Download a Free Photo Marketplace Layout Pack for Divi

Last Updated on September 22, 2022 by 46 Comments

Download a Free Photo Marketplace Layout Pack for Divi
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Hello Divi Nation! I’m excited to introduce our next installment of our weekly Divi Design Initiative. If you don’t know already, each week we give away a brand new, free Divi Layout Pack from our design team straight to you.

And this week Kenny and his team have created a professional Photo Marketplace Layout Pack. This layout pack includes 7 pages with everything you will need to create an online photo marketplace site in just a few clicks.

divi layout

Check Out The Divi Layout Pack
for a Photo Marketplace Below

Download For Free Today!

Landing Page Design

Landing Page

View The Live Layout Demo

Home Page Design


View The Live Layout Demo

About Page Design

View The Live Layout Demo

Contact Page Design

contact page

View The Live Layout Demo

Seller Page Design

seller page

View The Live Layout Demo

Categories Page Design

View The Live Layout Demo

Pricing Page Design

View The Live Layout Demo

Key Features

This Photo Marketplace layout pack is designed to provide everything an average online Photo Marketplace will need out of the box. I absolutely love the Call to Actions (CTA’s) throughout this layout. You can tell some thought went into making them less cookie cutter and actually useful. This may not be a huge benefit for some, but I appreciate the actual copy used for the CTA’s throughout the layout. This makes it easier for users to tweak and make their own. I also admire the way images remain the highlight of the design throughout. The light backgrounds and simple layouts keep things super clean and non-destracting to viewers.

Live Demos

Click the links below to see a live demo for each of the layouts included in the pack.

  1. Photo Marketplace Landing Page (live demo)
  2. Photo Marketplace Homepage(live demo)
  3. Photo Marketplace About Page (live demo)
  4. Photo Marketplace Contact Page (live demo)
  5. Photo Marketplace Categories Page (live demo)
  6. Photo Marketplace Pricing Page (live demo)
  7. Photo Marketplace Seller Page (live demo)

Download The Layout Pack

To use the Photo Marketplace Layout Pack on your own Divi website, you will first need to download it using the button below. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our newsletter by using the form below. As a new subscriber you will receive even more Divi goodness and a free Divi Layout pack every Monday! If you’re already on the list, simply enter your email address below and click download. You will not be “resubscribed” or receive extra emails.

How To Import The Divi Layout

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Once you have downloaded the layout pack, locate the file in your downloads folder on your computer. Double click the folder to unzip it and then navigate inside the divi-photo-market-layout-pack folder. Inside this folder you will find 8 files, each of which is a unique layout that you can import into your Divi Library. To do so, navigate in your WordPress Admin to Divi > Divi Library > Import & Export. You can select the individual layout you desire or choose the All Layouts file to important everything at once.

  • Photo-Market_All.json
  • Photo-Market_About.json
  • Photo-Market_Pricing.json
  • Photo-Market_Contact.json
  • Photo-Market_Categories.json
  • Photo-Market_Landing.json
  • Photo-Market_Seller.json
  • Photo-Market_Home.json

To load one of these layouts onto your page, activate the Divi Builder and then look for the “Load From Library” icon in the page settings bar (it looks like a plus symbol). Click this icon to launch the Load From Library popup and then navigate to the Add From Library tab. Here you can choose any of the eight layouts we’ve included in this pack to add to your page.

No Licensing Restrictions

The photos included with these layouts have no licensing restrictions. This means you can use them in all of your commercial projects without having to worry about paying licensing fees or attributing the photographer. Use them in your commercial websites, sell them within your Divi child themes, include them in your own Divi layout packs or just use them on your blog. We know how challenging it can be to find good photos and how confusing and scary the licensing that governs those photos can be. We want to fix that problem for our users.

Download the Full Res Image Assets

But Wait…There’s More!

We hope you enjoy this Photo Marketplace layout pack. And to help ensure that you do, we’ll be doing a live stream on our Facebook page this Tuesday at 3pm EST to walk through what it might be like to actually use this layout for your own website instead of simply importing it and loading it up. I’ll be going over how to setup multi-vendor marketplace functionality and more. You don’t want to miss it.

See you there!

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  1. Great work guys! I’m so loving what you are doing, keep it up. Just wondering what kind of websites can I really use this layout for?

