the commmunuty, I have read all of your posts in this series and cannot stress enough how informative, beneficial, and fun this series has been. Awesomesauce doesn’t quite cover it, but it’s the only thing that I can think of to help describe the past 100 days. It really has inspired me to do more and to give back to the community. There’s less than an hour to go to the launch of Divi 3.0, I sure hope that the team is ready to celebrate your accomplishments. Keep up the great work, I’ll see you on the other side.
Excitement is building up, only 45 minutes to go !
I want to thank you all: Divi-team members ánd all other contributers to the blogposts. I’ve learned so much, not only about Divi but on all aspects of webdesign, small business and handling clients.
Happy and proud to be part of this community!
It’s been our pleasure Johan!
Just 1 hour left !
Divi 100 days was a great idea !
Please update… i am justing for update…. PLEASE………
With just an hour and a half to launch I’m very excited and want to thank the Elegant Themes team for a monumental build up over the last 100 days.
It’s been our pleasure Mark 🙂
can’t wait… I think this will be the most exciting news of the year!
Cannot wait for the release of a true game changer, going to be so much fun to finally play with Divi 3.0
It’s finally here! Woohoo!
Great job guys!
Even I am working a lot, I think your blog was the only one which always got my attention. It’s very exciting to follow you.
Thank you Nattawan 🙂
Loved the recent blog posts
This has been such a fun ride. At times it felt as if we’d never see the end of the Divi 100. In the past 100 days I’ve learned more about design, WP, plugins, child themes and everything else than I have in years using WP on my own without ET/Divi/Extra. I’m excited to update to 3.0 later today and get cracking. I have 3 new websites for a client all lined up, ready to be created with Divi 3.0. I’ve loved everything you guys have taught us these past few months, and I’m looking forward to learn even more from you. I’ve implemented so much from Divi 100 on all the websites I run (different things for different websites), and I’m excited about making the websites even better in the coming weeks. Before the Divi 100 journey the work I was doing was becoming pretty tedious. You guys made it all fun again. Thank you for the ride so far, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next. 🙂
Oh wow, that’s so good to hear. I know that I’ll be working hard (after a short break, lol) on making sure we keep the good–fun!–content coming.
Hey 🙂
I’m waiting, too <3
Thanks for your great work!
8 hours left, my god.
Thanks a lot for the last 99 days, it was amazing. You have created a milestone in blog posting. Thanks again…
Our pleasure Thomas, thanks for coming along for the journey!
Is there a way to download everything from the Divi 100 in one place? Perhaps a “market”place? *hint hint*
Yes. Stayed tuned for that in the near future 🙂
I CAN NOT WAIT! What an AH-MAZING 100-day launch party! It’s finally here!! It’s after 12:00am where I’m at! 🙂
We’re getting very close now, the anticipation is killing me! lol
Everything has been said and I agree!!!
Its september the 7th and its been for three hours now! (At least in central europe, and if you are unable to sleep).
Rise and shine over there! Release time!!! 😉
This 100 days have been gone so fast! Congrats all!
I can’t wait… I’m doing a countdown now 🙂 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Yeh it’s coming!
Will there be any special coupons for new members who join at the launch of Divi 3.0? I’m new to Elegant Themes and happy to have found you at the launch of Divi.
Yes there will be! Deal links will be in the blog post today.
Thanks for the 100 day marathon :). The freebie and tutorials are great. Is it possible to compile all the posts into one post? Maybe like a reference or summary post so it is quick and easy for us to access all the content at once?
We’ve got something like that coming 😉
I started following this blog about a year ago, as ET kept coming up when I would google how to accomplish varies things relating WordPress.
I’m thinking tomorrow is the day that I stop lurking and finally become an Elegant Themes member!
Congratulations to everyone who has worked hard to make this blog a valuable resource for not just your members, but to the whole WordPress community. It as shown me the value in this company/community more than advertising ever could.
Thanks Jimi, that’s the best kind of praise a blog can get. To be found useful! I hope you take advantage of the launch day sale to join and then you’ll be able to take full advantage of all the content, freebies, and other resources we’re creating here 🙂
You guys are the best, thank you for all your time and effort. My web-life is so much easier using Divi along with your posts.
Thanks again…
Our pleasure Graham!
Ya.. Very Cool!
Great excitement is in the air for tomorrow’s release. This is like early Christmas! I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks about it!
I’ve been part of the ET tribe since long before Divi and I’d like to say I’ve enjoyed the past 99 days of quality tools, tips and tricks for the Divi community! Each presenter has been on the mark and passionate about their respective topics.
I have 3 websites waiting for 3.0. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Congratulations on the new standard of visual WordPress website development!
Thanks Randall, we really appreciate that. We’ll try to keep this level of content coming!
I cannot wait to upgrade to the Divi 3.0. I am a huge fan.
The wait is SO, SO, SO close to being over. Finally!
I can’t wait until tomorrow!!
It’s almost here!
I agree with many, may fans above that you all deserve a huge “pat on the back” for not only the product we are waiting to see but the way you encouraged members (and prospective) to find ways of using DIVI more creatively!
Design has been my life and I really appreciate others who celebrate it.
