How to Add & Animate Your SVG Logo Inside Your Global Header with Divi’s Theme Builder & Anime.js

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 7 Comments

How to Add & Animate Your SVG Logo Inside Your Global Header with Divi’s Theme Builder & Anime.js
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  1. About Secure SVG:
    “Why SVG Security is Important
    The reason SVG is not part of WordPress core yet is that there are security concerns to be addressed. You can follow the active discussion about SVGs in WordPress core (#24251) which was started back in 2013. SVG is an XML file, which by itself opens it up to different vulnerabilities of which normal image formats aren’t affected. These include XML external entity attacks (XXE), bomb nested entities, and XSS attacks.

    Mario Heiderich published an insightful presentation about the security risks due to active content injection with SVG files. One example given was that JavaScript was embedded in an SVG and it actually managed to call Mario on Skype. That is kind of scary! SecuPress, authors of a WordPress security plugin, also touched on the subject of being careful when adding SVGs to WordPress, and the importance of doing it the right way.

    Many SVG plugins on the repository are utilizing the following code, which simply enables the MIME type to allow uploading of SVGs to the WordPress media library. This is not the safe way to do this! So don’t go and just download the first free SVG plugin you see or copy paste this code and think your good to go.”

    Brian Jackson – How to Safely Enable WordPress SVG Support (2 Simple Clicks) (Kinsta Blog)

  2. Do you think by using Javascript that it may slow down page speed, especially since it’s happening at the top of the page?

  3. Hi, Donjete Vuniqi

    Thank you very much for this tutorial!
    Now I created my first SVG logo!

    PS. One little thing in the text.
    You wrote about; ‘We’re generating a bottom overlap as well by modifying the spacing settings…
    and there the text should be … Top Margin: 5% … and …Bottom Margin:…’ as correctly shown in the image ; )

  4. This is great! My only question is will this create a risk of security breech? I read somewhere that SVG files can cause issues with the security of one’s site and make it more vulnerable for attack. Is this true?

  5. Thank you Donjetë, We have always wanted more in terms of how the logos should be presented whenever we design for our clients’ websites. With this new addition to our design toolbox, my agency will produce more beautiful looking websites for our clients.

  6. Love that tutorial. Thanks for walking through how to create that. I want to implement that on my own site and a few others that I’ve done the branding for. The SVG animation looks like it works really well for simple icons. Do you think it would get overwhelming if using it on longer names?

    • YES — the svg code gets really long and involved, especially if you have things that aren’t primitive shapes (eg rounded rectangles vs a circle). While this tutorial is super for a simple, 2 element graphic, it doesn’t give enough direction for how to modify the animation code if you have more involved logos.

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