  2. Hello

    How to make it works ? Should I install woocommerce ? and wc vendors?

  3. hello.! How do I make the photo gallery for each category?

  4. I’ve actually been working on a photo marketplace site for someone, so this is very timely for me.

    Even so, there’s a lot more that goes into selling photos online: subscription management, downloads management, etc. That’s the hard part!

    Having these layouts gives me a jumpstart in the right direction, so I can focus on the business processes (which I’ve spent countless hours on).

    Finding the right membership tool to manage subscriptions and downloads that doesn’t break the bank is my current challenge. I’m considering how I should setup and control photo access by membership level. It sounds easy to say free members get one download a month, bronze members 10 downloads, etc., but that’s a lot harder to do in practice.

    My current store sells images individually as WooCommerce virtual products. It’s looking like I’ll have to pay a lot of money for WooCommerce plugins to go to subscriptions, or redesign from scratch to do memberships.

    Thank you ET for reducing my effort on the design side with this layouts pack so I can devote my efforts to the business side.

    • Hi Melinda, do you have any suggestion on which tools to use for the membership management both for clients and for the sellers? Thank you.

  5. It’s beautiful, thank you.
    Glad to see you have uploaded the live stream to YouTube as well 🙂

    I find it a better experience to view it on YouTube instead of FB.

    I notice the Woocommerce vendor plugin selected to use with the layout, is only using PayPal although you mentioned Stripe too. Are you able to do a tutorial showing how to tackle getting Stripe setup in a/the Marketplace, Paypal is far from the preferred payment method for professional use in my opinion, I would never suggest Paypal to clients! It kind of has a tacky ring to it!! bringing visions of eBay with it!!

    At least with Stripe customers stay onsite and remain focused on the website they are currently on and doing business with. Not sure about in the USA, after all PayPal is an American processor, but elsewhere on the planet, PayPal is not the preferred method.

    The Photo Market place design is exceptionally nice, Very classy. whoever designed it has done an awesome job on this. The Photo Marketplace is a great idea too, and invokes many possibilities for using this layout and variations of it for other Marketplace topics, which is what I will actually use it for.

    Thank you once again for this great layout and the ideas it generates, it’s awesome 🙂

  6. Amazing as always! You guys provide so much resources, all of the highest quality, that it’s easy to look good for clients 🙂

  7. I forgot to mention you guys are Fantastic. Talk about over delivering and providing value.

    You should mention it on the landing pages for prospects when signing up for your service that this is included with the membership. This is a Great Bonus.

  8. It would be nice if you have a colorful Printing company layout. Bright colors

    Also, few people have mentioned a custom WooCommerce matching layout.

  9. Wow, fantastic, just phenomenal thank you, everyone!

  10. Awesome. Thanks. What is the title font used in this?

  11. Looks awesome. Thanks

  12. Hi,

    How can you call that a photo amrket place ? Do you have any clue what a stock photography or even photography website should feature ?

    I went to your demo, first thing i see is “Photo Marketplace – Find the perfect photos for any project”, so i typed “landscape” in the search box below, and as a result, i get… a list of posts 🙂

    To me, this has just nothing to do with photo market place !

    • Yes, that’s what I found. Although greatly designed, it’s a superficial marketplace template, you have to do the core of it.

      • The layouts are there to build upon and give you ideas.

  13. ET should consider having a page to list and showcase all these wonderful Layouts and make em easier to access. I spent a lot of time searching your blog for layouts and hoped if there was a page that would list and redirect to the specific blog post. Btw, great Layouts??

  14. This views are great. Artistic and catchy.

  15. I love divi. A fantastic ground breaking product. And the elegant themes really go out of their way to engage their customers. This theme/template is an excellent example. The only issue I have with these recent downloads is that they rely very heavily on a supply of excellent images. Most of my work involved projects where there is a limited supply of appropriate images on anything like the required level of quality. I would welcome some templates that maximises the impact of ‘poor images’. Tricky I know, but somehow part of the real world!

  16. Thank you so much for the time you take to create these products! They sure help me 🙂

  17. Is there a chance to watch that stream somewhere else after the live version? I won’t be able to participate it tomorrow, but I’d really love to see it later!

  18. Will the live stream be available for later view?

  19. Sorry, but I disagree with the previous comments. I’m 51 years old, I’ve never had anything to do with CSS until six months ago, but now I’m building a lot more beautiful pages than the ones you’re presenting here. (Which is not really hard ..)
    I’m not saying this to celebrate myself. I’m saying this, because I want to learn something from you.

