Divi Meetup Community Update: Winter 2021/2022

Last Updated on September 20, 2022 by 1 Comment

Divi Meetup Community Update: Winter 2021/2022
Blog / Community / Divi Meetup Community Update: Winter 2021/2022

Happy Winter Divi Nation! December and the holidays passed (as well as 2021). January and February have come and gone. 😅 And so has Q1 of 2022! Is this real life?

One of my favorite parts of this winter has been implementing some new visions for our Divi Community. More to come on this (and wow! I’m ecstatic for it) so…stay tuned!

What was a highlight of your winter season? Please, share in the comments of this post. 👇🏼

Now, let’s dig into our current community stats and updates below.

The Divi Nation Meetup Network by the Numbers

  • Total Members: 11,035
  • Total Groups: 52
  • Total Events Hosted: 1,324
  • Total RSVPs: 11,952
  • New Members (Last 90 Days): 874

If you have a passion to build your local Divi community, locate a group near you here or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.


Updates from Existing Groups

Divi Cape Town in South Africa

Divi Cape Town

Divi Cape Town January 2022

From the Host, Dirk Tolken:

Attendees: 5

We spoke about planning and marketing your Divi-based business in 2022 and some strategies on how to increase business for you, but also your customers. We had very positive feedback and might make this a quarterly event since it’s so popular.

Boom, Divi Cape Town! 💥

Go to Divi Cape Town

Divi Chicago, Illinois, USA

Divi Chicago 12/21

Divi Chicago December 2021

Divi Chicago February 2022

Divi Chicago February 2022

From the Hosts, Joan Margau & Scott Winterroth:

Attendees: Dec-8 Feb-11

December 2021

Happy Holidays! Divi-Chicago Meetup joined with Divi-Sacramento Meetup for a virtual Holiday Party. We exchanged holiday traditions and we found out about new ones celebrated in other parts of the world. It was a great meetup! Thanks to Divi-Sacramento hosts for organizing the Holiday Party.
The next time we meet will be next year. Join the Divi-Chicago Monthly Mastermind starting in 2022. Get ideas, the latest Divi information, and a peek at the newest plugins in the works.

February 2022

We had our first Divi-Chicago Community Sharing Meetup where members of the Meetup group do the talking, share their knowledge, and answer questions.
Eric Oh, Dave Flannery, and Nancy Mikyska, experienced Divi users, showed us how to do a Digital Business Card in Divi, build a Divi Blog Page Template and flip the Meta Text of a Divi Blog Post.

Dear goodness, Divi Chicago, the way you pour into your community! 💓

Go to Divi Chicago

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth January 2022

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth January 2022

From the Host, Tommy Lee & Kent Pilkington:

Attendees: 18

In January, our community demonstrated their best processes for developing WordPress sites using Divi. We talked about ways to make using Divi easier, including custom post types and the Divi Theme Builder, using Divi Presets to minimize repetitive work, and optimizing for design. Also, we had the honor of having Divi’s own Raquel Landefeld stop in.

We love your commitment, Divi DFW! ♥️

Go to Divi Dallas/Fort Worth

Divi Washington DC, USA

Divi Washington DC 12/21

Divi Washington DC December 2021

Divi DC screenshot of virtual attendees at January 2022 meetup

Divi DC January 2022

From the Host, John Browning:

Attendees: Dec-4 Jan-5

December 2021

We celebrated our last meetup of the year with an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest and discussed how to use the new Divi modules for the Woocommerce cart and checkout pages while building our ugly Christmas sweater store.

January 2022

Our group had a great start to the new year by talking about WordPress updates and new web technologies. Nice to get a variety of viewpoints from around the world (MD, VA, CA, and Australia).

Thank you for your dedication, Divi DC! We love it! 💥

Go to Divi Washington DC

Divi Dhaka, Bangladesh

Divi Dhaka February 2022

Divi Dhaka February 2022

Divi Dhaka February 2022

Divi Dhaka February 2022

Divi Dhaka February 2022

Divi Dhaka February 2022

From the Host, Md Kamal Hossain:

Attendees: 13

[We introduced our Accessibility campaign to our Divi meetup at Ramna Park, Dhaka. Participants were happy to know about Elegant themes and their features.]

Love it, Divi Dhaka!

Go to Divi Dhaka

Divi Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Divi Milwaukee 12/21

Divi Milwaukee December 2021

From the Hosts, Tracy Champagne & Phil Reinhardt:

Attendees: 6

December 2021

How to create a custom button in your secondary menu bar. Q&A after. Nice meeting. Fixed a few website issues as well!

Thanks for your committed service, Divi Milwaukee! 🙏🏼

Go to Divi Milwaukee

Divi New York City, USA

Divi NYC, Divi New York City 12/21

Divi New York City December 2021

Divi New York City screenshot of virtual attendees at the January 2022 meetup

Divi New York City January 2022

Divi NYC 2/22

Divi New York City February 2022

From the Hosts, Patty, Jeanine, & Mickey:

Attendees: Dec-9 Jan-13 Feb-15

December 2021

What a year!
For our Dec 2021 Meetup, we were fortunate to be joined by the Divi Atlanta group for a Holiday Social Celebration (+ Divi NYC 3 yr Anniversary!) where we wrapped up the year with Divi chat, successes, Q&A, and some always-fun shop talk.
We’ve made some wonderful connections, friendships, and collaborations in the past year and we look forward to more to come in 2022. Thank you for being part of our group.
Haven’t made a meeting, yet? Join us! We look forward to having you.
Happy New Year,
Patty Rose, Jeanine, Mickey

January 2022

We would like to thank Cammy Farone – Divi Advocate and Divi Atlanta Meet-up Co-organizer for taking us through the process of designing our Divi sites using Divi’s built-in customization features. She demonstrated how easy it is to start creating a website with brand-first thinking using Divi.
Cammy introduced the 3 “must-have” brand elements needed before starting any website.
She gave us a step-by-step walk-through of adding our branded elements to the Divi customization tools.
And shared many tips tools and resources to make branding Divi our sites simple and efficient which can be found on the Divi Atlanta meet-up page.
Thank you Cammy for a wonderful presentation!

