Hey Divi Nation! Thanks for joining us for the next installment of our weekly Divi Design Initiative; where each week, we give away a brand new Layout Pack for Divi.
For this week, Kenny and his team have created a bold and colorful Home Improvement Layout Pack that I think will surprise you. This layout pack has beautifully bold design with professional layouts for promoting home improvement services with style. The service page layouts make it easy to showcase a wide variety of services. And the home page is perfect for leading visitors to get a free quote online.
Check it out!
Landing Page Design
Home Page Design
About Page Design
Blog Page Design
Contact Page Design
Services Page Design
Service Page Design
Key Features
This Home Improvement Layout Pack has bold fonts, colors, and images. This makes the content standout in a way that should help conversions. Also, the use of custom shapes as background images really brings the design together in a uniquely modern way. The Service page does have a fresh presentation that showcases multiple service categories as well.
Live Demos
Click the links below to see a live demo for each of the layouts included in the pack.
- Home Improvement Landing Page (live demo)
- Home Improvement Homepage (live demo)
- Home Improvement About Page (live demo)
- Home Improvement Services Page (live demo)
- Home Improvement Service Page (live demo)
- Home Improvement Blog Page (live demo)
- Home Improvement Contact Page (live demo)
Access This Layout Right Now
Directly from Your Divi Builder
Subscribe To Our Youtube Channel
Since Version 3.0.99 of Divi, you can find and import any of the layouts included in this pack (along with ALL of Divi’s Premade Layout packs) directly from the Divi Builder. They are already waiting for you.
To access your new layout, simply activate the Visual Builder when editing a page and look for the “Load From Library” icon in the page settings bar (it looks like a plus symbol). Click this icon to launch the Load From Library popup. Under the Premade Layouts tab, you can easily find the new layout by scrolling through the list of layout packs. Once you find the Home Improvement Layout Pack, click on it. You will see all the individual layouts included in the pack. Select the layout you want for to use and then click the “Use This Layout” button.
Authentication Required
Before you can download Premade Layouts from the Divi Library you must authenticate your Elegant Themes Subscription. If you have already activated updates for Divi under Divi > Theme Options > Updates, you have already authenticated your subscription and will have access to the layouts without a problem. If not, when you click to import a layout to your page, you will be prompted to enter your Elegant Themes Membership Username and API Key.
After you enter the Username and API Key, you will gain immediate access to the layouts. You can find your API Key under your members area on the Elegant Themes site.
No Licensing Restrictions
The photos included with these layouts have no licensing restrictions. This means you can use them in all of your commercial projects without having to worry about paying licensing fees or attributing the photographer. Use them in your commercial websites, sell them within your Divi child themes, include them in your own Divi layout packs or just use them on your blog. We know how challenging it can be to find good photos and how confusing and scary the licensing that governs those photos can be. We want to fix that problem for our users.
Download the Full Res Image Assets
New Layout Packs Every Week!
We hope you enjoy this layout pack. We look forward to hearing your opinions in the comment section below. Make sure you check out next week’s layout packs as well. We publish one on Monday and the other on Friday!
wow… this is perfect for what I was looking for. Thank you!
I just have a question, I will be doing some personalization and changing some images. I’m new at this, where can I find the size of the images so I can switch them for ones that fit my project better (last time I tried it, it was a mess)? Or should I just go to the gallery and see it there?
A really bold design.
It’s really original, bravo.
The bold graphic design, colors and shapes are really eye-popping.Nice and interesting design.
One of the most engaging sites you’ve released. Amazing work guys!
Joined divi builder nation + subscribed to the Youtube channel + logged in….. BUT cannot seem to be able to download the layout packs. I can however downl;oad the media pack.
ANy suggestions
All of our layout packs are available from within the Divi Builder. You can watch the video on this post to find out how to access it.
Thanks for your support.
Let me know how it goes.
Nice theme, i like it..
I Like!
I could really use a home improvement type layout as one of my businesses caters to home construction and home improvement. However, this layout and colour scheme is virtually the opposite of what my clients would prefer or even what I would choose for them. It’s very, very busy and the colours are more reminiscent of summer camp or daycare than home improvement. I look forward to more great layouts in the future. I have used some of the current layouts with a great deal of success.
One look at my website and you know I am a huge fan of this colorful look, but I have to agree with Laurie. Interior design and home improvement businesses prefer a clean, uncluttered site that showcases their work, not yours. Great design concept, but maybe wrong for this particular application.
I understand where you are coming from. Hopefully you can tweak one of our other layouts to fit your needs.
Hope it works out!
The bold graphic design, colors and shapes are really eye-popping. It reinforces how much graphic design is such an integral component of building a website.
Nice and interesting design. Good job! However, you might also add some conservative themes, suitable for business (serious and esteemed companies like classic design).
This is beautiful!