How to Toggle Between Images in a Stunning Divi Split Section Design

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 3 Comments

How to Toggle Between Images in a Stunning Divi Split Section Design
Blog / Divi Resources / How to Toggle Between Images in a Stunning Divi Split Section Design

Interactive designs can make any website shine. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to toggle between images in a stunning split section design. When hovering an image, it’ll come to the front while covering the other. Follow the steps below to recreate the design or download the JSON file through the sign-up link. Make sure you use images with transparent backgrounds so you can control the background colors of each column.

Let’s get to it!


Let’s take a look at the design across different screen sizes.



Download The Toggle Image Design for FREE

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Let’s Start Recreating

Add New Section


Create a new page or open an existing one. Add a regular section, open the section settings and remove all default top and bottom padding.

  • Top + Bottom Padding: 0vw


Then, set the section’s overflows to hidden.

  • Horizontal + Vertical Overflow: Hidden

Add New Row

Column Structure

Continue by adding a new row using the following column structure:


Before adding any modules, adjust the sizing of the row.

  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Width: 100%
  • Max Width: 100%


Remove the row’s default top and bottom padding as well.

  • Top and Bottom Padding: 0vw

Column 1 Settings


Open the column 1 settings next and add a background color.

  • Color: Pale Rose #E7BAC6


Then, adjust the column’s border settings across different screen sizes.

  • Rounded Corners: Top Right + Bottom Right
    • Desktop: 10vw
    • Tablet & Phone: 0vw


Move on to the advanced tab and adjust the visibility settings as follows:

  • Horizontal + Vertical Overflow
    • Desktop: Default
    • Hover: Visible
  • Z-Index:
    • Desktop: 10
    • Hover: 11

Column 2 Settings


Now, add the color background to column 2.

  • Color: Pale Green #bfd5a5


Change the second column’s border settings as follows:

  • Rounded Corners: Top Left + Bottom Left
    • Desktop: 10vw
    • Tablet & Phone: 0vw


Last but not least, change the visibility settings accordingly:

  • Horizontal + Vertical Overflow
    • Desktop: Default
    • Hover: Visible
  • Z-Index:
    • Desktop: 9
    • Hover: 11

Add Image Module to Column 1

Add Image

Time to start adding modules! Add an image module to column 1 and upload a semi-transparent image of your choice.


Use the column’s background color as your image background color.

  • Color: Pale Rose #E7BAC6


Then, in the design tab, adjust the sizing settings.

  • Force Fullwidth: Yes


Add some custom padding as well.

  • Right Padding:
    • Tablet: 18vw
    • Phone: 20vw


Last but not least, adjust the module’s transform translate settings.

  • Transform Translate: x-axis 19vw

Add Text Module to Column 1

Add content

On to the next module, which is a text module. Add some H2 and paragraph content of your choice.


Move on to the design tab and change the text settings as follows.

  • Font: Verdana
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size:
    • Desktop: 2vw
    • Tablet: 3vw
    • Phone: 3.5vw
  • Letter Spacing: 1px
  • Alignment: centered

Heading Text

Style the heading text next.

  • Heading Level: H2
  • Font: Verdana
  • Weight: Bold
  • Alignment: Center
  • Color: Magenta #9d3056
  • Size:
    • Desktop: 6vw
    • Tablet + Phone: 8vw


Then, adjust the sizing of the module.

  • Width:
    • Desktop: 56%
    • Tablet + Phone: 43%


Complete the module’s settings by modifying the spacing settings across different screen sizes.

  • Top Margin:
    • Desktop: -55vw
    • Tablet: -70vw
    • Phone: -90vw
  • Bottom Padding:
    • Desktop + Tablet: 0vw
  • Left Padding: 2vw

Add Bar Counters Module to Column 1

Bar Counter Settings 1-4


The next and last module we need in column 1 is the bar counters module. Add titles to the bar counters.

  1. Strawberries
  2. Blueberries
  3. Blackberries
  4. Raspberries


Along with the percentages.

  1. 20
  2. 40
  3. 10
  4. 20


Click on the first bar and set the height. Repeat this step for all four bars.

  • Height: 1.5vw

General Bar Counters Settings


In the general bar counter settings, open the elements settings. Toggle the percentage to “No”.

  • Show Percentage: No


Now, add a semi-transparent background.

  • Color: Pale Rose with Transparency rgba(157,48,86,0.18)


In the design tab, give the bars a magenta bar color.

  • Background Color: Magenta #9d3056

Title Text

Style the title text settings next.

  • Font: Verdana
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size:
    • Desktop: 1vw
    • Tablet: 2vw
    • Phone: 3vw


Continue by adjusting the sizing settings of the module.