    I miss in your layouts that you show the full possibilities of the various tools and effects. Splitter, Color, Shadow, Frames, Animations, etc. All this is provided by DIVI, but not used by you to show us and make us better.

    I think that with this tactic you want to avoid that the so-called Premium Childs are not selling so well anymore. This is the wrong path, believe me.

    With DIVI you offer the most ingenious toolbox in the world. So please show it to us in action >> FINALLY !

    Thank you – Best Eric

    • I disagree.

      Elegant Themes’ layouts are much better than many, many, many Divi “designers” websites, and many “premium” layouts/child themes.

      The borders, margins, paddings, image selections, color palettes, and typographic choices are of professional caliber.

      Not everything should be animated (which is distracting, tacky, and annoying), nor should css filters be (over)used (compatibility).

    • Bravo! I also find these packs really very basic, I would prefer to have even 1 per month, but at least that we can use it!

    • Hi Everybody

      First of all, i think these free layout packs are excellent. Thank-you for providing them. As to Eric’s post about the layouts, the tools that Divi provides there is always an extensive tutorial on a new functionality tool when it is released and you can always look them up if you have missed them. Also, it is all about discovery and playing around with that new function. That way I always find you do not forget how to use that function.

      So, in a nutshell, I think it is best to uses sections of the layout than using the hole layout or having more functionality tools to the free layout as one section of this layout might fit in with the website you are building. I also have found that waiting for someone to teach you how to use their theme functionality or use CSS is a long process it is better for you to dig deep and find the info you are looking for that way your navigational skills around the web become better as well whereas you find things much faster.

      Anyway that is my opinion


    • Totally agree Eric

    • I agree with you, Eric.

      I was wondering g if Elegant Themes’ strategy is to not compete with their ecosystem and whether this could be the reason why ET examples and layouts and giveaways always seems half-baked and rarely show Divi’s serious capabilities and potential.

      Although, when I see the choice of colours at Elegant Themes website, I cannon not to ask myself “what’s wrong with these guys”. 🙂 Who knows, maybe they’re great for making a software, but seriously have issues with doing the design themselves? 🙂

      Anyway, I would really like to see more of good design and advanced features of Divi theme made and promoted by Elegant Themes.

      As a new subscriber and user of Divi, I can honestly say that what attracted me to Divi were external tutorials (on YouTube and on other people’s websites, where people generously shared their knowledge) and NOT on Elegant Themes website (which I found pretty bland and subpar – and this got me to think negatively about Divi before I found those other resources mentioned before). Contrast this to some software companies which actively create shirt videos and explainers, tutorials, and examples of best practice… (I’m not going to mention any one in particular here.) It would be good if Elegant Themes adopted similar strategy. I was sitting on a fence for a long time and the value I recognised came actually from wider community of Divi users and ecosystem AROUND Divi; Elegant Themes in itself didn’t make me feel like “wow”. I find it strange and hop e this honest feedback of a newbie would help Elegant Themes see things a bit better from our (newbie and new customer) perspective.

      Any thoughts on this, Eric and Elegant Themes and others?


    • I AGREE !

      • Remember these are FREE and there for you to build upon.

  20. I love Divi as a theme full stop but the bonus layout packs are something else.
    Thanks Elegant Themes! 🙂

    • “but the bonus layout packs are something else.” What exactly Roy? What are you missing on the Bonus Packs?

      • “be something else” means “is exceptional”

        Roy means it’s good. I don’t think Roy is “missing” something.

  21. Awesome!
    Great job guys. Its neat, clean, simple and yet gorgeous!

  22. Very nice Thank You – Much apperciated

    • Should be appreciated -)

  23. Nice work, as usual! 🙂 Thanks!

    • Awesome!

  24. awesome layout and images thanks jason ..thanks divi

    • you are very welcome. Thank you!

  25. Nice! these packs are all amazing. Will these all be available in the template library once it launches?

    • I say yes.

      • Great Job as always.
        Im new here.
        Where is a template library located?
        How to search topic or something in Elegant Themes site?

        • The Template library is being worked on and will come out when it ready.

  26. A great addition to the free Divi layouts Jason plus a nice selection of photos 🙂

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