Thanks Christopher, celebrating design and empowering our community is what we’re all about. I’m excited to keep that tradition alive and well long after this series 🙂
I’ve read all 99 ET Posts and haven’t commented yet.
I enjoy reading all the comments as much as the actual Post. Good morning reading. By the time we receive the Post in the morning in Australia, there’s usually 100+ comments already. Good reading guys.
Great community, and absolutely stunning work by the ET crew. Well done guys and gals.
Lifetime membership is a MUST!!
Wow, thanks for coming along for the full journey Shane!
Thanks for the Divi Countdown series – it’s one of the few blogs I check on the daily. A little sad that it’s come to an end – but I really can’t wait for Divi 3.0 & all the new contents!
Thanks guys!
So glad to hear it Stephanie 🙂
We’ll do our best to keep the good content coming even though this series is coming to an end.
*I think the whole Elegant Themes Team deservers a standing ovation for all the hard work they have done this far and the amazing 100 days of content release.*
You guys have gone way beyond just releasing a great tool. You’re making all of us great website creators. Even though I have no intentions of becoming a website creator. I have a cruise ship company to manage. You’ve added great value for the small annual subscription fee. Keep up the -great- FANTASTIC work you’ve all done!
Thanks Captain Jack! I appreciate all of your regular participation in the comments here on the blog and I’m glad that we’ve been able to provide value to someone who (rightly) wants to spend most of their time running their business instead of slaving over the website. Please let us know if there is ever anything you’d like us to cover here on the blog.
The Joy of watching ET grows the community. The more ET gives, the more the Community embrace you! Three cheers to the team at ET and the community, we have all just witnessed the Game Changer in action! We are watching this space!
Thanks Pauline, you’re absolutely right. The more we empower the community to use Divi in smarter, simpler, more elegant ways the bigger and stronger the community grows. And yes, it IS a joy to be a part of 🙂
Is Divi 3 restricted to the front end builder or does it cover some of the things that have been talked about in the blogs and support tickets?
Looking forward to seeing!
We regularly do smaller releases for bug fixes and smaller features/improvements. Divi 3.0 is almost all about the front-end builder. But don’t worry, the next release is the Developer Release in which we will be addressing a TON of improvement requests.
Hey Hey Hey,
I just spent the past 3 hours going over all the 100 Days post and downloading a lot of stuff!!! Thanks guys… now the brain is in full speed with all the ideas you showed me to overhaul my site!!!
Thanks Again Excited for 3.0
Excellent! Have fun taking it all for a spin. It’s going to be even more fun with Divi 3.0 🙂
Well done to all the Divi team. Looking forward to the release tomorrow.
Thanks Mick!
It’s Christmas tomorrow!
The Divi theme has got to be the most unique WordPress theme out there. Not only because it is so versatile and can be used to do nearly anything, but also because of the community that surrounds it.
That community is what convinced me to make the switch to Divi, and is also why I try do what I can to help others, especially in the Facebook Groups. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced and is so awesome to see – and be a part of.
The Divi 100 has been beyond helpful, but I hope folks (especially new Divi users) know that the resources, tips, and advice are always there, and new stuff is always coming out. There are great bloggers and who I call “Divi Gods” out there that regularly put out amazing stuff…free! Can’t list them all but Geno Quiroz, Andrew Palmer, and Fabio Sarcona come to mind. These guys, along with myself and many others, offer advice, support, and opinion in many online groups.
Divi 3 looks cool, but I didn’t sign up to be a beta tester (don’t hate me…just been busy…I cancelled dinner with my mom too, so you’re not alone). I look forward to using it on my next project, though!
Thanks Elegant Themes and all the Divi folks, from the experts who can answer any question to the new users who make us stay sharp and keep learning!
Thank you for all of your community involvement! You’re absolutely right, it’s people like yourself and everyone else giving back that makes this theme/community the best around 🙂
Counting hours for Divi 3.0 born day. Can’t wait !!
So close!!!
Congratulations to everyone involved! Can’t believe this 100 days have been gone so fast!
It really did fly by! I can still remember hitting publish on the first few blog posts like it was yesterday. But it’s nearly a third of a year gone! Whew!
This 100 series was amazing. It was helpful, useful and inspiring. You have done such amazing job. Thank you for all that you do. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Thank you Olga and thank you BIG TIME for your contribution of a free Divi layout pack for the series. What a great gift to the community. I hope we can create and publish more content and/or freebies together 🙂
This series has by far been the best launch I’ve seen from any product. Well done!!! Divi makes WP not so archaic 🙂
If you want suggestions for future blogs 🙂
– Lessons on how to create layout packs, different layouts, what to consider when doing a layout pack. How different layouts works for different use cases
– Design lessons/tips. Colors, fonts, content placement, how Divi makes it all happen.
– How to create plug-ins for Divi
– How to white label, custom child themes and dashboards
As you can see, this could be an entire category ‘Elegant Sites with Elegant Themes’.
Anyway, the important thing right now is Divi launch tomorrow (and the Apple event!!).
