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The Future of Work

Explore efficient ways to manage your work and global team, with tips and tricks included.

AI for All

Explore ways in which AI can benefit you.
google sima
What is SIMA by Google DeepMind?

Google SIMA (Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent) is a generative AI agent developed by Google DeepMind. Google SIMA is trained on virtual 3D environments to accomplish basic gaming tasks by following user-given natural language instructions.

Krutrim AI - featured image
What is Krutrim AI?

Krutrim AI is a generative AI assistant that converses in 10+ languages, including Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Marathi, Kannada, Gujarati, etc., making it India’s own AI by an artificial intelligence startup. It is founded by Bhavish Aggarwal, who is also the founder of Ola cabs.

Secure Your Business

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Protect Yourself

Learn the scary truth about the digital world and how to protect yourself.

Best of Tech

Explore the latest gadgets to enhance your daily lives.
Highly-Rated STEM Gadgets for Kids [2024]

A STEM gadget is a learning-based tool for kids that is used to improve their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. ‘STEM’ stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. A STEM gadget is designed to instill fundamental math and engineering skills in kids, in addition to fostering an interest in science and technology.

Best Podcast Mixers for Crystal Clear Sound

A podcast mixer is a device used to combine and adjust audio from multiple sources, such as microphones, music players, and sound effects. It allows podcasters to create high-quality recordings and enables precise control over audio levels, EQ settings, and effects, ensuring balanced and professional sound output.

Best CarPlay Wireless Adapters to Make Driving Safe

A CarPlay wireless adapter is a device that brings all the functionalities of Apple CarPlay to your car without needing a wired connection. It connects your iPhone to your car’s display unit so that you can access all the apps directly through cordless connectivity.

Best Gaming Earbuds to Block Out All Distractions

A gaming earbud is an audio device that is designed to enhance your gaming experience. Although it maintains the form and functionality of a normal earbud, it provides extra features that cater to gaming. For example, a gaming earbud can come with low latency capabilities, inline controls, and gaming audio profiles.

Dev Tools & Technologies

Explore tools, libs, frameworks and how-to articles to keep yourself up-to-date in the ever-evolving tech universe.

Power Your Business

Some of the tools and services to help your business grow.
  • The text-to-speech tool that uses AI to generate realistic human-like voices.

    Try Murf AI
  • Web scraping, residential proxy, proxy manager, web unlocker, search engine crawler, and all you need to collect web data.

    Try Brightdata
  • is an all-in-one work OS to help you manage projects, tasks, work, sales, CRM, operations, workflows, and more.

    Try Monday
  • Intruder is an online vulnerability scanner that finds cyber security weaknesses in your infrastructure, to avoid costly data breaches.

    Try Intruder