The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 10 – Creating Customer Journeys That Win New Business with Julie Hall

Last Updated on March 10, 2023 by 28 Comments

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The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 10 – Creating Customer Journeys That Win New Business with Julie Hall
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In this episode of Divi Nation, the official Divi podcast, we sit down with Julie Hall. Julie is the founder and head of SpringMedia, a WordPress design and development agency out of the UK. In our time together we talked about web development tools and resources, project pricing, and more. However we spent the bulk of our time talking about how creating customer journeys both before and after the point of purchase can streamline your process and grow your business.

Divi Nation Episode 10: Creating Customer Journeys That Win New Business with Julie Hall


As someone with a wealth of experience and two notable successes (not to mention a very affable personality) Julie was a pleasure to talk to. She is knowledgeable about her craft and had a solid answer for each question I asked. I hope you enjoy this episode and our conversation. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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This Week in WordPress 08

In this edition of This Week in WordPress, Divi Nation host Nathan B. Weller and guest host Julie Hall talk about essential tools and resources, WordPress project pricing, and what you may or may not want to do with your Sundays.

Creating Customer Journeys That Win New Business with Julie Hall

In this interview our host Nathan B. Weller sits down with Julie Hall to discuss how and why she builds customer journeys. Along the way they uncover the benefits these customer journeys can have, which include: streamlining your own work process, improving the customer experience, and ultimately growing your business.

Divi Quick Tip 07: How to Create a Bouncing Scroll Down Arrow

In this Divi Quick Tip we show you how to create a bouncing scroll down arrow on a full-width header module. You can use the CSS code below to follow along with the tutorial.

/*Bouncing Scroll-Down Arrow*/

.et_pb_fullwidth_header_scroll a {
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0px);
-moz-transform: translateZ(0px);
-ms-transform: translateZ(0px);
-o-transform: translateZ(0px);
transform: translateZ(0px);
 .et_pb_fullwidth_header_scroll .et-pb-icon {
-webkit-animation: et_bounce 1s infinite;
-moz-animation: et_bounce 1s infinite;
-ms-animation: et_bounce 1s infinite; 
-o-animation: et_bounce 1s infinite;
animation: et_bounce 1s infinite;

@-webkit-keyframes et_bounce {
	0% {
		-webkit-transform: translateY(0);
	40% {
		-webkit-transform: translateY(-15px);
	100% {
		-webkit-transform: translateY(0px);
@-moz-keyframes et_bounce {
	0% {
		-moz-transform: translateY(0);
	40% {
		-moz-transform: translateY(-10px);
	100% {
		-moz-transform: translateY(0px);
@-ms-keyframes et_bounce {
	0% {
		-ms-transform: translateY(0);
	40% {
		-ms-transform: translateY(-10px);
	100% {
		-ms-transform: translateY(0px);
@-o-keyframes et_bounce {
	0% {
		-o-transform: translateY(0);
	40% {
		-o-transform: translateY(-10px);
	100% {
		-o-transform: translateY(0px);
@keyframes et_bounce {
	0% {
		transform: translateY(0);
	40% {
		transform: translateY(-10px);
	100% {
		transform: translateY(0px);

Production Notes

As always, below is a list of the software and gear used to create Divi Nation.

This week I had three production goals. The first was to figure out a good manual setting on the Canon XA20 for my segment videos. The second was to make the lighting for the grey backdrop more interesting. The third was to get better sound quality out of my H6 Zoom.

I am happy to report that I accomplished all three. But, as you might have noticed, a setting in Premiere that I didn’t catch until it was too late has caused a flickering effect on the video in the scenes with a backdrop. What’s maddening about this is that I noticed it while editing but thought it was the result of un-rendered video effects that would smooth out upon final render/export. I was wrong. It looks like the main culprit is a blend setting that I didn’t fully understand the impact of. Lesson learned.

Next week my goal will be to continue to refine the results I achieved in this episode, avoid the flicker, and turn out a better episode. As always, if you have any production questions or comments just hit me up in the comments section below and I’d be happy to talk shop.

Nominate Our Next Co-Host!

We are looking for Divi enthusiasts to co-host Divi Nation each week. If you are interested in sharing your experience with the Divi community, be sure to submit your application below so that we can get in touch! Or, if there is someone else you’d like to see featured on the show, please take a moment to nominate them so that they’re on our radar and we can reach out to them.