Very excited!! As a new person to WP and to Divi, this blog, and Divi 3.0, is what sold me. I came in on 6/8 as knowing nothing about Divi, but tired of hearing clients ask about WP, so I investigated. I purchased a yearly subscription and just upgraded to life as my show of commitment to what 3.0 is going to be.
I also just signed my first WP client with an agreement to wait until after the 7th. I played him your Divi 3.0 teaser to show how easy it would be to update and he said sold! (I hope we have access to a longer Divi 3.0 video to share with clients)
Please send my thanks to the entire team!!
Hey Richard, thanks for the great input/requests! We can definitely create some blog posts or even mini series around those topics 🙂
Tic tac tic tac… Can’t wait!
Thanks for all the effort you’ve guys put into it!
Our pleasure Jack!
So, as I calculate it… I can expect to see the unveiling at 11am ET tomorrow? I need to go to bed now so I will have plenty of rest because I know I will be up for days playing with Divi’s new goodness.
Oh by the way, in reference to the Apple announcement tomorrow, Divi is way more important than that! That is just another iPhone, Divi is way cooler.
I know which one I’ll be paying attention to 😉
A well deserved rest for a great, great team of people doing outstanding work.
Greeting from Mexico.
Thanks Jonatan!
Can’t wait to see what lies ahead!
I’d personally love to see Divi become more layout style friendly like what happened to the mobile header. Say, more breadcrumb friendly and blog layout friendly.
Take a look at the most popular blogs on the web (Wellness Mama is a great example). There’s a clear indication of where you are. Menu item ‘Blog’ stays highlighted/lit if you are anywhere in the blog, not just on the blog homepage. Categories show up in the breadcrumb navigation, and the blog layouts are clean and make sense.
Thanks Brent, there is definitely room to improve on many fronts. We’re taking it one release at a time 🙂
Can’t say enough about how much I have appreciated Divi, Nathan’s, Mario’s and Augustine’s posts and guests too Geno, Melissa, so many more, so happy to be a part of this #DiviNation !
How about a live FB feed at midnight for the official launch? lol… This is like Divi New Years, how people’s lives changed on Sept 07, 2016
Mark – DiviDojo
We have toyed around with the idea of a live fb feed for today but I’m still not sure if it’s going to happen or not. If it does then it may be sort of spur of the moment. We’ll see!
Thanks for stopping by this post and all the others I’ve seen you in the comments for. Appreciate your presence in the community! #DiviNation !
Will Divi 3.0 cost the same, or should we expect different price?
Divi 3.0 will cost the exact same. And if you’re a current member then you’ll get it for free as part of your current annual subscription!
I’ve learned so much from the posts here, and from the superb support team, who’ve answered my often dumb questions promptly and politely, and often gone way beyond the call of duty. Thanks for everything and really looking forward to the next chapter…
Thanks David! Yeah, I’m a pretty big fan of our support staff too. They are seriously some of the most helpful and patient people I know.
1000 thanks for 99 exciting and instructive days. I am happy indeed to DIVI 3.0. But am sad that the 100 days, marathon comes to an end. Will there be something similar? I enjoyed every single day VERY.
Purpose or incident: ET will release DIVI 3.0 on the same day Apple will announce iPhone 7?
Quick question: will DIVI 3.0 be available as “automatic update” or is it a new installation over former versions of DIVI?
Thank you!
We look forward testin´ tomorrow.
Hi Steve, yes Divi 3.0 will be a normal update from within the WordPress Admin.
My deepest thanks to the entire ET team for all the wonderful and useful Divi gifts. It’s been quite a ride! I have “impatiently” waited but it’s finally here. thanks again!
Thank YOU Marissa for following along with the series. Please let us know if there is anything Divi related we can cover for you in the future.
Like everyone else here, I’ve loved the Divi 100 series! The focus on practicality is what stood out to me the most. I’ve loved being able to immediately go and implement the ideas you’ve written about.
As a marketer, I’d also be interested in knowing how the series impacted sales of ET memberships. I’m not sure if you guys are up for sharing that kind of data, but it’d certainly make for interesting reading. At the least, it seems like a good post on the content production process is in order. Maybe a couple YouMoz posts since they’d be a bit off-topic here?
Thanks, Scott! I don’t think we’ve ever released sales data, but we have released a lot of traffic data. Earlier this year I gave a very thorough case study of the Elegant Themes blog from its inception in 2008 through 2015 at WordCamp Dayton. I’m not sure if that video has made its way onto WordPress.TV yet.
Divi 100 has been astounding for traffic and engagement. We are up 100%+ over traffic and engagement from the same time last year and we’ve set more all-time monthly traffic records this year than not. It’s been fun to say the least 🙂
I think writing something for YouMoz is a good idea. Almost all of our SEO strategy has come from there so why not give back to that community a little with some content, right? I’ll have to see if I can work that into my writing schedule in the near future.
Congratulations to the entire Divi team! You guys and gals are truly amazing. Divi is a fantastic product and can only get better from here on in!
Thank you so much!
Thanks for following the series Mark 🙂
Congrats on this excellent series 🙂
Icing on the cake tomorrow. This new interface gonna change the DIY web building landscape.
We certain think so! Thanks for all you do in the community Chathura, love you passion for Divi and Divi Community.
