How to Get Creative with Divi’s 6-Column Row & Viewport Units

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 7 Comments

How to Get Creative with Divi’s 6-Column Row & Viewport Units
Blog / Divi Resources / How to Get Creative with Divi’s 6-Column Row & Viewport Units

The variety of Divi and its column structures allow you to create basically any design you have in mind. And although using the column structures in their original form is the most straightforward thing to do, you can also take it one step further by combining the design elements in a 6-column row with viewport units.

One of the things you could create, for example, is a collage. You won’t have to use any image editing software at all! On top of that, you can also allow each one of the images to open in a separate lightbox. In this post, we’ll show you how to do all of the above using Divi’s built-in options only.

Let’s get to it!


Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s take a quick look at the outcome on different screen sizes.

viewport units


  • We’re removing all gutter width between the section, row and columns so we can add custom margin and padding to each module manually (using viewport units)
  • Viewport units make sure the positioning of design elements remains the same throughout all desktop screen sizes
  • We’re going to adjust the spacing settings of each design element individually to match the overall collage design
  • Thanks to the responsive options in Divi, we can make sure the above-mentioned settings don’t apply to tablet and phone

Let’s Start Creating

Backend Preview

This the end result from a backend perspective:

viewport units

Add New Section

The first thing you will need to do is create a new page or open an existing one and add a regular section to it.

viewport units

Add New Row

Column Structure

Continue by adding a new row using the following column structure:

viewport units


Without adding any modules yet, open the row settings and change the sizing settings. This is an important step in this tutorial. By removing all the default margin and padding values between the section, row and modules, we’re able to manually add spacing to each and every design element using viewport units.

  • Make This Row Fullwidth: Yes
  • Use Custom Gutter Width: Yes
  • Gutter Width: 1

viewport units


Add some custom left and right padding to the row as well.

  • Left Padding: 6.5vw
  • Right Padding: 6.5vw

viewport units

Add Title Text Module to Column 6

Add Content

Time to start adding modules! We’ll start by adding a title Text Module to column 6. Include some heading 2 copy of choice.

viewport units

Heading Text Settings

Then, go to the design tab and change the heading text settings of the module.

  • Heading 2 Font: Battambang
  • Heading 2 Font Weight: Bold
  • Heading 2 Text Size: 4.2vw (Desktop), 10vw (Tablet), 8vw (Phone)
  • Heading 2 Letter Spacing: -1px

viewport units


Add some custom spacing values next to make this row overlap the 6th and 5th column of the row.

  • Top Margin: 10vw
  • Left Margin: -8vw (Desktop), 0vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Margin: -50vw (Tablet & Phone)

viewport units

Add Description Text Module to Column 6

Add Content

The next module we’ll need in column 6 is a description Text Module. Add some content of choice.

viewport units


Then, go to the spacing settings and push this module to the left as well.

  • Top Margin: 2vw
  • Left Margin: -8vw (Desktop), 0vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Margin: -50vw (Tablet), -3vw (Phone)

viewport units

Add Button Module to Column 6

Add Copy

The next and last module needed in column 6 is a Button Module. Add some copy of choice.

viewport units

Button Settings

Then, go to the design tab and change the button settings.

  • Use Custom Styles for Button: Yes
  • Button Text Color: #ffffff
  • Button Border Width: 1px
  • Button Border Color: #000000
  • Button Border Radius: 0px
  • Button Letter Spacing: -2px

viewport units

viewport units


And again, we’ll need to make this module overlap column 5 and 6 by using custom margin values in the spacing settings.

  • Top Margin: 2vw (Desktop), 5vw (Tablet), 10vw (Phone)
  • Left Margin: -8vw (Desktop), 0vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Margin: -50vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Left Padding: 30px
  • Right Padding: 30px

viewport units

Add Image Module #1 to Column 1

Image Dimensions

Time to start adding all the different image modules! The example we’re recreating is 100% responsive if you’re only using images with 880px width and 1320 height. So, if you’re looking to create the exact same example from scratch, you should use images with that specific set of dimension. If you, however, want to make this work for any kind of set of image dimensions, you’ll have to adjust the viewport units of each Image Module manually to fit the overall design.

