How to Add a Sticky Map Module to Your Divi Page

Posted on June 13, 2023 by Leave a Comment

How to Add a Sticky Map Module to Your Divi Page
Blog / Divi Resources / How to Add a Sticky Map Module to Your Divi Page

Divi’s built-in sticky settings allow you to keep an element “sticky” or fixed on the screen while you scroll down the page. When combined with other non-sticky elements, you can achieve an eye-catching and engaging layout to bring your website design to the next level. In this tutorial, we will show you how to add a sticky map module to your Divi page. We’ll keep the map module sticky and add relevant information to scroll alongside the map.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Sneak Peek

Here is a preview of what we will design

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Final Result Mobile

What You Need to Get Started

Before we begin, install and activate the Divi Theme and make sure you have the latest version of Divi on your website.

Now, you are ready to start!

How to Add a Sticky Map Module to Your Divi Page

Create a New Page with a Premade Layout

Let’s start by using a premade layout from the Divi library. For this design, we will use the Craft School Landing Page from the Craft School Layout Pack.

Add a new page to your website and give it a title, then select the option to Use Divi Builder.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Use Builder

We will use a premade layout from the Divi library for this example, so select Browse Layouts.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Browse Layouts

Search for and select the Craft School Landing Page.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Find Layout

Select Use This Layout to add the layout to your page.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Use Layout

Now we are ready to build our design.

Modifying the Layout for the Sticky Map Module

Sign Up CTA

Scroll to the “Studio Memberships” section of the page. Then, add a new section below.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Insert Section

Open the section settings and add a background color.

  • Background: #fcf8f3

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Background

Next, move the “Call or Join Online” row to this new section.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Move Row

Open the row settings and navigate to the Advanced tab. Under the Position settings, change the position from Absolute to Default.

  • Position: Default

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Position

“Come Visit the Studio” Section

Add a new row with two columns below the Studio Memberships section.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Insert Row

Then, move that row above the Studio Memberships section.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Move Row

Heading Settings

Add a text module to the right column.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Insert Text

Add the text.

  • H2: Come Visit The Studio!

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Add Text

Next, navigate to the Design tab and open the heading text settings. Customize the font as follows:

  • Heading 2 Font: Yusei Magic

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Font

Then, customize the font size and line height. Use the built-in responsive options to add different text sizes for tablet and mobile devices.

  • Heading 2 Text Size Desktop: 50px
  • Heading 2 Text Size Tablet: 30px
  • Heading 2 Text Size Mobile: 24px
  • Heading 2 Line Height: 1.2 em

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Heading Size

Text Settings

Add another text module below the “Come Visit The Studio” text.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Add Text

Insert the following text.

  • H3: Address
  • Paragraph: 1234 Divi St. #1000 San Francisco, CA 33945

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Address Text

Under the Design tab, modify the text styles.

  • Text Font: Open Sans
  • Text Size Desktop: 16px
  • Text Size Tablet: 15px
  • Text Size Mobile: 13px

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Text Font

Then, modify the heading styles.

  • Heading 3 Font: Open Sans
  • Heading 3 Font Weight: Bold
  • Heading 3 Font Style: Capitalized (TT)

Divi Add Sticky Map Module H3 Font

Next, modify the text size and letter spacing. Once again, use the responsive settings to set different text sizes for different screen sizes.

  • Heading 3 Text Size Desktop: 14px
  • Heading 3 Text Size Tablet: 13px
  • Heading 3 Text Size Mobile: 12px
  • Heading 3 Letter Spacing: 3px

Divi Add Sticky Map Module H3 Size

Add another text module below the address module.

Then, add the following content to the body:

  • Body: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Add Text

Move over to the design tab and customize the font.

  • Text Font: Open Sans

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Font Settings

Then, customize the text size and line height.

  • Text Size Desktop: 15px
  • Text Size Mobile: 13px
  • Text Line Height: 1.9em

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Text Size

Button Settings

Add a button module to the section, below the text we added.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Add Button

Set the button text to “learn more”.

  • Button: Learn More

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Buttons Text

Next, move to the design tab and open the button settings. Enable custom styles.

