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Two thumbs up to the Divi and ET support staff.

As a relatively new customer of ET and a web developer with clients' needs to fulfill, I might have been a bit of a pain in the patoot with all my questions for the support staff.

All of my questions except one have been answered with a great answer, much more quickly than I expected, based on my experience with support staffs for other companies.
For those who are interested, the one question whose answer displeased me was asking for multiple addressees and BCC recipients in the Divi contact form; the answer was, essentially, "No. Can't do it. No plans for that. Too bad." I've programmed PHP emails before, and folks, it just ain't that hard to add that stuff. Seemed very unfriendly to me.
Other than that one, I've been very pleased with both the quality and the speed of support team answers.

Even when I ask for their opinion (i.e., "Which is better...?"), they give me their best answer.

Great job, ET Support.
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