Upload Image

Each one of the three first columns will count two Image Modules. Add the first Image Module to column 1.

viewport units


Then, go to the spacing settings and increase the size of the image using viewport units.

  • Top Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Bottom Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Left Margin: -5vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Margin: -2vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)

viewport units

Add Image Module #2 to Column 1

Upload Image

Upload the second Image Module in column 1 as well.

viewport units


And change the spacing settings of this module as well.

  • Top Margin: 0.4vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Bottom Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Left Margin: -8.1vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Margin: 3.7vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Left Padding: 3vw (Desktop), 0vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Padding: 3vw (Desktop), 0vw (Tablet & Phone)

viewport units

Add Image Module #3 to Column 2

Upload Image

On to the second column! Add a new Image Module and upload an image.

viewport units


Continue by using custom margin and padding values in the spacing settings to reduce the size of the image.

  • Top Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Bottom Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Left Margin: -0.5vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Left Padding: 3vw (Desktop), 0vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Padding: 3vw (Desktop), 0vw (Tablet & Phone)

viewport units

Add Image Module #4 to Column 2

Upload Image

Add a second Image Module to column 2 as well.

viewport units


And change the spacing settings here as well.

  • Top Margin: 0.5vw
  • Bottom Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Left Margin: -0.5vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Left Padding: 3vw (Desktop), 0vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Padding: 3vw (Desktop), 0vw (Tablet & Phone)

viewport units

Add Image Module #5 to Column 3

Upload Image

On to the next and last column. Add the first Image Module.

viewport units


Change the spacing settings of the Image Module next. These values will help increase the size of the image as you can notice in the print screen below.

  • Top Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Bottom Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Left Margin: -2.5vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Margin: -17.5vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)

viewport units

Add Image Module #6 to Column 3

Upload Image

Add the next and last Image Module in column 3.

viewport units


And change its entire position by adding custom margin values. For responsive purposes, we’re adding this module to column 3 instead of column 2.

  • Top Margin: -26.7vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Bottom Margin: 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone Only)
  • Left Margin: -20.5vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)
  • Right Margin: 17.3vw (Desktop), 0.5vw (Tablet & Phone)

viewport units

Enable Lightbox for Image Module #1

Once you have all the images in place, you can go ahead and enable the lightbox option in the first Image Module’s settings.

  • Open in Lightbox: Yes

viewport units

Copy Lightbox Option & Apply to All Images in Section

Once you’ve enabled the lightbox option for the first Image Module, you can copy this option and paste it to all the other Image Modules in the section.

viewport units

viewport units

Add Border Radius to Image Module #1

Add some rounded corners to the first Image Module as well.

viewport units

Extend Border Radius to All Images in Section

And extend these rounded corners to all the Image Modules in the section to save time.

viewport units

viewport units


Now that we’ve gone through all the steps, let’s take a final look at the outcome on different screen sizes.

viewport units

Final Thoughts

The opportunities you have with Divi’s new 6-column row are endless. In this post, we’ve shown you how to create a stunning and unique collage using the 6-column row and viewport units. If you have any question or suggestions, make sure you leave a comment in the comment section below!

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  1. So great to find another person with some original thoughts on this issue.

  2. Very Helpful for us to motivate us use this product for my website

  3. Wow, These all are good study materials. I will definitely try these themes. Thank you so much for sharing valuable information.

  4. Great post but your new support system really sucks.

    Go back to the old one please. A great part of the Divi theme was the wealth of information in that forum. Now, nothing new from support gets added.

    Thumbs down.

  5. Divi is a popular page builder these days, and Thank you for sharing a valuable information on this topic. We hope to get much more informative posts from your side in future.

  6. Great post, but I would like that the module gallery to had the option of Full Width Masonry.

    • Agreed! Masonry layout for images is common in design these days and should be supported in Divi.

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