Google Maps is a web mapping platform and application by Google. Using Google Maps, web developers can display interactive maps on a website with detailed views of geographical regions around the world. Divi integrates with Google Maps to make it easy to embed a Google Map anywhere on your site and customize it using the Divi Maps Module. The Maps module gives you control over the map design as well as the ability to add unlimited interactive pins at various locations. Each pin can show a tooltip with more info when clicked. This is a great way to display your company’s location on a contact page so visitors have the directions they need.
Using Google maps with Divi is easy thanks to the Divi Map Module. You can quickly embed Google Maps onto any page, add pinned addresses and style the map using Divi’s design settings.
You can easily add code to your website or to individual pages using Divi’s integration forms. This makes it easy to integrate your website with additional services such as Google Analytics, Google Code Manager, chat systems and more. Just copy and paste the code given to you by your service provider and you are done!
Divi integrates with various online services, making it easy to tap into those services or embed them on your website.
Yes, this integration is a free part of Divi. Divi has been built to integrate with Google Maps out of the box! For more information about how to use this integration, please refer to the documentation section above.