  • Width:
    • Desktop: 49%
    • Tablet + Phone: 33%


Modify the spacing settings too.

  • Top Margin:
    • Tablet + Phone: -3vw
  • Bottom Margin:
    • Desktop: 21vw
    • Tablet + Phone: 28vw
  • Left Margin:
    • Desktop: 3vw
    • Tablet + Phone: 6vw
  • Bottom + Left Padding: 0vw


Modify the border settings next.

  • Rounded Corners: 1vw all four corners


Finally, adjust the z index and overflows in the visibility tab.

  • Horizontal Overflow: Visible
  • Vertical Overflow: Hidden
  • Z-Index: 11

Add Image Module to Column 2

Add image

On to the second column! Add a new image module and upload a semi-transparent image of your choice.


Use the column 2 background color as your image’s background color next.

  • Color: Pale Green #bfd5a5


In the design tab, adjust the sizing of the module.

  • Force Fullwidth: Yes


Add some custom left padding on smaller screen sizes too.

  • Left Padding:
    • Tablet: 16vw
    • Phone: 18vw


Last but not least, change the transform translate settings.

  • Transform Translate: x-axis -19.6vw

Add Text Module to Column 2

Add content

Continue by adding a Text Module to column 2 with some H2 and paragraph content.


Then, in the design tab, style the text.

  • Font: Verdana
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size:
    • Desktop: 2vw
    • Tablet: 3vw
    • Phone: 3.5vw
  • Letter Spacing: 1px
  • Alignment: Center

Heading Text

Change the heading text settings too.

  • Heading Level: H2
  • Font: Verdana
  • Weight: Bold
  • Alignment: Center
  • Color: Green #2c5b00
  • Size:
    • Desktop: 6vw
    • Tablet + Phone: 8vw


And adjust the module’s sizing settings.

  • Width: 60%
  • Alignment: Right


Last but not least, use some custom spacing values across different screen sizes.

  • Top Margin:
    • Desktop: -55vw
    • Tablet: -63vw
    • Phone: -90vw
  • Bottom Padding:
    • Desktop + Tablet: 37vw
  • Left Padding:
    • Desktop: 0vw
    • Tablet + Phone: 16vw
  • Right Padding:
    • Tablet + Phone: 2vw

Add Bar Counters Module to Column 2

Bar Counter Settings 1-4


The last module we need in column 2 is the bar counters module. Add four bar counters.

  1. Broccoli
  2. Celery
  3. Cucumber
  4. Kale


Assign a percentage to each bar counter.

  1. 20
  2. 40
  3. 20
  4. 30


Open the first bar’s individual settings and modify the height in the sizing settings. Repeat this step for all four bars.

  • Height: 1.5vw

General Bar Counters Settings


In the general bar counter settings, change the percentage toggle to “No”.

  • Show Percentage: No


Next, add a semi-transparent background color.

  • Color: Pale Green with Transparency rgba(17,119,3,0.18)


Then, in the design tab, add color to the counter bar.

  • Bar Color: Green #9d3056

Title Text

Continue by styling the text.

  • Font: Verdana
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size:
    • Desktop: 1vw
    • Tablet: 2vw
    • Phone: 3vw


Modify the width across different screen sizes too.

  • Width:
    • Desktop: 49%
    • Tablet + Phone: 33%


Move on to the spacing settings and add some custom spacing values across different screen sizes.

  • Top Margin:
    • Desktop: -37vw
    • Tablet + Phone: -40vw
  • Bottom Margin:
    • Desktop: 21vw
    • Tablet + Phone: 28vw
  • Left Margin:
    • Desktop: 23vw
    • Tablet + Phone: 60vw
  • Bottom + Left Padding: 0vw


We’re adding some rounded corners too.

  • Rounded Corners: 1vw all four corners


Complete the module’s settings by adjusting the overflows and z index in the visibility tab.

  • Horizontal Overflow: Visible
  • Vertical Overflow: Hidden
  • Z-Index: 11


Now that we’ve gone through all the steps, let’s take a final look at the outcome across different screen sizes.



It’s a Wrap!

In this post, we’ve shown you how to toggle between images in a beautiful design. This is a great way to create interactive design and use Divi’s built-in z index to determine which image shows up. If you have any questions or suggestions, make sure you leave a comment in the comment section below!

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  1. I suppose the same effect can be achieved with four columns?

  2. I must be missing something, I downloaded the json file but where do I install it? TIA

  3. Great job with such a detailed and precise explanation to be able to achieve this effect.
    I have configured it in my new project and it looks amazing.

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