This is all really great to hear, I can’t wait for the launch tomorrow!
Quick question for you: would you guys by chance have any suggestions for churches using Divi? I’m having a really hard time finding an events plugin that works well out of the gate for Divi.
I’m currently experimenting with “The Events Calendar” but I haven’t gone too far with it yet. We can begin working up a case study though to find out what the best option is out there. As well as any tweaks/edit that need to be made for optimization.
Cool, I’ll give it a try and see what I can do with it. I really appreciate the response!
I’m really excited about the release tomorrow. I only started using Divi about 4 or 5 months ago but I am already using it pretty much exclusively. However, the video said that you guys are pretty much taking a week off. I think it’s great, I think it’s well deserved. But, does this mean there’s not going to be any tutorials on how to use 3.0 for a week?
Not to worry, Nick has included several Divi 3.0 tutorials in today’s launch post. There is also a brand new Divi Builder Walkthrough video covering all aspects of the new frontend builder coming out today.
Aside from that, after our short break I will begin re-creating all 100+ documentation videos with the new front end builder (on top of the new content I mentioned above).
I doubt we’ll ever run short on Divi 3.0 tutorials!
Thanks for this very inspiring series of posts!
My membership expired 🙂
Uh, oh! Time to renew! The best stuff is still to come 🙂
I am very excited for Divi 3.0! I am not a professional web designer, and I believe this will go along way into speeding up my development of my company website. I already upgraded to a lifetime membership as your creative programming is so revolutionary I expect it will become three times as popular–and you might raise the price. ?
I do have one favor to ask. More than a quarter of my emails have been your blog announcements, and as again I am not a website designer, I was kind of looking forward to not getting emails every day. Would it be possible to subscribe in a way they would only come grouped once a week and I could pick and choose which blogs to read?
Hi Carol,
Thank you so much for following the series and use ET. I totally understand that an email every day may be a bit much for some. Especially if you are not a web designer or avid DIYer.
If you’d like to alter the frequency of your emails simply navigate to the footer section of your next email from us. There is a small link at the bottom called “update your subscription preferences”. On the page it takes you to you will be able to select a weekly digest instead of daily email.
It will be released at what time and timezone? 🙂
With how spread out we are as a company across so many time zones even I get confused sometimes. As of this comment it should be in the next few hours 🙂
Hi Nathan! I’m impatiently waiting (trying to be patient) just like everyone else. 🙂 Just wanted to note that your comment didn’t have a timestamp, so I don’t know how to gauge “a few hours” from your comment! lol… so impatient… I also checked my email for the other ET posts and they always come through at 10:04am to 10:05am (I’m in Indiana). So I’m guessing posts are usually scheduled to auto publish at a specific time… so with all that rambling in mind… any idea on when it will be available now? It’s 11:23am here! 🙂
Thank you so much and congratulations for the amazing work the content team did during the 100 day marathon. It is now time to wait until tomorrow. No doubt, we won’t be disapointed. This new release will be a great step for Divi and ET.
Cheers from France.
Haha, yep! Waiting for this launch is like being in the calm before the storm. All the Divi 100 posts are finished but the big one is about to drop! Thanks for coming along the ride with us through the Divi 100 series 🙂
This has been an utterly phenomenal series! Such great work from everyone involved. I came to Divi about half way through the 100 days and I just cannot believe the community around here. I clearly made the right choice when I decided on ET. I’m beyond excited about 3.0 and can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for us after you’ve taken some time to breathe 😉 Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Thank YOU Jessica! Please let us know if there is any tip, trick, or other Divi related topic you’d like us to cover in the future and I’ll see if we can work it into our upcoming Divi content schedule.
Just wanted to let you guys know you do a great job on some of the things that your customers don’t thank you on. Awesome job using content marketing to get that quality traffic to your blog. I’m sure your email lists have grown extensively the past 100 days because of it, and you have had more sales. Great job guys!
Absolutely. As I said above, we’ve learned that when our content helps out community use our products better, good things happen 🙂
Thanks for coming along for the marathons! Here’s to even more Divi content to come!
Major kudos and genuine thanks to everyone at ET for your superb delivery of the Divi 100 Marathon!
You’ve taken your experiences with and community feedback from previous release timelines like those for the Extra theme, and provided an incredibly resource-rich path towards a major release with this Marathon effort. Time flew by, and that’s testament to the significant and worthwhile time and energy you invested in this!
Thanks again, and I look forward to the exciting future Elegant Themes holds!
Thanks Mathias, it’s been quite the journey!
Thank you Nathan and Divi team – I’m looking forward to the new version and will be dipping my toes back into your 100 tips again and again. Thanks for creating the excellent resource and we are very glad we chose Divi.
Our pleasure Gary! Glad that you’ll continue to benefit from the series 🙂
I have been as faithful customer since 2014 and Elegant Themes and Divi has always been on the cutting edge of WordPress theme development. I have been honored, no blessed to have witnessed your phenomenal growth. You guys have changed the game for WordPress and you have given an edge to all of your customers. I appreciate the 100 days of detailed instruction it is unparalleled by any other company. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to witness this historic release. It’s gonna be epic!!! Much Love!!!