  • Use Custom Styles For Button: Yes
  • Button Text Size: 12px
  • Button Text Color: #FFFFFF

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Custom Styles

Customize the button background and border width.

  • Button Background: #d5b38e
  • Button Border Width: 0px

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Button Background

Modify the button border radius, letter spacing, and font.

  • Button Border Radius: 0px
  • Button Letter Spacing: 3px
  • Button Font: Open Sans
  • Button Font Weight: Bold
  • Button Font Style: Capitalized (TT)

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Button Font

Finally, add padding to the button.

  • Padding-Top: 15px
  • Padding-Bottom: 15px
  • Padding-Left: 30px
  • Padding-Right: 30px

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Button Padding

Studio Memberships Section

Now we are going to modify the Studio Memberships section. First, change the row layout to two equal columns.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Row Layout

Then, move the large image to the right column, above the “Studio Memberships” text module.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Move Image

Scrolling Image Settings

Move the small scrolling image of the pottery to the right column, above the large image we moved.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Move Image

Open the module settings for the small image. Under the Sizing settings, use the responsive settings to set a different width for mobile devices.

  • Width-Mobile: 35%

Under the Advanced tab, open the Position settings and add some horizontal offset. This allows the small image to hang over the side of the larger image, adding dimension and creating a more unique layout.

  • Horizontal Offset: -30px

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Horizontal Offset

Finally, open the scroll effects and adjust the ending offset for the vertical motion.

  • Ending Offset: -1

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Ending Offset

Studio Memberships Text

Open the Studio Memberships text module settings. Remove the background from the module.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Remove Background

Then, open the row settings and open the column 2 settings.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Column 2 Settings

Under the Spacing settings in the Design tab, remove the existing bottom padding.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Remove Padding

Section Background

Open the section settings. Under the background settings, add a background image. Select craft-school-24.png from your media library.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Add Background Image

Add the Sticky Map Module

Now that our layout has been modified, we can add the sticky map module. The map module will be in the left column and stay in place as you scroll through the content on the right. Let’s get started.

First, add a map module to the left column of the “Come Visit The Studio” row.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Add Map Module

Open the map settings and add a map center address. For this tutorial, we will center the map on San Fransisco, CA.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Map Center Address

Then, add a pin to the map. We will also set this to San Fransisco, CA.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Map Pin

Map Design

Under the design tab, open the map settings. You can use these settings to completely customize the way your map appears. For this tutorial, we want the map to match the muted colors of this page, so we will modify the map saturation.

  • Map Saturation: 56%

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Map Saturation

Next, open the border settings and customize the border as follows:

  • Border Width: 20px
  • Border Color: #fcf8f3

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Border Settings


Open the Box Shadow settings and add a shadow to the map module.

  • Box Shadow: Below

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Box Shadow

Sticky Settings

Now let’s add the sticky settings so the map sticks in place while you scroll. Move over to the Advanced tab and open the Scroll Effects Settings. Use responsive options to modify the sticky position settings, as the map will not be sticky on mobile devices.

  • Sticky Position Desktop: Stick to Top
  • Sticky Position Tablet and Mobile: Do Not Stick
  • Sticky Top Offset: 20px
  • Bottom Sticky Limit: Section

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Scroll Effects

Now go back to the Design tab and open the sizing settings. We want the map height to increase when it is in the sticky state. Use the sticky settings to set a different height.

  • Height when Sticky: 600px

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Height

Finally, use the responsive settings to change the map size on tablet and mobile.

  • Height Tablet and Mobile: 350px

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Mobile Height

Final Result

Now let’s take a look at our sticky map module in action.

Divi Add Sticky Map Module Final Result Mobile

Final Thoughts

Divi’s sticky settings allow you to create dynamic website layouts that draw your eye with the movement. With all of the customization options available, you can make any element on your website sticky and modify the design exactly to your liking. By making the map module sticky in this design, we highlight the location information for the website and add a unique design element to the page. For more tutorials on Divi’s sticky settings, check out this article on adding a sticky contact form to your page. Do you use sticky elements on your website? We would love to hear from you in the comments!

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