The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 7 – Building Your Sales Funnel with Andrew Palmer

Last Updated on March 10, 2023 by 24 Comments

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The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 7 – Building Your Sales Funnel with Andrew Palmer
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In this episode of Divi Nation, the official Divi podcast, we sit down with Andrew Palmer. Andrew is a sales specialist with a wide variety of business and sales experience both on and offline. He’s 1/3 of the team over at and runs at least three other successful WordPress businesses. We talk about how to go about building a sales funnel and, once it’s built, how to close on new business.

Divi Nation Episode 07: Building Your Sales Funnel with Andrew Palmer


Andrew is the first sales specialist we’ve featured on Divi Nation as a guest host. With that background he brings a different, sales first perspective, to running a Divi centered business. For instance, he favors productized services that allow people to buy pre-determined service packages; he has a tight sales funnel/customer journey with a hard close; and he puts a premium on filling that sales funnel with email and social leads.

I hope you enjoy this episode and our conversation. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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This Week in WordPress 05

In this edition of This Week in WordPress Andrew Palmer and our host Nathan B. Weller talk about remote hiring, the importance of SEO keywords outside of posts and pages, and how to attract leads that will grow your business by filling up your sales funnel.

Building Your Sales Funnel with Andrew Palmer

In Divi Nation, Episode Seven, we sat down with entrepreneur Andrew Palmer to talk about what it takes to build a sustainable sales funnel. Our interview and discussion includes a bit of his personal story as well as sales and sales funnel examples from his businesses.

Divi Site Makeover 01 (Results)

In this video we announce the results of our very first Divi Site Makeover Challenge. The idea is simple: show us your site before Divi, and show us your site after a Divi re-design.

The response to this challenge was awesome. We received dozens of submissions and I have to say they all looked like big design improvements. However, there were three that really stood out to me. And those are the sites I’ve featured in this video. You can also see them below.

Windsor Academy by Kathy Kroll Romana: Before


Windsor Academy by Kathy Kroll Romana: After


Visit Site

UniBoost by Ali Al-Hadithi: Before


UniBoost by Ali Al-Hadithi: After


Visit Site by Tim Strifler: Before

Divi-Site-Makeover-Tim-Strifler-BEFORE by Tim Strifler: After


Visit Site

Production Notes

From a production standpoint, this week was very similar to last week–so the gear list below is still valid.

However, as I’m sure those who are paying attention to such things can tell, the audio/video quality of my intro and segments were much higher than the interview itself. That’s because this was actually the very first thing I shot/recorded with the new gear and the settings weren’t quite optimized. Once I fixed them, I recorded both last episode’s and this episode’s segments with improved quality.

Next week there will be much more gear in play. I will be using a new lighting rig, camera, audio equipment, and more. I’m really looking forward to making each episode a little bit better.

Nominate Our Next Co-Host!

We are looking for Divi enthusiasts to co-host Divi Nation each week. If you are interested in sharing your experience with the Divi community, be sure to submit your application below so that we can get in touch! Or, if there is someone else you’d like to see featured on the show, please take a moment to nominate them so that they’re on our radar and we can reach out to them.

Apply/Nominate a Divi Nation Co-Host


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  1. Love the podcast, guys! Very informative. This is a great way for us Divi users to feel like we’re really part of a bigger community, and it’s good for non-Divi users as well.

    Go ahead and Mention Elegant Themes Marketplace, I don’t mind (even outside of an interview!)… if we’re not allowed a pitch now and then with our free, valuable content then how are we gonna put food on the table? 🙂

  2. Now if only Andrew and the other EMP admins would allow me back into the largest Divi Facebook group in existence, that would be fantastic. After all, I’ve only done nothing but help the Divi community in what I do.

    Oh, and maybe I should apply to be on the podcast. I can talk all about the power of virtual training, since it’s what I do best. That and the importance of community, and treating every member of your community as if they were your only true fan.

    I’ll listen to this podcast episode at some point I’m sure. Maybe once I’m finished doing interviews for DiviCon. Cheers!

  3. Hey, guys, any chance you can put your Divi Nation and Divi-related blogs/podcasts into a Divi category, so we can find those specifically? I’m having to hunt them down in order to binge-watch the Divi Nations.

    • Yeah, just go to the Community category in the sidebar. They’re all there.

      • Thanks, that’s helpful. Although not necessarily intuitive… 😉

  4. Good. my favorite web page. tanks.

  5. I have a great WP guy that is installing Divi on my site but wanted to know if there are better “business” looking sites out there. I will be doing/posting a lot of Stock market charts and videos

    Thx, Mike

    • You can make Divi look like just about any website you’d like. If you use Pinterest, I’d recommend browsing around the web and pinning every business design you like and then using that inspiration as a starting point for customizing Divi.

      • Tnx

  6. Hi Nathan and Nick, thank you so much for the opportunity of telling my story – there is a lot of 101 stuff in here and I think it adds value to the community. Nathan, you are just so professional and warm. I appreciate it.

    • Thanks Andrew it was a real pleasure 🙂

    • I found it to be very informational and well thought out, Andrew. Thank you for sharing.

    • Thanks for sharing your story Andrew.

      I would disagree with some of your techniques disclosed in the interview. That’s not to say you are wrong but just that we differ in approach on some things. Having recently rejoined Facebook (ugh!) just to be able to use the Divi Theme User’s group I can tell there will be plenty of viewers of the podcast that will draw lots of inspiration from it. Bravo.

      As for some bemoaning the constant flow of those associated with the ElegantMarketplace, guys, just skip through the interviews or hit unsubscribe. It’s a FREE podcast after all is said and done. And Nathon should be applauded for it.

  7. Great Interview Nathan. Thanks for putting that together.

    • No problem! Thanks for tuning in Sean 🙂

  8. Just FYI, Nathan: There are many, many of us Divi users who don´t like to see ElegantMarketplace being referenced on this blog. You may or may not approve this comment (and I´d perfectly understand it if you don´t), but please ask the Divi community about it. We didn´t say anything the first time, but it´s about time for someone to say it.

    • We will always mention the story behind the interviewee. If you want us to talk about something else, then it sounds like you should apply to co-host 🙂

      • I agree with Luis

        • If you would like to hear someone else’s story, please nominate them as a co-host, or apply yourself. We will continue to interview those who do, and to share their stories. We wont be playing favorites or refraining from mentioning websites if they are relevant to the person being interviewed.

  9. Desperately waiting for the release of the Extra Theme! The Plugin is still not released and I need to work on a Magazine Theme before Christmas.
    The wait is truly too long now 🙁

    • I feel you. We all want the Extra theme to be released. And I can say that the whole team is working hard toward that end. Today we’re going to take a big step in that direction. So stay tuned!

      • Thanks for all the hard work. I, too, am excited about the big step, but I do understand that development takes time! Appreciate all of what you and the Elegant Themes staff do!

  10. DIVI plugin and Extra Theme update please….

    • Keep an eye on the blog today 🙂

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