February 2022

The focus of our February Meetup: How to use the Divi Theme Builder to create custom WooCommerce pages. During this session, Christina walked us through her process for creating beautiful, custom WooCommerce pages. This tutorial helped show us how to craft WooCommerce templates within the Divi Theme Builder to perfectly fit in with a site’s overall theme, design, and branding, while still utilizing the power of the WooCommerce plugin to create a seamless user experience for clients and customers.

Dang, Divi NYC, you all do such wonderful work for your community!! 🤗

Go to Divi NYC

Divi Sacramento, California, USA

Divi Sacramento 12/21

Divi Sacramento December 2021

Divi Sacramento screenshot of virtual attendees at January 2022 meetup

Divi Sacramento January 2022

Divi Sacramento February 2022

Divi Sacramento February 2022

From the Hosts, Rosalinda Huck & Elizabeth Hahn:

Attendees: Dec-11 Jan-27 Feb-27

December 2021

We had a great turnout for our online Holiday Social! The folks from Divi Chicago joined our “party”, where we had some good laughs over the results of our “Ha-ha Holiday Poll” – silly questions pertaining to the holiday season. This social event allowed us to unwind and wrap up 2021 while everyone got to know each other. We look forward to our future Meetups in 2022… Happy New Year to everyone around the globe!

January 2022

Divi Sacramento kicked off the New Year with a “fresh” look at website basics for our topic meeting – HTML and CSS, and the essential parts of any web page. During our monthly Q&A meeting, members shared and compared experiences using Gutenberg blocks for non-Divi themes and the benefits of using Divi and the Divi Builder. We also discussed migrating websites, including blog sites from Blogger, as well as how to solve for cached files in Divi. Next month we will explore various Divi modules and demo the similarities and differences.

February 2022

For February’s topic meeting, Rosalinda provided an overview and demo of the Divi Modules – basic features, differences between modules, creative uses, and how to apply a workflow when using them. Rosalinda gave a demo to showcase these points by building a web page for a cafe. During our monthly Q&A meeting, we had lots of great questions – topics included color palette guidelines, Google fonts in Divi, best ways to provide PDF uploads, and optimizing home page SEO. Next month, Elizabeth will talk about copywriting for the web!

Thanks for your amazing talent, Divi Sacramento! ♥️

Go to Divi Sacramento

Divi Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Divi Salt Lake City screenshot of the 2022 January meetup

Divi Salt Lake City January 2022

Divi Salt Lake City February 2022

Divi Salt Lake City February 2022

From the Host, Dustin Olsen:

Attendees: Jan-6 Feb-4

January 2022

Another successful Q&A for Divi Salt Lake City! We had questions ranging from creating dynamic button links, adjusting blog module categories, to creating vertical menu links with the menu module. We even go to see Eric’s hand at a digital business card and the tools he used.
For those who missed us, you can catch up here on YouTube.
Stay tuned for next month!

February 2022

We had another productive virtual meetup in February; we had our very first Design Review where we focused more on the design, rather than the nuances of the Divi Builder. Sometimes we can spend so much time on something that we develop a blind spot for certain things that getting some open feedback can be quite beneficial.
Join us next month for our popular Q&A Meetup where you bring the questions and we’ll help you with the answers.

Thank you for your dedication, Dustin! 💯

Go to Divi Salt Lake City

Divi Tampa, Florida, USA

Divi Tampa 12/21

Divi Tampa December 2021

Divi Tampa January 2022

Divi Tampa January 2022

Divi Tampa February 2022

Divi Tampa February 2022

From the Host, Vasileios Miteloudis:

Attendees: Dec-2 Jan-2 Feb-3

December 2021

We had 1 member attending the last Divi Tampa meetup of the year, out of 5 sign-ups. Most attendees were from Tampa Bay, but the one attending was from Columbus OH. We had very interesting discussions about creating breadcrumbs with a Divi plugin that activates the breadcrumbs module and on the process of creating custom headers and footers for different content on our websites. All-in-all this was a fun and informative get-together.

January 2022

Our January meetup had two participants from Tampa and Connecticut out of 7 sign-ups this month. We had a very interesting discussion regarding WooCommerce and Divi, legal requirements for websites (whether it is better to work with small businesses and startups or big companies), and how Divi makes the process easier for both the designers and the clients.

February 2022

We had 3 members attending, two from Florida and one from California. The discussion revolved around automation with Divi and the differences between using Global Elements and CSS-Presets throughout a website, as we are always looking for ways to make our pages easy to change when necessary and consistent in appearance.

You all make my heart swell with your community-building! 💯

Go to Divi Tampa

Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?

Great! We’re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and building community and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.

Starting a new Divi Meetup group is simple. Just apply by filling out this form or email [email protected]. Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!

Not sure if there’s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.

Global Divi Meetup Network


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1 Comment

  1. I really love your network and how you look happy in the zoom calls! You should be a role model for every team

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