Thank you Rich!
Dear Friends, I sincerely thank you very much for your work and contagious enthusiasm. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have my most sincere and faithful friendship.
From Madrid, Miguel Angel
Thank you Miguel
Great initiative and performance – thank you!
On what time Divi 3.0 will available to download ?
Will there be a special celebration discount to buy lifetime memberships tomorrow? my accounts due to expire and tempted to if theres any offers :-p
When Divi first came out, I bought a year’s membership. In one month, I upped that to lifetime. Best money I’ve ever spent.
A wise man once said, you can’t save your way to wealth. Or, it takes money to make money.
Pony up! You won’t regret it.
There won’t be any lifetime discounts, it’s a steal already!
Excellent Marathon, guys! I applaud you standing.
Thanks Bartalameus
I thoroughly enjoyed the Divi 100 series and am excited about the future of Divi. You all are doing a fantastic job!
Thanks Tammy! I’m looking forward to putting out some great content with you in this next chapter 🙂
I have the day off from work today…Any way I can get a early release? 🙂
Nice try :p
Thanks again to the entire ET staff.
The 100-day blog campaign was an elegant and clever way to get us all stoked about the forthcoming 3.0 Divi release.
It was clear to me what a tremendous amount of blood, sweat and tears was poured into the 100-day effort (to say nothing for the actual 3.0 development work happening in parallel somewhere deep in the earth’s crust).
Nick, Nathan, Mak and the whole ET crew — I continue to be in awe of your brilliance in bringing the WP community Divi. An initial genius concept is one thing, to make it a reality is quite another matter.
I truly believe ET is the most exciting thing happening in the WP world today. On par with the continued evolution and growth of the WP platform itself.
I look forward to working with ET and its stellar tools for many years to come.
Take some time, get to a quiet space, take some deep breaths, and dwell for a moment on what you have created and given the world. Wow.
Clark, I personally got inspired by this content marketing “campaign”.. it’s a very clever and valuable campaign.
Thank you Clark. Those words mean a lot. We’ll definitely take a breather and celebrate, that is for sure! But we’ll also be right back here on the 12th with more great content 🙂
Can we get all the layouts and freebies from the past 99 days in one package. I’m thinking of how daunting it would be to go through the whole blogs of days past searching fór some post on an extension without being able to tell what day or
month it was published.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Stay tuned via our email newsletter.
That is amazing! Finally divi 3.0 is here. I will go to the bed early to allow tomorrow comes fast.
Good Job to all the staff of Elegant Themes and all contributors!.
Haha, thanks Julio. Sleep well and wake early!
Awesome work! Every day we have counting down days, now there will be hours 🙂
Seems too strange to be real. Mere hours! Whew! This series flew by!
The 100-days series is an exceptional example of just-in-time and just-enough training to increase skills quickly in the short tun and raise performance overall in the long run.
As one who benefited and bookmarked, I’d pay a premium to ensure these kept coming.
Thanks Linda 🙂
In addition to marketing, we like to think of the blog as an extension of the membership our community pays for. Our primary goal is to empower you and the rest of the community with whatever information you need to improve what you do with WordPress and our products.
What can I say that has not been said before? The hilarious, tremendous, loving, supporting, teaching and respectfull welcoming and umbracing the Elegant Themes User Community out here is without example.
I am proud beeing part of this whole generous Community of talented Designer, Developper, Coder, Speaker and excited where the road leads us to … Divi 4.0 Divi, 5.0 Divi, Divi Virtual Reality, Divi Speach Controlled, Divi Mind Controlled, Divi Holodeck …
Divi Holodeck…I like the sound of that 😉
100 Days of Divi was truly an impressive effort and result. Congratulations to the entire team on pulling it off! If Divi 3.0 matches the quality of the blogging that introduced it to the world, it will be a dream come true for Divi users.
With as much work as went into the blogging–and trust me, it was a lot–the team’s main focus this entire time has been the product itself. Divi 3.0 is going to be awesome 🙂
The Divi 100 Marathon was a unique experience for me, in that with every post, I didn’t think I would be more excited for the release of 3.0. I realize that I would be wrong every single time.
Divi 3.0 is going to be a game changer.
We think so! And we hope you find it game changing too!
One article is love to see, and maybe Divi 3.0 totally fixes this, is how to get more flexibility in the layout of the header area. It’s honestly the one major complaint I’ve had about Divi in that it should be easier to place content above, below, and to the sides of the menu and logo and, in general, have more options for doing this using just the Customizer. It would speed up how quickly I can spin up a truly unique site.
While some of the limitations with the header are developmental hurdles we’ll have to get over in future versions of Divi, there’s a lot we can do with little tweaks and tricks. In fact, we have a 14 day mini series planned for the Divi header/menu section that you’ll probably find very useful.
Other than Divi 3.0 being released today, this is the best news I’ve heard today! The header/menu section is what I struggle the most with. Can’t wait!
Hey Nathan even here in Africa we are waiting for 3.0 to take web to the next level.
Glad to hear it Patrick! It’s coming VERY soon!
Nathan, you and the team have done an amazing job of setting super high goals and sticking with it.
