Create a Scrollable Portfolio Navigation List with Divi’s Scroll Effects

Last Updated on September 17, 2022 by 3 Comments

Create a Scrollable Portfolio Navigation List with Divi’s Scroll Effects
Blog / Divi Resources / Create a Scrollable Portfolio Navigation List with Divi’s Scroll Effects

Portfolio pages are the perfect excuse to get creative with your web design. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to put together an eye-catching scrollable portfolio navigation list to spice up any portfolio page. Using Divi and its scroll effects, the menu items come to life as they reach the middle of the screen. Buttons with anchor links help the user navigate to the corresponding sections.

Keep reading to recreate the design or download the JSON file for free.


Before we get started with the tutorial, let’s take a look at the design on different screen sizes.


scrolling portfolio menu


scrollable portfolio navigation list


This responsive scrollable portfolio navigation list is created with a series of repeated and alternating rows. For that reason, we’ve included a screenshot of the wireframe view. This will help you follow the order of the rows and their respective modules. We suggest you label every row accordingly to keep track. We’ve added those instructions in the tutorial steps as well.

Download The Hero Sections for FREE

To lay your hands on the free scrollable portfolio navigation list layout, you will first need to download it using the button below. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our newsletter by using the form below. As a new subscriber, you will receive even more Divi goodness and a free Divi Layout pack every Monday! If you’re already on the list, simply enter your email address below and click download. You will not be “resubscribed” or receive extra emails.

1. Create New Section

Add Section


Start with a regular section inside a new or existing page. Before adding any rows or modules, add a background color to the section.

  • Background Color: #222831

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Add enough spacing to the section for the scroll effects to do their magic as well.

  • Top and Bottom Padding: 660px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

2. Create Scrollable Portfolio Navigation List

Add Row 1

Column Structure

Add the first row and choose the following column structure:

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Adjust the width of the row next.

  • Width: 90%
  • Max Width: 2560px

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Then, adjust the spacing settings.

  • Left Padding
    • Desktop: 130px
    • Tablet and Phone: 50px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Admin Label

And label the row.

  • Admin Label: Row 1

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Add Text Module to Column


Add a text module for the title. Insert some H1 content of your choice.

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Heading Text

Move on to the design tab and style the title text as follows:

  • Heading Level: H1
  • Font: Alata
  • Weight: Bold
  • Color: #a3f7bf
  • Size
    • Desktop: 190px
    • Tablet: 120px
    • Phone: 50px
  • Letter Spacing
    • Desktop and Tablet: 7px
    • Phone: 8px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Scroll Effects

Last but not least, add a fading in and out scroll effect to the advanced tab.

  • Enable Effect: Fading In and Out
  • Viewport Bottom
    • Position: 100%
    • Starting Opacity:100%
  • Mid Opacity
    • Position: 50%
    • Mid: 100%
  • Viewport Top
    • Position: 80%
    • Ending Opacity: 20%

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Add Row 2

Column Structure

Now it’s time to add the navigation items. Add a new row with two equally-sized columns.

Admin Label

Label the row.

  • Admin Label: Row 2

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Adjust the sizing settings too.

  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Width: 80%
  • Max Width: 1920px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Column 1 Settings

Custom CSS

Before adding modules, add one line of CSS code to the columns’ main elements to make sure the proportions remain the same across smaller screen sizes. Start with column 1:

  • Main Element: width: 20% !important
width: 20% !important }

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Column 2 Settings

Custom CSS

Do the same for the second column.

  • Main Element: width: 80% !important
width: 80% !important }

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Add Button Module to Column 1


Now, add a button module to column 1 with some copy of your choice.

  • Button Text: View

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Add an anchor link to the module next. We’ll add a matching CSS ID for this anchor link later on the tutorial.

  • Button Link URL: #VB

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Move on to the design tab and change the button alignment.

  • Button Alignment: Center

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Then, style the button accordingly:

  • Custom Styles For Button: Yes
  • Text Size
    • Desktop: 30px
    • Tablet: 25px
    • Phone: 20px
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Background: Dark Grey #222831
  • Border Width: 0px
  • Border Radius: 0px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px
  • Font: Alata
  • Show Button Icon: No

scrollable portfolio navigation list

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Make changes to the spacing settings too.

  • Top Padding
    • Desktop: 25px
    • Tablet: 15px
    • Phone: 5px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Scroll Effects

And add a fading in and out scroll effect.

