“Follow Your Joy!” with Kathy Kroll Romana – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 41

Last Updated on September 22, 2022 by 8 Comments

“Follow Your Joy!” with Kathy Kroll Romana – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 41
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Hey Divi Nation! We’re back this week with a great show featuring Kathy Kroll Romana. Kathy is and has been an active community member in many of the Divi Facebook groups, attendee of Divi Nation Meetups, WordCamps, and of course a passionate Divi Designer too. Kathy’s design studio Viva Design takes is name from the term vivacious. Which means to be happy, lively, and energetic. It embodies who she is and her approach to design. See for yourself in today’s episode!

β€œFollow Your Joy!” with Kathy Kroll Romana – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 41


In today’s episode of Divi Nation I interview Kathy Kroll Romana of Viva Design Studio. Kathy shares her WordPress and Divi story and explains how the secret to her success thus far has been to follow her joy (the joy of web design) and not allowing herself to get bogged down by the elements of the job others can do better and she would rather not do at all. Check it out!

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See You Next Week!

Well that’s all for this week’s episode. Thanks again to Kathy for making the time to be on the show. I hope you enjoyed our chat as much as I did. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

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  1. Being very new to WordPress and Divi, I’m trying to learn it all as well. Do you have any suggestions on where we should look for good reliable resources for backend work and approximately how much the market prices are for this type of work?


    • Hi Tim.
      My personal experience was to join and actively participate in the various Divi Facebook groups. As you get to know the members, you’ll find you’ll gravitate to certain people, and after a while, you start to “find your tribe” as they say. It takes time (took me about 6 months or so to really get to know who’s who, what they can do, and do I trust them to do it). You want to build real relationships, not just hire the first person who raises their hand when you ask for paid help.
      Best of luck. You’re starting in a great place here (ET)!

  2. I’ve missed these insightful podcasts Nathan. Glad to see you working on new episodes ☺️

  3. That line about feeling like giving the client all the money back and wanting to walk away… Been there! Often. Always on the final hurdle. Glad to hear you have found a way to fully enjoy your work and minimise stress Kathy.

    • Hi Paul! I struggled with that particular issue quite a few times. Once I realized I was using the wrong tools and working with disengaged clients, switched to WordPress and Divi, I found new ways to find better clients. Things really started to fall into place after that! Hope you have found ways to clear that final hurdle as well!

      • Been there as well, I LOL so hard from the bottom of my heart as I can relate/feel it!! Let’s work harder and walk over together!!!

        • It’s a great feeling at the end of the day when you can say “I figured out something today that I have been struggling with for a while”, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s hard work, sometimes Google just gives you the right answer! You just have to keep at it! It’s so worth it! πŸ˜‰

  4. That was great, thanks Kathy and Nathan

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