The content has always gotten a quick read and many times a thorough study.
You must be both exhausted and excited.
I would love to see some of the traffic stats!
Great job!
Thanks David, it was definitely a huge team effort. I couldn’t be more proud of everyone who contributed to this series.
After more than 12 years working with WordPress, and using Divi from the very first release (I downloaded it the first time on the day of the first release), I can honestly say I have never been so excited about a theme release! In fact, I am not sure I have ever been this excited about any WordPress news! I have an alarm set. The second Divi 3.0 launches, I will downloading it and upgrading all of the sites I manage using Divi!
High praise Timothy! I can assure you the whole team has been working hard to live up exactly those kinds of expectations. In 23 hours you’ll be able to get your hands on Divi 3.0 and get started!
Is it just me or is it feeling like the night before Christmas right now! Super exciting!
Just 23 hours and counting!
Awesome! I have been waiting 100 days for this moment! You guys are very good and I am proud to use Divi on all my sites!
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Andre, the wait is SO CLOSE to being over 🙂
“That’s one big step for Divi 3.0, one giant leap for mankind/Elegant Themes !
Yes, They are launching tomorrow !!!!!
Great work people !!!
Thanks Jeroen!
Can’t wait until tomorrow for DIVI 3.0. Appreciate the excellent job you all doing in the project. Keep it up !!
I have learn many new and good thing in this 99 days marathon.
Divi 3.0 front end editor will be great for my clients project now and the future.
Thanks Lawrence, I’m glad to hear you’ve found the series helpful. Let me know if there is ever a tutorial you would like to see us put together.
You guys have the best support, the best forum and the best theme which is getting way better tomorrow!
I can only hope your business keep growing!
Looking forward for tomorrow!
Thanks Henrique 🙂
Thanks ET… this has been the best campaign I have ever seen in the CMS community since I started WordPress & Joomla work over 10 years ago. Great job!
Thanks David that’s so good to hear!
So do we have an upgrade tutorial yet?
Is it as simple as just overwriting the old Divi files, or do we have to change a whole load of stuff in our child themes as well?
You’ll be able to update just like every other normal theme update–nothing out of the ordinary. However, yes, there will be an updated Divi Builder Overview video to help everyone get used to the
First of all, a heartfelt thank you for 99 days of superb content. It brought me a huge step forward.
One suggestion: Make all this great stuff more accessible. I have the feeling right now it’s “just” a series of articles. Difficult to explore if you don’t know what’s there. Make it a library so the Divi community can more easily benefit from it.
I very much look forward to Divi 3.0 and more fantastic content on this blog.
Thanks again!
We definitely have plans on making all of the freebies and the content itself as easy to access and navigate as possible.
The 100-days series was a stroke of genius. I’ve learned a lot AND had a lot fun! Thank you for that.
That’s it. I must now quickly return to hitting the refresh button until I can download v3.0 and go nuts with it.
Haha, thanks Verdi. I always appreciate seeing you here in the comments. Glad that we were able to share some useful freebies and tutorials with you. If you ever have a request you know where to leave them!
Hi Nathan,
Hope you’re all well!
Credit where it’s due chaps, you’ve all done an awesome job with the Divi 100 Marathon, and now looking forward to the release of Divi 3.0 and reading all your new blogs in the near future!
Well done team Elegant Themes! 🙂
Thanks Andy! I think we’re just as excited to get Divi 3.0 out into the world as you all are to get your hands on it! And, as I said above, we’ve got a lot more great content planned to make sure the community continues to feel empowered to get the absolute most out Divi and all our products.
Your description of the posts methodology is familiar — you have created / improved a process for creating a product! The division of responsibilities, the validation testing, all getting to something of use for your customers.
Yeah, 3.0 will be a great step forward, but the methodology will help Elegant as well.
Totally agree. This level of content collaboration applied to all of our future content will definitely raise the bar for our us 🙂
It has been great Nathan. You dont know how much I owe to ET and your videos. Thank you!
So good to hear! We’re really glad that you got a lot of value from this series 🙂
Will there be any tutorials for 3.0?
The past 99 days have been great. You guys provide amazing value and you so deserve to be successful with all you do. Thank you and congratulations! Can’t wait to try Divi 3!
Thanks Martin!
Thank you!! Thank you, can’t emphasize that enough! It has been great 100 days and I’m looking forward to the next chapter, just take your breath in between.
Thank you very much Tiina. I will definitely be taking a breather 🙂
I’m so excited! Everyday was a pleasure to read the daily blog posts that helped me greatly to achieve Divi awesome results.
All I can say is thank you, thank you and thank you again to everyone at Divi!
It was our pleasure Diana 🙂
To Nick and the whole team – what an amazing effort from you all. I’ve followed with excitement and we just cannot wait to see the end result which is literally just hours away. You must all be exhausted and exhilarated… not long now before you can get some sleep! But, thank you.
As a very new Divi user who is still finding their way, thank you for what we are sure will be a game-changer. We are not coders nor website developers – we are a small business with marketing passion. Based on what I’ve seen, I honestly believe the new Divi will save us time and stress and help usset up websites that I have visulaised in my head. We have been working on our planning and writing in the anticipation of the launch and refreshing our website… and then onto our clients!