  • Enable Effect: Fading In and Out
  • Viewport Bottom
    • Position: 40%
    • Starting Opacity:0%
  • Mid Opacity
    • Bottom: 45%
    • Mid: 100%
    • Top: 55%
  • Viewport Top
    • Position: 60%
    • Ending Opacity: 0%

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Box Shadow

Before moving on to the next module, add a box shadow to the button’s hover settings.

  • Box Shadow: 4th Option
  • Horizontal Position: 0px
  • Vertical Position
    • Hover: 5px
  • Blur Strength: 0px
  • Spread Strength: 0px
  • Shadow Color: Aqua Green #a3f7bf

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Add Text Module to Column 2


Continue by adding a text module to column 2 with some H3 content of your choice.

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Heading Text

Move on to the design tab and style the title text as follows:

  • Heading Level: H3
  • Font: Alata
  • Color
    • Desktop: White #ffffff
    • Hover: Aqua Green #a3f7bf
  • Text Size
    • Desktop: 80px
    • Tablet: 65px
    • Phone: 38px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Scroll Effects

And complete the module settings by adding a fading in and out scroll effect in the advanced tab.

  • Enable Effect: Fading In and Out
  • Viewport Bottom
    • Position: 40%
    • Starting Opacity: 15%
  • Mid Opacity
    • Bottom: 45%
    • Mid: 100%
    • Top: 55%
  • Viewport Top
    • Position: 60%
    • Ending Opacity: 15%

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Duplicate Row 2

To complete the navigation list, duplicate this row three times. The new rows will be renumbered; 2, 3, and 4.

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Adjust Row 3

Row Admin Label

Change the row’s admin label from 2 to 3.

  • Admin Label: Row 3

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Button Module

Change the anchor link from #VB to #WEB.

  • Button Link URL: #WEB

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Text Module

Change the H3 content in the text module too.

  • Body Text: Websites

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Adjust Row 4

Row Admin Label

Change the row’s admin label from 2 to 4.

  • Admin Label: Row 4

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Button Module

Change the anchor link from #VB to #MA.

  • Button Link URL: #MA

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Text Module

Change the H3 content too.

  • Body Text: Mobile Apps

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Adjust Row 5

Row Admin Label

Change the row’s admin label from 2 to 5.

  • Admin Label: Row 5

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Row Spacing

Add some bottom margin.

  • Bottom Margin
    • Desktop 230px
    • Tablet: 100px
    • Phone: 60px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Button Module

Change the anchor link from #VB to #UX.

  • Button Link URL: #UX

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Text Module

And change the H3 content here too.

  • Body Text: UX Design

scrollable portfolio navigation list

3. Create Portfolio Items

Add Row 6

Column Structure

The scrollable portfolio navigation list links to portfolio items. Each item is made up of two rows. One row with an invisible divider and another with a call to action module. The CSS IDs are added to the row with the divider. This way, the anchor navigation won’t stop at the top of the portfolio item but in the middle instead.

Let’s create the items now. Add a row with one column.

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Admin Label

Don’t forget to label the new row.

  • Admin Label: Row 6

scrollable portfolio navigation list

CSS ID & Classes

Insert a matching CSS ID in the advanced tab.

  • CSS ID: VB

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Add Divider Module to Row 6


Add an invisible divider to the row’s column.

  • Show Divider: No

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Duplicate Row 6

Duplicate this row three times. The new rows will be renumbered; 8, 10, and 12.

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Adjust Row 8

Admin Label

Change the admin label from 6 to 8.

  • Admin Label: Row 8

scrollable portfolio navigation list

CSS ID & Classes

Change the CSS ID from VB to WEB.


scrollable portfolio navigation list

Adjust Row 10

Admin Label

Change the admin label from 6 to 10.

  • Admin Label: Row 10

scrollable portfolio navigation list

CSS ID & Classes

Change the CSS ID from VB to MA.

  • CSS ID: MA

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Adjust Row 12

Admin Label

Change the admin label from 6 to 12.

  • Admin Label: Row 12

scrollable portfolio navigation list

CSS ID & Classes

Admin Label

Change the CSS ID from VB to UX.

  • CSS ID: UX

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Add Row 7

Column Structure

Leave the four rows with dividers where they are for now. Add a new row with one column.


Without adding a module yet, open the row settings and style the background as follows:

  • Background Image: Photo
    • Image Blend: Multiply
  • Background Gradient
    • Color 1: Dark Grey #222831
    • Color 2: Transparent
    • Type: Linear
    • Direction: 90deg
    • Start Position: 50%
    • End Position: 100%
    • Place Gradient Above Background Image: Yes

scrollable portfolio navigation list

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Admin Label

Label the row.

  • Admin Label: row 7

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Adjust the sizing settings of the row next.