Apply/Nominate a Divi Nation Co-Host


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  1. Great episode! I took a lot of notes. I especially liked how Julie pulled back the curtain, and explained her intake process, vetting the client, and then her project workflow. I learned a ton. I’m making some changes.

    I’m not sure if this is the right arena, but I had a quick question for Julie. 🙂
    Julie, I love your website. How did you get the “grid-like” layout where photos go all the way to the edges of the module area? The photos I’m referring to are the Wacom tablet, the man drawing, and you (all on your homepage). I can’t seem to get my photos to fill the entire module area in Divi.


  2. As always, fantastic podcast! Question: How can we make that CSS animation work for icons that are in the slider module?

    • You’d need to give that icon a CSS class and apply the same animation code to it.

  3. Thanks for the bouncing scroll down arrow quick tip. Have just implemented this on my homepage and looks great!

    • Glad you like it!

  4. Loved the Divi quick tip! Would be interested in maybe seeing one about customizing the one-page floating navigation dots on the right of the page to give them a different look. I’ve been doing a lot of one-page sites lately and it’s something I’d like to offer my customers as an option, but I want to be able to personalize it so it doesn’t look the same on every single site!

    • Preferably I’d like to know how to change the dots for numbers!

      • Thanks for the request Kelsey! I will look into that 🙂

  5. Another great podcast. definitely Julie is one of the best one.Thanks Julie for your valuable time.

    • Thanks Hafiz!

  6. Lol off to my local business networking group to talk to them about spending $4,500 on a website. Not in my town, which is why all my clients are found via the internet and online networking groups. Where do your ideal clients hang out and how can you interact with them is the first question any business need to work out

    • I think if a business is making enough money to be considered successful, whether they’re a local small business or not, then they have the money to invest in themselves. If they are not willing to see it that way at first, that’s fine. What I’ve heard from many of our guests is that those clients are never very good clients. They need to learn on their own that the quality of their website matters and the only way to get that quality is to pay someone capable of good work.

  7. Julie,
    I really appreciate your perspective on treating your business like a business.

    Also your reference to the “acres of diamonds” that lie dormant right in the back yard (local business & networking groups) was priceless.

    Thank you so much for your time and actionable insights.

    All The Best To You Julie,


    • Thanks Chris! There is definitely a lot less competition in your local market than there is online.

  8. Great episode! Julie, thanks for being so upfront and forthcoming. I’m off to find a BNI in my area… And thanks to both of you for taking back our Sundays!!

  9. Hi Nathan,

    thanks for the quicktip about the bouncing arrow! I tested it on my page and…. it works well.

    Thanks from Germany

    • Awesome! Glad to hear it!

  10. Thanks for another great podcast. I am one of those that took a circuitous route to my WP business and it is so helpful to hear from others about their journey and processes. 🙂

    • I feel like that’s becoming a common thread both in the stories I hear from guests and the resonance those stories have in the community. Success is rarely achieved by a direct route.

  11. Excellent insights within this interview, a note taker for sure… great delivery, nice vid blends and great sounding audios!

    Professional indeed, Nathan.

    • Thanks Michael 🙂

  12. It may look okay on the desktop but it’s a mess in my iPhone. The link to example sites goes nowhere. It’s really hard to make the menu work. Words are splitting up and going to the next line for no reason. It’s a good example of Divi’s flakey responsiveness. I find it’s easy to make a great looking site on a 27″ iMac but I usually have to strip it back so that it will work flawlessly on a smartphone.
    I think Elegant know this because their site isn’t responsive at all!

    • @ John,
      I was supriced to hear your reply on the Elegant theme blog of being not responsive! I worked with anouther softwear to make a website and the same thing happend like you discriped. On my desktop everyting looks good but when i open the site on my phone it was a mess.

      Iam new at wordpress and also with the Elegant – Divi theme, but because of your reply iam qurious how this can happen because this is why i bought the elegant theme, being fully responsive! Please your reply or some one from the Elegant theme! Thanks in advance.


  13. Thank you so much for your generosity in spreading knowledge and teachings

    This is all new to me and my age is up there though I love to learn!

    Happy Trails Where Ever They Lead!!!


  14. Great podcast. How about fixing the bugs making divi nearly unusable.

    • Hi John, you can report any and all bugs via the support forum. We’re always working on making it better with each new update.

  15. Julie, I LOVE your website for SpringMedia. It’s very well done and a true testament to how powerful and customizable Divi is when it’s in the hands of someone truly creative 🙂

    • Thanks Tim! I have really enjoyed working with Divi over the last few months

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