Am very excited to find out more tomorrow and thank you and your team for what we can imagine has been a mammoth project. I am sure it will all be worth it!
This is why we do it Susan! Thanks for sharing the impact of the series and Divi in general. We can’t wait to get 3.0 into you and your team’s hands so you can continue to see your visions come to life.
Hats off to all of you for the amazing blog content you delivered to us over the last 100 days and for your commitment and passion to the DIVI community!
Thanks Raibu, we’re honored to have such a great community and we’re looking forward to carrying on the new level of Divi content quality we’ve established here.
Tomorrow’s the big day.
Thanks Elegant Themes.
wow !! every day of the marathon was like a movie action thriller, excellent !! tomorrow I will be very alert to launch Divi 3.0
Hahaha, thanks Agustin!
The Elegant Themes blog has been my most relied upon WordPress training resource, hands down. The Divi 100 marathon took that to a whole new level. Looking forward to the continuing WordPress and Divi training in the exciting new chapter to come!
I’ve really appreciated the tutorials – I’d love to see more of these going forwards. They give you a base to work from, and your ideas take it from there 🙂
That is so good to hear Ryan. We’ll be working hard to make sure that continues to be the case 🙂
Cannot wait until tomorrow!!!!!!!
Thank you very much to all the team!!!!
It can be several way to serve your clients.. some require spending money but will less value… some require spending efforts from one or two team members.. BUT what you have done during the 99 days were great efforts from, I swear, whole the ET team… you have just shown us a generous company with limitless giving to your community.. That’s a perfect way to have thousands of advocates..
Amazed and Impressed
You said it, Mohammed!
They are great.. great.. great!
Thanks Mohammed, that’s what we’re all about!
Nathan, I have a really great idea. For new members signing up and just finding out about Divi… Can a separate page be created with all the plugin and library packs that were released during the 100 day marathon? I feel as if I’m searching through breadcrumbs to make sure I have all the downloads backed up. Will divi 3.0 include all these layout packs without having to download them? Thanks!
We’ve got something like that coming down the line.
Hats off to everyone involved (paid or unpaid), you’ve all done a fantastic job of not only providing the layout kits, but also enhancing the knowledge of all the users, which rarely seen in the WordPress theme developer community.
Can’t wait to have a play with 3.0 tomorrow!!
Thanks for this very inspiring series of posts! I always enjoyed to read the content, wether I could use them for my work or not.
Looking forward to the future posts on your site!
Greetings from Germany
Thanks Max, feel free to request any future posts that you would find useful!
This has been a wonderful and torturous 99 days. This is what my 4-year-old daughter’s patience must be like. “Are we there yet? Are we there NOW? How about now?!”
Why not surprise us and “accidentally” release it a day early. How CRAZY would that be? Go on… you know you want to… 😉
No way! lol We’ve got a schedule to keep 😉
Thanks for sticking around to the end!
Great post congratulations on your 99 days, I would just suggest a blog re-desing I think, that it looks old now (I don’t know but I thinks this layout is the same since the first days of eleganthemes).
Great content now works, hope great design comes soon
Thanks for all, your effort is going to be rewarded, I wonder if you can share some insights on how much more traffic was generated by increasing content quality and frequency?
Thanks Carlos, we’re definitely planning a design update. It’s been coming for a long time! Haha
You all did an amazing job on this. I can’t wait until tomorrow. Thanks for all of the great Divi for Dummies tips. I love that I have so many resources to go to if I want to make small tweaks. Go ET!
Thanks Rebecca, I can’t wait for tomorrow either! It’s going to be awesome! Looking forward to providing a lot more Divi tutorials too 🙂
it’s been great 99 days! I grew from being your fan to being your worshiper! Great work ET team!!!!
We are not worthy! lol Thanks for being plugged into the series. We can’t wait to get Divi 3.0 into your hands and to continue on with even more great content in the weeks and months ahead.
Thank you all for the extra efforts & TIA for divi 3.0. Proud to be among original divi users. Excellent example of blog content development that’s focused on customers. Appreciate each of you! And the divi community.
Thanks Barbara! We love this community! I wake up every day trying to figure out new ways to improve our content and in turn empower every Divi user 🙂
It looks easy, but we don’t realise how much insane work went into this! Wow : great content/ goodies for 100 days in a row! Now that we’re just 1 day away from Christmas, looking behind it’s hard to believe ET managed to keep up with the promise.
Right now I can’t think of any similar example (although there may be) in our industry.
It was a lot of hard work by a very dedicated team. Mario in particular was relentless! And Mak really stepped up as a new hire to do a ton of video work. Divi 100 couldn’t have benn done it with out them and the whole team of developers, support staff, and freelancers. We got a lot done, learned a lot, and we’re excited to take all of those lessons right on into the future 🙂
Yes indeed, I can feel that this is solid team work. And beyond web design/development, this is also an inspiration in terms of the kind of drive needed to create a great company/product/service.
So thanks to the whole team, Nick, Nathan, Mario, Mak, as well as the ton of others that work hard behind the scenes.