  • Width: 80%
  • Max Width: 2560px
  • Alignment: Center


Add some rounded corners too.

  • Rounded Corners: 25px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Scroll Effects

And enable a fading in and out scrolling effect.

  • Enable Effects: Fading In and Out
    • Starting Opacity: 0%
    • Mid Opacity: 100%
      • Position: 80%
    • Ending Opacity: 20%

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Add Call to Action Module to Row 7


Now add a call to action module to the row.

  • Title: Visual Branding
  • Button: Find out More
  • Body: Descriptive Text

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Remove the default background color.

  • Background: None

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Add a link to the corresponding page. We’ll insert a # for now.

  • Link: #

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Title Text

Style the title text next.

  • Heading Level: H2
  • Font: Alata
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size
    • Desktop: 70px
    • Tablet: 60px
    • Phone: 48px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Body Text

Style the body text as well.

  • Font: Lato
  • Color: White #ffffff
  • Size
    • Desktop: 19px
    • Tablet: 20px
    • Phone: 18px
  • Line Height: 1.8em

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Move on to the button settings and apply the following changes:

  • Custom Styles: Yes
  • Text Size: 20px
  • Text Color: Dark Grey #222831
  • Background: Aqua Green #a3f7bf
  • Border Radius: 9px
  • Letter Spacing: 1px
  • Button Font: Alata
  • Top Margin: 35px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

scrollable portfolio navigation list

scrollable portfolio navigation list


Adjust the sizing of the module too.

  • Width: 50%
  • Max Width
    • Desktop: 50%
    • Tablet and Phone: 100%
  • Alignment: Left


Add some padding to the module as well.

  • Left Padding:
    • Desktop: 90px
  • Left and Right Padding:
    • Tablet: 50px
    • Phone: 40px

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Custom CSS

Last but not least, add one line of CSS code to the promo title in the advanced tab.

  • Promo Title: padding-bottom: 30px;
padding-bottom: 30px; }

Duplicate Row 7

Duplicate row 7  three times. The new rows will be renumbered;  9, 11, and 13.

Adjust Row 9


Change the background image and switch the direction of the gradient.

  • Background Image: New photo
  • Background Gradient
    • Color 1: Transparent
    • Color 2: Dark Grey #222831
    • Start Position: 0%
    • End Position: 50%

Admin Label

Update the row’s admin label from 7 to 9.

  • Admin Label: row 9

Adjust Call to Action Module in Row 9


Update the module’s content.

  • Title: Websites
  • Body: New descriptive text


Update the link as well.

  • Link: New link


Change the alignment of the module from left to right.

  • Module Alignment: Right


Change the desktop padding from left to right. The tablet and mobile settings need to remain the same.

  • Right Padding
    • Desktop: 90px

Adjust Row 11


Change the background image in the new row.

  • Background Image: Another Photo

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Admin Label

Update the row’s admin label from 7 to 11.

  • Admin Label: row 11.

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Adjust Call to Action Module in Row 11


Change the content inside the call to action module.


Modify the link too.

  • Link: New link

scrollable portfolio navigation list

Adjust Row 13


Change the background image and switch the direction of the gradient.

  • Background Image: New photo
  • Background Gradient
    • Color 1: Transparent
    • Color 2: Dark Grey #222831
    • Start Position: 0%
    • End Position: 50%

Admin Label

Open the admin label tab and update the row number to 13.

Adjust Call to Action Module in Row 13


Update the module’s content.

  • Title: UX Design
  • Body: New descriptive text


Update the link as well.

  • Link: New link


Change the alignment of the module from left to right.

  • Module Alignment: Right


Change the desktop padding from left to right. The tablet and mobile settings need to stay the same.

  • Right Padding
    • Desktop: 90px

Rearrange Rows

Move rows 7, 9, and 11.

Place rows in the right order, according to their admin label.

Compare Your Wireframe

Double-check the wireframe of your scrollable portfolio navigation list and items. The rows must be in order for the anchor links to work properly. Here’s another look at our wireframe view:


We’re done going through all the steps to recreate the scrollable portfolio navigation list. Let’s take another look at how the design looks on different screen sizes.


scrolling portfolio menu


scrollable portfolio navigation list

Final Thoughts

In this step-by-step tutorial, we recreated a scrollable portfolio navigation list with Divi’s scroll effects. Furthermore, we added portfolio items. The navigation is controlled with anchor links and CSS IDs. This is a great way to interactively display portfolio items. Leave us a comment if you liked it or have any questions!

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  1. Impressive.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nice smooth scroll effect 🙂

  3. Looks Great! Thank you

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