I asked this question before.
Those of us using DIVI now, will we have to change anything or will it update like the other themes?
I will appreciate knowing the answer
Hey Chuck, you won’t need to change anything for the update. And there will be no price increase. If you’re a current member you’ll get it as part of your subscription with no extra cost.
Thank you…been a member forever and still enjoy many of the “old Themes”
The only thing that is changing is the addition of the front-end editor. It will be a straight-up upgrade.
To be honest though….I’m going to hold off until 3.1 for anything production. 🙂
Price and is it necessary?
Great work ET team. 🙂
I hope there is a blog post that will organize the 99 articles into what others might be able to use in the future as a reference. I.e. a Framework list, a module list, a plugin list, etc..
Thank you for your hard work, it means a lot!
I like that idea – Can’t Wait for divi 3. We’re totally new to Divi so have been dipping in to a few of the the tips & how-to articles ahead of getting stuck in with Divi 3. We really appreciate the 100 days of Divi blog posts. Let the 3.0 party begin! 🙂
We’ve got something like that coming pretty soon 🙂
Sweeeeeet! 🙂 Ty
As a dev, I got anxiety when the divi 100 posts would come out because I couldn’t get to them all because I’m so busy. This will make it nice to go back and ‘graze’ through the topics at my own pace.
Wooohoooooo coffee! 🙂
Yeah, that would be helpful. I will be referencing these articles moving forward for sure. I have a spot in Evernote I’ve been saving them in. 🙂
Goodness, I love the blog, and look forward to reading every morning with my coffee instead of the general news paper. Thank you ET for everything you do. especially for all the great posts and resource content. I have just one word, “Amazing”
Thank you Liz, it’s always an honor to learn that we’ve become part of our community member’s daily routines. That’s exactly what we’re aiming for! If you ever have a tutorial request just leave it in the comments on a blog post and I’ll see it 🙂
Nathan, that was a great video summary of what has been and what is to come. You and everyone else involved did a great job with the Divi 100 marathon, congratulations and many thanks to all of you.
Thanks James it’s been a great series. We can’t wait to keep the Divi goodness going far into the future 🙂
thanks for sharing all the Divi Resources during the 100 days.
can’t wait to test Divi 3.0
Again thanks for the awesome Divi Layouts.
Thank YOU Ismail, for staying plugged into the series. Glad we could provide some useful resources. Can’t wait to get Divi 3.0 into your hands 🙂
Congrats to the ElegantThemes team – this has been one heck of a launch!
Thanks Jeremy, it’s been awesome 🙂
Fantastic job Nathan and team. Looking forward to Divi 3.0 tomorrow.
Thanks David!
I appreciate the 100 days of Divi blog posts. I have been actively using a lot of the tips and ideas in my most recent project. I have been holding out on the final design for my next project until Divi 3.0 is released. Thank you to Nick, the team and contributors for an awesome 100 days. Congratulations!
Thanks Michele glad to hear the series has been helpful. The wait for your next project is over tomorrow!
Already THANKS for all the wonderful job you’ve made … very impatient to be tomorrow … hope server won’t get down 😉
Thanks and have good days of sleeping and relaxing
Thanks Vincent 🙂
I’m pretty excited and the 100 days has been amazing, I have learned more in the last 100 days than I have in the last year, are you going to be offering a discount on upgrading to lifetime access by any chance?
Thanks Clinton! I don’t think you’ll see a discount on the lifetime membership. After all, for the value it’s already a low one-time payment–for life!
I agree , as a developer I see this as the best investment I have made so far. Its a tiny amount to paynfor such a fantastic product. Well done team Elegant ! ?
Hi Guys/Girls. You need to rest. Give yourselves a break. I’m tired just watching for 100 days. Outstanding. Let the 3.0 party begin.
Thanks Simon, we’re ready for the next chapter!
Can’t Wait for divi 3. The content over the last 100 days has been sensational.
I am so looking forward to deleting with this You guys are awesome
Thanks Nick
It’s been a complete honour to join the blogging team and I can’t wait for tomorrow. I’m loving everything about what I’ve seen!
It’s been a real pleasure working with you as well Melissa! I’m looking forward to seeing what we can do with the new Divi in the weeks and months ahead 🙂
What a great series it has been. Did you use a project management software to manage and collaborate on it all? If so what was your service of choice?
No we simply used google spreadsheets, dropbox, slack, and WordPress itself.
Our company just started using Wrike… it’s pretty neat how you can manage it all through folders, projects, tasks, and subtasks.
Great job on pulling all of this off!
Ah Slack. I’ve heard good things. I keep hearing more and more lately. Will check it out. Not long now until 3.0, so see you on the other side!
Look into Leankit, low cost and excellent for development and even business workflow. Once you go there, there is no coming back! Much more efficient than spreadsheets etc. It only takes about 15 minutes to learn. By the way, I don’t work for Leankit, we just use it for our business and use it when we work with our clients for looking after their projects.
Sounds like a plug-in in the making. 😉
The excitement is killing me, counting down the hours! Thanks for an awesome 99 day marathon Elegant Themes!
Am I missing something. I still haven’t received the update. Do I need to do something?